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lambda-8cc Details

How is it Done?

To build lambda-8cc, I first made LambdaVM. LambdaVM is a programmable virtual CPU with an arbitrarily configurable ROM/RAM address and word size with an arbitrary number of registers, expressed as a single lambda calculus term. LambdaVM is also a self-contained project where you can enjoy assembly programming in lambda calculus.

Despite its rich capability, LambdaVM has a compact lambda calculus term:

The lambda calculus term for LambdaVM.

This 1-page lambda calculus term single-handedly handles the 18,506-page assembly to run lambda-8cc. The assembly instructions are encoded as lambda terms. Each newline in the PDF represents one instruction.

The image at the top of shows LambdaVM drawn as a lambda diagram.

Based on LambdaVM, I built lambda-8cc by porting the C compiler 8cc written in C by Rui Ueyama to LambdaVM. This is done by compiling 8cc's C source code to an assembly for LambdaVM. To do this, I modified the ELVM infrastructure written by Shinichiro Hamaji to build a C compiler for LambdaVM, which I used to compile 8cc itself.

How Does the Virtual CPU Work?

A detailed explanation is available in the LambdaVM repo.

Gluing Programs Together

lambda-8cc contains 8cc and elc, each from the 8cc and ELVM project. To be precise, the version of 8cc enclosed in lambda-8cc is a modified version that also comes from the ELVM project. 8cc compiles C to ELVM assembly, and elc compiles ELVM assembly to various formats.

lambda-8cc compiles C to x86 and other formats in one pass by gluing these programs together. The glue is provided by out/lambda-8cc-main.lam, generated by src/ lambda-8cc-main.lam is a wrapper lambda calculus program that parses the compilation options and passes the standard input to either 8cc or elc, or both of them.

Building From Source


  • clang++ (Ubuntu clang version 14.0.0-1ubuntu1) (used for building uni++)
  • gcc (11.2.0) (used for building lam2bin and asc2bin)
  • ruby (3.0.2p107) (used for building 8cc.c and elc.c in ELVM)
  • SBCL (2.1.11) (used for building lambda-8cc-main.lam)


lambda-8cc.lam can be built from source by simply running:

make lambda-8cc.lam


Build Test

The build test can be run by:

make build

Compilation Test

The build and compilation tests can be run by:

make test

make test uses about 36 GB of memory.

Self-Hosting Test

lambda-8cc is a port of 8cc. It is also made by compiling 8cc using 8cc itself. Therefore, given enough time and memory, lambda-8cc can compile its own C source code as well. This makes lambda-8cc a self-hosting C compiler.

However, on currently existing lambda calculus interpreters, the RAM usage explodes for such large programs. It would be very exciting to have a lambda calculus interpreter that runs lambda-8cc in a practical time and memory.

When running make lambda-8cc.lam, the source files build/8cc.c and build/elc.c are created. These are the files that are used to create build/8cc.lam and build/elc.lam which are linked to create lambda-8cc.lam. Since the files build/8cc.c and build/elc.c are compilable by the x86-64 versions of 8cc and elc, which is lambda-8cc itself, lambda-8cc.lam should be able to compile these C sources as well.

The following Make rule runs this exact procedure:

make test-self-host

This compiles 8cc.c and elc.c, the source codes for 8cc and elc (a part of ELVM) using lambda-8cc, and compares its outputs with the results compiled by the x86-64 versions of 8cc and elc. As mentioned in, since this takes a lot of time and memory, this test is still yet unconfirmed.

A Full Lambda-Closed Build - Building lambda-8cc-main.lam with LambdaLisp

lambda-8cc.lam depends on three *.lam files, 8cc.lam, elc.lam, and lambda-8cc-main.lam. 8cc.lam, elc.lam are built from C as explained before. Currently, build/lambda-8cc-main.lam is built by running src/ on Common Lisp, which is a non-lambda-calculus tool. However, src/ is actually written as a polyglot program for my other project LambdaLisp, a Lisp interpreter implemented in lambda calculus.

Using LambdaLisp, lambda-8cc should be able to be built in a full lambda-closed build. This is unconfirmed yet since it takes a lot of time, but it should be possible since the examples/ test is passing in the LambdaLisp repo.

lambda-8cc-main.lam can be built by running:


Testing if it matches the Common Lisp version can be done by:

make test-lambda-8cc-main-lambdaisp

This will build out/lambda-8cc-main-lambdaisp.lam using LambdaLisp and diff it with build/lambda-8cc-main.lam. Replacing build/lambda-8cc-main.lam with out/lambda-8cc-main-lambdaisp.lam, you can build the entire lambda-8cc.lam term by solely using tools built on lambda calculus.

Programming in Lambda Calculus

In my other project LambdaLisp, I implemented a Lisp interpreter featuring closures and object-oriented programming in untyped lambda calculus. A thorough explanation of techniques used in this project is explained in my blog post about LambdaLisp. A lot of techniques explained here are used to make lambda-8cc as well.

Dependent Projects

lambda-8cc is a combination of the following 3 projects:

  • LambdaVM (written by the author of this repository (lambda-8cc), Hikaru Ikuta @woodrush)
    • LambdaVM is a virtual CPU with the Harvard Architecture supporting an extended ELVM instruction set written in untyped lambda calculus.
    • The VM has an arbitrarily configurable ROM/RAM address bit size and word size, and an arbitrarily configurable number of registers. In lambda-8cc, it is configured to a 24-bit machine with 6 registers to emulate ELVM in lambda calculus.
  • ELVM
    • Written by Shinichiro Hamaji @shinh
    • ELVM (the Esoteric Language Virtual Machine) is a virtual machine architecture for compiling C to a rich set of esoteric programming languages.
    • I (@woodrush) implemented ELVM's lambda calculus backend by integrating LambdaVM into ELVM.
    • lambda-8cc ports elc, a part of ELVM, to lambda calculus, using the ELVM lambda calculus backend. elc compiles ELVM assembly to various languages including x86 and lambda calculus.
  • 8cc
    • Written by Rui Ueyama @rui314
    • 8cc is a self-hosting C11 compiler written in C, with a minimal source code size. It is able to compile its own source code, 8cc.c.
    • ELVM uses 8cc to compile C to ELVM assembly. lambda-8cc ports this ELVM version of 8cc to lambda calculus.

Detailed Stats

Detailed stats for the compilation time and memory usage on Melvin Zhang's lambda calculus interpreter is summarized here:

Program Compilation Time (a.s + a.out) Max. Compilation RAM Usage (a.s, a.out) x86 Binary Size
putchar.c 1.8 min (1.5 min + 0.3 min) 31 GB (31 GB, 7 GB) 342 bytes
hello.c 2.4 min (1.6 min + 0.8 min) 42 GB (42 GB, 22 GB) 802 bytes
echo.c 2.5 min (1.8 min + 0.7 min) 46 GB (46 GB, 17 GB) 663 bytes
rot13.c 7.7 min (5.0 min + 2.7 min) 84 GB (84 GB, 65 GB) 2,118 bytes
fizzbuzz.c 49.7 min (22.2 min + 27.5 min) 240 GB (177 GB, 240 GB) 5,512 bytes
primes.c 53.0 min (24.0 min + 29.0 min) 241 GB (172 GB, 241 GB) 5,500 bytes
Program One-Pass Compilation Time One-Pass Max. Compilation RAM Usage
rot13.c 7.8 min 145 GB

What is lambda-8cc.Blc?

lambda-8cc.Blc is lambda-8cc.lam (./bin/ written in binary lambda calculus notation. It is built as:

cat lambda-8cc.lam | bin/lam2bin | bin/asc2bin > lambda-8cc.Blc

lam2bin is a utility that converts plaintext lambda calculus notation such as \x.x to binary lambda calculus notation, written by Justine Tunney (available at Binary lambda calculus (BLC) is a highly compact notation for writing lambda calculus terms using only 0 and 1, proposed by John Tromp. Any lambda term with an arbitrary number of variables can be rewritten to BLC notation. For example, λ x . x becomes 0010. I've written details on the BLC notation in one of my blog posts.

asc2bin is a utility that packs the 0/1 BLC bitstream in ASCII to a byte stream. Using this tool, the encoding 0010 for λ x . x becomes only half a byte. The interpreter uni++ accepts lambda terms in the byte-packed BLC format, converted above using lam2bin and asc2bin.

The output of cat lambda-8cc.lam | bin/lam2bin is available as ./bin/ Note that this is different from the uppercase lambda-8cc.Blc after passing it to asc2bin.

All in all, the conversion from lambda-8cc.lam to lambda-8cc.Blc is simply a transformation of notation for a format that's accepted by the interpreter uni++.

About rot13.lam

rot13.c compiles to rot13.lam, which runs on the same lambda calculus interpreter used to run lambda-8cc itself.

The first line in rot13.lam is LambdaVM. The following few lines are memory initialization values. The next lines with indentation are the instruction list shown in rot13.s encoded as lambda calculus terms passed to LambdaVM.

rot13.lam can be run on the IOCCC 2012 "Most functional" binary lambda calculus interpreter written by John Tromp. It can be used to decipher its hint message how13, uncovering some of the secrets of the magical lambda calculus interpreter which its source is in shape of a λ:

gcc -Wall -W -std=c99 -O2 -m64 -DInt=long -DA=9999999 -DX=8 tromp.c -o tromp


cat rot13.lam | bin/lam2bin | bin/asc2bin > rot13.Blc
cat rot13.Blc how13 | ./tromp

These commands run on Linux. Building tromp on a Mac is a little tricky but possible - I've covered the details here.