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567 lines (426 loc) Β· 21.6 KB

File metadata and controls

567 lines (426 loc) Β· 21.6 KB



πŸ› Bug Fix

  • [xy-chart] @williaster bump @vx/text to the 0.0.192 for bug fixes #194


πŸ› Bug Fix

  • [xy-chart][historgram][network][sparkline] @williaster bump @vx/responsive to 0.0.192 for bug fixes #193


πŸ› Bug Fix

  • [xy-chart] @williaster correctly render negative <BarSeries /> values, add demo #192


πŸ› Bug Fix

  • [xy-chart] @williaster allow rangePadding override in XAxis or YAxis components #190 closes #189


πŸ› Bug Fix

  • [histogram] @mfe5003 Fixes a bug where tickLabelProps is not used when passed in either <XAxis /> or <YAxis /> #184 closes #183


πŸ› Bug Fix

  • [xy-chart] @bluekvirus bump @vx/axis version to fix document sizing issue from @vx/text #181 closes #180


πŸ› Bug Fix

  • [xy-chart] @schillerk Bump @vx/text version to fix document sizing issue #175


πŸ› Bug Fix

  • [shared] @gnijuohz Fix #167 tab tooltip TypeError: Value being assigned to SVGPoint.x is not a finite floating-point value seen in Firefox #171
  • [histogram] @williaster squash end-inclusive histogram bins #172


πŸ† Enhancements [xy-chart]

  • @kristw add labelOffset to XAxis props #169

🏠 Internal


πŸ† Enhancements


  • @maxburke allow user to pass in desired bin values #159

πŸ› Bug Fix [shared, xy-chart]

  • fix lint errors from build #161


πŸ› Bug Fix

  • [babel] for all packages (except @data-ui/event-flow) let consumers polyfill #155 (fixes 0.0.73 which requires consumers to install core-js)


🏠 Internal

  • [build] remove @babel/runtime dep #154


πŸ› Bug Fix

  • [build] .gitignore lock files per-package #153 closes #151
  • [theme] babel-runtime@6 => @babel/runtime@7#152


πŸ› Bug Fix

  • [xy-chart][areadifference] pass margin to AreaSeries #150


πŸ† Enhancements

  • [xy-chart] add renderLabel support to <BarSeries /> #147
  • [xy-chart] export @vx/text Text component #147
  • [xy-chart][grid] add x/yGridValues #146

πŸ› Bug Fix

  • [xy-chart] fix top/left tooltip offset #140
  • [xy-chart][grid] bump @vx/grid to fix band-scale bug #146


  • [xy-chart] fix typo in #142
  • [xy-chart] document new features #147 and #146

🏠 Internal


πŸ† Enhancements


  • @conglei Several brush improvements #131
    • exposed reset function on Brush and added an example to show how to use it
    • enabled onCick event for Brush
    • exposed starting point of brush to onBrushStart

🏠 Internal

[all packages]

  • @williaster build changes across packages
    • bump to @data-ui/build-config@^0.0.12 which fixes a coverage collection issue #132
    • use codecov not coveralls #132
    • add demo package to travis matrix #133
    • add linting to travis matrix #133
 - @data-ui/data-table: 0.0.61 => 0.0.69
 - @data-ui/theme: 0.0.62 => 0.0.69
 - @data-ui/demo: 0.0.67 => 0.0.69 (private)
 - @data-ui/event-flow: 0.0.63 => 0.0.69
 - @data-ui/forms: 0.0.61 => 0.0.69
 - @data-ui/histogram: 0.0.64 => 0.0.69
 - @data-ui/network: 0.0.66 => 0.0.69
 - @data-ui/radial-chart: 0.0.63 => 0.0.69
 - @data-ui/shared: 0.0.63 => 0.0.69
 - @data-ui/sparkline: 0.0.63 => 0.0.69
 - @data-ui/xy-chart: 0.0.67 => 0.0.69



πŸ† Enhancements

  • adds support for rendering multiple circles on the XYChart Crosshair component when XYChart's eventTrigger='container' #129 @williaster
  • Adds deep export for WithTooltip from @data-ui/shared #130 @williaster
  • moves some "enhancer" components to new composer/ directory #130 @williaster

🏠 Internal

  • removes some tests that test deep vx exports, which are already covered with linting #130 @williaster
 - @data-ui/demo: 0.0.66 => 0.0.67 (private)
 - @data-ui/xy-chart: 0.0.66 => 0.0.67


πŸ† Enhancements


  • @conglei Add horizontal prop to <BarSeries /> to support horizontal Bar charts #127
  • @williaster [Demo] add linked brushable chart demo #126


  • @conglei Expose interaction handlers on links #128

πŸ›Bug Fix


  • @williaster Allow string type tickValues in *Axis components #126
 - @data-ui/demo: 0.0.65 => 0.0.66 (private)
 - @data-ui/network 0.0.63 => 0.0.66
 - @data-ui/xy-chart: 0.0.65 => 0.0.66


[xy-chart] πŸ† Enhancements

  • Improves y-axis label wrapping logic to use full chart height, not inner height #125
  • Enable setting labelOffset on XAxis and YAxis labels instead of setting a constant 0.7 * margin.left/right and 0 for YAxis and XAxis respectively #125
 - @data-ui/demo: 0.0.64 => 0.0.65 (private)
 - @data-ui/xy-chart: 0.0.64 => 0.0.65


πŸ›Bug Fix


  • the withTheme HOC would override the passed theme with the empty default theme from XYChart. To support overrides, combine the two objects. #123


  • in the case that there's one un-binned numeric value, enforce a bin length of 1 #123
 - @data-ui/demo: 0.0.63 => 0.0.64 (private)
 - @data-ui/histogram: 0.0.63 => 0.0.64
 - @data-ui/xy-chart: 0.0.63 => 0.0.64



πŸ† Enhancements

  • [@conglei] Adds support for Brushing πŸŽ‰ #117, closes #106
  • [@williaster] Adds , uses @vx/text for <*ReferenceLine /> labels #120

🏠 Internal

  • [@williaster] re-exports vx deep imports to support deep importing all components from xy-chart #122

[histogram] πŸ›Bug Fix

  • [@williaster] Fixes binning issue for numeric un-binned data #119 and #121, fixes #100 and #118
 - @data-ui/demo: 0.0.62 => 0.0.63 (private)
 - @data-ui/event-flow: 0.0.62 => 0.0.63
 - @data-ui/histogram: 0.0.62 => 0.0.63
 - @data-ui/network: 0.0.62 => 0.0.63
 - @data-ui/radial-chart: 0.0.62 => 0.0.63
 - @data-ui/shared: 0.0.62 => 0.0.63
 - @data-ui/sparkline: 0.0.62 => 0.0.63
 - @data-ui/xy-chart: 0.0.62 => 0.0.63


Makes the following changes to @data-ui/xy-chart #113

πŸ† Enhancements

  • Adds a new <AreaDifferenceSeries /> to shade the area between two different <AreaSeries /> based on which one has the larger value. This uses @vx's "Threshold" visualization

  • Adds an example to the Storybook

πŸ“œ Documentation

  • Updates documentation to include <AreaDifferenceSeries />

🏠 Internal

  • uses @data-ui/build-config for linting + prettier in the demo package
 - @data-ui/theme: 0.0.61 => 0.0.62
 - @data-ui/demo: 0.0.61 => 0.0.62 (private)
 - @data-ui/event-flow: 0.0.61 => 0.0.62
 - @data-ui/histogram: 0.0.61 => 0.0.62
 - @data-ui/network: 0.0.61 => 0.0.62
 - @data-ui/radial-chart: 0.0.61 => 0.0.62
 - @data-ui/shared: 0.0.61 => 0.0.62
 - @data-ui/sparkline: 0.0.61 => 0.0.62
 - @data-ui/xy-chart: 0.0.61 => 0.0.62


🏠 Internal Remove node engine requirement from packages, and specify in root package.json only (for dev) #112


🏠 Internal

  • Use @data-ui/build-config across all packages for linting, prettier, jest, and babel (forms + event-flow require webpack and still have jest deps) #111. This
    • fixes an issue where node_modules were included in builds, this improves bundle size.
    • adds esm builds in addition to commonjs
    • adds sideEffects: false to package.json's for tree-shaking support
    • introduces more aggressive linting + prettier ✨


[xy-chart] πŸ† Enhancements

  • expose tickComponent prop in XAxis and YAxis components for fully-custom tick rendering #110
  • bump all vx packages, which adds much better default support for tick labels (Fixes #109) #110


  • added tick label props playground example to demo new functionality #110

🏠 Internal [shared]

  • bump all vx packages
 - @data-ui/theme: 0.0.48 => 0.0.59
 - @data-ui/demo: 0.0.58 => 0.0.59 (private)
 - @data-ui/event-flow: 0.0.54 => 0.0.59
 - @data-ui/histogram: 0.0.58 => 0.0.59
 - @data-ui/network: 0.0.56 => 0.0.59
 - @data-ui/radial-chart: 0.0.54 => 0.0.59
 - @data-ui/shared: 0.0.54 => 0.0.59
 - @data-ui/sparkline: 0.0.54 => 0.0.59
 - @data-ui/xy-chart: 0.0.54 => 0.0.59



  • πŸ›Bug Fix
  • Fixes #104 error seen on DensitySeries in production #105
 - @data-ui/demo: 0.0.57 => 0.0.58 (private)
 - @data-ui/histogram: 0.0.57 => 0.0.58



πŸ† Enhancements #103

  • Adds onClick support to BarSeries and AnimatedBarSeries
  • onClick and onMouseMove functions are passed index in addition to data, datum, event, and color



πŸ› Bug Fix

  • Trigger layout algorithm when the width, height, or margin changes #100



πŸ† Enhancements

  • enable layout algorithms to handle scale to fit functionality #99



πŸ› Bug Fix

  • prefer role="presentation" instead of role="button" on <FocusBlurHandler /> for a11y axe violation #97



πŸ† Enhancements

  • exposed circle packing layout as a prop so users can pass their own layout algorithm into circle packing charts. A force-driected layout (swarm plot) example is provided in demo #96



πŸ† Enhancements

  • Add preserveAspectRatio prop to control responsive scaling #93

πŸ› Bug Fix

  • init layout after mount to avoid pre-mount layout finish race condition #93

πŸ“œ Documentation

  • add more complete readme, including new prop.


πŸ’” Breaking Changes


Mouse events renamed #89

  • onNodeClick => onClick
  • onNodeMouseEnter => onMouseEnter
  • onNodeMouseLeave => onMouseLeave

πŸ† Enhancements



  • adds onFocus and onBlur support to the following <*Series /> components (the remainder depend on @vx exposing hooks to series dom nodes (to wrap in <a />s)#88

    Series onFocus + onBlur support added
    AreaSeries x
    BarSeries x
    BoxPlotSeries x
    CirclePackSeries x
    IntervalSeries x
    LineSeries x
    PointSeries x
    ViolinPlotSeries x


  • allow user to wrap <Network /> in WithTooltip to support programmatic triggering and custom tooltip logic 89
  • add eventTriggerRefs callback to support programmatic tooltip triggering #89
  • add snapToTooltipX and snapToTooltipY support #89

πŸ› Bug Fix


  • Fix bug with innerHeight referencing 85 #87


  • add circle packing x-bounds constraint #91

πŸ“œ Documentation

  • update readmes with enhancements and breaking changes



  • fix broken network example #89
  • remove unused/add new Network.propTypes #89


πŸ† Enhancements


  • Ability to "snap" the tooltip to the x or y value of a datum, by setting snapTooltipToDataX and/or snapTooltipToDataY. fixes #77 #81
  • Support for using the chart container for mouse events, instead of series or a voronoi. this is now set with the eventTrigger prop as 'series' [default], 'voronoi', or 'container'. #81
  • The addition of container events necessitates shared tooltips, i.e., tooltips that contain data for for all series for the hovered x value. fixes #78 #81
  • Ability to programmatically trigger events using the eventTriggerRefs callback (see updated <LineSeriesExample /> for an example) #81
  • adds innerRef prop which is set on the inner svg #81


  • the signature of onMouseMove in <WithTooltip /> now accepts an optional coords object of the shape { x: Number, y: Number }. If either or both of x or y is specified they will be used to set the the tooltips left and top instead of the event's coordinates. #81


  • adds active prop to <Button /> #81

πŸ’” Breaking Changes

  • [xy-chart] the <XYChart /> useVoronoi prop is removed. instead use eventTrigger='voronoi #81

πŸ“œ Documentation

  • [xy-chart] documents the above enhancements #81

🏠 Internal [xy-chart]

  • moves <XYChart /> static method to their own utils files #81
  • breaks out several functions in chartUtils into their own files #81
  • adds and uses sharedSeriesProps #81

πŸ› Bug Fix

  • Fixes a bug where tickLabelProps is not used when passed in either <XAxis /> or <YAxis />. This prop enables per-tick styles so is importantΓ©! #82


πŸ† Enhancements

  • Allows additional customization Adds tooltipProps to the <WithTooltip />which will be passed to its TooltipComponent (and adds example in demo) #79
  • Exposes @vx/responsive's new observer-based <ParentSize /> HOC #79
  • Exposes the following props on <BoxplotSeries /> to enable more customization: containerProps, boxProps, outlierProps, minProps, maxProps, medianProps (airbnb/visx#198) #80
  • Adds the ability to set mouse events on the boxplot container or on its component parts (whiskers, etc) #80
  • Consolidates some of examples for [demo][boxplot] #80

πŸ› Bug fix

 - @data-ui/demo: 0.0.48 => 0.0.49 (private)
 - @data-ui/event-flow: 0.0.48 => 0.0.49
 - @data-ui/histogram: 0.0.48 => 0.0.49
 - @data-ui/network: 0.0.48 => 0.0.49
 - @data-ui/radial-chart: 0.0.48 => 0.0.49
 - @data-ui/shared: 0.0.48 => 0.0.49
 - @data-ui/sparkline: 0.0.48 => 0.0.49
 - @data-ui/xy-chart: 0.0.48 => 0.0.49


πŸ’” Breaking Changes

  • [xy-chart] use seriesKey instead of key in onMouseMove event signature (relevant to StackedAreaSeries, StackedBarSeries, and GroupedBarSeries only) #73

πŸ† Enhancements

  • [xy-chart] add <StackedAreaSeries /> and example #74
  • [xy-chart] add onClick support to all series and voronoi #74
  • [xy-chart] remove previously-required label prop from series #74
  • [shared][tooltip] don't render a tooltip if the output of renderTooltip is falsy #73
  • [demo] add <LinkedXYCharts /> example with custom click handling and mouse overs #74
  • [demo] add disableMouseEvents prop to all series #74
  • removes enumeration of @data-ui packages in readmes #74

πŸ› Bug Fix

  • fix an offset bug for BarSeries with band scales #74

🏠 Internal

 - @data-ui/data-table: 0.0.25 => 0.0.48
 - @data-ui/theme: 0.0.47 => 0.0.48
 - @data-ui/demo: 0.0.47 => 0.0.48 (private)
 - @data-ui/event-flow: 0.0.47 => 0.0.48
 - @data-ui/histogram: 0.0.47 => 0.0.48
 - @data-ui/network: 0.0.47 => 0.0.48
 - @data-ui/radial-chart: 0.0.47 => 0.0.48
 - @data-ui/shared: 0.0.47 => 0.0.48
 - @data-ui/sparkline: 0.0.47 => 0.0.48
 - @data-ui/xy-chart: 0.0.47 => 0.0.48


πŸŽ‰ Finally syncing versions across packages! Will be easier to maintain the changelog :)

πŸ“ˆ Enhancements

  • [sparkline] add support for tooltips #72
  • [xy-chart] add support for area bands in #71
  • [shared] add package, move all @data-ui packages to @data-ui/shared #72

πŸ“œ Documentation

  • [sparkline] update docs for tooltips

πŸ‹οΈ Internal

  • [xy-chart] absolute imports for all @vx components


 - @data-ui/theme: 0.0.9 => 0.0.47
 - @data-ui/demo: 0.0.46 => 0.0.47 (private)
 - @data-ui/event-flow: 0.0.11 => 0.0.47
 - @data-ui/histogram: 0.0.8 => 0.0.47
 - @data-ui/network: 0.0.6 => 0.0.47
 - @data-ui/radial-chart: 0.0.11 => 0.0.47
 - @data-ui/shared: 0.0.0 => 0.0.47
 - @data-ui/sparkline: 0.0.3 => 0.0.47
 - @data-ui/xy-chart: 0.0.25 => 0.0.47