- For truncated images, do not import instead of allow truncated image. Wagtail can't support them so it breaks later in Wagtail usage.
- Fix import of categories and tags
- Fix issue where author import fails when name is blank.
- Fix issue where import crashes when encountering truncated image https://stackoverflow.com/questions/12984426/python-pil-ioerror-image-file-truncated-with-big-images
- Wordpress API importer works better with --convert-images by removing wordpress srcset attribute and other minor fixes
- Categories now uses ParentalManyToManyField instead of ManyToManyField which may be required for newer versions django-modelcluster and should support drafts better
- New Wordpress API importer (Old ones still exist but haven't been updated in years)
- Switch to poetry to dependencies management
- Update Django version to 2.1 on demo app
- Added abstract base models for all models. Shouldn't change or break anything.
- Removed some unneeded python 2.x syntax
- Added publication date to atom feed
- Fixed slug generation on category
- Set requires wagtail>=2.0.0
- Support for custom image fields
2.0 contains a breaking change to support Wagtail 2.0. Please use 1.7.x if you need to support Python 2 or Wagtail 1.x.
- Updated imports to use new wagtail 2.0 modules
- Removed python 2 support
- Added full django 1.11 and wagtail 1.13 support
- Notice of intent to remove python 2 support (no changes have been made yet and python 2 will still work at this time)
- Moved to Gitlab (because freedom!) and Gitlab CI for testing