All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- Collection: optional support for Samsung and Sony burst patterns
- Video: action to lock viewer
- Info: improved state/place display (requires rescan, limited to AU/GB/IN/US)
- Info: edit tags with state placeholder
- Info: show metadata from MP4 user data box
- Countries: show states for selected countries
- Tags: delete selected tags from all media in collection
- improved support for system font scale
- upgraded Flutter to stable v3.7.11
- when an album becomes empty, the folder will be deleted only if it is a non-app/common album
- TV: section header focus/highlight
- permission confusion when removable volume changes
- Viewer: flickering on first scale animation in some cases
- TV: improved support for Licenses
- Viewer: playing video from app content provider
- Search: using the query bar yields a black screen
- Collection: preview button when selecting items
- Collection: item size in list layout
- Vaults: custom pattern lock
- Video: picture-in-picture
- Video: handle skip next/previous media buttons
- TV: more media controls
- scroll to show item when navigating from Info page
- upgraded Flutter to stable v3.7.7
- Accessibility: using accessibility services keeping snack bar beyond countdown
- Accessibility: navigation with TalkBack
- Vaults: crash when using fingerprint on older Android versions
- Vaults: sharing multiple items
- Export: bulk converting
- Export: write metadata when converting
- Places: page & navigation entry
- rating/tagging action icons
- upgraded Flutter to stable v3.7.5
- viewer pan/scale gestures interpreted as fling gestures
- replacing when moving item to vault
- exporting item to vault
- Vaults
- Viewer: overlay details expand/collapse on tap
- Viewer: export actions available as quick actions
- Slideshow: added settings quick action
- TV: improved support for Info
- Basque translation (thanks Aitor Salaberria)
- disabling the recycle bin will delete forever items in it
- remember pin status of albums becoming empty
- allow setting dates before 1970/01/01
- upgraded Flutter to stable v3.7.3
- SD card access grant on Android Lollipop
- copying to SD card in some cases
- sharing SD card files referred by
- Video: optional gestures to adjust brightness/volume
- TV: improved support for Search, About, Privacy Policy
- Viewer: do not keep max brightness when viewing info
- crash when media button events are triggered with no active media session
- Viewer: optionally show description on overlay
- Collection: unlocated/untagged overlay icons
- Video: stop when losing audio focus
- Video: stop when becoming noisy
- Info: Google camera portrait mode item extraction
- TV: handle overscan
- TV: improved support for Viewer, Info, Map, Stats
- TV: option to use TV layout on any device
- Czech translation (thanks vesp)
- Polish translation (thanks Piotr K, rehork)
- editing description writes XMP
, and clears ExifImageDescription
- in the tag editor, tapping on applied tag applies it to all items instead of removing it
- pin app bar when selecting items
- transition between collection and viewer when cutout area is not used
- saving video playback state when leaving viewer
- Android TV support
- Viewer: optionally show rating & tags on overlay
- Viewer: long press on copy/move/rating/tag quick action for quicker action
- Viewer: long press on share quick action to share parts of motion photo
- Search: missing address, portrait, landscape filters
- Map: edit cluster location
- Accessibility: optional alternative to pinch-to-zoom thumbnails
- Lithuanian translation (thanks Gediminas Murauskas)
- Norwegian (Bokmål) translation (thanks Allan Nordhøy)
- Chinese (Traditional) translation (thanks pemibe)
- Ukrainian translation (thanks Olexandr Mazur)
- Viewer: allow setting default outside video player
- Map: fit to most recent items if all items cannot fit on screen
- upgraded Flutter to stable v3.3.10
- Romanian translation (thanks Ralea Adrian Vicențiu, Igor Sorocean)
- build: changed version codes for
- build: use
, bundle Flutter as submodule - build: use split APKs for
- Viewer: Info page editing actions available as quick actions
- Video: subtitle vertical position option
- Info: export metadata to text file
- Accessibility: apply bold font system setting
- Widget: option to show most recent item instead of random items
app flavor (no mobile service maps, no Crashlytics)
- Map: no default map style for
flavors - Viewer: allow setting default editor
- Viewer: keep manually un/muted state for following autoplayed videos
- upgraded Flutter to stable v3.3.9
- crash when cataloguing some MP4 files
- reading metadata for some MP4 files
- Info: edit MP4 metadata (date / location / title / description / rating / tags / rotation)
- Info: edit location by copying from other item
- Info: edit tags with dynamic placeholders for country / place
- Widget: option to open collection on tap
- optional MANAGE_MEDIA permission to modify media without asking
- higher quality thumbnails
- upgraded Flutter to stable v3.3.8
- rendering of panoramas with inconsistent metadata
- failing scan of items copied to SD card on older devices
- unreplaceable covers set before v1.7.1
- inconsistent background height for multi-script subtitles
- launch crash on Android KitKat
- ExifInterface: producing invalid WebP files
- mosaic layout
- reverse filters to filter out/in
- Collection: selection edit actions available as quick actions
- Albums: group by content type
- Info: improved display for XMP
- Stats: top albums
- Stats: open full top listings
- Video: option for muted auto play
- Slideshow / Screen saver: option for no transition
- Slideshow / Screen saver: animated zoom effect
- Widget: tap action setting
- Wallpaper: scroll effect option
- upgraded Flutter to stable v3.3.4
- restoring to missing Download subdir
- crash when cataloguing PNG with large chunks
- Collection: view settings allow changing the sort order (aka ascending/descending)
- Collection / Info: edit title via IPTC / XMP
- Albums / Countries / Tags: size displayed in list view details, sort by size
- Search:
filters - Greek translation (thanks Emmanouil Papavergis)
- upgraded Flutter to stable v3.3.2
- opening viewer with directory context in some cases
- photo frame widget rendering in some cases
- exporting large images to BMP
- replacing entries during move/copy
- deleting binned item from the Download album
- use natural order when sorting by name items, albums, tags
- adding duplicate items during loading in some cases
- screensaver stopping when device orientation changes
- Viewer: optional gesture to show previous/next item
- Albums / Countries / Tags: live title filter
- option to hide confirmation message after moving items to the bin
- Collection / Info: edit description via Exif / IPTC / XMP
- Info: read XMP from HEIC on Android >=11
- Collection: support HEIC motion photos on Android >=11
- Search:
recently added
filter - Dutch translation (thanks Martijn Fabrie, Koen Koppens)
- status and navigation bar transparency
- default snack bar timeout to 3s
- upgraded Flutter to beta v3.3.0-0.5.pre
- storage volume setup despite faulty volume on Android <11
- storage volume setup when launched right after device boot
- tiling PNG images
- widget image sizing in some cases
- Search:
on this day
and month filters in date filter section - Stats: histogram and contextual date filters
- Screen saver
- Widget: photo frame
- viewer: black background when overlay is disabled with light theme
- filter chip long press menu shows full label
- upgraded Flutter to beta v3.3.0-0.0.pre
- analysis service stuck when storage has ambiguous directories
- slideshow
- set wallpaper from any media
- optional dynamic accent color on Android >=12
- Search: date/dimension/size field equality (undocumented)
- support Android 13 (API 33)
- Turkish translation (thanks metezd)
- do not force quit on storage permission denial
- upgraded Flutter to stable v3.0.2
- merge ambiguously cased directories
- wrong window metrics on startup in some cases
- home albums not updated on startup in some cases
- crash when cataloguing large TIFF
- Bottom navigation bar
- Collection: thumbnail overlay tag icon
- Collection: fast-scrolling shows breadcrumbs from groups
- Settings: search
- Pick: allow selecting multiple items according to request intent
app flavor (Petal Maps, no Crashlytics)
- upgraded Flutter to stable v3.0.1
- stretching overscroll effect
- disabled Google Maps layer on Android Lollipop
- grey Google Map layer when size changed
- Android scrolling screenshot support
- Voice Access scrolling support
- Albums / Countries / Tags: allow custom app / color along cover item
- Info: improved GeoTIFF section
- Cataloguing: locating from GeoTIFF metadata (requires rescan, limited to some projections)
- Info: action to overlay GeoTIFF on map (limited to some projections)
- Info: action to convert motion photo to still image
- Italian translation (thanks glemco)
- Chinese (Simplified) translation (thanks 小默 & Aerowolf)
- upgraded Flutter to stable v2.10.4
- snack bars are dismissible with an horizontal swipe instead of a down swipe
- Viewer: snack bars avoid quick actions and thumbnails at the bottom
- black screen launch when Firebase fails to initialize (Play version only)
- crash when cataloguing JPEG with large extended XMP
- Theme: light/dark/black and color highlights settings
- Collection: bulk renaming
- Video: speed and muted state indicators
- Info: option to set date from other item
- Info: improved DNG tags display
- warn and optionally set metadata date before moving undated items
- Settings: display refresh rate hint
- Viewer: quick action defaults
- cataloguing includes date sub-second data if present (requires rescan)
- metadata editing support for DNG
- app launch despite faulty storage volumes on Android >=11
- Viewer: optional thumbnail preview
- Video: optional gestures to play/seek
- Video: mute action
- Japanese translation (thanks Maki)
- Viewer: overlay reorganization
- upgraded Flutter to stable v2.10.3
- storage write access for Android <11
- various bin related fixes
- Viewer: apply video settings change without leaving the viewer
- optional recycle bin to keep deleted items for 30 days
- Viewer: actions to copy/move to album
- Indonesian translation (thanks MeFinity)
- Viewer: action menu reorganization
- Viewer:
action renamed toConvert
- Viewer: actual size zoom level respects device pixel ratio
- Viewer: allow zooming out small items to actual size
- Collection: improved performance for sort/group by name
- load previous top items on startup
- locale independent colors for known filters
- upgraded Flutter to stable v2.10.2
- Map: connectivity check
- navigating from Album page when picking an item for another app
- Collection / Info: edit location of JPG/PNG/WEBP/DNG images via Exif
- Viewer: resize option when exporting
- Settings: export/import covers & favourites along with settings
- Collection: allow rescan when browsing
- support Android 12L (API 32)
- Portuguese translation (thanks Jonatas De Almeida Barros)
- new version check
- loading when system locale uses non-western arabic numerals
- handling timestamps provided in 10^-8 s (18 digits)
- Viewer: SVG export
- Viewer: sending to editing app on some environments
- Map: projected center anchoring
- Collection: toggle favourites in bulk
- Info: edit ratings of JPG/GIF/PNG/TIFF images via XMP
- Info: edit date of GIF images via XMP
- Info: option to set date from other fields
- Spanish translation (thanks n-berenice)
- editing an item orientation, rating or tags automatically sets a metadata date (from the file modified date), if it is missing
- Viewer: when opening an item from another app, it is now possible to scroll to other items in the album
- Exif and IPTC raw profile extraction from PNG in some cases
- Collection / Albums / Countries / Tags: list view (scalable like the grid view)
- moving, editing or deleting multiple items can be cancelled
- Viewer: option to auto play motion photos (after a small delay to show first the high-res photo)
- German translation (thanks JanWaldhorn)
- upgraded Flutter to stable v2.8.1
- Collection: more consistent scroll bar thumb position to match the viewport
- Settings: fixed file selection to import settings on older devices
- Viewer: UI mode switch for Android <10
- add and remove tags to JPEG/GIF/PNG/TIFF images
- French translation
- support for Android KitKat (without Google Maps)
- Viewer: maximum brightness option
- Settings: select hidden path directory with a custom file picker instead of the native SAF one
- Viewer: video cover (before playing the video) is now loaded at original resolution and can be zoomed
- pinch-to-zoom gesture on thumbnails was difficult to trigger
- double-tap gesture in the viewer was ignored in some cases
- copied items had the wrong date
- Viewer: action to add shortcut to media item
- Albums / Countries / Tags: use a 3 column layout by default
- video playback was not using hardware-accelerated codecs on recent devices
- partial fix to deleting/moving file in a clean way on some devices
- Russian translation (thanks D3ZOXY)
- Info: set date from title
- Collection: bulk editing (rotation, date setting, metadata removal)
- Collection: custom quick actions for item browsing
- Collection: live title filter
- About: link to privacy policy
- Video: quick action to play video in other app
- Video: resume playback
- use build flavors to match distribution channels:
(same as original) andizzy
(no Crashlytics) - use 12/24 hour format settings from device to display times
- Privacy: consent request on first launch for installed app inventory access
- use File API to rename and delete items, when possible (primary storage, Android <11)
- Video: changed video thumbnail strategy
- Collection: use a foreground service when scanning many items
- Collection: ask to rename/replace/skip when moving items with name conflict
- Map: filter to view items from a specific region in the Collection page
- Viewer: option to show/hide overlay on opening
- Info: improved display for PNG text metadata, XMP and others
- Export: output format selection
- Search: added raw filter
- Support modifying files in the Download folder on Android >=11
- upgraded Flutter to stable v2.5.3
- use build flavors to generate universal or split APKs
- hide root album of hidden path
- gesture & spacing handling for Android >=10 navigation gestures
- renaming was leaving behind obsolete items in some cases
- speeding up videos on Xiaomi devices
- Map: show items for bounds, open items in viewer, tap gesture to toggle fullscreen
- Info: remove metadata (Exif, XMP, etc.)
- Accessibility: support "time to take action" and "remove animations" settings
- upgraded Flutter to stable v2.5.1
- faster collection loading when launching the app
- Collection: changed color & scale of thumbnail icons to match text
- Albums / Countries / Tags: changed layout, with label below cover
- album bookmarks & pins were reset when rescanning items
- About: bug reporting instructions
- Collection: improved video date detection
- fixed hanging app when loading thumbnails for some video formats on some devices
- Info: edit Exif dates (setting, shifting, deleting)
- Collection: custom quick actions for item selection
- Collection: video date detection for more formats
- faster collection loading when launching the app
- app launching on some devices
- corrupting motion photo exif editing (e.g. rotation)
- Map & Stats from selection
- Map: item browsing, rotation control
- Navigation menu customization
- shortcut support on older devices (API <26)
- support Android 12/S (API 31)
- Map
- Viewer: action to copy to clipboard
- integration with Android global search (Samsung Finder etc.)
- auto album identification and naming
- opening HEIC images from downloads content URI on Android >=11
- Albums / Countries / Tags: multiple selection
- Albums: action to create empty albums
- Collection: burst shot grouping (Samsung naming pattern)
- Collection: support motion photos defined by XMP Container namespace
- Settings: hidden paths to exclude folders and their subfolders
- Settings: option to disable viewer overlay blur effect (for older/slower devices)
- Settings: option to exclude cutout area in viewer
- Video: restored overlay hiding when pressing play button
- Viewer: fixed manual screen rotation to follow sensor
- Video: added OGV/Theora/Vorbis support
- Viewer: action to rotate screen when device has locked rotation
- Settings: import/export
- improved SVG support with a different rendering engine
- changed logo
- upgraded Flutter to stable v2.2.3
- migrated to sound null safety
- viewer: parallax effect when scrolling
- Analytics: removed Firebase Analytics (kept Firebase Crashlytics)
- Video: speed control, track selection, frame capture
- Video: embedded subtitle support
- Settings: custom video quick actions
- Settings: subtitle theme
- upgraded Flutter to stable v2.2.2
- fixed opening SVGs from other apps
- stop video playback when leaving the app in some cases
- fixed crash when ACCESS_MEDIA_LOCATION permission is revoked
- Collection: snack bar action to show moved/copied/exported entries
- Collection / Albums / Countries / Tags: when switching device orientation, keep items in view
- Collection: when leaving entry from Viewer, make entry visible in collection
- Viewer: fixed layout & minimap for videos with non-square pixels
- upgraded Flutter to stable v2.2.1
- migrated to unsound null safety
- Collection / Viewer: improved performance, memory usage
- Collection: thumbnail layout change
- no support for Android KitKat (API 19), unsupported by Google Maps package
- fixed opening files shared via content URI with incorrect MIME type
- refresh collection when entries modified in Viewer no longer match collection filters
- Motion photo support
- Viewer: play videos in multi-track HEIC
- Handle share intent
- Upgraded Flutter to beta v2.2.0-10.1.pre
- fixed crash when cataloguing large MP4/PSD
- prevent videos playing in the background when quickly switching entries
- Viewer: support for videos with EAC3/FLAC/OPUS audio
- Info: more consistent and comprehensive info for videos and streams
- Settings: more video options (auto play, loop, hardware acceleration)
- Info: present video cover like XMP embedded images
- locale name package (-3 MB)
- Albums: auto naming for folders on SD card
- Viewer: display of videos with unusual SAR
- Collection / Albums / Countries / Tags: added label when dragging scrollbar thumb
- Albums: localized common album names
- Collection: select shortcut icon image
- Settings: custom viewer quick actions
- Settings: option to hide videos from collection
- Upgraded Flutter to beta v2.1.0-12.2.pre
- opening media shared by other apps as file media content
- navigation stack when opening media shared by other apps
- Korean translation
- cover selection for albums / countries / tags
- Upgraded Flutter to dev v2.1.0-12.1.pre
- various TIFF decoding fixes
- support Android KitKat, Lollipop & Marshmallow (API 19 ~ 23)
- quick country reverse geocoding without Play Services
- menu option to hide any filter
- menu option to navigate to the album / country / tag page from filter
- analytics are opt-in
- removed custom font used in titles and info page
- hide album / country / tag from collection
- new version check
- Viewer: improved multipage item overlay and thumbnail loading
- deactivate geocoding and Google maps when Play Services are unavailable
- refreshing items externally added/moved/removed
- loading items at the root of volumes
- loading items when opening a shortcut with a location filter
- various thumbnail hero animation fixes
- Viewer: support for multi-track HEIF
- Viewer: export image (including multipage TIFF/HEIF and images embedded in XMP)
- Info: show owner app (Android >=10)
- listen to Media Store changes
- upgraded Flutter to stable v1.22.6
- check connectivity before using features that need it
- checkerboard background performance
- deleting files that no longer exist but are still registered in the Media Store
- insets handling on Android 11
Collection: identify multipage TIFF & multitrack HEIC/HEIF Viewer: support for multipage TIFF Viewer: support for cropped panoramas Albums: grouping options
upgraded libtiff to 4.2.0 for TIFF decoding
- prevent scrolling when using Android 10 style gesture navigation
- Collection: long press and move to select/deselect multiple items
- Info: show Spherical Video V1 metadata
- Info: metadata search
- Viewer: fixed panning inertia following double-tap scaling
- Collection: fixed crash when loading TIFF files on Android 11
- Viewer: quick scale (aka one finger zoom)
- Viewer: optional checkered background for transparent images
- Viewer: changed panning inertia
- Viewer: fixed scaling focus when zooming by double-tap or pinch
- Viewer: fixed panning during scaling
- Collection: identify 360 photos/videos, GeoTIFF
- Viewer: open panoramas (360 photos)
- Info: open GImage/GAudio/GDepth media and thumbnails embedded in XMP
- Info: SVG metadata
- Upgraded Flutter to stable v1.22.5
- Viewer: TIFF subsampling & tiling
- Info: improved XMP layout
- Fixed large TIFF handling
- Albums / Countries / Tags: pinch to change tile size
- Album picker: added a field to filter by name
- check free space before moving items
- SVG source viewer
- Navigation: changed page history handling
- Info: improved layout, especially for XMP
- About: improved layout
- faster locating of new items
- Support for TIFF images (single page)
- Viewer overlay: minimap (optional)
- Upgraded Flutter to stable v1.22.4
- Viewer: use subsampling and tiling to display large images
- Fixed finding dimensions of items with incorrect EXIF
- Search: show recently used filters (optional)
- Search: show filter for items with no XMP tags
- Search: show filter for items with no location information
- Analytics: use Firebase Analytics (along Firebase Crashlytics)
- Upgraded Flutter to stable v1.22.3
- Viewer overlay: showing shooting details is now optional
- Viewer: leave when the loaded item is deleted and it is the last one
- Viewer: refresh the viewer overlay and info page when the loaded image is modified
- Info: prevent reporting a "Media" section for images other than HEIC/HEIF
- Fixed opening items shared via a "file" media content URI
- Dependencies: removed Guava as a direct dependency in Android