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File metadata and controls

86 lines (66 loc) · 4.27 KB

🤞 WeVis Promise Tracker

Thai politicians and parties promise tracker

🌎 Environment

💻 Tech stack

📐 Architecture

The project use static site generator (SSG) strategy. In the pipeline, API is called once before the build time, which mean no API will be called after the static site is generated. To update the site after the data is updated, site needed to be built and deployed again.

flowchart TD
    A[NocoDB] -->|yarn fetch-data| B[JSON files in /data]
    B -->|yarn dev| C[Nuxt dev environment]
    B -->|yarn build| D[Static site generated by Nuxt]
  • Promises and related data is store on WeVis's NocoDB which allow non-dev to maintain the data
  • Use yarn fetch-data to download data from NocoDB, transform into JSON files in /data
  • JSON files then will be loaded by Nuxt from yarn dev and yarn build command

📂 Directory structure

Use pascal-case for every file name since Linux (eg. Github Action runner) is not case-incensitive, in contrary to Mac and Windows.

  • /components Vue components
    • Put on the root if it's shared between pages
    • Put in the /components/<page>/ if it's only used in that page
    • If components is too big or getting duplicated, you should split into several component which can also be group in sub-folder
  • /data JSON promises and related data, including example one before fetching script is implemented.
  • /models Data types (interface, enum, etc.) sharing across the project
  • /pages Represent Nuxt routing
  • /static Static assets such as images
    • Before adding new assets, check first if it's already exist here.
    • $config.path.base can be used to reference static path (or base path)
    • $config.path.images can be used to reference static/images path
      <img :src="`${$config.path.images}/status/nodata.png`"
    • For SVG that can change the color (eg. button icon on hover), recommend in use inline svg with currentColor and Tailwind color preset
  • /tests Test file
    • Recommend to mimick project structure eg. /tests/components/component-name.test.ts

💅 Styling and design system

  • We used WeVis Design System which provide
    • Utility classes for typography
    • Vue component
  • For other styling customization beyond WeVis design system, use Tailwindcss
    • Color is defined in tailwind.config.css which naming should be related to Figma
    • Configuration is also available on http://localhost:3000/\_tailwind/ when dev server is running

⚽ Working style

  • We use Github issue to track the progress.
    • Please assign yourself to the issue you are working on.
    • I don't want to force "HOW" to implement the issue and we can discuss everything on the issue.
    • Communication language doesn't matter. Feel free to use Thai or English.
  • We use Trunk-based development.
    • No braches, we all push to main branch.
    • If the commit is related to a specific issue, add issue id in the commit message eg. #21 Add button components
    • Pull rebase git pull --rebase often. Before you start coding and pushing.
    • Continuous integration: don't leave your code without pushing overnight, push as much as you can without breaking the build.
    • Linter and formater will be run on commit, while test and build will be run on push so you can't push if it fail.
  • Encourage to write component test with TDD (Test driven development) but it's not mandatory.
  • Each time the code is pushed to main, Github Action will build and deploy to the staging environment.
  • Use asynchonous communication. Let's try not to have meeting if not necessary.
    • For issue related discussion, please use Github issue
    • Other discussion can be done in slack

🤝 License and Terms of Use

Please read WeVis's Terms of Use