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49 lines (30 loc) · 2.54 KB

File metadata and controls

49 lines (30 loc) · 2.54 KB

💬 How to contribute

Please first look over the for community guidelines. Below are a few items to assist in creating any code contributions to Dynamic.

If you see any areas for improvement, please open an issue or submit a pull request! While I am technically accepting Pull Requests, my schedule is very full, so it may take some time to review and approve any propsed changes.

If a particular issue or enhancement request receives significant community backing, it will be more likely to be prioritized.


Fork the repo by following the steps here.

Clone the fork to your machine and run

./build.ps1 -Task Build, Test, Import

Whenever changes are made to the src directory, run the above build command again in order to rebuild and import the changes into the current PowerShell session.

Adding a new test case

Always be on the lookout for new test cases!

Full code coverage != Full use case coverage

When adding functionailty, fixing a bug, or even just perusing the source code, if you identify a gap in use case coverage, add a test case! You can reference the WriteHello Test Module and the existing tests for examples on how to structure any new cases.

  1. Create a new script, utilizing the [Dynamic()] parameter attribute
  2. Run the following commands to get the function info and generate the expected result, replacing the path and function name to match your new function
# Load the new function script into the current PowerShell session
. "./tests/resources/WriteHello/public/Write-Hello.ps1"

# Get the function info
$functionInfo = Get-Command -Name Write-Hello

# Import the Dynamic module
Import-Module ./Dynamic.psd1 -Force

# Compile the expected output to the FunctionDefinitions directory
Resolve-DynamicFunctionDefinition -FunctionInfo $functionInfo | Set-Content -Path "./tests/resources/FunctionDefinitions/Write-Hello.dyndef.ps1" -NoNewLine

This will get you started on the path to covering the use case. Once this is completed, make sure to add any test cases needed for testing the test function/module code.

New module functions

If you have a recommendation for a new module function, please open an enhancement request before implementing a change and submitting a pull request 🙏.