Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF), Mean Time To Replacement (MTTR), and Mean Time To Failure (MTTF) are useful metrics for evaluating the reliability and availability of a storage resource.
平均失效间隔时间 MTBF、平均修复时间 MTTR、平均故障时间 MTTF 对于评估存储资源的可靠性和可用性非常有用。
Explore these concepts by answering the questions about devices with the following metrics.
- MTTF: 3 years
- MTTR: 1 day
Calculate the MTBF for each of the devices in the table.
计算表中每台设备的 MTBF。
Calculate the availability for each of the devices in the table.
What happens to availability as the MTTR approaches 0?
如果 MTTR 接近于 0,可用性将如何变化?
Is this a realistic situation?
What happens to availability as the MTTR gets very high, i.e., a device is difficult to repair?
如果 MTTR 非常高,例如一台设备非常难维修,则可用性将如何变化?
Does this imply the device has low availability?
- 简述为什么需要虚拟内存?
- 什么是虚拟地址?什么是物理地址?二者什么关系?
- 为何要进行分页?什么是页表?页表存放于什么位置?为什么说有了页表后,从内存的某一位置取数,可能需要访问2次内存?
In this exercise, we will examine space/time optimizations for page tables.
The following list provides parameters of a virtual memory system.
- virtual address: 43 bits
- physical DRAM installed: 16 GB
- page size: 4 KB
- PTE size: 4 bytes
For a single-level page table, how many page table entries (PTEs) are needed?
How much physical memory is needed for storing the page table?
Using a multi-level page table can reduce the physical memory consumption of page tables, by only keeping active PTEs in physical memory.
And how many memory references are needed for address translation if missing in TLB?
如果 TLB 缺失,那么地址转换需要访问多少次存储器?
假设将段限制为 4 KiB 页大小的倍数(从而可以分页)。
对于所有的页表项(包括在段表中的项),4 字节大小是否足够大?
如果将段限制为 4 KiB 页大小的倍数,那么需要多少级页表?
An inverted page table can be used to further optimize space and time.
How many PTEs are needed to store the page table?
Assuming a hash table implementation, what are the common case and worst case numbers of memory references needed for servicing a TLB miss?
假设实现一个哈希表,当 TLB 缺失时,在正常情况下和最差情况下的存储器访问次数分别是多少?