Choose a folder for the future build, for example /home/user/TBuild. It will be named BuildPath in the rest of this document. All commands will be launched from Terminal.
You will require api_id and api_hash to access the Telegram API servers. To learn how to obtain them click here.
Install poetry, go to BuildPath and run
git clone --recursive
Go to BuildPath/tdesktop and run (using your api_id and api_hash)
docker run --rm -it \
-u $(id -u) \
-v "$PWD:/usr/src/tdesktop" \
tdesktop:centos_env \
/usr/src/tdesktop/Telegram/build/docker/centos_env/ \
Or, to create a debug build, run (also using your api_id and api_hash)
docker run --rm -it \
-u $(id -u) \
-v "$PWD:/usr/src/tdesktop" \
-e CONFIG=Debug \
tdesktop:centos_env \
/usr/src/tdesktop/Telegram/build/docker/centos_env/ \
The built files will be in the out
Ensure you've followed the instruction up to the Clone source code and prepare libraries step at least.
Open the repository in Visual Studio Code, install the Dev Containers extension and add the following to .vscode/settings.json
(using your api_id and api_hash):
"cmake.configureSettings": {
After that, choose Reopen in Container via the menu triggered by the green button in bottom left corner and you're done.