This is a registered custom gym environment for reinforcement learning toward bio-inspired, explainable control of Aplysia californica feeding via motor neuron control. Please refer to [pending] for details.
- unzip
- cd GymSlug
- pip install -e .
Obtain expert performance under unbreakable seaweed scenario (as benchmark/goal for the reinforcement agent)
from aplysia_feeding_ub import AplysiaFeedingUB
from datetime import date
suffix = str(
xlimits = [0,60]
aplysia = AplysiaFeedingUB() # change to aplysia = AplysiaFeedingB() for breakable seaweed scenario
env = gym.make("gym_slug:slug-v0") # for unbreakable seaweed
env = gym.make("gym_slug:slug-v1") # for breakable seaweed (variable seaweed strength)