WeLearnJS is a Slack group, originally created by Marina is for self-organised people, who are willing to learn JS properly. We are a self motivating group of individuals that support each other through the process of javascript learning with an ongoing series of projects/challenges. We believe that the best way to learn and become an expert in something is by doing and we also believe that you truly concrete your knowledge when you can teach others. Our group is based on this simple concept - Learn by doing then teach others.
- Register to Our Slack Team
- Tell us where are you from in #intros channel or say that secret password that connects people, hint: h***o!
- Choose your path
- For beginners, feeling uncomfortable with Javascript basics, we suggest to start doing: + Study Guide made and approved by our group members, discussions in channel #study-guide + Challenges that we take from other resources and share solutions with each other, discussions: #challenges. Current challenges: - FreeCodeCamp
- For others (beginners to more experienced) we have an ongoing series of open-source projects that you can join to solidify your knowledge and build up your portfolio. Every project has it's own #project channel and a 'Project Guide' to use as a starting point. By finishing a project you become a mentor. A mentor at WeLearnJS, is someone who has finished a project/challenges/etc and is therefore qualified to help others finish that project. This simple idea allows for anyone who is a mentor to continuously hone their skills. It also gives the beginner’s someone to turn to for help.
You can start your own project and build a team around it, we would consider all the suggestions added to the #getting-started channel.
Current projects:
- #project-1 guide individual project
- Current status: Start any time, when finished, share your solution here for feedback
- #project-2 group project
- Current status: enrollment has ended, but still possible to join by leaving your github account in #project-2 channel.
- project-3 soon to be announced
- #project-1 guide individual project
To get recognition for everything members are doing in the group we have a simple badge system, every badge that you acquire would link to your Github profile. Badge is a justification of your activity and progress, so other developers/learners and even entrepreneurs seeking active people would know whom to refer to. We want every member to succeed, and be well-respected not only in the Slack community but outside of it too.
- actively helping members in the community
- finished the study guide and helping others with it
- doing challenges / share solutions
- doing projects / share solutions
- creating your own challenges/projects
- any other forms of activity will be also rewarded
...if we missed out your activity, please let us know
- Slack username linking to github profile : Status : Field of Activity
Github | Badge |
p9gehka | |
Imanuel | |
Oleg | |
romanovsci | |
lukyanovfedor |
Current badges to acquire:
- came up with idea for the project-2
- came up with idea for the project-1
- finished project-1, qualified to help others
- finished project-2, qualified to help others
- finished FCC challenges, qualified to help others
- finished study-guide, qualified to help others
- reviewed code on project-2