This module deploys the required resources for a given Databricks workspace to be monitored by Overwatch :
- Databricks PAT that will be used by Overwatch jobs
- Eventhub topic with its authorization rule
- Diagnostics settings
- AKV secrets to store the Databricks PAT, and the Eventhub primary connection string created above
- AKV-backed Databricks secret scope
- Container for the cluster logs in the existing log storage account
- Databricks mount to the container created above
- CSV file with all required parameters using Overwatch deployment template
For more details on the column description, please refer to Overwatch Deployment Configuration
Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
adb_ws_name |
The name of an existing Databricks workspace that Overwatch will monitor | string | yes | |
rg_name |
Resource group name | string | yes | |
ehn_name |
Eventhub namespace name | string | yes | |
tenant_id |
Azure tenant ID | string | yes | |
overwatch_spn_app_id |
Azure SPN used to create Databricks mounts | string | yes | |
ehn_auth_rule_name |
Eventhub namespace authorization rule name | string | yes | |
logs_sa_name |
Logs storage account name | string | yes | |
random_string |
Random string used as a suffix for the resources names | string | yes | |
akv_name |
Azure Key-Vault name | string | yes | |
databricks_secret_scope_name |
Databricks secret scope name (backed by Azure Key-Vault) | string | yes | |
etl_storage_prefix |
Overwatch ETL storage prefix, which represents a mount point to the ETL storage account | string | yes | |
interactive_dbu_price |
Contract price for interactive DBUs | number | yes | |
automated_dbu_price |
Contract price for automated DBUs | number | yes | |
sql_compute_dbu_price |
Contract price for DBSQL DBUs | number | yes | |
jobs_light_dbu_price |
Contract price for interactive DBUs | number | yes | |
max_days |
This is the max incremental days that will be loaded. Usually only relevant for historical loading and rebuilds | number | yes | |
excluded_scopes |
Scopes that should not be excluded from the pipelines | string | no | |
active |
Whether or not the workspace should be validated / deployed | bool | yes | |
proxy_host |
Proxy url for the workspace | string | no | |
proxy_port |
Proxy port for the workspace | string | no | |
proxy_user_name |
Proxy user name for the workspace | string | no | |
proxy_password_scope |
Scope which contains the proxy password key | string | no | |
proxy_password_key |
Key which contains proxy password | string | no | |
success_batch_size |
API Tunable - Indicates the size of the buffer on filling of which the result will be written to a temp location | string | no | |
error_batch_size |
API Tunable - Indicates the size of the error writer buffer containing API call errors | string | no | |
enable_unsafe_SSL |
API Tunable - Enables unsafe SSL | bool | no | |
thread_pool_size |
API Tunable - Max number of API calls Overwatch is allowed to make in parallel | number | no | |
api_waiting_time |
API Tunable - Overwatch makes async api calls in parallel, api_waiting_time signifies the max wait time in case of no response received from the api call | string | no |