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Azure Databricks with Private Links and Hub-Spoke Firewall structure (data exfiltration protection).


  1. Hub-Spoke networking with egress firewall to control all outbound traffic, e.g. to
  2. Private Link connection for backend traffic from data plane to control plane.
  3. Private Link connection from user client to webapp service.
  4. Private Link connection from data plane to dbfs storage.

Overall Architecture: alt text

With this deployment, traffic from user client to webapp (notebook UI), backend traffic from data plane to control plane will be through private endpoints. This terraform sample will create:

  • Resource group with random prefix
  • Tags, including Owner, which is taken from az account show --query user
  • VNet with public and private subnet and subnet to host private endpoints
  • Databricks workspace with private link to control plane, user to webapp and private link to dbfs

Getting Started

  1. Clone this repo to your local machine.
  2. Run terraform init to initialize terraform and get provider ready.
  3. Change terraform.tfvars values to your own values.
  4. Inside the local project folder, run terraform apply to create the resources.


Name Description Type Default Required
hubcidr n/a string "" yes
spokecidr n/a string "" yes
no_public_ip n/a bool true yes
rglocation n/a string "southeastasia" yes
metastoreip n/a string "" yes
dbfs_prefix n/a string "dbfs" yes
workspace_prefix n/a string "adb" yes
firewallfqdn n/a list(any) fqdn rules yes


Name Description
arm_client_id n/a
arm_subscription_id n/a
arm_tenant_id n/a
azure_region n/a
databricks_azure_workspace_resource_id n/a
resource_group n/a
workspace_url n/a