author: Wagner Pinheiro date: February, 2017 autosize: true
The Shiny App Demo
Interactive map of traffic accidents in the metropolitan region of São Paulo, clustered by region and type, during the year 2015.
See the hosted app on
The source code is on Github
Source code to generate all figures used in this presentation
dataset <- TrafficAccidents.loadDataset()
m <- TrafficAccidents.plotTrafficAccidents(dataset)
mapshot(m, file = paste0(getwd(),"/presentation_app-figure/map_all_accidents.png"))
m <- TrafficAccidents.plotTrafficAccidents(dataset, "QM")
mapshot(m, file = paste0(getwd(),"/presentation_app-figure/map_motorcyclists.png"))
This image was generated in the previous slide using the lib:
First filter by "run over by vehicle", and mark "only in the freeway"
First filter by "fall motorcycle", and mark "only in the freeway" and "deadly"
In the last 2 years, São Paulo has been going through several discussions about the reduction of accidents involving the reduction of speeds on the freeways. To know more:
- Reducing Speeds in Sao Paulo, Brazil Leads to Record Low Traffic Fatalities - July, 2016
- Reduced Speed on Margins reduces accidents and slowness - July, 2016
- Mayor Doria against the world, increases speed in the Marginais (freeways) - December, 2016
In portuguese: