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Fogbugz Util

A script to facilitate common Fogbugz interactions from the command line.

Feel free to add to, modify, change, make better as you see fit.

Available Commands:

  • List active cases by user
  • Work on a case
  • Stop Work
  • Set Estimate on a case
  • Set non-timesheet elapse time on a case
  • Comment on a case
  • list cases by project
  • resolve case

Set up

In the, change the token value to your token.

Go to this address:

Use your username, not email for USERNAME. If your password has any reserved characters, you will need to find the appropriate code for them. For example, & = %26.

Install the Python module fogbugz with pip. pip install fogbugz


python [options]

Valid options:

  • -l [USER]
    • ex. -l "Todd Waits"
    • Returns all active cases assigned to specified user.
  • -w [CASE NUMBER]
    • ex. -w 1304
    • Starts work timer on specified case
  • -s
    • Stops work timer.
    • ex. -e 2 1304 sets case 1304 estimate to 2 hours
    • Sets estimate of specified case
    • ex. -e 1 1304 sets non-timesheet elapsed time for case 1304 to 1 hour
    • What ever number is entered will OVERWRITE the elapsed time for the specified case.
    • Does not affect timesheet time.
    • If the current elapsed time is 2 hours, and you write 1 (thinking you are adding 1 hour), you will overwrite 2 hours with 1.
    • ex. -c "Working on a bunch of stuff" 1304
    • This will add the comment Working on a bunch of stuff to case 1304.
  • -p [USER]
    • ex. -p "Todd Waits"
    • Lists all active cases assigned to Todd Waits in all projects, and displays them by project.
  • -r [CASE NUMBER]
    • ex. -r 1304
    • Resolves case 1304.

Future Work

  • list cases by due date / milestone
  • new case (title, project)
  • Token-based authentication

Output of -h

usage: [-h] [-s] [-w WORKING] [-l USER] [-m N N] [-t N N]
               [-c COMMENT COMMENT]

Interact with FogBugz.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -s, --stop            Stop working on a case.
  -w WORKING, --working WORKING
                        Start working on case [n]
  -l USER, --list USER  List all active cases by USER.
  -e N N, --estimate N N
                        Set ESTIMATE on a CASE NUMBER.
  -t N N, --time N N    Set TIME on CASE NUMBER. !!WARNING!! Overwrites value,
                        does not add!
                        Add a COMMENT on CASE NUMBER.
  -p USER, --project USER
                        List all active cases for USER for each project.
                        Resolve specified case.

From commandline, run python -p "[PROJECT NAME]". This will connect to the FogBugz instance defined in your file and create a Markdown formatted file in the current working directory of all tasks of category "Requirement".

This an easy way to create a simple requirements document that is primarily edited and maintained in the FogBugz instance.