From 3ab8e29a46bfd49b4262242b44f2cf83904f3b79 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Greg Bernstein
Date: Thu, 19 Dec 2024 09:16:28 -0800
Subject: [PATCH] Advanced Features Procedures and Test Vector Update: wording
and punctuation improvements.
Co-authored-by: Ted Thibodeau Jr
index.html | 27 ++++++++++++++++-----------
1 file changed, 16 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)
diff --git a/index.html b/index.html
index f0d7331..6398394 100644
--- a/index.html
+++ b/index.html
@@ -592,8 +592,8 @@ serializeBaseProofValue
BBS signature, HMAC key, and mandatory pointers.
The required inputs are a base signature |bbsSignature|, |bbsHeader|,
|publicKey|, an HMAC key |hmacKey|, an array of
-|mandatoryPointers|, |featureOption|, and depending on
-the |featureOption| value possibly the |signer_nym_entropy| value.
+|mandatoryPointers|, |featureOption|, and, depending on
+the |featureOption| value, possibly a |signer_nym_entropy| value.
A single base proof string value is produced as output.
@@ -785,7 +785,7 @@ createDisclosureData
Initialize |bbsSignature|, |bbsHeader|, |publicKey|, |hmacKey|,
-and |mandatoryPointers|, and
+and |mandatoryPointers|
to the values of the associated properties in the object
returned when calling the algorithm in Section
, passing the `proofValue` from `proof`.
@@ -882,7 +882,7 @@
|bbsSignature|, |header| is the |bbsHeader|, |ph| is the |presentationHeader|,
|messages| is |bbsMessages|, |disclosed_indexes| is |selectiveIndexes|,
and `commitment_with_proof`. The holder will also furnish its
-|holder_secret|, and |proverBlind| that was used to compute the
+|holder_secret|, and the |proverBlind| that was used to compute the
|commitment_with_proof|. This is the
Anonymous Holder Binding feature option.
@@ -897,16 +897,21 @@ createDisclosureData
|signer_nym_entropy|, and |secret_prover_blind|.
Determine the |nym_domain|. This might be specified by
-the verifier or set by the holder depending on the usage scenario. Use
+the verifier or set by the holder, depending on the usage scenario. Use
the "Proof Generation with Pseudonym"
operation from [[CFRG-Pseudonym-BBS-Signature]] to produce the derived proof.
This operation takes as inputs
-|PK|, the original issuers public key,
-|signature|, the |bbsSignature|, |header| is the |bbsHeader|,
-|ph| is the |presentationHeader|,
-|messages| is |bbsMessages|, |disclosed_indexes| is |selectiveIndexes|,
-|nym_secret|, |nym_domain|, empty
-|committed_messages| array, and |secret_prover_blind|. In addition to providing
+the original issuer's public key as |PK|,
+the |bbsSignature| as |signature|,
+the |bbsHeader| as |header|,
+the |presentationHeader| as |ph|,
+the |bbsMessages| as |messages|,
+the |selectiveIndexes| as |disclosed_indexes|,
+ a |nym_secret|,
+ a |nym_domain|,
+ an empty array for |committed_messages|,
+and a |secret_prover_blind|.
+In addition to providing
the raw
cryptographic proof value which is assigned to |bbsProof|,
it also returns the |pseudonym|.