diff --git a/a11y-meta-display-guide/2.0/draft/techniques/onix-metadata/index.html b/a11y-meta-display-guide/2.0/draft/techniques/onix-metadata/index.html index 68550ed..2fb288a 100644 --- a/a11y-meta-display-guide/2.0/draft/techniques/onix-metadata/index.html +++ b/a11y-meta-display-guide/2.0/draft/techniques/onix-metadata/index.html @@ -211,22 +211,6 @@

Check for Node

  • ELSE return False.
  • -

    Join array to comma list


    This function serves to concatenate an array of strings, separating each element with a comma, with the last element separated by an ", and" (this string is localizable).


    For example if the input array has elements ["one", "two", "three"], then the output is going to be "one, two, and three".


    This algorithm takes the string_array argument: the list of string to join.


    To join the array, run the following steps:

    1. LET output_string be the result of: -
      • calling join on string_array with the separator ", "
      • -
      • replacing the last occurrence of ", " with ", and ".
      • -
    2. -
    3. return output_string.
    4. -


    @@ -588,15 +572,15 @@

    Understanding the variables

    Variables setup

    1. LET onix be the result of calling preprocessing given onix_record_as_text.
    2. -
    3. LET audiobook be the result of calling check for node on onix, /ONIXMessage/Product/DescriptiveDetail/DescriptiveDetail[PrimaryContentType = "81" or ProductContentType = "81"] .
    4. +
    5. LET audiobook be the result of calling check for node on onix, /ONIXMessage/Product/DescriptiveDetail[PrimaryContentType = "81" or ProductContentType = "81"] .
    6. LET all_content_audio be the result of calling check for node on onix, /ONIXMessage/Product/DescriptiveDetail/ProductFormFeature[ProductFormFeatureType = "09" and ProductFormFeatureValue = "39"].
    7. LET all_content_pre_recorded be the result of calling check for node on onix, /ONIXMessage/Product/DescriptiveDetail/ProductFormFeature[ProductFormFeatureType = "09" and ProductFormFeatureValue = "51"].
    8. LET synchronised_pre_recorded_audio be the result of calling check for node on onix, /ONIXMessage/Product/DescriptiveDetail/ProductFormFeature[ProductFormFeatureType = "09" and ProductFormFeatureValue = "20"] AND calling check for node on onix, /ONIXMessage/Product/DescriptiveDetail/ProductFormDetail[normalize-space() = "A305"].
    9. -
    10. LET non_textual_content_audio be the result of calling check for node on onix, /ONIXMessage/Product/DescriptiveDetail/DescriptiveDetail[PrimaryContentType = "21" or ProductContentType = "22" or ProductContentType = "21" or ProductContentType = "22"] . +
    11. LET non_textual_content_audio be the result of calling check for node on onix, /ONIXMessage/Product/DescriptiveDetail[PrimaryContentType = "21" or ProductContentType = "22" or ProductContentType = "21" or ProductContentType = "22"] .
    12. -
    13. LET non_textual_content_audio_in_video be the result of calling check for node on onix, /ONIXMessage/Product/DescriptiveDetail/DescriptiveDetail[PrimaryContentType = "06" or PrimaryContentType = "25" or PrimaryContentType = "26" or PrimaryContentType = "27" or PrimaryContentType = "28" or PrimaryContentType = "29" or PrimaryContentType = "30" or ProductContentType = "06" or ProductContentType = "25" or ProductContentType = "26" or ProductContentType = "27" or ProductContentType = "28" or ProductContentType = "29" or ProductContentType = "30"] . +
    14. LET non_textual_content_audio_in_video be the result of calling check for node on onix, /ONIXMessage/Product/DescriptiveDetail[PrimaryContentType = "06" or PrimaryContentType = "25" or PrimaryContentType = "26" or PrimaryContentType = "27" or PrimaryContentType = "28" or PrimaryContentType = "29" or PrimaryContentType = "30" or ProductContentType = "06" or ProductContentType = "25" or ProductContentType = "26" or ProductContentType = "27" or ProductContentType = "28" or ProductContentType = "29" or ProductContentType = "30"] .


    @@ -753,7 +737,7 @@

    Variables setup

  • LET chemical_formula_as_mathml be the result of calling check for node on onix, /ONIXMessage/Product/DescriptiveDetail/ProductFormFeature[ProductFormFeatureType = "09" and ProductFormFeatureValue = "34"].
  • LET math_formula_as_latex be the result of calling check for node on onix, /ONIXMessage/Product/DescriptiveDetail/ProductFormFeature[ProductFormFeatureType = "09" and ProductFormFeatureValue = "35"].
  • LET math_formula_as_mathml be the result of calling check for node on onix, /ONIXMessage/Product/DescriptiveDetail/ProductFormFeature[ProductFormFeatureType = "09" and ProductFormFeatureValue = "17"].
  • -
  • LET contains_math_formula be the result of calling check for node on onix, /ONIXMessage/Product/DescriptiveDetail/DescriptiveDetail[PrimaryContentType = "48" or ContentType = "48"] .
  • +
  • LET contains_math_formula be the result of calling check for node on onix, /ONIXMessage/Product/DescriptiveDetail[PrimaryContentType = "48" or ContentType = "48"] .
  • LET short_textual_alternative_images be the result of calling check for node on onix, /ONIXMessage/Product/DescriptiveDetail/ProductFormFeature[ProductFormFeatureType = "09" and ProductFormFeatureValue = "14"].
  • LET closed_captions be the result of calling check for node on onix, /ONIXMessage/Product/DescriptiveDetail[ProductFormDetail = "V210"].
  • LET open_captions be the result of calling check for node on onix, /ONIXMessage/Product/DescriptiveDetail[ProductFormDetail = "V211"].