diff --git a/UX-Guide-Metadata/draft/README.md b/UX-Guide-Metadata/draft/README.md index db57cacc..1aa2a6a0 100644 --- a/UX-Guide-Metadata/draft/README.md +++ b/UX-Guide-Metadata/draft/README.md @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ -# User Experience Guide for Displaying Accessibility Metadata +# User Experience Guide for Displaying Accessibility Metadata 2.0 -* [Current Working Draft - Principles](https://w3c.github.io/publ-a11y/UX-Guide-Metadata/draft/principles/) -* [Current Working Draft - Techniques](https://w3c.github.io/publ-a11y/UX-Guide-Metadata/draft/techniques/): - * [EPUB Accessibility Metadata](https://w3c.github.io/publ-a11y/UX-Guide-Metadata/draft/techniques/epub-metadata/) - * [ONIX](https://w3c.github.io/publ-a11y/UX-Guide-Metadata/draft/techniques/onix-metadata/) \ No newline at end of file +* [Current Editor's Draft - Principles](https://w3c.github.io/publ-a11y/UX-Guide-Metadata/draft/principles/) +* [Current Editor's Draft - Techniques](https://w3c.github.io/publ-a11y/UX-Guide-Metadata/draft/techniques/): + * [Display Techniques for EPUB Accessibility Metadata 2.0](https://w3c.github.io/publ-a11y/UX-Guide-Metadata/draft/techniques/epub-metadata/) + * [Display Techniques for ONIX Accessibility Metadata 2.0](https://w3c.github.io/publ-a11y/UX-Guide-Metadata/draft/techniques/onix-metadata/) diff --git a/UX-Guide-Metadata/draft/original-docs/Makefile b/UX-Guide-Metadata/draft/original-docs/Makefile deleted file mode 100644 index 37f61bdd..00000000 --- a/UX-Guide-Metadata/draft/original-docs/Makefile +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -# Convert documents from Markdown to HTML. -exclusions=README.md -sources=$(filter-out $(exclusions), $(wildcard *.md)) -all: $(sources:.md=.html) -%.html : %.md - pandoc -s --html-q-tags $< -o $@ diff --git a/UX-Guide-Metadata/draft/original-docs/UXGuideForMetadata.html b/UX-Guide-Metadata/draft/original-docs/UXGuideForMetadata.html deleted file mode 100644 index 5041910e..00000000 --- a/UX-Guide-Metadata/draft/original-docs/UXGuideForMetadata.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,850 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - User Experience Guide for Displaying Accessibility metadata for EPUB - - - - - -

User Experience Guide for Displaying Accessibility metadata for EPUB


Status of This Document


Editors Draft - Version 0.9 (05/24/2019)


This document was published by the DIAGRAM Center Standards Working Group and DAISY’s Transition to EPUB Working group as an Editor’s Draft.


Comments regarding this document are welcome. Please file an issue using our GitHub repository issue tracker.


Table of Contents

- -

General Overview


This document will help those who wish to provide accessibility metadata directly to users understand how to represent machine readable accessibility metadata in a user friendly User Interface / User Experience (UI/UX).


Metadata found either inside an EPUB or in its corresponding ONIX file may have important accessibility information that will help end users find and determine if this EPUB can meet their specific accessibility needs.


Most metadata is meant to be machine readable so that it can be used to aid in user search queries such as Find all EPUB books that contain large print, or braille, or that has met a certain level of accessibility conformance. The exception to this is the accessibility summary which, if present, describes in human-readable text all the accessibility features and any shortcomings present in this book that can be directly presented to the end user.


NOTE: All images provided here may be protected under copyright and are only used as a reference.


Here is an example of what a user-friendly accessibility metadata web page could look like:


Screen Reader Friendly: Yes


Accessibility Summary: This publication includes markup to enable accessibility and compatibility with assistive technology. Images, audio, and video in the publication are well-described in conformance with WCAG 2.0 AA.


EPUB Accessibility Conformance: WCAG-AA


Certified By: ACME Certification


Certifier Credential: ACME Inc. credential webpage


All Accessibility Metadata:


Toggle box with all accessibility information


Discovering Accessible Content


The guidelines for presentation of accessibility metadata in this document are intended to improve the user experience when readers browse the catalog entry for a book. However, accessibility metadata also has a vital role to play in helping readers discover books that are accessible for them. Book providers, vendors, and libraries are encouraged to create searching and filtering tools that interpret accessibility metadata to aid in discovery; a full discussion of this topic is out of scope for this document, but these brief notes may be helpful until further research and development leads to more specific guidance.


While every user has different accessibility needs, meeting the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 requirements, even at level A, is a baseline that ensures a book will be widely accessible. Book providers may therefore wish to create specific search capabilities to permit users to find books that have declared conformance to WCAG at any level. A search filter called Accessible that retrieves all books with metadata of <link rel="dcterms:conformsTo" href="http://www.idpf.org/epub/a11y/accessibility-20170105.html#wcag-a" /> or the equivalent for wcag-aa and ultimately for wcag-aaa would fill this need.


Audiobooks created for mainstream use provide important access for many users with disabilities even though they are not accessible to others. Book providers may already have search tools aimed at finding audiobooks, since they are popular and fairly common, but if not, this would be a good addition to the suite of tools for finding accessible books. Note that audiobooks may not pass WCAG requirements because they are targeted at a specific audience rather than broadly accessible and so would not be found using the Accessible search suggested above.


Any of the metadata fields discussed in detail below could also be used as a filter; a Screen-reader accessible search would be valued by screen reader users, and a way to ensure no books with hazards are downloaded would be valued by those with light-sensitive epilepsy or other hazard-related conditions. But if a single additional search filter fits best in a site’s UI, a tool for finding accessible materials that declare conformance to WCAG 2.0 is the most likely choice.


Exposing EPUB Accessibility Metadata to Search Engines


If an ebook catalogue is publicly available, metadata related to the accessibility of the contents can be displayed to search engine crawlers. This type of metadata for search engines is not available to users, but can be easily interpreted by machines (browsers, spiders, crawlers, etc.) so that accessibility information is correctly passed from machine to machine; this operation improves the Search Engine Optimization of the entire website as it allows the search engine to get a clear idea of the contents presented (and their level of accessibility).




From a technical point of view, this type of metadata can be presented in a machine-readable form using the Schema.org standard. Schema.org codes can be inserted into the HTML code of the web page in which the single title is presented.


There are three ways to implement Schema.org in your web pages:

- -

The first two ways involve inserting metadata directly into the HTML code which could complicate the implementation, since programmers will need to touch the templates of the web pages, which may make maintenance complex.


JSON-LD instead requires that all metadata are grouped into a single object (coded with JSON-LD standard) within a tag <script type="application/ld+json"> positioned anywhere in the web page code, so much easier to implement and maintain; this is also the format recommended by Google.


Although it is not required by Schema.org, we suggest you avoid inserting the accessibility metadata out of context. Instead, insert accessibility metadata into the scheme Book and accompany them with some bibliographic and technical data about the text so as to contextualize them. Most likely these data are already available in the website database (because they are shown in the online catalog), so they will not be extracted from the EPUB file, but retrieved directly from the backend.


The minimum data that we recommend to add are:

- -

Metadata can also be enriched with all the features available at Schema.org/Book. The more enriched the metadata presented to search engine crawlers is, the better the discoverability of the content presented.


Not all of the accessibility metadata found in the EPUB has been adopted by Schema.org only the following accessibility metadata properties have been added so far: accessibilityFeature, accessibilityHazard, accessMode, accessModeSufficient, accessibilitySummary, accessibilityControl, and accessibilityAPI.



<script type="application/ld+json">
-    {
-        "@context": "http://schema.org",
-        "@type": "Book",
-        "bookFormat": "EBook",
-        "isbn": "9780000000000",
-        "name": "Moby Dick",
-        "accessMode": [
-            "Visual",
-            "Textual"
-        ],
-        "accessModeSufficient": [
-            {
-                "@type": "ItemList",
-                "itemListElement": [
-                    "textual"
-                ]
-            },
-            {
-                "@type": "ItemList",
-                "itemListElement": [
-                    "textual",
-                    "visual"
-                ]
-            },
-            {
-                "@type": "ItemList",
-                "itemListElement": [
-                    "visual"
-                ]
-            }
-        ],
-        "accessibilityFeature": [
-            "alternativeText",
-            "longDescription",
-            "printPageNumbers"
-        ],
-        "accessibilityHazard": "none",
-        "accessibilitySummary": "This publication includes markup to enable accessibility and compatibility with assistive technology. Images, audio, and video in the publication are well-described in conformance with WCAG 2.0 A. Structural navigation may be inconsistent."
-    }

Once the metadata is implemented, it is important to check its validity and make sure that it is interpreted correctly by search engines; this is possible with a free tool provided by Google: the Structured Data Testing Tool. Through the graphical interface you can enter the URL of a web page to be analyzed or a snippet of code with the metadata you want to check. After processing the data, the tool shows on the left side of the screen the code of the web page (or snippet) and on the right side the data interpreted by Google.


UI Technical Details


When you have accessibility metadata about an EPUB it is important to share this information with the user in a user friendly way. At a very high level when displaying information about an EPUB you may just want to acknowledge that there is Accessibility Features or Accessibility Information available and if the user would like to get at this information they can click a link or an image which will then provide the information that is discussed below.


For Example:


Title: Huckleberry Finn


Author: Mark Twain


Copyright: 1999


ISBN: 9780486110035


Publisher: Dover Publications


Book Features: Accessibility Information (textual link to accessibility information below)




Book Features:


Accessibility Information


(clickable image to accessibility information below)


Suggested Alt-text for image Accessibility Information


Order of Key Information

  1. Screen Reader Friendly

  2. -
  3. Audiobook (if present)

  4. -
  5. Accessibility Summary

  6. -
  7. EPUB Accessibility Conformance

  8. -
  9. Certified By

  10. -
  11. Certifier’s Credential

  12. -
  13. Certifier’s Report (if present)

  14. -
  15. Hazards

  16. -
  17. All Accessibility Metadata

  18. -

This metadata as outlined in the 1.0 Accessibility Specification Conformance and Discoverability can be found inside the EPUB’s opf file usually found in OEBPS/package.opf


Note: At the end of this document are the ONIX equivalent metadata for each of these, if defined. While the examples shown here are for EPUB 3.x, there are equivalents for EPUB 2.x which can be found in the Accessibility 1.0 specification.


Screen Reader Friendly


Value: Yes / No / Unknown


This data is derived from the EPUB package metadata inside the OPF file:

<meta property="schema:accessModeSufficient">textual</meta>

If this metadata exists (ie. textual within accessModeSufficient by itself) then report Screen Reader Friendly: Yes


Important: This is not the same as visual, textual or textual, visual because the combination means that the book requires both visual and textual abilities to access the data, not textual alone. Only having accessModeSufficient be textual as a separate entry ensures the document is screen reader friendly.


Note: As long as there is an entry that reads <meta property="schema:accessModeSufficient">textual</meta> the book can claim Screen Reader Friendly: Yes.


There may also be other accessModeSufficient entries with combinations of access modes such as textual, visual which indicate other ways to read the book.


When accessModeSufficient exists but does not have textual by itself, report Screen Reader Friendly: No.


When there is no accessModeSufficient metadata present, report Screen Reader Friendly: unknown or not provided.


Example 1.1 (metadata present)

<meta property="schema:accessModeSufficient">visual</meta>

Screen Reader Friendly: Yes


(because textual was present by itself in accessModeSufficient)


Example 1.2 (multiple metadata accessModeSufficient fields present)

<meta property="schema:accessModeSufficient">visual</meta>
-<meta property="schema:accessModeSufficient">textual</meta>
-<meta property="schema:accessModeSufficient">textual, visual</meta>

Screen Reader Friendly: Yes


(because textual was present by itself in accessModeSufficient)


Example 1.3 (metadata present but not Screen Reader Friendly)

<meta property="schema:accessModeSufficient">visual</meta>
-<meta property="schema:accessModeSufficient">textual, visual</meta>

Screen Reader Friendly: No


(because textual was not present by itself in accessModeSufficient)


Example 1.4 (metadata missing)




Screen Reader Friendly: Unknown


(because accessModeSufficient is not found at all in the metadata)

- -



Values: Yes / (if No - Omit this section)


This data is derived from the EPUB package metadata inside the OPF file:

<meta property="schema:accessModeSufficient">auditory</meta>

If this metadata exists (ie. auditory within accessModeSufficient by itself) then report Audiobook: Yes.


Important: This is not the same as textual, auditory or auditory, textual as this indicates that the book requires both textual and auditory abilities to access the data, not auditory alone. Only having accessModeSufficient be auditory as a separate entry ensures the document is an audiobook.


Note: As long as you find <meta property="schema:accessModeSufficient">auditory</meta> the book can claim Audiobook: Yes.


There may also be other accessModeSufficient entries with combinations of access modes such as textual, visual which indicate other ways to read the book.


Note: If you can not report that this is an audiobook then do not present any information to the user for this category, since 99% of EPUB books are not audiobooks. Simply omit this section.


Example 2.1 (metadata present auditory)

<meta property="schema:accessModeSufficient">auditory</meta>
-<meta property="schema:accessModeSufficient">visual</meta>

Audiobook: Yes


(because auditory was found alone in accessModeSufficient)


Example 2.2 (metadata present but not an Audiobook)

<meta property="schema:accessModeSufficient">visual</meta>
-<meta property="schema:accessModeSufficient">auditory, visual</meta>

Omit this section


(Nothing presented to the user because auditory was not found alone in accessModeSufficient)


Example 2.3 (metadata not present)




Omit this section


(Nothing presented to the user because accessModeSufficient is not present at all in the metadata)


Accessibility Summary


Value: Textual Data from metadata


This data is pulled directly from the EPUB package metadata inside the OPF file:

<meta property="schema:accessibilitySummary">

Note: We will be creating additional guidance for publishers on how to best write these summaries.


Note: If the metadata does not exist this should say No Summary Available


Note: This data could be in a language other than English but would be tagged as such.


Example 3.1 (metadata present)

<meta property="schema:accessibilitySummary">
-    This publication includes markup to enable accessibility and compatibility with assistive technology. Images, audio, and video in the publication are well-described in conformance with WCAG 2.0 AA. Structural navigation may be inconsistent.

Accessibility Summary:


This publication includes markup to enable accessibility and compatibility with assistive technology. Images, audio, and video in the publication are well-described in conformance with WCAG 2.0 A.


Example 3.2 (metadata missing)




Accessibility Summary: None provided


EPUB Accessibility Conformance


Value: Textual Link based on Metadata (WCAG-A, WCAG-AA, WCAG-AAA) or raw URL found in EPUB OPF file’s metadata field

<link rel="dcterms:conformsTo">

Note: Interpret this metadata to be as human friendly as possible. So if the URI is:

- -
- -
- -

If the URL is anything other than the three listed above, then providing the raw URL which is also a link is the only option, since this may be a link to a different conformance standard (i.e. some audio conformance specification for an audio book).


Note: A case insensitive comparison should be done to replace the URI with human-readable text for WCAG-AA, etc.


Note: If you do not wish to have clickable links here, you may omit them as long as you make the links available in the section All Accessibility Metadata, described below.


Note: The above three URIs could change in the future since they point to an IDPF page; this work has been moved to the W3C. If a change occurs, other URIs will be recommended.


Example 4.1 (metadata present)

<link rel="dcterms:conformsTo" href="http://www.idpf.org/epub/a11y/accessibility-20170105.html#wcag-aa" />

EPUB Accessibility Conformance: WCAG-AA


(Because this links to one of the three URIs outlined above)


Example 4.2 (metadata pointing to another specification)

<link rel="dcterms:conformsTo" href="http://www.daisy.org/guidelines/epub/navigable-audio-only-epub3-guidelines" />

EPUB Accessibility Conformance: Custom specification


(Because this URI is different than what was outlined above. The book may qualify for conformance as an optimized publication.)


Example 4.3 (metadata missing)




EPUB Accessibility Conformance: None provided


Certified By


Value: Textual Data from metadata


This data is pulled directly from the EPUB package metadata inside the OPF file:

<meta property="a11y:certifiedBy">

Note: If the metadata does not exist this should say None provided


Example 5.1 (metadata present 3rd party)

<meta property="a11y:certifiedBy">3rd Party Company Name</meta>

Certified By: 3rd Party Company Name


Example 5.2 (metadata present self Certified)

<dc:publisher>Publisher Name</dc:publisher>
-<meta property="a11y:certifiedBy">Publisher Name</meta>

Self Certified By: Publisher Name


Example 5.3 (metadata missing)




Certified By: None provided


Certifier Credential


Value: Potentially linked textual data from metadata


This data is pulled directly from the EPUB package metadata inside the OPF file:

<meta property="a11y:certifierCredential">

Note: This metadata could be a simple text string in which case you would just display it, or it could be a URI to the certifier’s credential web page.


If the metadata value is a URI, you could have some standard certification logo which would be clickable and link to the certifier’s credential webpage.


If you do not wish to have clickable links here, you may omit them as long as you make the links available in the section All Accessibility Metadata, described below.


If you are aware of a list of organizations who offer third-party certification, a short list of certifier’s logos could be cached and displayed when appropriate. For example:


Example 6.1 (Text)

<meta property="a11y:certifierCredential">XYZ Certified

Certifier Credential: XYZ Certified Accessible


Example 6.2 (Generic 3rd party URL)

<meta property="a11y:certifiedBy">ACME Inc.</meta>
-<meta property="a11y:certifierCredential">https://3rd-party-certifier-credential.com</meta>

Certifier Credential


ACME Inc. credential webpage


(Clickable Image to the URI of the certifiers credential’s webpage from metadata)


alt-text ACME Inc. credential webpage


(Image here of a checkmark inside a shield is just for reference feel free to choose your own image)


Note: There may be an image that is associated with specific Certifier Credential image (ie. Mark/Stamp/Seal) which could be used here. If you would like to display this image, or any other, you would need to be coordinate this out of band with the certifier agency as it is not part of the metadata delivered with the book.




Certifier’s Credential: ACME Inc. credential webpage


(Clickable link to the URI to the certifiers credentials from metadata)


Example 6.3 (metadata missing)




Certifier Credential: None provided


Certifier Report


Value: Potentially linked textual data from metadata


This data is pulled directly from the EPUB package metadata inside the OPF file:

<link rel="a11y:certifierReport" href="http://www.example.com/a11y/report/9780000000001"/>

Ideally you would have a clickable link to the certification accessibility report.


If you do not wish to have clickable links here, you may omit them as long as you make the links available in the section All Accessibility Metadata, described below.


Example 7.1 (URL)

<meta property="a11y:certifiedBy">ACME Inc.</meta>
-<link rel="a11y:certifierReport" href="http://www.example.com/a11y/report/9780000000001"/>

Certifier Report


ACME Inc. Report webpage


(Clickable Image to the URI of the report from metadata)


alt-text ACME Inc. Report webpage


(Image here of checkmark with clipboard is just for reference feel free to choose your own image)




Certifier Report: ACME Inc. Accessibility Report


(Clickable link to the URI of the report from metadata)


Example 7.2 (metadata missing)




Omit this section


(Omit this section if the metadata is missing, as most of the time there will be no report available.)




Values: flashing, motion simulation, sound, no flashing, no motion simulation, no sound, none, or Unknown.


This data is found in the EPUB package metadata inside the OPF file:

<meta property="schema:accessibilityHazard">none</meta>

Hazards are the only metadata which can be expressed as either positive or negative statements, so metadata authors can confirm either the presence of the hazard, such as flashing, or the absence of the hazard, noFlashingHazard and similarly for sound / noSoundHazard and motion / noMotionSimulationHazard. There is also the metadata value none, which covers all three categories and corresponds to noFlashingHazard, noSoundHazard and noMotionSimulationHazard.


Note: In the section All Accessibility Metadata Hazards will be displayed exactly how the publisher provided them so simplifying here with using none can be an option instead of saying explicitly no Sound, no Flashing, no Motion Simulation


Example 8.1 (metadata present flashing)

<meta property="schema:accessibilityHazard">flashing</meta>

Hazard: Flashing


(because flashing was found in accessibilityHazard)


Example 8.2 (metadata present motionSimulation)

<meta property="schema:accessibilityHazard">motionSimulation</meta>

Hazard: Motion Simulation


(because motionSimulation was found in accessibilityHazard)


Example 8.3 (metadata present sound)

<meta property="schema:accessibilityHazard">sound</meta>

Hazard: Sound


(because sound was found in accessibilityHazard)


Example 8.4 (multiple hazards present)

<meta property="schema:accessibilityHazard">sound</meta>
-<meta property="schema:accessibilityHazard">motionSimulation</meta>
-<meta property="schema:accessibilityHazard">flashing</meta>

Hazard: Sound, Motion Simulation, and Flashing


(because sound, motionSimulation , flashing and were all found in accessibilityHazard)


Example 8.5 (metadata present none)

<meta property="schema:accessibilityHazard">none</meta>

Omit this section




Hazards: none provided


Nothing presented to the user because there are no hazards; since 99.9% of EPUBs won’t have any hazards, there is no need to report Hazards: No for every EPUB.


Example 8.6 (metadata present: noFlashingHazard, noSoundHazard, and noSimulation)

<meta property="schema:accessibilityHazard">noFlashingHazard</meta>
-<meta property="schema:accessibilityHazard">noSoundHazard</meta>
-<meta property="schema:accessibilityHazard">noMotionSimulationHazard</meta>

Omit this section




Hazards: none




Hazards: No Flashing, No Sound, No Motion Simulation


Example 8.7 (metadata not present)




Hazards: None provided


We want to make the distinction here between No Hazards and missing hazard metadata therefore for the missing metadata case we need to inform the user we don’t know about any hazards which may or maynot be present.


All Accessibility Metadata


Value: Link to complete list of all metadata fields


Here are all the possible accessibility metadata properties.


This section can either be a separate page that is linked to or better yet an HTML Summary/Details element that users can expand to get all the accessibility metadata field elements. Here you would expose: accessibilityFeature, accessibilityHazard, accessMode, accessModeSufficient, as well as all the accessibility metadata and conformance metadata listed above.


Example 9.1 (all metadata fields present)

<meta property="schema:accessibilityFeature">alternativeText</meta>
-<meta property="schema:accessibilityFeature">longDescription</meta>
-<meta property="schema:accessibilityFeature">printPageNumbers</meta>
-<meta property="schema:accessibilityHazards">noSoundHazard</meta>
-<meta property="schema:accessibilityHazards">noMotionSimulationHazard</meta>
-<meta property="schema:accessibilityHazards">noFlashingHazard</meta>
-<meta property="schema:accessMode">visual</meta>
-<meta property="schema:accessMode">textual</meta>
-<meta property="schema:accessModeSufficient">visual</meta>
-<meta property="schema:accessModeSufficient">textual</meta>
-<meta property="schema:accessModeSufficient">visual,textual</meta>
-<meta property="a11y:certifiedBy">ACME Certification</meta>
-<meta property="a11y:certifierCredential">https://ACME-Certification.org/</meta>
-<link rel="dcterms:conformsTo" href="http://www.idpf.org/epub/a11y/accessibility-20170105.html#wcag-a/" />
-<meta property="schema:accessibilitySummary">
-    This publication includes mark-up to enable accessibility and compatibility with assistive technology. Images, audio, and video in the publication are well-described in conformance with WCAG 2.0 A.

Accessibility Features:

- -

Accessibility Hazards:

- -


- -

Access Mode Sufficient:

- -

Certified By:


ACME Certification


Certifier’s Credential:




Conforms To:




Accessibility Summary:


This publication includes markup to enable accessibility and compatibility with assistive technology. Images, audio, and video in the publication are well-described in conformance with WCAG 2.0 A.


Example 9.2 (all metadata fields missing)




Accessibility Features:


None provided


Accessibility Hazards:


None provided




None provided


Access Mode Sufficient:


None provided


Certified By:


None provided


Certifier’s Credential:


None provided


Conforms To:


None provided


Accessibility Summary:


None provided


ONIX Metadata


-ONIX does not have an exact 1:1 mapping with EPUB accessibility metadata so unfortunately not all of the accessibility metadata found in an EPUB exists in ONIX at the time of this publication. There are plans to add this metadata to future versions of ONIX but no time frame has been announced. This EPUB to ONIX crosswalk outlines the current overlap in metadata which will get updated as these two specifications evolve. It is important to note that there were a number of new accessibility metadata codes added to ONIX 3 to support the Accessibility 1.0 specification. Which means that ONIX 2 has a limited number of accessibility metadata codes and is something not covered in this document.


ONIX feed examples


ONIX feed describing an EPUB


Here is an example of an ONIX feed (version 3.0), which will be used as a reference point for the following examples on EPUB accessibility metadata: the results of the XPath shown are based on this example.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<ONIXMessage xmlns="http://ns.editeur.org/onix/3.0/reference" release="3.0">
-    <Header>...</Header>
-    <Product>
-        <RecordReference>123456789</RecordReference>
-        <NotificationType>01</NotificationType>
-        <ProductIdentifier>
-            <ProductIDType>03</ProductIDType>
-            <IDValue>9780000000000</IDValue>
-        </ProductIdentifier>
-        <ProductIdentifier>
-            <ProductIDType>15</ProductIDType>
-            <IDValue>9780000000000</IDValue>
-        </ProductIdentifier>
-        <DescriptiveDetail>
-            <ProductComposition>00</ProductComposition>
-            <ProductForm>ED</ProductForm>
-            <ProductFormDetail>E101</ProductFormDetail>
-            <ProductFormFeature>
-                <ProductFormFeatureType>09</ProductFormFeatureType>
-                <ProductFormFeatureValue>00</ProductFormFeatureValue>
-                <ProductFormFeatureDescription>
-                    This publication includes mark-up to enable accessibility and compatibility with assistive technology. Images, audio, and video in the publication are well-described in conformance with WCAG 2.0 A.
-                </ProductFormFeatureDescription>
-            </ProductFormFeature>
-            <ProductFormFeature>
-                <ProductFormFeatureType>09</ProductFormFeatureType>
-                <ProductFormFeatureValue>03</ProductFormFeatureValue>
-            </ProductFormFeature>
-            <ProductFormFeature>
-                <ProductFormFeatureType>09</ProductFormFeatureType>
-                <ProductFormFeatureValue>10</ProductFormFeatureValue>
-            </ProductFormFeature>
-            <ProductFormFeature>
-                <ProductFormFeatureType>09</ProductFormFeatureType>
-                <ProductFormFeatureValue>11</ProductFormFeatureValue>
-            </ProductFormFeature>
-            <ProductFormFeature>
-                <ProductFormFeatureType>09</ProductFormFeatureType>
-                <ProductFormFeatureValue>13</ProductFormFeatureValue>
-            </ProductFormFeature>
-            <ProductFormFeature>
-                <ProductFormFeatureType>09</ProductFormFeatureType>
-                <ProductFormFeatureValue>14</ProductFormFeatureValue>
-            </ProductFormFeature>
-            <ProductFormFeature>
-                <ProductFormFeatureType>09</ProductFormFeatureType>
-                <ProductFormFeatureValue>22</ProductFormFeatureValue>
-            </ProductFormFeature>
-            <ProductFormFeature>
-                <ProductFormFeatureType>09</ProductFormFeatureType>
-                <ProductFormFeatureValue>94</ProductFormFeatureValue>
-                <ProductFormFeatureDescription>http://www.example.com/a11y/report/9780000000001</ProductFormFeatureDescription>
-            </ProductFormFeature>
-            <PrimaryContentType>10</PrimaryContentType>
-            <EpubTechnicalProtection>03</EpubTechnicalProtection>
-            <EpubUsageConstraint>
-                <EpubUsageType>04</EpubUsageType>
-                <EpubUsageStatus>02</EpubUsageStatus>
-            </EpubUsageConstraint>
-            <TitleDetail>...</TitleDetail>
-            <Contributor>...</Contributor>
-            <Extent>...</Extent>
-            <Subject>...</Subject>
-        </DescriptiveDetail>
-        <CollateralDetail>...</CollateralDetail>
-        <PublishingDetail>...</PublishingDetail>
-        <RelatedMaterial>...</RelatedMaterial>
-        <ProductSupply>...</ProductSupply>
-    </Product>

ONIX feed describing an Audiobook Here is an example of an ONIX feed (version 3.0) for describing an audiobook.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<ONIXMessage xmlns="http://ns.editeur.org/onix/3.0/reference" release="3.0">
-    <Header>...</Header>
-    <Product>
-        <RecordReference>123456789</RecordReference>
-        <NotificationType>01</NotificationType>
-        <ProductIdentifier>
-            <ProductIDType>03</ProductIDType>
-            <IDValue>0000000000000</IDValue>
-        </ProductIdentifier>
-        <DescriptiveDetail>
-            <ProductComposition>00</ProductComposition>
-            <ProductForm>AO</ProductForm>
-            <PrimaryContentType>01</PrimaryContentType>
-            ...
-            <TitleDetail>...</TitleDetail>
-            <Contributor>...</Contributor>
-            <Extent>...</Extent>
-            <Subject>...</Subject>
-        </DescriptiveDetail>
-        <CollateralDetail>...</CollateralDetail>
-        <PublishingDetail>...</PublishingDetail>
-        <RelatedMaterial>...</RelatedMaterial>
-        <ProductSupply>...</ProductSupply>
-    </Product>



The ONIX standard, unlike the Schema.org standard, provides a method to indicate that a given title is inaccessible, which is described as Known to lack significant features required for broad accessibility. This is indicated by using List: 196; Code 09 within a ProductFormFeatureValue element.


Vendors may omit all other accessibility metadata fields.


ONIX Example 10.1


An excerpt of ONIX indicating an inaccessible product is:

-    <ProductFormFeatureType>09</ProductFormFeatureType>
-    <ProductFormFeatureValue>09</ProductFormFeatureValue>



Screen Reader Friendly


Not available in ONIX


Audio Book


This information can be retrieved from ONIX code list 81; Code: 01: Audiobook.


ONIX Example 11.1


This field is true if the XPath returns at least one element for:

//Product/DescriptiveDetail/PrimaryContentType[text()="01"] or

Audiobook: Yes


Accessibility Summary


This information can be retrieved from ONIX code list: 196; Code: 00: Accessibility Summary.


ONIX Example 12.1


The value can be retrieved using XPath:

//Product/DescriptiveDetail/ProductFormFeature[ProductFormFeatureType="09" and ProductFormFeatureValue="00"]/ProductFormFeatureDescription/text()

Accessibility Summary:


This publication includes markup to enable accessibility and compatibility with assistive technology. Images, audio, and video in the publication are well-described in conformance with WCAG 2.0 A.


EPUB and WCAG Conformance Level Reached

- -

ONIX Example 13.1


If the following XPath returns at least one result:

-and ProductFormFeatureValue="02"]

Accessibility Conformance: WCAG-A


ONIX Example 13.2


If the following XPath returns at least one result:

-and ProductFormFeatureValue="03"] returns at least one result

Accessibility Conformance: WCAG-AA


Certified By


Not available in ONIX


Certifier Credential


Not available in ONIX


Certifier Report


List: 196; Code: 94: Compliance web page for detailed accessibility information




If a publisher is self-certifying, Code: 96: Publisher’s web page for detailed accessibility information


ONIX Example 14.1


The value can be retrieve using XPath:

//Product/DescriptiveDetail/ProductFormFeature[ProductFormFeatureType="09" and ProductFormFeatureValue="94"]/ProductFormFeatureDescription/text()
//Product/DescriptiveDetail/ProductFormFeature[ProductFormFeatureType="09" and ProductFormFeatureValue="96"]/ProductFormFeatureDescription/text()

Certifier Report


Report webpage


(Clickable Image to the URI of the report from metadata)


alt-text Report webpage


(Image here of checkmark with clipboard is just for reference feel free to choose your own image)




Certifier Report: Accessibility Report


(Clickable link to the URI of the report from metadata)




Not available in ONIX


All Accessibility Metadata


For a complete list of ONIX accessibility metadata refer to the crosswalk.





- -


- -


- - - diff --git a/UX-Guide-Metadata/draft/original-docs/UXGuideForMetadata.md b/UX-Guide-Metadata/draft/original-docs/UXGuideForMetadata.md deleted file mode 100644 index bebad0c9..00000000 --- a/UX-Guide-Metadata/draft/original-docs/UXGuideForMetadata.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1380 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: User Experience Guide for Displaying Accessibility metadata for EPUB -... - -## Status of This Document -Editors Draft - Version 0.9 (05/24/2019) - -This document was published by the DIAGRAM Center Standards Working Group and DAISY's Transition to EPUB Working group as an Editor's Draft. - -Comments regarding this document are welcome. Please [file an issue using our GitHub repository issue tracker](https://github.com/benetech/UX-Guide-EPUB-A11y-Metadata/issues). - ---- - -## Table of Contents -- [Status of This Document](#status-of-this-document) -- [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents) -- [General Overview](#general-overview) -- [Discovering Accessible Content](#discovering-accessible-content) - * [Exposing EPUB Accessibility Metadata to Search Engines](#exposing-epub-accessibility-metadata-to-search-engines) -- [UI Technical Details](#ui-technical-details) -- [Order of Key Information](#order-of-key-information) - * [Screen Reader Friendly](#screen-reader-friendly) - * [Audiobook](#audiobook) - * [Accessibility Summary](#accessibility-summary) - * [EPUB Accessibility Conformance](#epub-accessibility-conformance) - * [Certified By](#certified-by) - * [Certifier Credential](#certifier-credential) - * [Certifier Report](#certifier-report) - * [Hazards](#hazards) - * [All Accessibility Metadata](#all-accessibility-metadata) -- [ONIX Metadata](#onix-metadata) - * [ONIX feed examples](#onix-feed-examples) - * [Inaccessible](#inaccessible) - * [Screen Reader Friendly](#screen-reader-friendly-1) - * [Audio Book](#audio-book) - * [Accessibility Summary](#accessibility-summary-1) - * [EPUB and WCAG Conformance Level Reached](#epub-and-wcag-conformance-level-reached) - * [Certified By](#certified-by-1) - * [Certifier Credential](#certifier-credential-1) - * [Certifier Report](#certifier-report-1) - * [Hazards](#hazards-1) - * [All Accessibility Metadata](#all-accessibility-metadata-1) -- [Acknowledgements](#acknowledgements) - ---- - -## General Overview -This document will help those who wish to provide accessibility metadata directly to users understand how to represent machine readable -accessibility metadata in a user friendly User Interface / User -Experience (UI/UX). - -Metadata found either inside an EPUB or in its corresponding ONIX file -may have important accessibility information that will help end users -find and determine if this EPUB can meet their specific accessibility -needs. - -Most metadata is meant to be machine readable so that it can be used to -aid in user search queries such as "Find all EPUB books that contain -large print, or braille, or that has met a certain level of -accessibility conformance." The exception to this is the accessibility -summary which, if present, describes in human-readable text all the -accessibility features and any shortcomings present in this book that -can be directly presented to the end user. - -**NOTE: All images provided here may be protected under copyright and -are only used as a reference.** - -Here is an example of what a user-friendly accessibility metadata web -page could look like: - -> **Screen Reader Friendly:** Yes - -> **Accessibility Summary:** This publication includes markup to enable -accessibility and compatibility with assistive technology. Images, -audio, and video in the publication are well-described in conformance -with WCAG 2.0 AA. - -> **EPUB Accessibility Conformance:** -[WCAG-AA](http://www.idpf.org/epub/a11y/accessibility-20170105.html#wcag-aa) - -> **Certified By:** ACME Certification - -> **Certifier Credential:** -> ACME Inc. credential webpage - -> **All Accessibility Metadata:** - -> Toggle box with all accessibility information - ---- - -## Discovering Accessible Content - -The guidelines for presentation of accessibility metadata in this -document are intended to improve the user experience when readers browse -the catalog entry for a book. However, accessibility metadata also has a -vital role to play in helping readers discover books that are accessible -for them. Book providers, vendors, and libraries are encouraged to -create searching and filtering tools that interpret accessibility -metadata to aid in discovery; a full discussion of this topic is out of -scope for this document, but these brief notes may be helpful until -further research and development leads to more specific guidance. - -While every user has different accessibility needs, meeting the Web -Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 requirements, even at level -A, is a baseline that ensures a book will be widely accessible. Book -providers may therefore wish to create specific search capabilities to -permit users to find books that have declared conformance to WCAG at any -level. A search filter called "Accessible" that retrieves all books -with metadata of `` -or the equivalent for wcag-aa and ultimately for wcag-aaa would fill -this need. - -Audiobooks created for mainstream use provide important access for many -users with disabilities even though they are not accessible to others. -Book providers may already have search tools aimed at finding -audiobooks, since they are popular and fairly common, but if not, this -would be a good addition to the suite of tools for finding accessible -books. Note that audiobooks may not pass WCAG requirements because they -are targeted at a specific audience rather than broadly accessible and -so would not be found using the "Accessible" search suggested above. - -Any of the metadata fields discussed in detail below could also be used -as a filter; a "Screen-reader accessible" search would be valued by -screen reader users, and a way to ensure no books with hazards are -downloaded would be valued by those with light-sensitive epilepsy or -other hazard-related conditions. But if a single additional search -filter fits best in a site's UI, a tool for finding accessible materials -that declare conformance to WCAG 2.0 is the most likely choice. - ---- - -## Exposing EPUB Accessibility Metadata to Search Engines - -If an ebook catalogue is publicly available, metadata related to the -accessibility of the contents can be displayed to search engine -crawlers. This type of metadata for search engines is not available to -users, but can be easily interpreted by machines (browsers, spiders, -crawlers, etc.) so that accessibility information is correctly passed -from machine to machine; this operation improves the Search Engine -Optimization of the entire website as it allows the search engine to get -a clear idea of the contents presented (and their level of accessibility). - -### Implementation - -From a technical point of view, this type of metadata can be presented -in a machine-readable form using the Schema.org standard. Schema.org -codes can be inserted into the HTML code of the web page in which the -single title is presented. - -There are three ways to implement Schema.org in your web pages: - -- Microdata - -- RDFa - -- JSON-LD - -The first two ways involve inserting metadata directly into the HTML -code which could complicate the implementation, since programmers will -need to touch the templates of the web pages, which may make maintenance -complex. - -JSON-LD instead requires that all metadata are grouped into a single -object (coded with JSON-LD standard) within a tag ` -``` - -Once the metadata is implemented, it is important to check its validity and make sure that it is interpreted correctly by search engines; this -is possible with a free tool provided by Google: the [Structured Data -Testing -Tool](https://search.google.com/structured-data/testing-tool/u/0/). -Through the graphical interface you can enter the URL of a web page to -be analyzed or a snippet of code with the metadata you want to check. -After processing the data, the tool shows on the left side of the screen -the code of the web page (or snippet) and on the right side the data -interpreted by Google. - ---- - -## UI Technical Details - -When you have accessibility metadata about an EPUB it is important to -share this information with the user in a user friendly way. At a very -high level when displaying information about an EPUB you may just want -to acknowledge that there is "Accessibility Features" or -"Accessibility Information" available and if the user would like to -get at this information they can click a link or an image which will -then provide the information that is discussed below. - -For Example: - -> Title: Huckleberry Finn -> -> Author: Mark Twain -> -> Copyright: 1999 -> -> ISBN: 9780486110035 -> -> Publisher: Dover Publications -> -> Book Features: Accessibility Information *(textual link to accessibility information below)* - -Or - -> Book Features: -> -> Accessibility Information -> -> *(clickable image to accessibility information below)* -> -> *Suggested Alt-text for image "Accessibility Information"* - ---- - -## Order of Key Information - -1. [Screen Reader Friendly](#screen-reader-friendly) - -2. [Audiobook](#audiobook) (if present) - -3. [Accessibility Summary](#accessibility-summary) - -4. [EPUB Accessibility Conformance](#epub-accessibility-conformance) - -5. [Certified By](#certified-by) - -6. [Certifier's Credential](#certifier-credential) - -7. [Certifier's Report](#certifier-report) (if present) - -8. [Hazards](#hazards) - -9. [All Accessibility Metadata](#all-accessibility-metadata) - -This metadata as outlined in the [1.0 Accessibility Specification Conformance and Discoverability](http://www.idpf.org/epub/a11y/) can be found inside the EPUB's opf file usually found in `OEBPS/package.opf` - -> **Note**: At the end of this document are the [ONIX equivalent -metadata](#onix-metadata) for each of these, if defined. -While the examples shown here are for EPUB 3.x, there are equivalents -for EPUB 2.x which can be found in the [Accessibility 1.0 specification](http://www.idpf.org/epub/a11y/). - - -### Screen Reader Friendly - -**Value**: *Yes* / *No* / *Unknown* - -This data is derived from the EPUB package metadata inside the OPF file: - -```xml -textual -``` - -If this metadata exists (ie. "**textual**" within -`accessModeSufficient` by itself) then report *"Screen Reader Friendly: Yes"* - -**Important**: This is not the same as "**visual**, **textual**" or -"**textual, visual**" because the combination means that the book -requires both visual and textual abilities to access the data, not -textual alone. Only having `accessModeSufficient` be "***textual***" -as a separate entry ensures the document is screen reader friendly. - -> **Note**: As long as there is an entry that reads `textual` the book -can claim *"Screen Reader Friendly: Yes"*. - - -There may also be other `accessModeSufficient` entries with combinations -of access modes such as "textual, visual" which indicate other ways to -read the book. - -When `accessModeSufficient` exists but does not have "textual" by -itself, report *"Screen Reader Friendly: No"*. - -When there is no `accessModeSufficient` metadata present, report -*"Screen Reader Friendly: unknown or not provided"*. - -#### Example 1.1 (metadata present) - -##### Metadata - -```xml -visual -``` - -##### UI - -"Screen Reader Friendly: Yes" - -(because ***textual*** was present by itself in `accessModeSufficient`) - -#### Example 1.2 (multiple metadata `accessModeSufficient` fields present) - -##### Metadata - -```xml -visual -textual -textual, visual -``` - -##### UI - -"Screen Reader Friendly: Yes" - -(because ***textual*** was present by itself in `accessModeSufficient`) - -#### Example 1.3 (metadata present but not Screen Reader Friendly) - -##### Metadata - -```xml -visual -textual, visual -``` - -##### UI - -"Screen Reader Friendly: No" - -(because ***textual*** was not present by itself in `accessModeSufficient`) - -#### Example 1.4 (metadata missing) - -##### Metadata - -"" - -##### UI - -"Screen Reader Friendly: Unknown" - -(because `accessModeSufficient` is not found at all in the metadata) - - - -### Audiobook - -**Values**: *Yes / (if No - Omit this section)* - -This data is derived from the EPUB package metadata inside the OPF file: - -```xml -auditory -``` - -If this metadata exists (ie. "**auditory**" within `accessModeSufficient` by itself) then report *"Audiobook: Yes".* - -**Important**: This is not the same as "**textual**, **auditory**" or -"**auditory**, **textual**" as this indicates that the book requires -both textual and auditory abilities to access the data, not auditory -alone. Only having `accessModeSufficient` be "**auditory**" as a -separate entry ensures the document is an audiobook. - ->**Note**: As long as you find ```auditory``` the -book can claim "**Audiobook: Yes**". - -There may also be other `accessModeSufficient` entries with combinations -of access modes such as "textual, visual" which indicate other ways to -read the book. - -Note: If you can not report that this is an audiobook then do not -present any information to the user for this category, since 99% of EPUB -books are not audiobooks. Simply omit this section. - -#### Example 2.1 (metadata present auditory) - -##### Metadata - -```xml -auditory -visual -``` - -##### UI - -"Audiobook: Yes" - -(because "**auditory**" was found alone in `accessModeSufficient`) - -#### Example 2.2 (metadata present but not an Audiobook) - -##### Metadata - -```xml -visual -auditory, visual -``` - -##### UI - -Omit this section - -(Nothing presented to the user because "**auditory**" was not found -alone in `accessModeSufficient`) - -#### Example 2.3 (metadata not present) - -##### Metadata - -"" - -##### UI - -Omit this section - -(Nothing presented to the user because `accessModeSufficient` is not -present at all in the metadata) - -### Accessibility Summary - -**Value**: Textual Data from metadata - -This data is pulled directly from the EPUB package metadata inside the -OPF file: - -```xml - -``` - ->**Note**: We will be creating additional guidance for publishers on how to -best write these summaries. - ->**Note**: If the metadata does not exist this should say "No Summary -Available" - ->**Note**: This data could be in a language other than English but would be -tagged as such. - -#### Example 3.1 (metadata present) - -##### Metadata - -```xml - - This publication includes markup to enable accessibility and compatibility with assistive technology. Images, audio, and video in the publication are well-described in conformance with WCAG 2.0 AA. Structural navigation may be inconsistent. - -``` - -##### UI - -Accessibility Summary: - -This publication includes markup to enable accessibility and -compatibility with assistive technology. Images, audio, and video in the -publication are well-described in conformance with WCAG 2.0 A. - -#### Example 3.2 (metadata missing) - -##### Metadata - -"" - -##### UI - -"Accessibility Summary: None provided" - - -### EPUB Accessibility Conformance - -**Value**: Textual Link based on Metadata (WCAG-A, WCAG-AA, WCAG-AAA) or raw URL found in EPUB OPF file's metadata field - -```xml - -``` - ->**Note**: Interpret this metadata to be as human friendly as possible. So if -the URI is: - ->- "http://www.idpf.org/epub/a11y/accessibility-20170105.html#wcag-a" -report it as "[**WCAG-A**](http://www.idpf.org/epub/a11y/accessibility-20170105.html#wcag-a)" -which links to this URL. - ->- "http://www.idpf.org/epub/a11y/accessibility-20170105.html#wcag-aa" -report it as "[**WCAG-AA**](http://www.idpf.org/epub/a11y/accessibility-20170105.html#wcag-aa)" -which links to this URL. - ->- "http://www.idpf.org/epub/a11y/accessibility-20170105.html#wcag-aaa" -report it as "[**WCAG-AAA**](http://www.idpf.org/epub/a11y/accessibility-20170105.html#wcag-a)" -which links to this URL. - -If the URL is anything other than the three listed above, then providing -the raw URL which is also a link is the only option, since this may be a -link to a different conformance standard (i.e. some audio conformance -specification for an audio book). - ->**Note**: A case insensitive comparison should be done to replace the URI -with human-readable text for WCAG-AA, etc. - ->**Note**: If you do not wish to have clickable links here, you may omit them -as long as you make the links available in the section [All -Accessibility Metadata](#all-accessibility-metadata), described below. - ->**Note**: The above three URIs could change in the future since they point -to an IDPF page; this work has been moved to the W3C. If a change -occurs, other URIs will be recommended. - -#### Example 4.1 (metadata present) - -##### Metadata - -```xml - -``` - -##### UI - -EPUB Accessibility Conformance: -[WCAG-AA](http://www.idpf.org/epub/a11y/accessibility-20170105.html#wcag-aa) - -(Because this links to one of the three URIs outlined above) - -#### Example 4.2 (metadata pointing to another specification) - -##### Metadata - -```xml - -``` - -##### UI - -"EPUB Accessibility Conformance: Custom specification" - -(Because this URI is different than what was outlined above. The book may qualify for conformance as an optimized publication.) - -#### Example 4.3 (metadata missing) - -##### Metadata - -"" - -##### UI - -"EPUB Accessibility Conformance: None provided" - -### Certified By - -**Value**: Textual Data from metadata - -This data is pulled directly from the EPUB package metadata inside the -OPF file: - -```xml - -``` - ->**Note**: If the metadata does not exist this should say "None provided" - -#### Example 5.1 (metadata present 3rd party) - -##### Metadata - -```xml -3rd Party Company Name -``` - -##### UI - -"Certified By: 3rd Party Company Name" - -#### Example 5.2 (metadata present self Certified) - -##### Metadata - -```xml -Publisher Name -Publisher Name -``` - -##### UI - -"Self Certified By: Publisher Name" - -#### Example 5.3 (metadata missing) - -##### Metadata - -"" - -##### UI - -"Certified By: None provided" - -### Certifier Credential - -**Value**: Potentially linked textual data from metadata - -This data is pulled directly from the EPUB package metadata inside the -OPF file: -```xml - -``` - ->**Note**: This metadata could be a simple text string in which case you -would just display it, or it could be a URI to the certifier's -credential web page. - -If the metadata value is a URI, you could have some standard -certification logo which would be clickable and link to the certifier's -credential webpage. - -If you do not wish to have clickable links here, you may omit them as -long as you make the links available in the section [All Accessibility -Metadata](#all-accessibility-metadata), described below. - -If you are aware of a list of organizations who offer third-party -certification, a short list of certifier's logos could be cached and -displayed when appropriate. For example: - -#### Example 6.1 (Text) - -##### Metadata - -```xml -XYZ Certified -Accessible -``` - -##### UI - -"Certifier Credential: XYZ Certified Accessible" - -#### Example 6.2 (Generic 3rd party URL) - -##### Metadata - -```xml -ACME Inc. -https://3rd-party-certifier-credential.com -``` - -##### Metadata - -Certifier Credential - -> [ACME Inc. credential webpage](https://3rd-party-certifier-credential.com) - -> *(Clickable Image to the URI of the certifiers credential's webpage from metadata)* -> -> *alt-text "ACME Inc. credential webpage"* -> -> *(Image here of a checkmark inside a shield is just for reference feel free to choose your own image)* - ->**Note**: There may be an image that is associated with specific Certifier Credential image (ie. Mark/Stamp/Seal) which could be used here. If you would like to display this image, or any other, you would need to be coordinate this out of band with the certifier agency as it is not part of the metadata delivered with the book. - -**Or** - -Certifier's Credential: [ACME Inc. credential webpage](https://3rd-party-certifier-credential.com) - -> *(Clickable link to the URI to the certifiers credentials from metadata)* - -#### Example 6.3 (metadata missing) - -##### Metadata - -"" - -##### UI - -"Certifier Credential: None provided" - -### Certifier Report - -**Value**: Potentially linked textual data from metadata - -This data is pulled directly from the EPUB package metadata inside the -OPF file: - -```xml - -``` - -Ideally you would have a clickable link to the certification -accessibility report. - -If you do not wish to have clickable links here, you may omit them as -long as you make the links available in the section [All Accessibility -Metadata](#all-accessibility-metadata), described below. - -#### Example 7.1 (URL) - -##### Metadata - -```xml -ACME Inc. - -``` - -##### UI - -Certifier Report - -[ACME Inc. Report webpage](http://www.example.com/a11y/report/9780000000001) - -> *(Clickable Image to the URI of the report from metadata)* -> -> *alt-text "ACME Inc. Report webpage"* -> -> *(Image here of checkmark with clipboard is just for reference feel -> free to choose your own image)* - -**Or** - -Certifier Report: [ACME Inc. Accessibility Report](http://www.example.com/a11y/report/9780000000001) - -> *(Clickable link to the URI of the report from metadata)* - -#### Example 7.2 (metadata missing) - -##### Metadata - -"" - -##### UI - -Omit this section - -(Omit this section if the metadata is missing, as most of the time there -will be no report available.) - -### Hazards - -**Values**: flashing, motion simulation, sound, no flashing, no motion -simulation, no sound, none, or Unknown. - -This data is found in the EPUB package metadata inside the OPF file: - -```xml -none -``` - -Hazards are the only metadata which can be expressed as either positive -or negative statements, so metadata authors can confirm either the -presence of the hazard, such as "*flashing*", or the absence of the -hazard, "*noFlashingHazard*" and similarly for "*sound* / -*noSoundHazard*" and "*motion* / *noMotionSimulationHazard*". There -is also the metadata value "*none*", which covers all three categories -and corresponds to "*noFlashingHazard*", "*noSoundHazard*" and -"*noMotionSimulationHazard*". - ->**Note**: In the section "[All Accessibility -Metadata](#all-accessibility-metadata)" Hazards will be -displayed exactly how the publisher provided them so simplifying here -with using "none" can be an option instead of saying explicitly "no -Sound, no Flashing, no Motion Simulation" - -#### Example 8.1 (metadata present flashing) - -##### Metadata - -```xml -flashing -``` - -##### UI - -"Hazard: Flashing" - -(because "***flashing***" was found in `accessibilityHazard`) - -#### Example 8.2 (metadata present motionSimulation) - -##### Metadata - -```xml -motionSimulation -``` - -##### UI - -"Hazard: Motion Simulation" - -(because "***motionSimulation***" was found in `accessibilityHazard`) - -#### Example 8.3 (metadata present sound) - -##### Metadata - -```xml -sound -``` - -##### UI - -"Hazard: Sound" - -(because "***sound***" was found in `accessibilityHazard`) - -#### Example 8.4 (multiple hazards present) - -##### Metadata - -```xml -sound -motionSimulation -flashing -``` - -##### UI - -"Hazard: Sound, Motion Simulation, and Flashing" - -(because "***sound***", "***motionSimulation***" , -"***flashing***" and were all found in `accessibilityHazard`) - -#### Example 8.5 (metadata present none) - -##### Metadata - -```xml -none -``` - -##### UI - -Omit this section - -**Or** - -"Hazards: none provided" - -Nothing presented to the user because there are no hazards; since 99.9% -of EPUBs won't have any hazards, there is no need to report "Hazards: -No" for every EPUB. - -#### Example 8.6 (metadata present: `noFlashingHazard`, `noSoundHazard`, and `noSimulation`) - -##### Metadata - -```xml -noFlashingHazard -noSoundHazard -noMotionSimulationHazard -``` - -##### UI - -Omit this section - -**Or** - -"Hazards: none" - -**Or** - -"Hazards: No Flashing, No Sound, No Motion Simulation" - -#### Example 8.7 (metadata not present) - -##### Metadata - -"" - -##### UI - -"Hazards: None provided" - -We want to make the distinction here between No Hazards and missing -hazard metadata therefore for the missing metadata case we need to -inform the user we don't know about any hazards which may or maynot be -present. - ---- - -## All Accessibility Metadata - -**Value**: Link to complete list of all metadata fields - -Here are [all the possible accessibility metadata properties](https://www.w3.org/wiki/WebSchemas/Accessibility). - -This section can either be a separate page that is linked to or better -yet an HTML Summary/Details element that users can expand to get all the -accessibility metadata field elements. Here you would expose: -`accessibilityFeature`, `accessibilityHazard`, `accessMode`, -`accessModeSufficient`, as well as all the accessibility metadata and -conformance metadata listed above. - -#### Example 9.1 (all metadata fields present) - -##### Metadata - -```xml -alternativeText -longDescription -printPageNumbers -noSoundHazard -noMotionSimulationHazard -noFlashingHazard -visual -textual -visual -textual -visual,textual -ACME Certification -https://ACME-Certification.org/ - - - This publication includes mark-up to enable accessibility and compatibility with assistive technology. Images, audio, and video in the publication are well-described in conformance with WCAG 2.0 A. - -``` - -##### UI - -**Accessibility Features**: - -- alternativeText - -- longDescriptions - -- printPageNumbers - -**Accessibility Hazards**: - -- No Sound Hazard - -- No Motion Simulation Hazard - -- No Flashing Hazard - -**AccessMode**: - -- visual - -- textual - -**Access Mode Sufficient**: - -- visual - -- textual - -- visual, textual - -**Certified By**: - -ACME Certification - -**Certifier's Credential**: - -[https://ACME-Certification.org/](https://acme-certification.org/) - -**Conforms To**: - -[http://www.idpf.org/epub/a11y/accessibility-20170105.html#wcag-a](http://www.idpf.org/epub/a11y/accessibility-20170105.html#wcag-a) - -**Accessibility Summary**: - -This publication includes markup to enable accessibility and compatibility with assistive technology. Images, audio, and video in the publication are well-described in conformance with WCAG 2.0 A. - -#### Example 9.2 (all metadata fields missing) - -##### Metadata - -"" - -##### UI - -**Accessibility Features**: - -None provided - -**Accessibility Hazards**: - -None provided - -**AccessMode**: - -None provided - -**Access Mode Sufficient**: - -None provided - -**Certified By**: - -None provided - -**Certifier's Credential**: - -None provided - -**Conforms To**: - -None provided - -**Accessibility Summary**: - -None provided - ---- - -## ONIX Metadata - -> **Note**: -> ONIX does not have an exact 1:1 mapping with EPUB accessibility metadata so unfortunately not all of the accessibility metadata found in an EPUB exists in ONIX at the time of this publication. There are plans -to add this metadata to future versions of ONIX but no time frame has been announced. This [EPUB to ONIX crosswalk](http://www.a11ymetadata.org/the-specification/metadata-crosswalk/) outlines the current overlap in metadata which will get updated as these two specifications evolve. It is important to note that there were a number of new accessibility metadata codes added to ONIX 3 to support the Accessibility 1.0 specification. Which means that ONIX 2 has a limited number of accessibility metadata codes and is something not -covered in this document. - - -### ONIX feed examples - -#### ONIX feed describing an EPUB - -Here is an example of an ONIX feed (version 3.0), which will be used as a reference point for the following examples on EPUB accessibility metadata: the results of the XPath shown are based on this example. - -```xml - - -
- - 123456789 - 01 - - 03 - 9780000000000 - - - 15 - 9780000000000 - - - 00 - ED - E101 - - 09 - 00 - - This publication includes mark-up to enable accessibility and compatibility with assistive technology. Images, audio, and video in the publication are well-described in conformance with WCAG 2.0 A. - - - - 09 - 03 - - - 09 - 10 - - - 09 - 11 - - - 09 - 13 - - - 09 - 14 - - - 09 - 22 - - - 09 - 94 - http://www.example.com/a11y/report/9780000000001 - - 10 - 03 - - 04 - 02 - - ... - ... - ... - ... - - ... - ... - ... - ... - -
-``` - -#### ONIX feed describing an Audiobook Here is an example of an ONIX feed (version 3.0) for describing an audiobook. - -```xml - - -
- - 123456789 - 01 - - 03 - 0000000000000 - - - 00 - AO - 01 - ... - ... - ... - ... - ... - - ... - ... - ... - ... - -
-``` - -### Inaccessible - -The ONIX standard, unlike the Schema.org standard, provides a method to -indicate that a given title is inaccessible, which is described as -"Known to lack significant features required for broad accessibility." -This is indicated by using [List: -196](https://ns.editeur.org/onix/en/196); Code 09 within a -ProductFormFeatureValue element. - -*Vendors may omit all other accessibility metadata fields.* - -#### ONIX Example 10.1 - -##### Metadata - -An excerpt of ONIX indicating an -inaccessible product is: - -```xml - - 09 - 09 - -``` - -##### UI - -"Inaccessible" - -### Screen Reader Friendly - -Not available in ONIX - -### Audio Book - -This information can be retrieved from ONIX [code list 81](https://ns.editeur.org/onix/en/81); Code: 01: Audiobook. - -#### ONIX Example 11.1 - -##### XPath - -This field is true if the XPath returns at least one element for: - -```xml -//Product/DescriptiveDetail/PrimaryContentType[text()="01"] or -//Product/DescriptiveDetail/ProductContentType[text()="01"] -``` - -##### UI - -"Audiobook: Yes" - -### Accessibility Summary - -This information can be retrieved from ONIX [code list: -196](https://ns.editeur.org/onix/en/196); Code: 00: -Accessibility Summary. - -#### ONIX Example 12.1 - -##### XPath - -The value can be retrieved using XPath: - -```xml -//Product/DescriptiveDetail/ProductFormFeature[ProductFormFeatureType="09" and ProductFormFeatureValue="00"]/ProductFormFeatureDescription/text() -``` - -##### UI - -Accessibility Summary: - -This publication includes markup to enable accessibility and -compatibility with assistive technology. Images, audio, and video in the -publication are well-described in conformance with WCAG 2.0 A. - -### EPUB and WCAG Conformance Level Reached - -- For WCAG-A: [List: 196](https://ns.editeur.org/onix/en/196); Code: 02: Accessibility Specification 1.0 A -- For WCAG-AA: [List: 196](https://ns.editeur.org/onix/en/196); Code: 03: Accessibility Specification 1.0 AA -- For WCAG-AAA: Not available in ONIX. - -#### ONIX Example 13.1 - -##### XPath - -If the following XPath returns at least one result: - -```xml -//Product/DescriptiveDetail/ProductFormFeature[ProductFormFeatureType="09" -and ProductFormFeatureValue="02"] -``` - -##### UI - -"Accessibility Conformance: WCAG-A" - -#### ONIX Example 13.2 - -##### XPath - -If the following XPath returns at least one result: - -```xml -//Product/DescriptiveDetail/ProductFormFeature[ProductFormFeatureType="09" -and ProductFormFeatureValue="03"] returns at least one result -``` - -##### UI - -"Accessibility Conformance: WCAG-AA" - -### Certified By - -Not available in ONIX - -### Certifier Credential - -Not available in ONIX - -### Certifier Report - -[List: 196](https://ns.editeur.org/onix/en/196); Code: 94: -Compliance web page for detailed accessibility information - -**Or** - -If a publisher is self-certifying, Code: 96: Publisher's web page -for detailed accessibility information - -#### ONIX Example 14.1 - -##### XPath - -The value can be retrieve using XPath: - -```xml -//Product/DescriptiveDetail/ProductFormFeature[ProductFormFeatureType="09" and ProductFormFeatureValue="94"]/ProductFormFeatureDescription/text() -``` - -```xml -//Product/DescriptiveDetail/ProductFormFeature[ProductFormFeatureType="09" and ProductFormFeatureValue="96"]/ProductFormFeatureDescription/text() -``` - -##### UI - -Certifier Report - -[Report webpage](http://www.example.com/a11y/report/9780000000001) - -> *(Clickable Image to the URI of the report from metadata)* -> -> *alt-text "Report webpage"* -> -> *(Image here of checkmark with clipboard is just for reference feel -> free to choose your own image)* - -**Or** - -Certifier Report: *Accessibility Report* - -> *(Clickable link to the URI of the report from metadata)* - -### Hazards - -Not available in ONIX - -### All Accessibility Metadata - -For a complete list of [ONIX accessibility metadata refer to the crosswalk.](http://www.a11ymetadata.org/the-specification/metadata-crosswalk/) - ---- -## Acknowledgements - -### Editors -* Charles LaPierre -* Gregorio Pellegrino - -### Contributors -* Avneesh Singh -* Dave Cramer -* George Kerscher -* Jason White -* Madeleine Rothberg -* Rachel Comerford -* Rick Johnson - -### Reviewers -* Erin Kirchner-Lucas - - diff --git a/UX-Guide-Metadata/draft/original-docs/media/image1.png b/UX-Guide-Metadata/draft/original-docs/media/image1.png deleted file mode 100755 index d22c2113..00000000 Binary files a/UX-Guide-Metadata/draft/original-docs/media/image1.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/UX-Guide-Metadata/draft/original-docs/media/image2.png b/UX-Guide-Metadata/draft/original-docs/media/image2.png deleted file mode 100755 index bad5b1a9..00000000 Binary files a/UX-Guide-Metadata/draft/original-docs/media/image2.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/UX-Guide-Metadata/draft/original-docs/media/image3.png b/UX-Guide-Metadata/draft/original-docs/media/image3.png deleted file mode 100755 index 0fa7db3f..00000000 Binary files a/UX-Guide-Metadata/draft/original-docs/media/image3.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/UX-Guide-Metadata/draft/original-docs/media/image4.png b/UX-Guide-Metadata/draft/original-docs/media/image4.png deleted file mode 100755 index d350aef9..00000000 Binary files a/UX-Guide-Metadata/draft/original-docs/media/image4.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/UX-Guide-Metadata/draft/principles/README.md b/UX-Guide-Metadata/draft/principles/README.md index 603fa97a..1987751a 100644 --- a/UX-Guide-Metadata/draft/principles/README.md +++ b/UX-Guide-Metadata/draft/principles/README.md @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ - # User Experience Guide for Displaying Accessibility Metadata - [Current Working Draft](https://w3c.github.io/publ-a11y/UX-Guide-Metadata/draft/principles/) + # User Experience Guide for Displaying Accessibility Metadata 2.0 + [Current Editor's Draft](https://w3c.github.io/publ-a11y/UX-Guide-Metadata/draft/principles/) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/UX-Guide-Metadata/draft/principles/media/accessibility.svg b/UX-Guide-Metadata/draft/principles/media/accessibility.svg deleted file mode 100644 index 3bd8949c..00000000 --- a/UX-Guide-Metadata/draft/principles/media/accessibility.svg +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ - diff --git a/UX-Guide-Metadata/draft/principles/media/image1.png b/UX-Guide-Metadata/draft/principles/media/image1.png deleted file mode 100644 index ebe5996c..00000000 Binary files a/UX-Guide-Metadata/draft/principles/media/image1.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/UX-Guide-Metadata/draft/principles/media/image5.png b/UX-Guide-Metadata/draft/principles/media/image5.png deleted file mode 100644 index 823901b1..00000000 Binary files a/UX-Guide-Metadata/draft/principles/media/image5.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/UX-Guide-Metadata/draft/techniques/README.md b/UX-Guide-Metadata/draft/techniques/README.md index 05ed956b..afbfb40f 100644 --- a/UX-Guide-Metadata/draft/techniques/README.md +++ b/UX-Guide-Metadata/draft/techniques/README.md @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ - # Display Techniques for Displaying Accessibility Metadata -- [Display Techniques for EPUB Accessibility Metadata](https://w3c.github.io/publ-a11y/UX-Guide-Metadata/draft/techniques/epub-metadata/) -- [Display Techniques for ONIX Accessibility Metadata](https://w3c.github.io/publ-a11y/UX-Guide-Metadata/draft/techniques/onix-metadata/) +# Display Techniques for Displaying Accessibility Metadata 2.0 +- [Editor's Draft for Display Techniques for EPUB Accessibility Metadata](https://w3c.github.io/publ-a11y/UX-Guide-Metadata/draft/techniques/epub-metadata/) +- [Editor's Draft for Display Techniques for ONIX Accessibility Metadata](https://w3c.github.io/publ-a11y/UX-Guide-Metadata/draft/techniques/onix-metadata/) diff --git a/UX-Guide-Metadata/draft/techniques/media/image1.png b/UX-Guide-Metadata/draft/techniques/media/image1.png deleted file mode 100644 index ebe5996c..00000000 Binary files a/UX-Guide-Metadata/draft/techniques/media/image1.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/UX-Guide-Metadata/draft/techniques/media/image2.svg b/UX-Guide-Metadata/draft/techniques/media/image2.svg deleted file mode 100644 index 1fbea3ad..00000000 --- a/UX-Guide-Metadata/draft/techniques/media/image2.svg +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ - - - - Layer 1 - - - - - - \ No newline at end of file