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File metadata and controls

123 lines (95 loc) · 5.58 KB


This is a Gatsby plugin that enables you to internationalize the urls of your website.

  • Support the BCP47 tags for identifying languages
  • Defines a non canonical duplicate page for the main index pages
    • This is done at all level of your arborescence
    • The canonical link in the header is injected to signal the search engines crawlers register the right address
  • Include the locale tag in the path of untranslated pages with the default language
  • Configurable default language
  • Translation of the slugs

What it does

It injects the locale code of your pages in the base path of the URL, your tree will look like that:**/en**/hello**/en-US**/hello**/fr**/hello deliver the same content as the default language

  • You have to provide the language in the path of the pages like /this/is/ for the french version.
  • The paths are translated in the language of the page using the translations files you edit, see the locale.[lang].json section.


    resolve: `gatsby-plugin-intl-url`,
    options: {
        defaultLanguage: 'fr',
        translationFile: 'src/locale.json'
  • defaultLanguage optional: the default language chosen by the plugin if the language code is missing from your path. Defaults to en
  • translationFile optional: the path to your path translation json file, defaults to src/locale.json


  • The plugin takes as input all the pages of the project
    Nb: The pages might have been tranformed before with a markup transformer like gatsby-transformer-remark
  • The language code of each page by extracted from the path: /path/to/my/file.html.en provides the en code.
    • If the pattern does not maches, the page will be treated as written in the default language.
    • If the page file name is index, the path will stop at the folder level
  • As output, it transforms the path of the pages and inject context variables as the next table describes
Path New path context.locale context.canonical context.slug context.pathRegex
/a/ /fr/a/b fr null /a/b /a/b/
/a.html /en/a.html en (default) null /a.html /a.html/
/ /es/a.html es null /a.html /a.html/
/ /no no null / //
/index.en / and /en en (default) en and null / //
  • Each item of the path is translated using the translation file Ex: /my/path.html is exploded as ['my','path.html'], and every string of this array will be translated in french using src/locale.json file

Context property injection

After handled by the plugin, the page's context have been injected with the following properties:

  • locale: The language tag indentifying the language of the page.
  • canonical: The canonical link to the page, if the current one has not the canonical path itself, null otherwise. This is usefull to indicate the search engines which link should be registered for the index pages.
  • slug: This is the relative path of your page without any indication of the language. It should be written in the default language so that you can translate it (feature not implemented yet).
  • pathRegex: A regular expression containing your the slug for you to filter easily in GraphQL.

Paths translation file

This file must be structured as follows:

    "fr": {
        "slugs": {
            "boats": "bateaux",
            "mono-hull": "mono-coque",
            "multi-hull": "multi-coque",
            "sailboat": "voilier",
            "motorboat": "bateau-a-moteur",

This file would enable to translate the following paths:

Path Translated
/boats/motorboat /bateaux/bateau-a-moteur
/boats/sailboat/mono-hull /bateaux/voilier/mono-coque
/boats/sailboat/multi-hull /bateaux/voilier/multi-coque

Handling the index pages

A website will have an index page translated in several languages availables at their specific URLs. for instance,, If the default language is norwegian, the main home page should be translated in norwegian, which means the URL should deliver the same content as

To handle this case, the plugin will general two pages with two different URLs, one will be the preferred one ie. the canonical, and the other the non canonical.
As of today, this choice isn't configurable and it behaves like so:


Please help me improve this project, feel free to ask, suggest or send your pull requests. You can directly contact me on Twitter.