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Typically, pen plotted art is very methodical and full of very percise patterns. The most common kind of pen plotting machine is the XY pen plotter, which draws onto a piece of paper with some kind of pen\u002Fmarker\u002Fbrush. Gcode instructions are used to guide the plotter to the proper positions on the paper. 3D extruder-based printers also operate in a similar way but in an additional (Z) dimension. Could you convert one to a XY pen plotter? \n",readingTime:e,mediaPath:"post-res\u002Fpen_plot\u002Fpen_plot_thumb.png",author:a,tags:[c,g],art_credit:a},{title:"Pseudo-LIDAR Projection via Depth Maps",slug:"pseudo_lidar",created:"Thu, 18 Apr 2024 19:45:28 GMT",excerpt:"In many navigation and layout applications, there is a need for spatial data. Historically, this meant that most hardware choices were radio frequency based - mainly LiDAR or RADAR.\n",readingTime:e,mediaPath:"post-res\u002Fpseudo_lidar\u002Fpseudo_lidar_thumb.png",author:a,tags:[f],art_credit:a},{title:"SiamMask ONNX Export Journey",slug:"siammask_onnx_export",created:"Mon, 11 Sep 2023 10:20:28 GMT",excerpt:"During my masters thesis, I worked on different multiple object tracking (MOT) methods. There is another type of tracking method, single object tracking (SOT), that I always was interested in but never got the chance to try. One such SOT method is called SiamMask, and this blog post will go over how I exported this network to ONNX.\n",readingTime:"6 min read",mediaPath:"post-res\u002Fsiammask_onnx_export\u002Fsiammask_onnx_export_thumb.mp4",author:a,tags:[b],art_credit:a},{title:"Food Blog",slug:"food",created:"Fri, 21 Jul 2023 19:45:28 GMT",excerpt:"I have been cooking different things for a while, and everytime I tell people this, they always ask a version of "have you cooked something interesting lately"? This is where I fumble through my phone, trying to look for something to show them. They typically lose interest by the time I'm showing them a cake I baked 3 months ago. Maybe this new food blog can help and allow me to organize this hobby in a way I wanted it to be for a long time.\n",readingTime:d,mediaPath:"post-res\u002Ffood\u002Ffood_thumb.png",author:a,tags:[c,g],art_credit:a},{title:"Masters Thesis Deliverables",slug:"graduate_works",created:"Thu, 11 May 2023 19:45:28 GMT",excerpt:"In one of my previous blog posts, I stated that I had sucessfully completed my masters thesis and would post more about what I did. Well, its been overdue but here are the two main papers to come out during my time in the program. \n",readingTime:d,mediaPath:"post-res\u002Fgraduate_works\u002Fgraduate_works_thumb.png",author:a,tags:[b],art_credit:a},{title:"Journey with Qualcomm SNPE on Android",slug:"snpe_android_1",created:"Wed, 11 Jan 2023 19:45:28 GMT",excerpt:"For the past couple of weeks, I've been working on a project that would mimic the behavior of Apple's "CenterStage". As a part of that project, I wanted to explore how neural networks were deployed, accelerated, and utilized on smartphone devices.\n",readingTime:"16 min read",mediaPath:"post-res\u002Fsnpe_android_1\u002Fsnpe_android_1_thumb.png",author:a,tags:[b],art_credit:a},{title:"Revisiting EmojiCam",slug:"emojicamv2",created:"Tue, 20 Dec 2022 20:50:28 GMT",excerpt:"In this blog post, I revisit my EmojiCam project and try to rectify some of the major pitfalls the original algorithm had. This rectified version of EmojiCam includes multiscale emojis and better emoji color calibration.\n",readingTime:h,mediaPath:"post-res\u002Femojicamv2\u002Femojicamv2_thumb.png",author:a,tags:["image processing ",i],art_credit:"Stable Diffusion (Huggingface)"},{title:"Graduate School",slug:"masters_thesis_journey",created:"Tue, 20 Dec 2022 19:45:28 GMT",excerpt:"I know I have not posted anything since February of this year. There are a lot of reasons for that, but the biggest reason is I was in the middle of finishing my Masters Thesis. It was one of the most academically challenging things I have done in a while, and I am pretty happy with the results. I will be uploading and writing about some of the results in their own respective articles when the time comes.\n",readingTime:d,mediaPath:"post-res\u002Fmasters_thesis_journey\u002Fmasters_thesis_journey_thumb.png",author:a,tags:[b],art_credit:"Stable Diffusion (Huggingface), Vijay Rajagopal"},{title:"Effects of Multiheaded Self-Attention on YOLOv3",slug:"yolov3msa",created:"Mon, 25 Apr 2022 19:45:28 GMT",excerpt:"\n\nFor my graduate Deep Learning (DL) class, we had a final project assignment that tasked us to conduct novel experiments on a DL area. I decided to implement a MSA module to a common, generic, fast object detector called YOLOv3. We see improvements in classification but significant decrease in localization performance for most network configurations.\n",readingTime:"12 min read",mediaPath:"post-res\u002Fyolov3msa\u002Fyolov3msa_thumb.png",author:a,tags:["machine learning ",i],art_credit:"DALL-E"},{title:"EmojiCam 😒🤫🥳",slug:"emojicam",created:"Sat, 12 Feb 2022 12:15:49 GMT",excerpt:"This project was done for fun and was done within 24-hours. EmojiCam takes in a RGB frame and creates a frame with emojis replacing pixels. It runs in real-time and has a very simple image processing pipeline.\n",readingTime:e,mediaPath:"post-res\u002Femojicam\u002Femojicam_thumb.mp4",author:a,tags:[f],art_credit:a},{title:"postAR (Projecting Digital Media)",slug:"postar",created:"Sat, 06 Nov 2021 19:45:28 GMT",excerpt:"Posters! Everyone loves them. They express who you are and what you like. But, instead of tons of physical posters, you can immersive your whole room in a new world of digital content with AR. This blog post will redirect to the official GitHub page for more information\n",readingTime:d,mediaPath:"post-res\u002Fpostar\u002Fpostar_thumb.mp4",author:a,tags:[f],art_credit:a},{title:"Effects of Degradation on Face Detectors",slug:"eureca_face",created:"Fri, 14 May 2021 12:15:49 GMT",excerpt:"This project was done to complete one of my breadth requirements for the Tickle Engineering Honors program. The contents of the project were presented at the 2021 EUReCA Symposium as a poster. To keep proper context, the project was completed within less than a month and is a continuation of adjacent, prior works regarding image degradation and Convolutional Neural Networks.\n",readingTime:h,mediaPath:"post-res\u002Feureca_face\u002Feureca_face_thumb.png",author:a,tags:[b],art_credit:a},{title:"Image Filters (Thread)",slug:"image-filters",created:"Fri, 25 Sep 2020 19:45:28 GMT",excerpt:"I believe the type of image filters that the majority of public knows of started with the popularization of the social media service, Instagram. With the genesis of Instagram, being able to edit on the fly with aesthetic-satisfying results was imperative for a new type of photo-centric social network. Additionally, Snapchat Lens and its interactivity allowed a new wave of interesting image filters that incorporated 3D meshes and AR. \n",readingTime:"2 min read",mediaPath:"post-res\u002Fimage-filters\u002Fimage-filters_thumb.png",author:a,tags:[c],art_credit:"Maisa Munawara"},{title:"Bling Filter",slug:"image-filters-bling",created:j,excerpt:k,readingTime:"11 min read",mediaPath:"post-res\u002Fimage-filters-bling\u002Fimage-filters-bling_thumb.mp4",author:a,tags:[c,l],art_credit:a},{title:"Video Corruption Filter",slug:"image-filters-corrupt",created:j,excerpt:k,readingTime:"14 min read",mediaPath:"post-res\u002Fimage-filters-corrupt\u002Fimage-filters-corrupt_thumb.mp4",author:a,tags:[c,l],art_credit:a}]}}("Vijay Rajagopal","machine learning","art","1 min read","5 min read","image processing","other","7 min read"," wip","Sun, 28 Feb 1999 19:45:28 GMT","","topic"))]};if('serviceWorker' in navigator)navigator.serviceWorker.register('/service-worker.js');var s=document.createElement("script");try{new Function("if(0)import('')")();s.src="/client/client.4da8ec3a.js";s.type="module";s.crossOrigin="use-credentials";}catch(e){s.src="/client/[email protected]";s.setAttribute("data-main","/client/client.4da8ec3a.js")}document.head.appendChild(s)</script>