deleted file mode 100644
index cecdfcd..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-# How to contribute
-## Before you get started
-- Sign the CLA
-- Read and observe our [Code of Conduct](https://github.com/pingcap/community/blob/master/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md)
-## What you can contribute
-Anything! You can help by:
-- writing user document about how to use this framework
-- triaging issues
-- submitting new test cases
-- fixing bugs of this test framework
-- adding features that mysql test has but this implement does not
-- ...
-## How to contact to the community
-Join us in the [tidbcommunity](https://join.slack.com/t/tidbcommunity/shared_invite/enQtNzc0MzI4ODExMDc4LWYwYmIzMjZkYzJiNDUxMmZlN2FiMGJkZjAyMzQ5NGU0NGY0NzI3NTYwMjAyNGQ1N2I2ZjAxNzc1OGUwYWM0NzE) slack workspace.
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 26cff06..0ac8249 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ The `vt` binary encapsulates several utility tools for Vitess, providing a compr
 ## Tools Included
 - **`vt test`**: A testing utility using the same test files as the [MySQL Test Framework](https://github.com/mysql/mysql-server/tree/8.0/mysql-test). It compares the results of identical queries executed on both MySQL and Vitess (vtgate), helping to ensure compatibility.
 - **`vt keys`**: A utility that analyzes query logs and provides information about queries, tables, joins, and column usage.
+- **`vt transactions`**: A tool that analyzes query logs to identify transaction patterns and outputs a JSON report detailing these patterns.
 - **`vt trace`**: A tool that generates execution traces for queries without comparing against MySQL. It helps analyze query behavior and performance in Vitess environments.
 - **`vt summarize`**: A tool used to summarize or compare trace logs or key logs for easier human consumption.
@@ -116,6 +117,11 @@ This command generates a `keys-log.json` file that contains a detailed analysis
    This command summarizes the key analysis, providing insight into which tables and columns are used across queries, and how frequently they are involved in filters, groupings, and joins.  
    [Here](https://github.com/vitessio/vt/blob/main/go/summarize/testdata/keys-summary.md) is an example summary report.
+## Transaction Analysis with vt transactions
+The `vt transactions` command is designed to analyze query logs and identify patterns of transactional queries. 
+It processes the logs to find sequences of queries that form transactions and outputs a JSON report summarizing these patterns.
+Read more about how to use and how to read the output in the [vt transactions documentation](./go/transactions/README.md).
 ## Using `--backup-path` Flag
 The `--backup-path` flag allows `vt test` and `vt trace` to initialize tests from a database backup rather than an empty database.
@@ -136,7 +142,13 @@ We welcome contributions in the following areas:
 - Fixing bugs in the test framework
 - Adding features from the MySQL test framework that are missing in this implementation
-For more details, see our [CONTRIBUTING.md](./CONTRIBUTING.md).
+After cloning the repo, make sure to run
+make install-hooks
+to install the pre-commit hooks.
 ## License
diff --git a/go/cmd/root.go b/go/cmd/root.go
index 0ae76cd..8fd08ca 100644
--- a/go/cmd/root.go
+++ b/go/cmd/root.go
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ func Execute() {
+	root.AddCommand(transactionsCmd())
 	err := root.Execute()
 	if err != nil {
diff --git a/go/cmd/transactions.go b/go/cmd/transactions.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b3aa62d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/go/cmd/transactions.go
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+Copyright 2024 The Vitess Authors.
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+limitations under the License.
+package cmd
+import (
+	"github.com/spf13/cobra"
+	"github.com/vitessio/vt/go/transactions"
+func transactionsCmd() *cobra.Command {
+	var inputType string
+	cmd := &cobra.Command{
+		Use:     "transactions ",
+		Aliases: []string{"txs"},
+		Short:   "Analyze transactions on a query log",
+		Example: "vt transactions file.log",
+		Args:    cobra.ExactArgs(1),
+		RunE: func(_ *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
+			cfg := transactions.Config{
+				FileName: args[0],
+			}
+			loader, err := configureLoader(inputType, false)
+			if err != nil {
+				return err
+			}
+			cfg.Loader = loader
+			transactions.Run(cfg)
+			return nil
+		},
+	}
+	addInputTypeFlag(cmd, &inputType)
+	return cmd
diff --git a/go/data/query.go b/go/data/query.go
index 81e0fcc..c0717c0 100644
--- a/go/data/query.go
+++ b/go/data/query.go
@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ type (
 		UsageCount int
 		// These fields are only set if the log file is a slow query log
+		ConnectionID           int
 		QueryTime, LockTime    float64
 		RowsSent, RowsExamined int
 		Timestamp              int64
@@ -79,7 +80,7 @@ func ForeachSQLQuery(loader IteratorLoader, f func(Query) error) error {
 			return fmt.Errorf("unknown command type: %s", query.Type)
 		case Comment, CommentWithCommand, EmptyLine, WaitForAuthoritative, SkipIfBelowVersion:
 			// no-op for keys
-		case QueryT:
+		case SQLQuery:
 			if skip {
 				skip = false
@@ -106,7 +107,7 @@ func (q *Query) getQueryType(qu string) error {
 		if q.Type != CommentWithCommand {
 			// A query that will sent to vitess
 			q.Query = qu
-			q.Type = QueryT
+			q.Type = SQLQuery
 		} else {
 			log.WithFields(log.Fields{"line": q.Line, "command": q.FirstWord, "arguments": q.Query}).Error("invalid command")
 			return fmt.Errorf("invalid command %s", q.FirstWord)
diff --git a/go/data/query_log_parse.go b/go/data/query_log_parse.go
index 6042687..eddab64 100644
--- a/go/data/query_log_parse.go
+++ b/go/data/query_log_parse.go
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ import (
+	"strconv"
@@ -41,8 +42,9 @@ type (
 	mysqlLogReaderState struct {
-		prevQuery  string
-		queryStart int
+		prevQuery        string
+		queryStart       int
+		prevConnectionID int
@@ -98,6 +100,12 @@ func (s *mysqlLogReaderState) Next() (Query, bool) {
 		if matches[3] == "Query" {
 			s.prevQuery = matches[4]
 			s.queryStart = s.lineNumber
+			connID, err := strconv.Atoi(matches[2])
+			if err != nil {
+				s.err = fmt.Errorf("invalid connection id at line %d: %w", s.lineNumber, err)
+				return Query{}, false
+			}
+			s.prevConnectionID = connID
 	s.closed = true
@@ -137,26 +145,36 @@ func (s *logReaderState) readLine() (string, bool, error) {
 func (s *mysqlLogReaderState) finalizeQuery() Query {
 	query := Query{
-		Query: s.prevQuery,
-		Line:  s.queryStart,
-		Type:  QueryT,
+		Query:        s.prevQuery,
+		Line:         s.queryStart,
+		Type:         SQLQuery,
+		ConnectionID: s.prevConnectionID,
 	s.prevQuery = ""
+	s.prevConnectionID = 0
 	return query
 func (s *mysqlLogReaderState) processQuery(matches []string) Query {
 	query := Query{
-		Query: s.prevQuery,
-		Line:  s.queryStart,
-		Type:  QueryT,
+		Query:        s.prevQuery,
+		Line:         s.queryStart,
+		Type:         SQLQuery,
+		ConnectionID: s.prevConnectionID,
 	s.prevQuery = ""
+	s.prevConnectionID = 0
 	// If the new line is a query, store it for next iteration
 	if matches[3] == "Query" {
 		s.prevQuery = matches[4]
 		s.queryStart = s.lineNumber
+		connID, err := strconv.Atoi(matches[2])
+		if err != nil {
+			s.err = fmt.Errorf("invalid connection id at line %d: %w", s.lineNumber, err)
+			return Query{}
+		}
+		s.prevConnectionID = connID
 	return query
diff --git a/go/data/query_log_parse_test.go b/go/data/query_log_parse_test.go
index d0eaf5d..22a7f32 100644
--- a/go/data/query_log_parse_test.go
+++ b/go/data/query_log_parse_test.go
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ package data
 import (
+	"github.com/stretchr/testify/assert"
@@ -26,6 +27,9 @@ func TestParseMySQLQueryLog(t *testing.T) {
 	loader := MySQLLogLoader{}.Load("../testdata/mysql.query.log")
 	gotQueries, err := makeSlice(loader)
 	require.NoError(t, err)
+	for _, query := range gotQueries {
+		assert.NotZero(t, query.ConnectionID, query.Query)
+	}
 	require.Equal(t, 1517, len(gotQueries), "expected 1517 queries") //nolint:testifylint // too many elements for the output to be readable
@@ -35,13 +39,15 @@ func TestSmallSnippet(t *testing.T) {
 	require.NoError(t, err)
 	expected := []Query{
-			Query: "SET GLOBAL log_output = 'FILE'",
-			Line:  4,
-			Type:  QueryT,
+			Query:        "SET GLOBAL log_output = 'FILE'",
+			Line:         4,
+			Type:         SQLQuery,
+			ConnectionID: 32,
 		}, {
-			Query: "show databases",
-			Line:  5,
-			Type:  QueryT,
+			Query:        "show databases",
+			Line:         5,
+			Type:         SQLQuery,
+			ConnectionID: 32,
 		}, {
 			Query: `UPDATE _vt.schema_migrations
@@ -67,8 +73,9 @@ WHERE
         AND retries=0
 LIMIT 1`,
-			Line: 6,
-			Type: QueryT,
+			Line:         6,
+			Type:         SQLQuery,
+			ConnectionID: 24,
diff --git a/go/data/slow_query_log_loader.go b/go/data/slow_query_log_loader.go
index 4e533c5..5ad3882 100644
--- a/go/data/slow_query_log_loader.go
+++ b/go/data/slow_query_log_loader.go
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ func (s *slowQueryLogReaderState) processLine(line string, state *lineProcessorS
 func (s *slowQueryLogReaderState) processCommentLine(line string, state *lineProcessorState) (bool, error) {
-	if strings.HasPrefix(line, "# Query_time:") {
+	if strings.HasPrefix(line, "# Query_time:") || strings.HasPrefix(line, "# User@Host:") {
 		if err := parseQueryMetrics(line, &state.currentQuery); err != nil {
 			return false, err
@@ -190,17 +190,16 @@ func parseQueryMetrics(line string, q *Query) error {
 	for i < len(fields) {
 		field := fields[i]
 		if !strings.HasSuffix(field, ":") {
-			return fmt.Errorf("unexpected field format '%s'", field)
+			i++
+			continue
-		// Remove the trailing colon to get the key
 		key := strings.TrimSuffix(field, ":")
 		if i+1 >= len(fields) {
 			return fmt.Errorf("missing value for key '%s'", key)
 		value := fields[i+1]
-		// Assign to Query struct based on key
 		switch key {
 		case "Query_time":
 			fval, err := strconv.ParseFloat(value, 64)
@@ -214,6 +213,12 @@ func parseQueryMetrics(line string, q *Query) error {
 				return fmt.Errorf("invalid Lock_time value '%s'", value)
 			q.LockTime = fval
+		case "Id":
+			ival, err := strconv.Atoi(value)
+			if err != nil {
+				return fmt.Errorf("invalid connection id value '%s'", value)
+			}
+			q.ConnectionID = ival
 		case "Rows_sent":
 			ival, err := strconv.Atoi(value)
 			if err != nil {
@@ -227,7 +232,7 @@ func parseQueryMetrics(line string, q *Query) error {
 			q.RowsExamined = ival
-		i += 2 // Move to the next key-value pair
+		i += 2
 	return nil
@@ -285,6 +290,7 @@ func parseQuery(rs Query) (*Query, error) {
 		RowsSent:     rs.RowsSent,
 		RowsExamined: rs.RowsExamined,
 		Timestamp:    rs.Timestamp,
+		ConnectionID: rs.ConnectionID,
 	if len(s) < 3 {
diff --git a/go/data/slow_query_log_loader_test.go b/go/data/slow_query_log_loader_test.go
index 32de1b0..ac018a8 100644
--- a/go/data/slow_query_log_loader_test.go
+++ b/go/data/slow_query_log_loader_test.go
@@ -28,21 +28,23 @@ func TestLoadSlowQueryLogWithMetadata(t *testing.T) {
 	require.NoError(t, err)
 	expected := []Query{
-		{FirstWord: "/bin/mysqld,", Query: "/bin/mysqld, Version: 8.0.26 (Source distribution). started with:\nTcp port: 3306  Unix socket: /tmp/mysql.sock\nTime                 Id Command    Argument\nuse testdb;", Line: 1, Type: 0, QueryTime: 0.000153, LockTime: 6.3e-05, RowsSent: 1, RowsExamined: 1, Timestamp: 0},
+		{FirstWord: "/bin/mysqld,", Query: "/bin/mysqld, Version: 8.0.26 (Source distribution). started with:\nTcp port: 3306  Unix socket: /tmp/mysql.sock\nTime                 Id Command    Argument\nuse testdb;", Line: 1, Type: 0, QueryTime: 0.000153, LockTime: 6.3e-05, RowsSent: 1, RowsExamined: 1, Timestamp: 0, ConnectionID: 780496},
 		{FirstWord: "SET", Query: "SET timestamp=1690891201;", Line: 8},
 		{FirstWord: "select", Query: "select m1_0.id, m1_0.name, m1_0.value, m1_0.date from items m1_0 where m1_0.id=2343274;", Line: 9},
-		{FirstWord: "FLUSH", Query: "FLUSH SLOW LOGS;", Line: 19, QueryTime: 0.005047, LockTime: 0, RowsSent: 0, RowsExamined: 0, Timestamp: 1690891201},
-		{FirstWord: "select", Query: "select m1_0.id, m1_0.name, m1_0.value, m1_0.date from items m1_0 where m1_0.id=2343272;", Line: 24, QueryTime: 0.000162, LockTime: 6.7e-05, RowsSent: 1, RowsExamined: 1, Timestamp: 1690891201},
-		{FirstWord: "select", Query: "select s1_0.id, s1_0.code, s1_0.token, s1_0.date from stores s1_0 where s1_0.id=11393;", Line: 29, QueryTime: 0.000583, LockTime: 0.000322, RowsSent: 1, RowsExamined: 1, Timestamp: 1690891201},
-		{FirstWord: "select", Query: "select m1_0.id, m1_0.name, m1_0.value, m1_0.date from items m1_0 where m1_0.id=2343265;", Line: 34, QueryTime: 0.000148, LockTime: 6.2e-05, RowsSent: 1, RowsExamined: 1, Timestamp: 1690891201},
-		{FirstWord: "select", Query: "select m1_0.id, m1_0.name, m1_0.value, m1_0.date from items m1_0 where m1_0.id=2343188;", Line: 39, QueryTime: 0.000159, LockTime: 6.5e-05, RowsSent: 1, RowsExamined: 1, Timestamp: 1690891201},
-		{FirstWord: "select", Query: "select m1_0.id, m1_0.name, m1_0.value, m1_0.date from items m1_0 where m1_0.id=2343180;", Line: 44, QueryTime: 0.000152, LockTime: 6.3e-05, RowsSent: 1, RowsExamined: 1, Timestamp: 1690891201},
-		{FirstWord: "select", Query: "select m1_0.id, m1_0.name, m1_0.value, m1_0.date from items m1_0 where m1_0.id=2343011;", Line: 49, QueryTime: 0.000149, LockTime: 6.1e-05, RowsSent: 666, RowsExamined: 1, Timestamp: 1690891201},
-		{FirstWord: "select", Query: "select m1_0.id, m1_0.name, m1_0.value, m1_0.date from items m1_0 where m1_0.id=2342469;", Line: 54, QueryTime: 0.000153, LockTime: 6.2e-05, RowsSent: 1, RowsExamined: 1, Timestamp: 1690891201},
-		{FirstWord: "select", Query: "select m1_0.id, m1_0.name, m1_0.value, m1_0.date from items m1_0 where m1_0.id=2342465;", Line: 59, QueryTime: 0.000151, LockTime: 6.2e-05, RowsSent: 1, RowsExamined: 1, Timestamp: 1690891201},
-		{FirstWord: "select", Query: "select m1_0.id, m1_0.name, m1_0.value, m1_0.date from items m1_0 where m1_0.id=2342439;", Line: 64, QueryTime: 0.000148, LockTime: 6.1e-05, RowsSent: 1, RowsExamined: 731, Timestamp: 1690891201},
-		{FirstWord: "select", Query: "select m1_0.id, m1_0.name, m1_0.value, m1_0.date from items m1_0 where m1_0.id=2342389;", Line: 69, QueryTime: 0.000163, LockTime: 6.7e-05, RowsSent: 1, RowsExamined: 1, Timestamp: 1690891201},
+		{FirstWord: "FLUSH", Query: "FLUSH SLOW LOGS;", Line: 19, QueryTime: 0.005047, LockTime: 0, RowsSent: 0, RowsExamined: 0, Timestamp: 1690891201, ConnectionID: 341291},
+		{FirstWord: "select", Query: "select m1_0.id, m1_0.name, m1_0.value, m1_0.date from items m1_0 where m1_0.id=2343272;", Line: 24, QueryTime: 0.000162, LockTime: 6.7e-05, RowsSent: 1, RowsExamined: 1, Timestamp: 1690891201, ConnectionID: 780496},
+		{FirstWord: "select", Query: "select s1_0.id, s1_0.code, s1_0.token, s1_0.date from stores s1_0 where s1_0.id=11393;", Line: 29, QueryTime: 0.000583, LockTime: 0.000322, RowsSent: 1, RowsExamined: 1, Timestamp: 1690891201, ConnectionID: 780506},
+		{FirstWord: "select", Query: "select m1_0.id, m1_0.name, m1_0.value, m1_0.date from items m1_0 where m1_0.id=2343265;", Line: 34, QueryTime: 0.000148, LockTime: 6.2e-05, RowsSent: 1, RowsExamined: 1, Timestamp: 1690891201, ConnectionID: 780496},
+		{FirstWord: "select", Query: "select m1_0.id, m1_0.name, m1_0.value, m1_0.date from items m1_0 where m1_0.id=2343188;", Line: 39, QueryTime: 0.000159, LockTime: 6.5e-05, RowsSent: 1, RowsExamined: 1, Timestamp: 1690891201, ConnectionID: 780496},
+		{FirstWord: "select", Query: "select m1_0.id, m1_0.name, m1_0.value, m1_0.date from items m1_0 where m1_0.id=2343180;", Line: 44, QueryTime: 0.000152, LockTime: 6.3e-05, RowsSent: 1, RowsExamined: 1, Timestamp: 1690891201, ConnectionID: 780496},
+		{FirstWord: "select", Query: "select m1_0.id, m1_0.name, m1_0.value, m1_0.date from items m1_0 where m1_0.id=2343011;", Line: 49, QueryTime: 0.000149, LockTime: 6.1e-05, RowsSent: 666, RowsExamined: 1, Timestamp: 1690891201, ConnectionID: 780496},
+		{FirstWord: "select", Query: "select m1_0.id, m1_0.name, m1_0.value, m1_0.date from items m1_0 where m1_0.id=2342469;", Line: 54, QueryTime: 0.000153, LockTime: 6.2e-05, RowsSent: 1, RowsExamined: 1, Timestamp: 1690891201, ConnectionID: 780496},
+		{FirstWord: "select", Query: "select m1_0.id, m1_0.name, m1_0.value, m1_0.date from items m1_0 where m1_0.id=2342465;", Line: 59, QueryTime: 0.000151, LockTime: 6.2e-05, RowsSent: 1, RowsExamined: 1, Timestamp: 1690891201, ConnectionID: 780496},
+		{FirstWord: "select", Query: "select m1_0.id, m1_0.name, m1_0.value, m1_0.date from items m1_0 where m1_0.id=2342439;", Line: 64, QueryTime: 0.000148, LockTime: 6.1e-05, RowsSent: 1, RowsExamined: 731, Timestamp: 1690891201, ConnectionID: 780496},
+		{FirstWord: "select", Query: "select m1_0.id, m1_0.name, m1_0.value, m1_0.date from items m1_0 where m1_0.id=2342389;", Line: 69, QueryTime: 0.000163, LockTime: 6.7e-05, RowsSent: 1, RowsExamined: 1, Timestamp: 1690891201, ConnectionID: 780496},
+	}
+	for i, expectedQuery := range expected {
+		query := queries[i]
+		require.Equal(t, expectedQuery, query, "Unexpected query at index %d", i)
-	require.Equal(t, expected, queries)
diff --git a/go/data/typ.go b/go/data/typ.go
index f5964e6..ae44b47 100644
--- a/go/data/typ.go
+++ b/go/data/typ.go
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ import "strings"
 type CmdType int
 const (
-	QueryT CmdType = iota
+	SQLQuery CmdType = iota
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ const (
 var commandMap = map[string]CmdType{ //nolint:gochecknoglobals // this is instead of a const
-	"query":                 QueryT,
+	"query":                 SQLQuery,
 	"error":                 Error,
 	"skip":                  Skip,
 	"skip_if_below_version": SkipIfBelowVersion,
diff --git a/go/data/vtgate_log_parse.go b/go/data/vtgate_log_parse.go
index 92f2881..27b4e0c 100644
--- a/go/data/vtgate_log_parse.go
+++ b/go/data/vtgate_log_parse.go
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ import (
+	"hash/fnv"
@@ -42,11 +43,14 @@ type (
 	vtgateLogReaderState struct {
 		NeedsBindVars bool
+		uuidReg       *regexp.Regexp
 func (vll VtGateLogLoader) Load(fileName string) IteratorLoader {
-	reg := regexp.MustCompile(`\t"([^"]+)"\t(\{(?:[^{}]|(?:\{[^{}]*\}))*\}|"[^"]+")`)
+	reg := regexp.MustCompile(`\t"([^"]+)"\t(\{(?:[^{}]|\{[^{}]*})*}|"[^"]+")`)
+	uuidReg := regexp.MustCompile(`\t"([0-9a-fA-F\-]{36})"\t`)
 	fd, err := os.OpenFile(fileName, os.O_RDONLY, 0)
 	if err != nil {
 		return &errLoader{err: err}
@@ -59,6 +63,7 @@ func (vll VtGateLogLoader) Load(fileName string) IteratorLoader {
 			fd:     fd,
 		NeedsBindVars: vll.NeedsBindVars,
+		uuidReg:       uuidReg,
@@ -88,7 +93,7 @@ func (s *vtgateLogReaderState) Next() (Query, bool) {
 		line = strings.ReplaceAll(line, "\\n", "")
-		// Find the match
 		match := s.reg.FindStringSubmatch(line)
 		if len(match) <= 2 {
 			s.fail(fmt.Errorf("line %d: cannot parse log: %s", s.lineNumber, line))
@@ -96,17 +101,25 @@ func (s *vtgateLogReaderState) Next() (Query, bool) {
 		query := match[1]
+		connectionID := s.extractSessionUUIDAsConnectionID(line)
+		if connectionID == -1 {
+			// something went wrong while extracting the connection ID
+			return Query{}, false
+		}
 		if !s.NeedsBindVars {
 			return Query{
-				Query: query,
-				Line:  s.lineNumber,
-				Type:  QueryT,
+				Query:        query,
+				Line:         s.lineNumber,
+				Type:         SQLQuery,
+				ConnectionID: connectionID,
 			}, true
-		// If we care about bind variables (e.g. running 'trace') then we parse the query log
-		// output into bindVarsVtGate, we then transform it into something the Vitess library
-		// can understand (aka: map[string]*querypb.BindVariable), we then parse the query string
+		// If we care about bind variables (e.g., running 'trace'), then we parse the query log
+		// output into bindVarsVtGate, transform it into something the Vitess library
+		// can understand (map[string]*querypb.BindVariable), parse the query string,
 		// and add the bind variables to it.
 		bindVarsRaw := match[2]
 		bvs, err := getBindVariables(bindVarsRaw, s.lineNumber)
@@ -122,9 +135,10 @@ func (s *vtgateLogReaderState) Next() (Query, bool) {
 		return Query{
-			Query: parsedQuery,
-			Line:  s.lineNumber,
-			Type:  QueryT,
+			Query:        parsedQuery,
+			Line:         s.lineNumber,
+			Type:         SQLQuery,
+			ConnectionID: connectionID,
 		}, true
@@ -133,6 +147,21 @@ func (s *vtgateLogReaderState) Next() (Query, bool) {
 	return Query{}, false
+func (s *vtgateLogReaderState) extractSessionUUIDAsConnectionID(line string) int {
+	uuidMatch := s.uuidReg.FindStringSubmatch(line)
+	if len(uuidMatch) < 2 {
+		s.fail(fmt.Errorf("line %d: cannot extract session UUID: %s", s.lineNumber, line))
+		return -1
+	}
+	sessionUUID := uuidMatch[1]
+	// Hash the session UUID using FNV-1a
+	h := fnv.New64a()
+	_, _ = h.Write([]byte(sessionUUID))
+	connectionID := int(h.Sum64())
+	return connectionID
 func addBindVarsToQuery(query string, bvs map[string]*querypb.BindVariable) (string, error) {
 	parser, err := sqlparser.New(sqlparser.Options{})
 	if err != nil {
@@ -166,11 +195,18 @@ func getBindVariables(bindVarsRaw string, lineNumber int) (map[string]*querypb.B
 		var val []byte
 		switch {
-		case sqltypes.IsIntegral(bvType) || sqltypes.IsFloat(bvType):
-			f, ok := value.Value.(float64)
-			if ok {
-				val = []byte(strconv.FormatFloat(f, 'f', -1, 64))
+		case sqltypes.IsIntegral(bvType):
+			intVal, ok := value.Value.(float64)
+			if !ok {
+				return nil, fmt.Errorf("line %d: cannot parse integral bind variable", lineNumber)
+			}
+			val = strconv.AppendInt(nil, int64(intVal), 10)
+		case sqltypes.IsFloat(bvType):
+			floatVal, ok := value.Value.(float64)
+			if !ok {
+				return nil, fmt.Errorf("line %d: cannot parse float bind variable", lineNumber)
+			val = strconv.AppendFloat(nil, floatVal, 'f', -1, 64)
 		case bvType == sqltypes.Tuple:
 			// the query log of vtgate does not list all the values for a tuple
 			// instead it lists the following: "v2": {"type": "TUPLE", "value": "2 items"}
@@ -189,5 +225,5 @@ func getBindVariables(bindVarsRaw string, lineNumber int) (map[string]*querypb.B
 			Value: val,
-	return bvProcessed, err
+	return bvProcessed, nil
diff --git a/go/data/vtgate_log_parse_test.go b/go/data/vtgate_log_parse_test.go
index 6d4e2a6..1973819 100644
--- a/go/data/vtgate_log_parse_test.go
+++ b/go/data/vtgate_log_parse_test.go
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ limitations under the License.
 package data
 import (
+	"fmt"
@@ -42,7 +43,7 @@ func TestParseVtGateQueryLog(t *testing.T) {
 	var got []string
 	for _, query := range gotQueries {
-		got = append(got, query.Query)
+		got = append(got, format(query))
 	require.Equal(t, string(expect), strings.Join(got, "\n"))
@@ -59,8 +60,12 @@ func TestParseVtGateQueryLogNoBindVars(t *testing.T) {
 	var got []string
 	for _, query := range gotQueries {
-		got = append(got, query.Query)
+		got = append(got, format(query))
 	require.Equal(t, string(expect), strings.Join(got, "\n"))
+func format(query Query) string {
+	return fmt.Sprintf("%d:%s", query.ConnectionID, query.Query)
diff --git a/go/keys/keys.go b/go/keys/keys.go
index e22db67..61bba21 100644
--- a/go/keys/keys.go
+++ b/go/keys/keys.go
@@ -77,8 +77,8 @@ func Run(cfg Config) error {
 func run(out io.Writer, cfg Config) error {
-	si := &schemaInfo{
-		tables: make(map[string]columns),
+	si := &SchemaInfo{
+		Tables: make(map[string]Columns),
 	ql := &queryList{
 		queries: make(map[string]*QueryAnalysisResult),
@@ -86,8 +86,9 @@ func run(out io.Writer, cfg Config) error {
 	loader := cfg.Loader.Load(cfg.FileName)
-	_ = data.ForeachSQLQuery(loader, func(q data.Query) error {
-		process(q, si, ql)
+	_ = data.ForeachSQLQuery(loader, func(query data.Query) error {
+		process(query, si, ql)
 		return nil
@@ -97,7 +98,7 @@ func run(out io.Writer, cfg Config) error {
 	return errors.Join(closeErr, jsonWriteErr)
-func process(q data.Query, si *schemaInfo, ql *queryList) {
+func process(q data.Query, si *SchemaInfo, ql *queryList) {
 	ast, bv, err := sqlparser.NewTestParser().Parse2(q.Query)
 	if err != nil {
 		ql.addFailedQuery(q, err)
@@ -112,7 +113,7 @@ func process(q data.Query, si *schemaInfo, ql *queryList) {
-func (ql *queryList) processQuery(si *schemaInfo, ast sqlparser.Statement, q data.Query, bv sqlparser.BindVars) {
+func (ql *queryList) processQuery(si *SchemaInfo, ast sqlparser.Statement, q data.Query, bv sqlparser.BindVars) {
 	// handle panics
 	defer func() {
 		if r := recover(); r != nil {
diff --git a/go/keys/keys_test.go b/go/keys/keys_test.go
index f588634..e644aba 100644
--- a/go/keys/keys_test.go
+++ b/go/keys/keys_test.go
@@ -82,9 +82,9 @@ func TestKeys(t *testing.T) {
 func TestKeysNonAuthoritativeTable(t *testing.T) {
 	q := data.Query{
 		Query: "select id from user where id = 20",
-		Type:  data.QueryT,
+		Type:  data.SQLQuery,
-	si := &schemaInfo{}
+	si := &SchemaInfo{}
 	ql := &queryList{
 		queries: make(map[string]*QueryAnalysisResult),
 		failed:  make(map[string]*QueryFailedResult),
diff --git a/go/keys/schemaInfo.go b/go/keys/schemaInfo.go
index 5416a8c..794e978 100644
--- a/go/keys/schemaInfo.go
+++ b/go/keys/schemaInfo.go
@@ -27,42 +27,46 @@ import (
-var _ semantics.SchemaInformation = (*schemaInfo)(nil)
+var _ semantics.SchemaInformation = (*SchemaInfo)(nil)
 type (
-	schemaInfo struct {
-		ksName string
-		tables map[string]columns
+	// SchemaInfo is a simple implementation of semantics.SchemaInformation
+	// It will claim that any table that is asked for is present in the schema, with no columns specified and authoratative columns set to false
+	// it has a createTableHandler that can be used to populate the schema if the
+	// query log contains the CREATE TABLE statements
+	SchemaInfo struct {
+		KsName string
+		Tables map[string]Columns
-	columns []vindexes.Column
+	Columns []vindexes.Column
-func (s *schemaInfo) handleCreateTable(create *sqlparser.CreateTable) {
-	columns := make(columns, 0, len(create.TableSpec.Columns))
+func (s *SchemaInfo) handleCreateTable(create *sqlparser.CreateTable) {
+	columns := make(Columns, 0, len(create.TableSpec.Columns))
 	for _, col := range create.TableSpec.Columns {
 		columns = append(columns, vindexes.Column{
 			Name: col.Name,
 			Type: col.Type.SQLType(),
-	s.tables[create.Table.Name.String()] = columns
+	s.Tables[create.Table.Name.String()] = columns
-func (s *schemaInfo) FindTableOrVindex(tablename sqlparser.TableName) (*vindexes.Table, vindexes.Vindex, string, topodata.TabletType, key.Destination, error) {
+func (s *SchemaInfo) FindTableOrVindex(tablename sqlparser.TableName) (*vindexes.Table, vindexes.Vindex, string, topodata.TabletType, key.Destination, error) {
 	var tbl *vindexes.Table
 	ks := tablename.Qualifier.String()
 	if ks == "" {
-		ks = s.ksName
+		ks = s.KsName
-	if !tablename.Qualifier.NotEmpty() || tablename.Qualifier.String() == s.ksName {
+	if !tablename.Qualifier.NotEmpty() || tablename.Qualifier.String() == s.KsName {
 		// This is a table from our keyspace. We should be able to find it
-		columns, found := s.tables[tablename.Name.String()]
+		columns, found := s.Tables[tablename.Name.String()]
 		if found {
 			tbl = &vindexes.Table{
 				Name:                    tablename.Name,
-				Keyspace:                &vindexes.Keyspace{Name: s.ksName, Sharded: true},
+				Keyspace:                &vindexes.Keyspace{Name: s.KsName, Sharded: true},
 				Columns:                 columns,
 				ColumnListAuthoritative: true,
@@ -81,30 +85,30 @@ func (s *schemaInfo) FindTableOrVindex(tablename sqlparser.TableName) (*vindexes
 	return tbl, nil, ks, topodata.TabletType_REPLICA, nil, nil
-func (s *schemaInfo) ConnCollation() collations.ID {
+func (s *SchemaInfo) ConnCollation() collations.ID {
 	return collations.CollationBinaryID
-func (s *schemaInfo) Environment() *vtenv.Environment {
+func (s *SchemaInfo) Environment() *vtenv.Environment {
 	return vtenv.NewTestEnv()
-func (s *schemaInfo) ForeignKeyMode(string) (vschemapb.Keyspace_ForeignKeyMode, error) {
+func (s *SchemaInfo) ForeignKeyMode(string) (vschemapb.Keyspace_ForeignKeyMode, error) {
 	return vschemapb.Keyspace_unmanaged, nil
-func (s *schemaInfo) GetForeignKeyChecksState() *bool {
+func (s *SchemaInfo) GetForeignKeyChecksState() *bool {
 	return nil
-func (s *schemaInfo) KeyspaceError(string) error {
+func (s *SchemaInfo) KeyspaceError(string) error {
 	return nil
-func (s *schemaInfo) GetAggregateUDFs() []string {
+func (s *SchemaInfo) GetAggregateUDFs() []string {
 	return nil // TODO: maybe this should be a flag?
-func (s *schemaInfo) FindMirrorRule(sqlparser.TableName) (*vindexes.MirrorRule, error) {
+func (s *SchemaInfo) FindMirrorRule(sqlparser.TableName) (*vindexes.MirrorRule, error) {
 	return nil, nil
diff --git a/go/keys/schemaInfo_test.go b/go/keys/schemaInfo_test.go
index 30ca4fb..77bfa8a 100644
--- a/go/keys/schemaInfo_test.go
+++ b/go/keys/schemaInfo_test.go
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ import (
 func TestSchemaInfo(t *testing.T) {
 	parser := sqlparser.NewTestParser()
-	si := &schemaInfo{tables: make(map[string]columns)}
+	si := &SchemaInfo{Tables: make(map[string]Columns)}
 	ast, err := parser.Parse(`CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS warehouse (
 	w_id INT NOT NULL,
diff --git a/go/summarize/utils.go b/go/summarize/utils.go
index 670c4b5..2420887 100644
--- a/go/summarize/utils.go
+++ b/go/summarize/utils.go
@@ -30,12 +30,14 @@ const (
+	transactionFile
 var fileTypeMap = map[string]fileType{ //nolint:gochecknoglobals // this is instead of a const
-	"trace":  traceFile,
-	"keys":   keysFile,
-	"dbinfo": dbInfoFile,
+	"trace":        traceFile,
+	"keys":         keysFile,
+	"dbinfo":       dbInfoFile,
+	"transactions": transactionFile,
 // getFileType reads the first key-value pair from a JSON file and returns the type of the file
diff --git a/go/testdata/small-slow-query-log b/go/testdata/small-slow-query-log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2464cd9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/go/testdata/small-slow-query-log
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+/bin/mysqld, Version: 8.0.26 (Source distribution). started with:
+Tcp port: 3306  Unix socket: /tmp/mysql.sock
+# Time: 2023-08-01T12:00:01.852861Z
+# User@Host: user[user] @  [XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX]  Id: 779060
+# Query_time: 0.000043  Lock_time: 0.000000 Rows_sent: 0  Rows_examined: 0
+SET timestamp=1690891201;
+# Time: 2023-08-01T12:00:01.852861Z
+# User@Host: user[user] @  [XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX]  Id: 779060
+# Query_time: 0.000043  Lock_time: 0.000000 Rows_sent: 0  Rows_examined: 0
+SET timestamp=1690891201;
+update tblA set apa = 'toto' where foo = 12 and id = 43;
+# Time: 2023-08-01T12:00:01.852861Z
+# User@Host: user[user] @  [XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX]  Id: 779060
+# Query_time: 0.000043  Lock_time: 0.000000 Rows_sent: 0  Rows_examined: 0
+SET timestamp=1690891201;
+update tblB set monkey = 'pippi' where bar = 12 and id = 44;
+# Time: 2023-08-01T12:00:01.852861Z
+# User@Host: user[user] @  [XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX]  Id: 779060
+# Query_time: 0.000043  Lock_time: 0.000000 Rows_sent: 0  Rows_examined: 0
+SET timestamp=1690891201;
+# Time: 2023-08-01T12:00:01.852861Z
+# User@Host: user[user] @  [XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX]  Id: 779060
+# Query_time: 0.000043  Lock_time: 0.000000 Rows_sent: 0  Rows_examined: 0
+SET timestamp=1690891201;
+# Time: 2023-08-01T12:00:01.852861Z
+# User@Host: user[user] @  [XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX]  Id: 779060
+# Query_time: 0.000043  Lock_time: 0.000000 Rows_sent: 0  Rows_examined: 0
+SET timestamp=1690891201;
+update tblA set apa = 'toto' where foo = 43 and id = 5;
+# Time: 2023-08-01T12:00:01.852861Z
+# User@Host: user[user] @  [XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX]  Id: 779060
+# Query_time: 0.000043  Lock_time: 0.000000 Rows_sent: 0  Rows_examined: 0
+SET timestamp=1690891201;
+update tblB set monkey = 'pippi' where bar = 43 and id = 16;
+# Time: 2023-08-01T12:00:01.852861Z
+# User@Host: user[user] @  [XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX]  Id: 779060
+# Query_time: 0.000043  Lock_time: 0.000000 Rows_sent: 0  Rows_examined: 0
+SET timestamp=1690891201;
diff --git a/go/testdata/small-slow-query-transactions.json b/go/testdata/small-slow-query-transactions.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2061b06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/go/testdata/small-slow-query-transactions.json
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+  "fileType": "transactions",
+  "signatures": [
+    {
+      "count": 2,
+      "query-signatures": [
+        {
+          "op": "update",
+          "affected_table": "tblA",
+          "updated_columns": [
+            "apa"
+          ],
+          "predicates": [
+            {
+              "table": "tblA",
+              "col": "foo",
+              "op": 0,
+              "val": 0
+            },
+            {
+              "table": "tblA",
+              "col": "id",
+              "op": 0,
+              "val": -1
+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "op": "update",
+          "affected_table": "tblB",
+          "updated_columns": [
+            "monkey"
+          ],
+          "predicates": [
+            {
+              "table": "tblB",
+              "col": "bar",
+              "op": 0,
+              "val": 0
+            },
+            {
+              "table": "tblB",
+              "col": "id",
+              "op": 0,
+              "val": -1
+            }
+          ]
+        }
+      ]
+    }
+  ]
diff --git a/go/testdata/vtgate.query.log b/go/testdata/vtgate.query.log
index 7c0d53c..168e336 100644
--- a/go/testdata/vtgate.query.log
+++ b/go/testdata/vtgate.query.log
@@ -6,13 +6,13 @@ Execute		'userData1'	''	2024-10-31 13:55:59.371324	2024-10-31 13
 Execute		'userData1'	''	2024-10-31 13:55:59.384686	2024-10-31 13:55:59.387103	0.002417	0.000288	0.001545	0.000582	EXPLAIN	"vexplain trace insert into customers(customer_id, customer_name, customer_pincode) values (:vtg1 /* INT64 */, :vtg2 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg3 /* INT64 */), (:vtg4 /* INT64 */, :vtg5 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg6 /* INT64 */), (:vtg7 /* INT64 */, :vtg8 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg9 /* INT64 */), (:vtg10 /* INT64 */, :vtg11 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg12 /* INT64 */), (:vtg13 /* INT64 */, :vtg14 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg15 /* INT64 */), (:vtg16 /* INT64 */, :vtg17 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg18 /* INT64 */), (:vtg19 /* INT64 */, :vtg20 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg21 /* INT64 */), (:vtg22 /* INT64 */, :vtg23 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg24 /* INT64 */), (:vtg25 /* INT64 */, :vtg26 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg27 /* INT64 */), (:vtg28 /* INT64 */, :vtg29 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg30 /* INT64 */), (:vtg31 /* INT64 */, :vtg32 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg33 /* INT64 */), (:vtg34 /* INT64 */, :vtg35 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg36 /* INT64 */), (:vtg37 /* INT64 */, :vtg38 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg39 /* INT64 */), (:vtg40 /* INT64 */, :vtg41 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg42 /* INT64 */), (:vtg43 /* INT64 */, :vtg44 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg45 /* INT64 */), (:vtg46 /* INT64 */, :vtg47 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg48 /* INT64 */), (:vtg49 /* INT64 */, :vtg50 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg51 /* INT64 */), (:vtg52 /* INT64 */, :vtg53 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg54 /* INT64 */), (:vtg55 /* INT64 */, :vtg56 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg57 /* INT64 */), (:vtg58 /* INT64 */, :vtg59 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg60 /* INT64 */), (:vtg61 /* INT64 */, :vtg62 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg63 /* INT64 */), (:vtg64 /* INT64 */, :vtg65 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg66 /* INT64 */), (:vtg67 /* INT64 */, :vtg68 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg69 /* INT64 */), (:vtg70 /* INT64 */, :vtg71 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg72 /* INT64 */), (:vtg73 /* INT64 */, :vtg74 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg75 /* INT64 */), (:vtg76 /* INT64 */, :vtg77 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg78 /* INT64 */), (:vtg79 /* INT64 */, :vtg80 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg81 /* INT64 */), (:vtg82 /* INT64 */, :vtg83 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg84 /* INT64 */), (:vtg85 /* INT64 */, :vtg86 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg87 /* INT64 */), (:vtg88 /* INT64 */, :vtg89 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg90 /* INT64 */)"	{"vtg1": {"type": "INT64", "value": 1}, "vtg10": {"type": "INT64", "value": 4}, "vtg11": {"type": "VARCHAR", "value": "Bob"}, "vtg12": {"type": "INT64", "value": 110004}, "vtg13": {"type": "INT64", "value": 5}, "vtg14": {"type": "VARCHAR", "value": "Charlie"}, "vtg15": {"type": "INT64", "value": 110004}, "vtg16": {"type": "INT64", "value": 6}, "vtg17": {"type": "VARCHAR", "value": "David"}, "vtg18": {"type": "INT64", "value": 110006}, "vtg19": {"type": "INT64", "value": 7}, "vtg2": {"type": "VARCHAR", "value": "John Doe"}, "vtg20": {"type": "VARCHAR", "value": "Eve"}, "vtg21": {"type": "INT64", "value": 110007}, "vtg22": {"type": "INT64", "value": 8}, "vtg23": {"type": "VARCHAR", "value": "Frank"}, "vtg24": {"type": "INT64", "value": 110008}, "vtg25": {"type": "INT64", "value": 9}, "vtg26": {"type": "VARCHAR", "value": "Grace"}, "vtg27": {"type": "INT64", "value": 110009}, "vtg28": {"type": "INT64", "value": 10}, "vtg29": {"type": "VARCHAR", "value": "Heidi"}, "vtg3": {"type": "INT64", "value": 110001}, "vtg30": {"type": "INT64", "value": 110004}, "vtg31": {"type": "INT64", "value": 11}, "vtg32": {"type": "VARCHAR", "value": "Ivy"}, "vtg33": {"type": "INT64", "value": 110011}, "vtg34": {"type": "INT64", "value": 12}, "vtg35": {"type": "VARCHAR", "value": "Alice"}, "vtg36": {"type": "INT64", "value": 110005}, "vtg37": {"type": "INT64", "value": 13}, "vtg38": {"type": "VARCHAR", "value": "Bob"}, "vtg39": {"type": "INT64", "value": 110003}, "vtg4": {"type": "INT64", "value": 2}, "vtg40": {"type": "INT64", "value": 14}, "vtg41": {"type": "VARCHAR", "value": "Charlie"}, "vtg42": {"type": "INT64", "value": 110014}, "vtg43": {"type": "INT64", "value": 15}, "vtg44": {"type": "VARCHAR", "value": "David"}, "vtg45": {"type": "INT64", "value": 110015}, "vtg46": {"type": "INT64", "value": 16}, "vtg47": {"type": "VARCHAR", "value": "Frank"}, "vtg48": {"type": "INT64", "value": 110008}, "vtg49": {"type": "INT64", "value": 17}, "vtg5": {"type": "VARCHAR", "value": "Jane Doe"}, "vtg50": {"type": "VARCHAR", "value": "Grace"}, "vtg51": {"type": "INT64", "value": 110009}, "vtg52": {"type": "INT64", "value": 18}, "vtg53": {"type": "VARCHAR", "value": "Isaac"}, "vtg54": {"type": "INT64", "value": 110010}, "vtg55": {"type": "INT64", "value": 19}, "vtg56": {"type": "VARCHAR", "value": "Julia"}, "vtg57": {"type": "INT64", "value": 110011}, "vtg58": {"type": "INT64", "value": 20}, "vtg59": {"type": "VARCHAR", "value": "Kevin"}, "vtg6": {"type": "INT64", "value": 110002}, "vtg60": {"type": "INT64", "value": 110012}, "vtg61": {"type": "INT64", "value": 21}, "vtg62": {"type": "VARCHAR", "value": "Laura"}, "vtg63": {"type": "INT64", "value": 110013}, "vtg64": {"type": "INT64", "value": 22}, "vtg65": {"type": "VARCHAR", "value": "Michael"}, "vtg66": {"type": "INT64", "value": 110014}, "vtg67": {"type": "INT64", "value": 23}, "vtg68": {"type": "VARCHAR", "value": "Nina"}, "vtg69": {"type": "INT64", "value": 110015}, "vtg7": {"type": "INT64", "value": 3}, "vtg70": {"type": "INT64", "value": 24}, "vtg71": {"type": "VARCHAR", "value": "Oscar"}, "vtg72": {"type": "INT64", "value": 110001}, "vtg73": {"type": "INT64", "value": 25}, "vtg74": {"type": "VARCHAR", "value": "Patricia"}, "vtg75": {"type": "INT64", "value": 110002}, "vtg76": {"type": "INT64", "value": 26}, "vtg77": {"type": "VARCHAR", "value": "Quincy"}, "vtg78": {"type": "INT64", "value": 110003}, "vtg79": {"type": "INT64", "value": 27}, "vtg8": {"type": "VARCHAR", "value": "Alice"}, "vtg80": {"type": "VARCHAR", "value": "Rachel"}, "vtg81": {"type": "INT64", "value": 110004}, "vtg82": {"type": "INT64", "value": 28}, "vtg83": {"type": "VARCHAR", "value": "Samuel"}, "vtg84": {"type": "INT64", "value": 110005}, "vtg85": {"type": "INT64", "value": 29}, "vtg86": {"type": "VARCHAR", "value": "Tina"}, "vtg87": {"type": "INT64", "value": 110006}, "vtg88": {"type": "INT64", "value": 30}, "vtg89": {"type": "VARCHAR", "value": "Ulysses"}, "vtg9": {"type": "INT64", "value": 110003}, "vtg90": {"type": "INT64", "value": 110007}}	2	0	""	"PRIMARY"	"2642245a-97c2-11ef-b9e9-321ca607f906"	false	["mysqltest.customers"]	"mysqltest"	0.000000	0.000000	""
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-Execute		'userData1'	''	2024-10-31 13:55:59.448949	2024-10-31 13:55:59.449917	0.000968	0.000150	0.000816	0.000000	EXPLAIN	"vexplain trace select customer_id, customer_pincode from customers where customer_name = :customer_name /* VARCHAR */"	{"customer_name": {"type": "VARCHAR", "value": "Alice"}}	2	0	""	"PRIMARY"	"2642245a-97c2-11ef-b9e9-321ca607f906"	false	["mysqltest.customers"]	"mysqltest"	0.000000	0.000000	""
-Execute		'userData1'	''	2024-10-31 13:55:59.450074	2024-10-31 13:55:59.466978	0.016903	0.005573	0.011324	0.000000	SELECT	"select c.customer_id, sum(o.order_amount) from customers as c join orders as o on c.customer_id = o.customer_id group by c.customer_id"	{}	42	0	""	"PRIMARY"	"2642245a-97c2-11ef-b9e9-321ca607f906"	false	["mysqltest.customers","mysqltest.orders"]	"mysqltest"	0.000000	0.000000	""
-Execute		'userData1'	''	2024-10-31 13:55:59.524263	2024-10-31 13:55:59.541357	0.017093	0.000398	0.016691	0.000000	EXPLAIN	"vexplain trace select c.customer_id, sum(o.order_amount) from customers as c join orders as o on c.customer_id = o.customer_id group by c.customer_id"	{}	42	0	""	"PRIMARY"	"2642245a-97c2-11ef-b9e9-321ca607f906"	false	["mysqltest.customers","mysqltest.orders"]	"mysqltest"	0.000000	0.000000	""
-Execute		'userData1'	''	2024-10-31 13:55:59.541582	2024-10-31 13:55:59.547876	0.006294	0.000232	0.006060	0.000000	SELECT	"select c.customer_id, p.area_name from customers as c join pincode_areas as p on c.customer_pincode = p.pincode"	{}	32	0	""	"PRIMARY"	"2642245a-97c2-11ef-b9e9-321ca607f906"	false	["mysqltest.customers","mysqltest.pincode_areas"]	"mysqltest"	0.000000	0.000000	""
-Execute		'userData1'	''	2024-10-31 13:55:59.597428	2024-10-31 13:55:59.603448	0.006020	0.000225	0.005792	0.000000	EXPLAIN	"vexplain trace select c.customer_id, p.area_name from customers as c join pincode_areas as p on c.customer_pincode = p.pincode"	{}	32	0	""	"PRIMARY"	"2642245a-97c2-11ef-b9e9-321ca607f906"	false	["mysqltest.customers","mysqltest.pincode_areas"]	"mysqltest"	0.000000	0.000000	""
-Execute		'userData1'	''	2024-10-31 13:55:59.603608	2024-10-31 13:55:59.609379	0.005771	0.000677	0.005092	0.000000	SELECT	"select distinct c.customer_id, c.customer_name from customers as c join orders as o on c.customer_id = o.customer_id where o.order_amount > (select avg(order_amount) from orders)"	{}	29	0	""	"PRIMARY"	"2642245a-97c2-11ef-b9e9-321ca607f906"	false	["mysqltest.customers","mysqltest.orders"]	"mysqltest"	0.000000	0.000000	""
-Execute		'userData1'	''	2024-10-31 13:55:59.652759	2024-10-31 13:55:59.659110	0.006351	0.000426	0.005922	0.000000	EXPLAIN	"vexplain trace select distinct c.customer_id, c.customer_name from customers as c join orders as o on c.customer_id = o.customer_id where o.order_amount > (select avg(order_amount) from orders)"	{}	29	0	""	"PRIMARY"	"2642245a-97c2-11ef-b9e9-321ca607f906"	false	["mysqltest.customers","mysqltest.orders"]	"mysqltest"	0.000000	0.000000	""
+Execute		'userData1'	''	2024-10-31 13:55:59.448949	2024-10-31 13:55:59.449917	0.000968	0.000150	0.000816	0.000000	EXPLAIN	"vexplain trace select customer_id, customer_pincode from customers where customer_name = :customer_name /* VARCHAR */"	{"customer_name": {"type": "VARCHAR", "value": "Alice"}}	2	0	""	"PRIMARY"	"2642245b-97c2-11ef-b9e9-321ca607f906"	false	["mysqltest.customers"]	"mysqltest"	0.000000	0.000000	""
+Execute		'userData1'	''	2024-10-31 13:55:59.450074	2024-10-31 13:55:59.466978	0.016903	0.005573	0.011324	0.000000	SELECT	"select c.customer_id, sum(o.order_amount) from customers as c join orders as o on c.customer_id = o.customer_id group by c.customer_id"	{}	42	0	""	"PRIMARY"	"2642245b-97c2-11ef-b9e9-321ca607f906"	false	["mysqltest.customers","mysqltest.orders"]	"mysqltest"	0.000000	0.000000	""
+Execute		'userData1'	''	2024-10-31 13:55:59.524263	2024-10-31 13:55:59.541357	0.017093	0.000398	0.016691	0.000000	EXPLAIN	"vexplain trace select c.customer_id, sum(o.order_amount) from customers as c join orders as o on c.customer_id = o.customer_id group by c.customer_id"	{}	42	0	""	"PRIMARY"	"2642245b-97c2-11ef-b9e9-321ca607f906"	false	["mysqltest.customers","mysqltest.orders"]	"mysqltest"	0.000000	0.000000	""
+Execute		'userData1'	''	2024-10-31 13:55:59.541582	2024-10-31 13:55:59.547876	0.006294	0.000232	0.006060	0.000000	SELECT	"select c.customer_id, p.area_name from customers as c join pincode_areas as p on c.customer_pincode = p.pincode"	{}	32	0	""	"PRIMARY"	"2642245b-97c2-11ef-b9e9-321ca607f906"	false	["mysqltest.customers","mysqltest.pincode_areas"]	"mysqltest"	0.000000	0.000000	""
+Execute		'userData1'	''	2024-10-31 13:55:59.597428	2024-10-31 13:55:59.603448	0.006020	0.000225	0.005792	0.000000	EXPLAIN	"vexplain trace select c.customer_id, p.area_name from customers as c join pincode_areas as p on c.customer_pincode = p.pincode"	{}	32	0	""	"PRIMARY"	"2642245b-97c2-11ef-b9e9-321ca607f906"	false	["mysqltest.customers","mysqltest.pincode_areas"]	"mysqltest"	0.000000	0.000000	""
+Execute		'userData1'	''	2024-10-31 13:55:59.603608	2024-10-31 13:55:59.609379	0.005771	0.000677	0.005092	0.000000	SELECT	"select distinct c.customer_id, c.customer_name from customers as c join orders as o on c.customer_id = o.customer_id where o.order_amount > (select avg(order_amount) from orders)"	{}	29	0	""	"PRIMARY"	"2642245b-97c2-11ef-b9e9-321ca607f906"	false	["mysqltest.customers","mysqltest.orders"]	"mysqltest"	0.000000	0.000000	""
+Execute		'userData1'	''	2024-10-31 13:55:59.652759	2024-10-31 13:55:59.659110	0.006351	0.000426	0.005922	0.000000	EXPLAIN	"vexplain trace select distinct c.customer_id, c.customer_name from customers as c join orders as o on c.customer_id = o.customer_id where o.order_amount > (select avg(order_amount) from orders)"	{}	29	0	""	"PRIMARY"	"2642245b-97c2-11ef-b9e9-321ca607f906"	false	["mysqltest.customers","mysqltest.orders"]	"mysqltest"	0.000000	0.000000	""
 Execute		'userData1'	''	2024-10-31 13:55:59.659252	2024-10-31 13:55:59.667417	0.008165	0.000224	0.007938	0.000000	SELECT	"select c.customer_id, c.customer_name from customers as c left join orders as o on c.customer_id = o.customer_id where o.order_id is null"	{}	62	0	""	"PRIMARY"	"2642245a-97c2-11ef-b9e9-321ca607f906"	false	["mysqltest.customers","mysqltest.orders"]	"mysqltest"	0.000000	0.000000	""
 Execute		'userData1'	''	2024-10-31 13:55:59.715029	2024-10-31 13:55:59.723167	0.008137	0.000238	0.007896	0.000000	EXPLAIN	"vexplain trace select c.customer_id, c.customer_name from customers as c left join orders as o on c.customer_id = o.customer_id where o.order_id is null"	{}	62	0	""	"PRIMARY"	"2642245a-97c2-11ef-b9e9-321ca607f906"	false	["mysqltest.customers","mysqltest.orders"]	"mysqltest"	0.000000	0.000000	""
 Execute		'userData1'	''	2024-10-31 13:55:59.723373	2024-10-31 13:55:59.732395	0.009021	0.001151	0.007867	0.000000	SELECT	"select c.customer_id, c.customer_name, sum(o.order_amount) as total_amount from customers as c join orders as o on c.customer_id = o.customer_id group by c.customer_id, c.customer_name order by total_amount desc limit :vtg1 /* INT64 */"	{"vtg1": {"type": "INT64", "value": 5}}	42	0	""	"PRIMARY"	"2642245a-97c2-11ef-b9e9-321ca607f906"	false	["mysqltest.customers","mysqltest.orders"]	"mysqltest"	0.000000	0.000000	""
diff --git a/go/testdata/vtgate.query.log.parsed.bv.txt b/go/testdata/vtgate.query.log.parsed.bv.txt
index 6325ad5..e2a2d0d 100644
--- a/go/testdata/vtgate.query.log.parsed.bv.txt
+++ b/go/testdata/vtgate.query.log.parsed.bv.txt
@@ -1,44 +1,44 @@
-create table customers (
+2883466137428011160:create table customers (
 	customer_id int,
 	customer_name varchar(100),
 	customer_pincode int,
 	primary key (customer_id)
-create table pincode_areas (
+2883466137428011160:create table pincode_areas (
 	pincode int,
 	area_name varchar(100)
-create table orders (
+2883466137428011160:create table orders (
 	order_id int,
 	customer_id int,
 	order_date date,
 	order_amount double,
 	primary key (order_id)
-create table name_idx (
+2883466137428011160:create table name_idx (
 	`name` varchar(100),
 	customer_id int,
 	keyspace_id varbinary(16),
 	primary key (`name`, customer_id)
-vexplain trace insert into pincode_areas(pincode, area_name) values (110001, 'Connaught Place'), (110002, 'Lodhi Road'), (110003, 'Civil Lines'), (110004, 'Kashmere Gate'), (110005, 'Chandni Chowk'), (110006, 'Barakhamba Road'), (110007, 'Kamla Nagar'), (110008, 'Karol Bagh'), (110009, 'Paharganj'), (110010, 'Patel Nagar'), (110011, 'South Extension'), (110012, 'Lajpat Nagar'), (110013, 'Sarojini Nagar'), (110014, 'Malviya Nagar'), (110015, 'Saket')
-vexplain trace insert into customers(customer_id, customer_name, customer_pincode) values (1, 'John Doe', 110001), (2, 'Jane Doe', 110002), (3, 'Alice', 110003), (4, 'Bob', 110004), (5, 'Charlie', 110004), (6, 'David', 110006), (7, 'Eve', 110007), (8, 'Frank', 110008), (9, 'Grace', 110009), (10, 'Heidi', 110004), (11, 'Ivy', 110011), (12, 'Alice', 110005), (13, 'Bob', 110003), (14, 'Charlie', 110014), (15, 'David', 110015), (16, 'Frank', 110008), (17, 'Grace', 110009), (18, 'Isaac', 110010), (19, 'Julia', 110011), (20, 'Kevin', 110012), (21, 'Laura', 110013), (22, 'Michael', 110014), (23, 'Nina', 110015), (24, 'Oscar', 110001), (25, 'Patricia', 110002), (26, 'Quincy', 110003), (27, 'Rachel', 110004), (28, 'Samuel', 110005), (29, 'Tina', 110006), (30, 'Ulysses', 110007)
-vexplain trace insert into orders(order_id, customer_id, order_date, order_amount) values (1, 1, '2020-01-01', 1000), (2, 2, '2020-01-02', 2000), (3, 3, '2020-01-03', 3000), (4, 4, '2020-01-04', 4000), (5, 5, '2020-01-05', 5000), (6, 6, '2020-01-06', 6000), (7, 7, '2020-01-07', 7000), (8, 8, '2020-01-08', 8000), (9, 9, '2020-01-09', 9000), (10, 10, '2020-01-10', 10000), (11, 11, '2020-01-11', 11000), (12, 12, '2020-01-12', 12000), (13, 13, '2020-01-13', 13000), (14, 14, '2020-01-14', 14000), (15, 15, '2020-01-15', 15000), (16, 16, '2020-01-16', 16000), (17, 17, '2020-01-17', 17000), (18, 1, '2020-01-18', 18000), (19, 2, '2020-01-19', 19000), (20, 3, '2020-01-20', 20000), (21, 4, '2020-01-21', 21000), (22, 5, '2020-01-22', 22000), (23, 6, '2020-01-23', 23000), (24, 7, '2020-01-24', 24000), (25, 8, '2020-01-25', 25000), (26, 9, '2020-01-26', 26000), (27, 10, '2020-01-27', 27000), (28, 11, '2020-01-28', 28000), (29, 12, '2020-01-29', 29000), (30, 13, '2020-01-30', 30000), (31, 14, '2020-01-31', 31000), (32, 15, '2020-02-01', 32000), (33, 16, '2020-02-02', 33000), (34, 17, '2020-02-03', 34000), (35, 18, '2020-02-04', 35000), (36, 19, '2020-02-05', 36000), (37, 20, '2020-02-06', 37000), (38, 21, '2020-02-07', 38000), (39, 22, '2020-02-08', 39000), (40, 23, '2020-02-09', 40000), (41, 24, '2020-02-10', 41000), (42, 25, '2020-02-11', 42000), (43, 26, '2020-02-12', 43000), (44, 27, '2020-02-13', 44000), (45, 28, '2020-02-14', 45000), (46, 29, '2020-02-15', 46000), (47, 30, '2020-02-16', 47000), (48, 1, '2020-02-17', 48000), (49, 2, '2020-02-18', 49000), (50, 3, '2020-02-19', 50000)
-select customer_id, customer_pincode from customers where customer_name = 'Alice'
-vexplain trace select customer_id, customer_pincode from customers where customer_name = 'Alice'
-select c.customer_id, sum(o.order_amount) from customers as c join orders as o on c.customer_id = o.customer_id group by c.customer_id
-vexplain trace select c.customer_id, sum(o.order_amount) from customers as c join orders as o on c.customer_id = o.customer_id group by c.customer_id
-select c.customer_id, p.area_name from customers as c join pincode_areas as p on c.customer_pincode = p.pincode
-vexplain trace select c.customer_id, p.area_name from customers as c join pincode_areas as p on c.customer_pincode = p.pincode
-select distinct c.customer_id, c.customer_name from customers as c join orders as o on c.customer_id = o.customer_id where o.order_amount > (select avg(order_amount) from orders)
-vexplain trace select distinct c.customer_id, c.customer_name from customers as c join orders as o on c.customer_id = o.customer_id where o.order_amount > (select avg(order_amount) from orders)
-select c.customer_id, c.customer_name from customers as c left join orders as o on c.customer_id = o.customer_id where o.order_id is null
-vexplain trace select c.customer_id, c.customer_name from customers as c left join orders as o on c.customer_id = o.customer_id where o.order_id is null
-select c.customer_id, c.customer_name, sum(o.order_amount) as total_amount from customers as c join orders as o on c.customer_id = o.customer_id group by c.customer_id, c.customer_name order by total_amount desc limit 5
-vexplain trace select c.customer_id, c.customer_name, sum(o.order_amount) as total_amount from customers as c join orders as o on c.customer_id = o.customer_id group by c.customer_id, c.customer_name order by total_amount desc limit 5
-select distinct c1.customer_id, c1.customer_name from customers as c1 join orders as o1 on c1.customer_id = o1.customer_id join orders as o2 on c1.customer_id = o2.customer_id where DATEDIFF(o2.order_date, o1.order_date) = 1
-vexplain trace select distinct c1.customer_id, c1.customer_name from customers as c1 join orders as o1 on c1.customer_id = o1.customer_id join orders as o2 on c1.customer_id = o2.customer_id where DATEDIFF(o2.order_date, o1.order_date) = 1
-select DATE_FORMAT(order_date, '%Y-%m') as `month`, count(distinct customer_id) as unique_customers, count(*) as total_orders, sum(order_amount) as total_sales from orders group by `month` order by `month` asc
-vexplain trace select DATE_FORMAT(order_date, '%Y-%m') as `month`, count(distinct customer_id) as unique_customers, count(*) as total_orders, sum(order_amount) as total_sales from orders group by `month` order by `month` asc
-select order_count, count(*) as customer_count from (select customer_id, count(*) as order_count from orders group by customer_id) as customer_orders group by order_count order by order_count asc
-vexplain trace select order_count, count(*) as customer_count from (select customer_id, count(*) as order_count from orders group by customer_id) as customer_orders group by order_count order by order_count asc
\ No newline at end of file
+2883466137428011160:vexplain trace insert into pincode_areas(pincode, area_name) values (110001, 'Connaught Place'), (110002, 'Lodhi Road'), (110003, 'Civil Lines'), (110004, 'Kashmere Gate'), (110005, 'Chandni Chowk'), (110006, 'Barakhamba Road'), (110007, 'Kamla Nagar'), (110008, 'Karol Bagh'), (110009, 'Paharganj'), (110010, 'Patel Nagar'), (110011, 'South Extension'), (110012, 'Lajpat Nagar'), (110013, 'Sarojini Nagar'), (110014, 'Malviya Nagar'), (110015, 'Saket')
+2883466137428011160:vexplain trace insert into customers(customer_id, customer_name, customer_pincode) values (1, 'John Doe', 110001), (2, 'Jane Doe', 110002), (3, 'Alice', 110003), (4, 'Bob', 110004), (5, 'Charlie', 110004), (6, 'David', 110006), (7, 'Eve', 110007), (8, 'Frank', 110008), (9, 'Grace', 110009), (10, 'Heidi', 110004), (11, 'Ivy', 110011), (12, 'Alice', 110005), (13, 'Bob', 110003), (14, 'Charlie', 110014), (15, 'David', 110015), (16, 'Frank', 110008), (17, 'Grace', 110009), (18, 'Isaac', 110010), (19, 'Julia', 110011), (20, 'Kevin', 110012), (21, 'Laura', 110013), (22, 'Michael', 110014), (23, 'Nina', 110015), (24, 'Oscar', 110001), (25, 'Patricia', 110002), (26, 'Quincy', 110003), (27, 'Rachel', 110004), (28, 'Samuel', 110005), (29, 'Tina', 110006), (30, 'Ulysses', 110007)
+2883466137428011160:vexplain trace insert into orders(order_id, customer_id, order_date, order_amount) values (1, 1, '2020-01-01', 1000), (2, 2, '2020-01-02', 2000), (3, 3, '2020-01-03', 3000), (4, 4, '2020-01-04', 4000), (5, 5, '2020-01-05', 5000), (6, 6, '2020-01-06', 6000), (7, 7, '2020-01-07', 7000), (8, 8, '2020-01-08', 8000), (9, 9, '2020-01-09', 9000), (10, 10, '2020-01-10', 10000), (11, 11, '2020-01-11', 11000), (12, 12, '2020-01-12', 12000), (13, 13, '2020-01-13', 13000), (14, 14, '2020-01-14', 14000), (15, 15, '2020-01-15', 15000), (16, 16, '2020-01-16', 16000), (17, 17, '2020-01-17', 17000), (18, 1, '2020-01-18', 18000), (19, 2, '2020-01-19', 19000), (20, 3, '2020-01-20', 20000), (21, 4, '2020-01-21', 21000), (22, 5, '2020-01-22', 22000), (23, 6, '2020-01-23', 23000), (24, 7, '2020-01-24', 24000), (25, 8, '2020-01-25', 25000), (26, 9, '2020-01-26', 26000), (27, 10, '2020-01-27', 27000), (28, 11, '2020-01-28', 28000), (29, 12, '2020-01-29', 29000), (30, 13, '2020-01-30', 30000), (31, 14, '2020-01-31', 31000), (32, 15, '2020-02-01', 32000), (33, 16, '2020-02-02', 33000), (34, 17, '2020-02-03', 34000), (35, 18, '2020-02-04', 35000), (36, 19, '2020-02-05', 36000), (37, 20, '2020-02-06', 37000), (38, 21, '2020-02-07', 38000), (39, 22, '2020-02-08', 39000), (40, 23, '2020-02-09', 40000), (41, 24, '2020-02-10', 41000), (42, 25, '2020-02-11', 42000), (43, 26, '2020-02-12', 43000), (44, 27, '2020-02-13', 44000), (45, 28, '2020-02-14', 45000), (46, 29, '2020-02-15', 46000), (47, 30, '2020-02-16', 47000), (48, 1, '2020-02-17', 48000), (49, 2, '2020-02-18', 49000), (50, 3, '2020-02-19', 50000)
+2883466137428011160:select customer_id, customer_pincode from customers where customer_name = 'Alice'
+6110208129700697065:vexplain trace select customer_id, customer_pincode from customers where customer_name = 'Alice'
+6110208129700697065:select c.customer_id, sum(o.order_amount) from customers as c join orders as o on c.customer_id = o.customer_id group by c.customer_id
+6110208129700697065:vexplain trace select c.customer_id, sum(o.order_amount) from customers as c join orders as o on c.customer_id = o.customer_id group by c.customer_id
+6110208129700697065:select c.customer_id, p.area_name from customers as c join pincode_areas as p on c.customer_pincode = p.pincode
+6110208129700697065:vexplain trace select c.customer_id, p.area_name from customers as c join pincode_areas as p on c.customer_pincode = p.pincode
+6110208129700697065:select distinct c.customer_id, c.customer_name from customers as c join orders as o on c.customer_id = o.customer_id where o.order_amount > (select avg(order_amount) from orders)
+6110208129700697065:vexplain trace select distinct c.customer_id, c.customer_name from customers as c join orders as o on c.customer_id = o.customer_id where o.order_amount > (select avg(order_amount) from orders)
+2883466137428011160:select c.customer_id, c.customer_name from customers as c left join orders as o on c.customer_id = o.customer_id where o.order_id is null
+2883466137428011160:vexplain trace select c.customer_id, c.customer_name from customers as c left join orders as o on c.customer_id = o.customer_id where o.order_id is null
+2883466137428011160:select c.customer_id, c.customer_name, sum(o.order_amount) as total_amount from customers as c join orders as o on c.customer_id = o.customer_id group by c.customer_id, c.customer_name order by total_amount desc limit 5
+2883466137428011160:vexplain trace select c.customer_id, c.customer_name, sum(o.order_amount) as total_amount from customers as c join orders as o on c.customer_id = o.customer_id group by c.customer_id, c.customer_name order by total_amount desc limit 5
+2883466137428011160:select distinct c1.customer_id, c1.customer_name from customers as c1 join orders as o1 on c1.customer_id = o1.customer_id join orders as o2 on c1.customer_id = o2.customer_id where DATEDIFF(o2.order_date, o1.order_date) = 1
+2883466137428011160:vexplain trace select distinct c1.customer_id, c1.customer_name from customers as c1 join orders as o1 on c1.customer_id = o1.customer_id join orders as o2 on c1.customer_id = o2.customer_id where DATEDIFF(o2.order_date, o1.order_date) = 1
+2883466137428011160:select DATE_FORMAT(order_date, '%Y-%m') as `month`, count(distinct customer_id) as unique_customers, count(*) as total_orders, sum(order_amount) as total_sales from orders group by `month` order by `month` asc
+2883466137428011160:vexplain trace select DATE_FORMAT(order_date, '%Y-%m') as `month`, count(distinct customer_id) as unique_customers, count(*) as total_orders, sum(order_amount) as total_sales from orders group by `month` order by `month` asc
+2883466137428011160:select order_count, count(*) as customer_count from (select customer_id, count(*) as order_count from orders group by customer_id) as customer_orders group by order_count order by order_count asc
+2883466137428011160:vexplain trace select order_count, count(*) as customer_count from (select customer_id, count(*) as order_count from orders group by customer_id) as customer_orders group by order_count order by order_count asc
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/go/testdata/vtgate.query.log.parsed.txt b/go/testdata/vtgate.query.log.parsed.txt
index 168ef38..0309998 100644
--- a/go/testdata/vtgate.query.log.parsed.txt
+++ b/go/testdata/vtgate.query.log.parsed.txt
@@ -1,25 +1,25 @@
-create table customers(customer_id      int,customer_name    varchar(100),customer_pincode int,primary key (customer_id))
-create table pincode_areas(pincode   int,area_name varchar(100))
-create table orders(order_id     int,customer_id  int,order_date   date,order_amount double,primary key (order_id))
-create table name_idx(name        varchar(100),customer_id int,keyspace_id varbinary(16),primary key (name, customer_id))
-vexplain trace insert into pincode_areas(pincode, area_name) values (:vtg1 /* INT64 */, :vtg2 /* VARCHAR */), (:vtg3 /* INT64 */, :vtg4 /* VARCHAR */), (:vtg5 /* INT64 */, :vtg6 /* VARCHAR */), (:vtg7 /* INT64 */, :vtg8 /* VARCHAR */), (:vtg9 /* INT64 */, :vtg10 /* VARCHAR */), (:vtg11 /* INT64 */, :vtg12 /* VARCHAR */), (:vtg13 /* INT64 */, :vtg14 /* VARCHAR */), (:vtg15 /* INT64 */, :vtg16 /* VARCHAR */), (:vtg17 /* INT64 */, :vtg18 /* VARCHAR */), (:vtg19 /* INT64 */, :vtg20 /* VARCHAR */), (:vtg21 /* INT64 */, :vtg22 /* VARCHAR */), (:vtg23 /* INT64 */, :vtg24 /* VARCHAR */), (:vtg25 /* INT64 */, :vtg26 /* VARCHAR */), (:vtg27 /* INT64 */, :vtg28 /* VARCHAR */), (:vtg29 /* INT64 */, :vtg30 /* VARCHAR */)
-vexplain trace insert into customers(customer_id, customer_name, customer_pincode) values (:vtg1 /* INT64 */, :vtg2 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg3 /* INT64 */), (:vtg4 /* INT64 */, :vtg5 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg6 /* INT64 */), (:vtg7 /* INT64 */, :vtg8 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg9 /* INT64 */), (:vtg10 /* INT64 */, :vtg11 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg12 /* INT64 */), (:vtg13 /* INT64 */, :vtg14 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg15 /* INT64 */), (:vtg16 /* INT64 */, :vtg17 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg18 /* INT64 */), (:vtg19 /* INT64 */, :vtg20 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg21 /* INT64 */), (:vtg22 /* INT64 */, :vtg23 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg24 /* INT64 */), (:vtg25 /* INT64 */, :vtg26 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg27 /* INT64 */), (:vtg28 /* INT64 */, :vtg29 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg30 /* INT64 */), (:vtg31 /* INT64 */, :vtg32 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg33 /* INT64 */), (:vtg34 /* INT64 */, :vtg35 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg36 /* INT64 */), (:vtg37 /* INT64 */, :vtg38 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg39 /* INT64 */), (:vtg40 /* INT64 */, :vtg41 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg42 /* INT64 */), (:vtg43 /* INT64 */, :vtg44 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg45 /* INT64 */), (:vtg46 /* INT64 */, :vtg47 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg48 /* INT64 */), (:vtg49 /* INT64 */, :vtg50 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg51 /* INT64 */), (:vtg52 /* INT64 */, :vtg53 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg54 /* INT64 */), (:vtg55 /* INT64 */, :vtg56 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg57 /* INT64 */), (:vtg58 /* INT64 */, :vtg59 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg60 /* INT64 */), (:vtg61 /* INT64 */, :vtg62 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg63 /* INT64 */), (:vtg64 /* INT64 */, :vtg65 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg66 /* INT64 */), (:vtg67 /* INT64 */, :vtg68 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg69 /* INT64 */), (:vtg70 /* INT64 */, :vtg71 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg72 /* INT64 */), (:vtg73 /* INT64 */, :vtg74 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg75 /* INT64 */), (:vtg76 /* INT64 */, :vtg77 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg78 /* INT64 */), (:vtg79 /* INT64 */, :vtg80 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg81 /* INT64 */), (:vtg82 /* INT64 */, :vtg83 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg84 /* INT64 */), (:vtg85 /* INT64 */, :vtg86 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg87 /* INT64 */), (:vtg88 /* INT64 */, :vtg89 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg90 /* INT64 */)
-vexplain trace insert into orders(order_id, customer_id, order_date, order_amount) values (:vtg1 /* INT64 */, :vtg2 /* INT64 */, :vtg3 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg4 /* INT64 */), (:vtg5 /* INT64 */, :vtg6 /* INT64 */, :vtg7 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg8 /* INT64 */), (:vtg9 /* INT64 */, :vtg10 /* INT64 */, :vtg11 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg12 /* INT64 */), (:vtg13 /* INT64 */, :vtg14 /* INT64 */, :vtg15 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg16 /* INT64 */), (:vtg17 /* INT64 */, :vtg18 /* INT64 */, :vtg19 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg20 /* INT64 */), (:vtg21 /* INT64 */, :vtg22 /* INT64 */, :vtg23 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg24 /* INT64 */), (:vtg25 /* INT64 */, :vtg26 /* INT64 */, :vtg27 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg28 /* INT64 */), (:vtg29 /* INT64 */, :vtg30 /* INT64 */, :vtg31 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg32 /* INT64 */), (:vtg33 /* INT64 */, :vtg34 /* INT64 */, :vtg35 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg36 /* INT64 */), (:vtg37 /* INT64 */, :vtg38 /* INT64 */, :vtg39 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg40 /* INT64 */), (:vtg41 /* INT64 */, :vtg42 /* INT64 */, :vtg43 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg44 /* INT64 */), (:vtg45 /* INT64 */, :vtg46 /* INT64 */, :vtg47 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg48 /* INT64 */), (:vtg49 /* INT64 */, :vtg50 /* INT64 */, :vtg51 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg52 /* INT64 */), (:vtg53 /* INT64 */, :vtg54 /* INT64 */, :vtg55 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg56 /* INT64 */), (:vtg57 /* INT64 */, :vtg58 /* INT64 */, :vtg59 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg60 /* INT64 */), (:vtg61 /* INT64 */, :vtg62 /* INT64 */, :vtg63 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg64 /* INT64 */), (:vtg65 /* INT64 */, :vtg66 /* INT64 */, :vtg67 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg68 /* INT64 */), (:vtg69 /* INT64 */, :vtg70 /* INT64 */, :vtg71 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg72 /* INT64 */), (:vtg73 /* INT64 */, :vtg74 /* INT64 */, :vtg75 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg76 /* INT64 */), (:vtg77 /* INT64 */, :vtg78 /* INT64 */, :vtg79 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg80 /* INT64 */), (:vtg81 /* INT64 */, :vtg82 /* INT64 */, :vtg83 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg84 /* INT64 */), (:vtg85 /* INT64 */, :vtg86 /* INT64 */, :vtg87 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg88 /* INT64 */), (:vtg89 /* INT64 */, :vtg90 /* INT64 */, :vtg91 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg92 /* INT64 */), (:vtg93 /* INT64 */, :vtg94 /* INT64 */, :vtg95 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg96 /* INT64 */), (:vtg97 /* INT64 */, :vtg98 /* INT64 */, :vtg99 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg100 /* INT64 */), (:vtg101 /* INT64 */, :vtg102 /* INT64 */, :vtg103 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg104 /* INT64 */), (:vtg105 /* INT64 */, :vtg106 /* INT64 */, :vtg107 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg108 /* INT64 */), (:vtg109 /* INT64 */, :vtg110 /* INT64 */, :vtg111 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg112 /* INT64 */), (:vtg113 /* INT64 */, :vtg114 /* INT64 */, :vtg115 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg116 /* INT64 */), (:vtg117 /* INT64 */, :vtg118 /* INT64 */, :vtg119 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg120 /* INT64 */), (:vtg121 /* INT64 */, :vtg122 /* INT64 */, :vtg123 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg124 /* INT64 */), (:vtg125 /* INT64 */, :vtg126 /* INT64 */, :vtg127 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg128 /* INT64 */), (:vtg129 /* INT64 */, :vtg130 /* INT64 */, :vtg131 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg132 /* INT64 */), (:vtg133 /* INT64 */, :vtg134 /* INT64 */, :vtg135 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg136 /* INT64 */), (:vtg137 /* INT64 */, :vtg138 /* INT64 */, :vtg139 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg140 /* INT64 */), (:vtg141 /* INT64 */, :vtg142 /* INT64 */, :vtg143 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg144 /* INT64 */), (:vtg145 /* INT64 */, :vtg146 /* INT64 */, :vtg147 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg148 /* INT64 */), (:vtg149 /* INT64 */, :vtg150 /* INT64 */, :vtg151 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg152 /* INT64 */), (:vtg153 /* INT64 */, :vtg154 /* INT64 */, :vtg155 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg156 /* INT64 */), (:vtg157 /* INT64 */, :vtg158 /* INT64 */, :vtg159 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg160 /* INT64 */), (:vtg161 /* INT64 */, :vtg162 /* INT64 */, :vtg163 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg164 /* INT64 */), (:vtg165 /* INT64 */, :vtg166 /* INT64 */, :vtg167 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg168 /* INT64 */), (:vtg169 /* INT64 */, :vtg170 /* INT64 */, :vtg171 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg172 /* INT64 */), (:vtg173 /* INT64 */, :vtg174 /* INT64 */, :vtg175 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg176 /* INT64 */), (:vtg177 /* INT64 */, :vtg178 /* INT64 */, :vtg179 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg180 /* INT64 */), (:vtg181 /* INT64 */, :vtg182 /* INT64 */, :vtg183 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg184 /* INT64 */), (:vtg185 /* INT64 */, :vtg186 /* INT64 */, :vtg187 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg188 /* INT64 */), (:vtg189 /* INT64 */, :vtg190 /* INT64 */, :vtg191 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg192 /* INT64 */), (:vtg193 /* INT64 */, :vtg194 /* INT64 */, :vtg195 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg196 /* INT64 */), (:vtg197 /* INT64 */, :vtg198 /* INT64 */, :vtg199 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg200 /* INT64 */)
-select customer_id, customer_pincode from customers where customer_name = :customer_name /* VARCHAR */
-vexplain trace select customer_id, customer_pincode from customers where customer_name = :customer_name /* VARCHAR */
-select c.customer_id, sum(o.order_amount) from customers as c join orders as o on c.customer_id = o.customer_id group by c.customer_id
-vexplain trace select c.customer_id, sum(o.order_amount) from customers as c join orders as o on c.customer_id = o.customer_id group by c.customer_id
-select c.customer_id, p.area_name from customers as c join pincode_areas as p on c.customer_pincode = p.pincode
-vexplain trace select c.customer_id, p.area_name from customers as c join pincode_areas as p on c.customer_pincode = p.pincode
-select distinct c.customer_id, c.customer_name from customers as c join orders as o on c.customer_id = o.customer_id where o.order_amount > (select avg(order_amount) from orders)
-vexplain trace select distinct c.customer_id, c.customer_name from customers as c join orders as o on c.customer_id = o.customer_id where o.order_amount > (select avg(order_amount) from orders)
-select c.customer_id, c.customer_name from customers as c left join orders as o on c.customer_id = o.customer_id where o.order_id is null
-vexplain trace select c.customer_id, c.customer_name from customers as c left join orders as o on c.customer_id = o.customer_id where o.order_id is null
-select c.customer_id, c.customer_name, sum(o.order_amount) as total_amount from customers as c join orders as o on c.customer_id = o.customer_id group by c.customer_id, c.customer_name order by total_amount desc limit :vtg1 /* INT64 */
-vexplain trace select c.customer_id, c.customer_name, sum(o.order_amount) as total_amount from customers as c join orders as o on c.customer_id = o.customer_id group by c.customer_id, c.customer_name order by total_amount desc limit :vtg1 /* INT64 */
-select distinct c1.customer_id, c1.customer_name from customers as c1 join orders as o1 on c1.customer_id = o1.customer_id join orders as o2 on c1.customer_id = o2.customer_id where DATEDIFF(o2.order_date, o1.order_date) = :vtg1 /* INT64 */
-vexplain trace select distinct c1.customer_id, c1.customer_name from customers as c1 join orders as o1 on c1.customer_id = o1.customer_id join orders as o2 on c1.customer_id = o2.customer_id where DATEDIFF(o2.order_date, o1.order_date) = :vtg1 /* INT64 */
-select DATE_FORMAT(order_date, :vtg1 /* VARCHAR */) as `month`, count(distinct customer_id) as unique_customers, count(*) as total_orders, sum(order_amount) as total_sales from orders group by `month` order by `month` asc
-vexplain trace select DATE_FORMAT(order_date, :vtg1 /* VARCHAR */) as `month`, count(distinct customer_id) as unique_customers, count(*) as total_orders, sum(order_amount) as total_sales from orders group by `month` order by `month` asc
-select order_count, count(*) as customer_count from (select customer_id, count(*) as order_count from orders group by customer_id) as customer_orders group by order_count order by order_count asc
-vexplain trace select order_count, count(*) as customer_count from (select customer_id, count(*) as order_count from orders group by customer_id) as customer_orders group by order_count order by order_count asc
\ No newline at end of file
+2883466137428011160:create table customers(customer_id      int,customer_name    varchar(100),customer_pincode int,primary key (customer_id))
+2883466137428011160:create table pincode_areas(pincode   int,area_name varchar(100))
+2883466137428011160:create table orders(order_id     int,customer_id  int,order_date   date,order_amount double,primary key (order_id))
+2883466137428011160:create table name_idx(name        varchar(100),customer_id int,keyspace_id varbinary(16),primary key (name, customer_id))
+2883466137428011160:vexplain trace insert into pincode_areas(pincode, area_name) values (:vtg1 /* INT64 */, :vtg2 /* VARCHAR */), (:vtg3 /* INT64 */, :vtg4 /* VARCHAR */), (:vtg5 /* INT64 */, :vtg6 /* VARCHAR */), (:vtg7 /* INT64 */, :vtg8 /* VARCHAR */), (:vtg9 /* INT64 */, :vtg10 /* VARCHAR */), (:vtg11 /* INT64 */, :vtg12 /* VARCHAR */), (:vtg13 /* INT64 */, :vtg14 /* VARCHAR */), (:vtg15 /* INT64 */, :vtg16 /* VARCHAR */), (:vtg17 /* INT64 */, :vtg18 /* VARCHAR */), (:vtg19 /* INT64 */, :vtg20 /* VARCHAR */), (:vtg21 /* INT64 */, :vtg22 /* VARCHAR */), (:vtg23 /* INT64 */, :vtg24 /* VARCHAR */), (:vtg25 /* INT64 */, :vtg26 /* VARCHAR */), (:vtg27 /* INT64 */, :vtg28 /* VARCHAR */), (:vtg29 /* INT64 */, :vtg30 /* VARCHAR */)
+2883466137428011160:vexplain trace insert into customers(customer_id, customer_name, customer_pincode) values (:vtg1 /* INT64 */, :vtg2 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg3 /* INT64 */), (:vtg4 /* INT64 */, :vtg5 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg6 /* INT64 */), (:vtg7 /* INT64 */, :vtg8 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg9 /* INT64 */), (:vtg10 /* INT64 */, :vtg11 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg12 /* INT64 */), (:vtg13 /* INT64 */, :vtg14 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg15 /* INT64 */), (:vtg16 /* INT64 */, :vtg17 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg18 /* INT64 */), (:vtg19 /* INT64 */, :vtg20 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg21 /* INT64 */), (:vtg22 /* INT64 */, :vtg23 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg24 /* INT64 */), (:vtg25 /* INT64 */, :vtg26 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg27 /* INT64 */), (:vtg28 /* INT64 */, :vtg29 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg30 /* INT64 */), (:vtg31 /* INT64 */, :vtg32 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg33 /* INT64 */), (:vtg34 /* INT64 */, :vtg35 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg36 /* INT64 */), (:vtg37 /* INT64 */, :vtg38 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg39 /* INT64 */), (:vtg40 /* INT64 */, :vtg41 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg42 /* INT64 */), (:vtg43 /* INT64 */, :vtg44 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg45 /* INT64 */), (:vtg46 /* INT64 */, :vtg47 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg48 /* INT64 */), (:vtg49 /* INT64 */, :vtg50 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg51 /* INT64 */), (:vtg52 /* INT64 */, :vtg53 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg54 /* INT64 */), (:vtg55 /* INT64 */, :vtg56 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg57 /* INT64 */), (:vtg58 /* INT64 */, :vtg59 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg60 /* INT64 */), (:vtg61 /* INT64 */, :vtg62 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg63 /* INT64 */), (:vtg64 /* INT64 */, :vtg65 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg66 /* INT64 */), (:vtg67 /* INT64 */, :vtg68 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg69 /* INT64 */), (:vtg70 /* INT64 */, :vtg71 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg72 /* INT64 */), (:vtg73 /* INT64 */, :vtg74 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg75 /* INT64 */), (:vtg76 /* INT64 */, :vtg77 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg78 /* INT64 */), (:vtg79 /* INT64 */, :vtg80 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg81 /* INT64 */), (:vtg82 /* INT64 */, :vtg83 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg84 /* INT64 */), (:vtg85 /* INT64 */, :vtg86 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg87 /* INT64 */), (:vtg88 /* INT64 */, :vtg89 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg90 /* INT64 */)
+2883466137428011160:vexplain trace insert into orders(order_id, customer_id, order_date, order_amount) values (:vtg1 /* INT64 */, :vtg2 /* INT64 */, :vtg3 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg4 /* INT64 */), (:vtg5 /* INT64 */, :vtg6 /* INT64 */, :vtg7 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg8 /* INT64 */), (:vtg9 /* INT64 */, :vtg10 /* INT64 */, :vtg11 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg12 /* INT64 */), (:vtg13 /* INT64 */, :vtg14 /* INT64 */, :vtg15 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg16 /* INT64 */), (:vtg17 /* INT64 */, :vtg18 /* INT64 */, :vtg19 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg20 /* INT64 */), (:vtg21 /* INT64 */, :vtg22 /* INT64 */, :vtg23 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg24 /* INT64 */), (:vtg25 /* INT64 */, :vtg26 /* INT64 */, :vtg27 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg28 /* INT64 */), (:vtg29 /* INT64 */, :vtg30 /* INT64 */, :vtg31 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg32 /* INT64 */), (:vtg33 /* INT64 */, :vtg34 /* INT64 */, :vtg35 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg36 /* INT64 */), (:vtg37 /* INT64 */, :vtg38 /* INT64 */, :vtg39 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg40 /* INT64 */), (:vtg41 /* INT64 */, :vtg42 /* INT64 */, :vtg43 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg44 /* INT64 */), (:vtg45 /* INT64 */, :vtg46 /* INT64 */, :vtg47 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg48 /* INT64 */), (:vtg49 /* INT64 */, :vtg50 /* INT64 */, :vtg51 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg52 /* INT64 */), (:vtg53 /* INT64 */, :vtg54 /* INT64 */, :vtg55 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg56 /* INT64 */), (:vtg57 /* INT64 */, :vtg58 /* INT64 */, :vtg59 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg60 /* INT64 */), (:vtg61 /* INT64 */, :vtg62 /* INT64 */, :vtg63 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg64 /* INT64 */), (:vtg65 /* INT64 */, :vtg66 /* INT64 */, :vtg67 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg68 /* INT64 */), (:vtg69 /* INT64 */, :vtg70 /* INT64 */, :vtg71 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg72 /* INT64 */), (:vtg73 /* INT64 */, :vtg74 /* INT64 */, :vtg75 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg76 /* INT64 */), (:vtg77 /* INT64 */, :vtg78 /* INT64 */, :vtg79 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg80 /* INT64 */), (:vtg81 /* INT64 */, :vtg82 /* INT64 */, :vtg83 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg84 /* INT64 */), (:vtg85 /* INT64 */, :vtg86 /* INT64 */, :vtg87 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg88 /* INT64 */), (:vtg89 /* INT64 */, :vtg90 /* INT64 */, :vtg91 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg92 /* INT64 */), (:vtg93 /* INT64 */, :vtg94 /* INT64 */, :vtg95 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg96 /* INT64 */), (:vtg97 /* INT64 */, :vtg98 /* INT64 */, :vtg99 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg100 /* INT64 */), (:vtg101 /* INT64 */, :vtg102 /* INT64 */, :vtg103 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg104 /* INT64 */), (:vtg105 /* INT64 */, :vtg106 /* INT64 */, :vtg107 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg108 /* INT64 */), (:vtg109 /* INT64 */, :vtg110 /* INT64 */, :vtg111 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg112 /* INT64 */), (:vtg113 /* INT64 */, :vtg114 /* INT64 */, :vtg115 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg116 /* INT64 */), (:vtg117 /* INT64 */, :vtg118 /* INT64 */, :vtg119 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg120 /* INT64 */), (:vtg121 /* INT64 */, :vtg122 /* INT64 */, :vtg123 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg124 /* INT64 */), (:vtg125 /* INT64 */, :vtg126 /* INT64 */, :vtg127 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg128 /* INT64 */), (:vtg129 /* INT64 */, :vtg130 /* INT64 */, :vtg131 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg132 /* INT64 */), (:vtg133 /* INT64 */, :vtg134 /* INT64 */, :vtg135 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg136 /* INT64 */), (:vtg137 /* INT64 */, :vtg138 /* INT64 */, :vtg139 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg140 /* INT64 */), (:vtg141 /* INT64 */, :vtg142 /* INT64 */, :vtg143 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg144 /* INT64 */), (:vtg145 /* INT64 */, :vtg146 /* INT64 */, :vtg147 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg148 /* INT64 */), (:vtg149 /* INT64 */, :vtg150 /* INT64 */, :vtg151 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg152 /* INT64 */), (:vtg153 /* INT64 */, :vtg154 /* INT64 */, :vtg155 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg156 /* INT64 */), (:vtg157 /* INT64 */, :vtg158 /* INT64 */, :vtg159 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg160 /* INT64 */), (:vtg161 /* INT64 */, :vtg162 /* INT64 */, :vtg163 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg164 /* INT64 */), (:vtg165 /* INT64 */, :vtg166 /* INT64 */, :vtg167 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg168 /* INT64 */), (:vtg169 /* INT64 */, :vtg170 /* INT64 */, :vtg171 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg172 /* INT64 */), (:vtg173 /* INT64 */, :vtg174 /* INT64 */, :vtg175 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg176 /* INT64 */), (:vtg177 /* INT64 */, :vtg178 /* INT64 */, :vtg179 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg180 /* INT64 */), (:vtg181 /* INT64 */, :vtg182 /* INT64 */, :vtg183 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg184 /* INT64 */), (:vtg185 /* INT64 */, :vtg186 /* INT64 */, :vtg187 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg188 /* INT64 */), (:vtg189 /* INT64 */, :vtg190 /* INT64 */, :vtg191 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg192 /* INT64 */), (:vtg193 /* INT64 */, :vtg194 /* INT64 */, :vtg195 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg196 /* INT64 */), (:vtg197 /* INT64 */, :vtg198 /* INT64 */, :vtg199 /* VARCHAR */, :vtg200 /* INT64 */)
+2883466137428011160:select customer_id, customer_pincode from customers where customer_name = :customer_name /* VARCHAR */
+6110208129700697065:vexplain trace select customer_id, customer_pincode from customers where customer_name = :customer_name /* VARCHAR */
+6110208129700697065:select c.customer_id, sum(o.order_amount) from customers as c join orders as o on c.customer_id = o.customer_id group by c.customer_id
+6110208129700697065:vexplain trace select c.customer_id, sum(o.order_amount) from customers as c join orders as o on c.customer_id = o.customer_id group by c.customer_id
+6110208129700697065:select c.customer_id, p.area_name from customers as c join pincode_areas as p on c.customer_pincode = p.pincode
+6110208129700697065:vexplain trace select c.customer_id, p.area_name from customers as c join pincode_areas as p on c.customer_pincode = p.pincode
+6110208129700697065:select distinct c.customer_id, c.customer_name from customers as c join orders as o on c.customer_id = o.customer_id where o.order_amount > (select avg(order_amount) from orders)
+6110208129700697065:vexplain trace select distinct c.customer_id, c.customer_name from customers as c join orders as o on c.customer_id = o.customer_id where o.order_amount > (select avg(order_amount) from orders)
+2883466137428011160:select c.customer_id, c.customer_name from customers as c left join orders as o on c.customer_id = o.customer_id where o.order_id is null
+2883466137428011160:vexplain trace select c.customer_id, c.customer_name from customers as c left join orders as o on c.customer_id = o.customer_id where o.order_id is null
+2883466137428011160:select c.customer_id, c.customer_name, sum(o.order_amount) as total_amount from customers as c join orders as o on c.customer_id = o.customer_id group by c.customer_id, c.customer_name order by total_amount desc limit :vtg1 /* INT64 */
+2883466137428011160:vexplain trace select c.customer_id, c.customer_name, sum(o.order_amount) as total_amount from customers as c join orders as o on c.customer_id = o.customer_id group by c.customer_id, c.customer_name order by total_amount desc limit :vtg1 /* INT64 */
+2883466137428011160:select distinct c1.customer_id, c1.customer_name from customers as c1 join orders as o1 on c1.customer_id = o1.customer_id join orders as o2 on c1.customer_id = o2.customer_id where DATEDIFF(o2.order_date, o1.order_date) = :vtg1 /* INT64 */
+2883466137428011160:vexplain trace select distinct c1.customer_id, c1.customer_name from customers as c1 join orders as o1 on c1.customer_id = o1.customer_id join orders as o2 on c1.customer_id = o2.customer_id where DATEDIFF(o2.order_date, o1.order_date) = :vtg1 /* INT64 */
+2883466137428011160:select DATE_FORMAT(order_date, :vtg1 /* VARCHAR */) as `month`, count(distinct customer_id) as unique_customers, count(*) as total_orders, sum(order_amount) as total_sales from orders group by `month` order by `month` asc
+2883466137428011160:vexplain trace select DATE_FORMAT(order_date, :vtg1 /* VARCHAR */) as `month`, count(distinct customer_id) as unique_customers, count(*) as total_orders, sum(order_amount) as total_sales from orders group by `month` order by `month` asc
+2883466137428011160:select order_count, count(*) as customer_count from (select customer_id, count(*) as order_count from orders group by customer_id) as customer_orders group by order_count order by order_count asc
+2883466137428011160:vexplain trace select order_count, count(*) as customer_count from (select customer_id, count(*) as order_count from orders group by customer_id) as customer_orders group by order_count order by order_count asc
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/go/tester/tester.go b/go/tester/tester.go
index f654a0e..10ff819 100644
--- a/go/tester/tester.go
+++ b/go/tester/tester.go
@@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ func (t *Tester) handleQuery(q data.Query) {
 	case data.WaitForAuthoritative:
-	case data.QueryT:
+	case data.SQLQuery:
 		if t.vexplain == "" {
diff --git a/go/transactions/README.md b/go/transactions/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..953d592
--- /dev/null
+++ b/go/transactions/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+# VT Transactions
+The `vt transactions` command is a sub-command of the `vt` toolset, designed to analyze query logs, identify transaction patterns, and produce a JSON report summarizing these patterns. This tool is particularly useful for understanding complex transaction behaviors, optimizing database performance, choosing a sharding strategy, and auditing transactional queries.
+Note: The JSON output generated by `vt transactions` is primarily intended for consumption by the `vt summarize` tool, which can aggregate multiple analysis reports into a human-readable summary.
+## Usage
+The basic usage of `vt transactions` is:
+vt transactions querylog.log > report.json
+ * querylog.log: The input query log file. This can be in various formats, such as SQL files, slow query logs, MySQL general query logs, or VTGate query logs.
+ * report.json: The output JSON file containing the transaction patterns.
+### Supported Input Types
+`vt transactions` supports different input file formats through the --input-type flag:
+ * Default: Assumes the input is an SQL file or a slow query log. A SQL script would also fall under this category.
+ * MySQL General Query Log: Use --input-type=mysql-log for MySQL general query logs.
+ * VTGate Query Log: Use --input-type=vtgate-log for VTGate query logs.
+## Understanding the JSON Output
+The output JSON file contains an array of transaction patterns, each summarizing a set of queries that commonly occur together within transactions. Here’s a snippet of the JSON output:
+  "fileType": "transactions",
+  "signatures": [
+    {
+      "count": 2,
+      "query-signatures": [
+        {
+          "op": "update",
+          "affected_table": "tblA",
+          "updated_columns": [
+            "apa"
+          ],
+          "predicates": [
+            {
+              "table": "tblA",
+              "col": "foo",
+              "op": 0,
+              "val": 0
+            },
+            {
+              "table": "tblA",
+              "col": "id",
+              "op": 0,
+              "val": -1
+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "op": "update",
+          "affected_table": "tblB",
+          "updated_columns": [
+            "monkey"
+          ],
+          "predicates": [
+            {
+              "table": "tblB",
+              "col": "bar",
+              "op": 0,
+              "val": 0
+            },
+            {
+              "table": "tblB",
+              "col": "id",
+              "op": 0,
+              "val": -1
+            }
+          ]
+        }
+      ]
+    }
+  ]
+### Fields Explanation
+The JSON output from `vt transactions` is structured to represent patterns of transactions found in your query logs. Here’s a breakdown of each field:
+#### Top-Level Fields
+ * fileType: Indicates the type of the file. For outputs from `vt transactions`, this will be "transactions".
+ * signatures: An array where each element represents a unique transaction pattern detected in the logs.
+#### Inside Each Signature
+Each element in the signatures array is an object that summarizes a specific transaction pattern. It contains the following fields:
+ * count: The number of times this transaction pattern was observed.
+ * query-signatures: An array of queries that are part of this transaction pattern. Each query is represented in a generalized form to abstract away specific values and focus on the structure and relationships.
+#### Inside Each Query Signature
+Each object in the query-signatures array represents a generalized query and includes:
+ * op: The operation type (e.g., "insert", "update", "delete").
+ * affected_table: The table affected by the query.
+ * updated_columns: (Only for update operations) An array of column names that are updated by the query.
+ * predicates: An array of conditions (also known as predicates) used in the query’s WHERE clause. Each predicate abstracts the condition to focus on the pattern rather than specific values. Not all predicates are included in the query signature; only those that could be used by the planner to select if the transaction is a single shard or a distributed transaction.
+#### Inside Each Predicate
+Each predicate object in the predicates array includes:
+ * table: The name of the table referenced in the condition.
+ * col: The column name used in the condition.
+ * op: A code representing the comparison operator used in the condition. For example:
+   - 0 might represent the "=" operator.
+   - Other numbers might represent different operators like <, >, LIKE, etc.
+ * val: A generalized placeholder value used in the condition. Instead of showing specific values, placeholders are used to indicate where values are compared. Identical placeholders across different predicates suggest that the same variable or parameter is used. -1 is a special value that indicates a unique value used only by this predicate.
+### Example Explained
+Consider the following predicates array:
+"predicates": [
+  {
+    "table": "tblA",
+    "col": "foo",
+    "op": 0,
+    "val": 0
+  },
+  {
+    "table": "tblA",
+    "col": "id",
+    "op": 0,
+    "val": -1
+  }
+ * The first predicate represents a condition on tblA.foo, using the operator code 0 (e.g., "="), with a generalized value 0.
+ * The second predicate represents a condition on tblA.id, also using the operator code 0, with a generalized value -1. That means that this value was only used by this predicate and not shared by any other queries in the transaction.
+This numbering helps identify the relationships between different predicates in the transaction patterns and can be used to help guide choices in sharding strategies.
+## Practical Use Cases
+ * Optimization: Identify frequently occurring transactions to optimize database performance.
+ * Sharding Strategy: When implementing horizontal sharding, it’s crucial to ensure that as many transactions as possible are confined to a single shard. The insights from `vt transactions` can help in choosing appropriate sharding keys for your tables to achieve this.
+ * Audit: Analyze transactional patterns for security audits or compliance checks.
+ * Debugging: Understand complex transaction behaviors during development or troubleshooting.
diff --git a/go/transactions/transaction_signature.go b/go/transactions/transaction_signature.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0bfc75b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/go/transactions/transaction_signature.go
@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
+Copyright 2024 The Vitess Authors.
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+limitations under the License.
+package transactions
+import (
+	"encoding/json"
+	"fmt"
+	"hash"
+	"hash/fnv"
+	"sort"
+	"strconv"
+	"vitess.io/vitess/go/vt/sqlparser"
+type (
+	TxSignature struct {
+		Count   int       `json:"count"`
+		Queries []TxQuery `json:"qqueries"`
+	}
+	TxQuery struct {
+		Op             string          `json:"op"`
+		AffectedTable  string          `json:"affected_table"`
+		UpdatedColumns []string        `json:"updated_columns,omitempty"`
+		Predicates     []predicateInfo `json:"predicates,omitempty"`
+	}
+	txSignatureMap struct {
+		data map[uint64][]*TxSignature
+	}
+	predicateInfo struct {
+		Table string                           `json:"table"`
+		Col   string                           `json:"col"`
+		Op    sqlparser.ComparisonExprOperator `json:"op"`
+		Val   int                              `json:"val"`
+	}
+func (pi predicateInfo) String() string {
+	val := strconv.Itoa(pi.Val)
+	if pi.Val == -1 {
+		val = "?"
+	}
+	return fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s %s %s", pi.Table, pi.Col, pi.Op.ToString(), val)
+func (tx *TxSignature) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
+	return json.Marshal(struct {
+		Count   int       `json:"count"`
+		Queries []TxQuery `json:"query-signatures"`
+	}{
+		Count:   tx.Count,
+		Queries: tx.Queries,
+	})
+func (tx *TxSignature) Hash64() uint64 {
+	hasher := fnv.New64a()
+	for _, query := range tx.Queries {
+		query.addToHash(hasher)
+	}
+	return hasher.Sum64()
+func (tx TxQuery) addToHash(hash hash.Hash64) {
+	_, _ = hash.Write([]byte(tx.Op))
+	_, _ = hash.Write([]byte{0})
+	_, _ = hash.Write([]byte(tx.AffectedTable))
+	_, _ = hash.Write([]byte{0})
+	for _, col := range tx.UpdatedColumns {
+		_, _ = hash.Write([]byte(col))
+		_, _ = hash.Write([]byte{0})
+	}
+	for _, pred := range tx.Predicates {
+		_, _ = hash.Write([]byte(pred.String()))
+		_, _ = hash.Write([]byte{0})
+	}
+func (tx TxQuery) Equals(other TxQuery) bool {
+	if tx.Op != other.Op {
+		return false
+	}
+	if tx.AffectedTable != other.AffectedTable {
+		return false
+	}
+	if len(tx.UpdatedColumns) != len(other.UpdatedColumns) {
+		return false
+	}
+	for i := range tx.UpdatedColumns {
+		if tx.UpdatedColumns[i] != other.UpdatedColumns[i] {
+			return false
+		}
+	}
+	if len(tx.Predicates) != len(other.Predicates) {
+		return false
+	}
+	for i := range tx.Predicates {
+		if tx.Predicates[i] != other.Predicates[i] {
+			return false
+		}
+	}
+	return true
+func newTxSignatureMap() *txSignatureMap {
+	return &txSignatureMap{
+		data: make(map[uint64][]*TxSignature),
+	}
+func (m *txSignatureMap) Add(tx *TxSignature) {
+	hash := tx.Hash64()
+	bucket, exists := m.data[hash]
+	// Check if the hash already exists
+	if !exists {
+		tx.Count = 1
+		m.data[hash] = []*TxSignature{tx}
+		return
+	}
+	// Iterate over the bucket to check for exact match
+	for _, existingTx := range bucket {
+		if tx.Equals(existingTx) {
+			existingTx.Count++
+			return
+		}
+	}
+	// No exact match found; append to the bucket
+	m.data[hash] = append(bucket, tx)
+func (tx *TxSignature) Equals(other *TxSignature) bool {
+	if len(tx.Queries) != len(other.Queries) {
+		return false
+	}
+	for i := range tx.Queries {
+		if !tx.Queries[i].Equals(other.Queries[i]) {
+			return false
+		}
+	}
+	return true
+// CleanUp removes values that are only used once and replaces them with -1
+func (tx *TxSignature) CleanUp() *TxSignature {
+	usedValues := make(map[int]int)
+	// First let's count how many times each value is used
+	for _, query := range tx.Queries {
+		for _, predicate := range query.Predicates {
+			usedValues[predicate.Val]++
+		}
+	}
+	// Now we replace values only used once with -1
+	newCount := 0
+	newValues := make(map[int]int)
+	newQueries := make([]TxQuery, 0, len(tx.Queries))
+	for _, query := range tx.Queries {
+		newPredicates := make([]predicateInfo, 0, len(query.Predicates))
+		for _, predicate := range query.Predicates {
+			if usedValues[predicate.Val] == 1 {
+				predicate.Val = -1
+			} else {
+				newVal, found := newValues[predicate.Val]
+				if !found {
+					// Assign a new value to this predicate
+					newVal = newCount
+					newCount++
+					newValues[predicate.Val] = newVal
+				}
+				predicate.Val = newVal
+			}
+			newPredicates = append(newPredicates, predicate)
+		}
+		newQueries = append(newQueries, TxQuery{
+			Op:             query.Op,
+			AffectedTable:  query.AffectedTable,
+			UpdatedColumns: query.UpdatedColumns,
+			Predicates:     newPredicates,
+		})
+	}
+	return &TxSignature{
+		Queries: newQueries,
+		Count:   tx.Count,
+	}
+func (m *txSignatureMap) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
+	// Collect all interesting TxSignatures into a slice
+	var signatures []*TxSignature
+	for _, bucket := range m.data {
+		for _, txSig := range bucket {
+			if txSig.Count > 1 {
+				signatures = append(signatures, txSig.CleanUp())
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	sort.Slice(signatures, func(i, j int) bool {
+		return signatures[i].Count > signatures[j].Count
+	})
+	result := map[string]any{
+		"fileType":   "transactions",
+		"signatures": signatures,
+	}
+	return json.Marshal(result)
diff --git a/go/transactions/transactions.go b/go/transactions/transactions.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b6469e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/go/transactions/transactions.go
@@ -0,0 +1,342 @@
+Copyright 2024 The Vitess Authors.
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+limitations under the License.
+package transactions
+import (
+	"encoding/json"
+	"fmt"
+	"io"
+	"os"
+	"strings"
+	"sync"
+	"vitess.io/vitess/go/vt/sqlparser"
+	"vitess.io/vitess/go/vt/vtgate/semantics"
+	"github.com/vitessio/vt/go/data"
+	"github.com/vitessio/vt/go/keys"
+type (
+	Config struct {
+		FileName string
+		Loader   data.Loader
+	}
+	Connection struct {
+		Transaction []sqlparser.Statement
+		Autocommit bool
+	}
+	state struct {
+		parser *sqlparser.Parser
+		si     *keys.SchemaInfo
+		mu     sync.Mutex
+		txs    *txSignatureMap
+	}
+func Run(cfg Config) {
+	s := &state{
+		parser: sqlparser.NewTestParser(),
+		si:     &keys.SchemaInfo{},
+		txs:    newTxSignatureMap(),
+	}
+	s.run(os.Stdout, cfg)
+func getAutocommitStatus(set *sqlparser.Set, oldState bool) bool {
+	for _, expr := range set.Exprs {
+		if expr.Var.Name.Lowered() == "autocommit" {
+			val, ok := expr.Expr.(*sqlparser.Literal)
+			if !ok {
+				continue
+			}
+			str := strings.ToLower(val.Val)
+			if str == "1" || str == "on" || str == "true" {
+				return true
+			}
+			return false
+		}
+	}
+	return oldState
+func (s *state) parse(q string) sqlparser.Statement {
+	stmt, err := s.parser.Parse(q)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil
+	}
+	return stmt
+func (s *state) startProducing(loader data.IteratorLoader, defaultAutocommit bool, ch chan<- []sqlparser.Statement) {
+	connections := map[int]*Connection{}
+	getConn := func(id int) *Connection {
+		connection, ok := connections[id]
+		if !ok {
+			connection = &Connection{Autocommit: defaultAutocommit}
+			connections[id] = connection
+		}
+		return connection
+	}
+	_ = data.ForeachSQLQuery(loader, func(query data.Query) error {
+		stmt := s.parse(query.Query)
+		if stmt == nil {
+			return nil
+		}
+		switch stmt := stmt.(type) {
+		case *sqlparser.Begin:
+		case *sqlparser.Commit:
+			// Commit seen, so we can yield the queries in the transaction
+			connection := getConn(query.ConnectionID)
+			if connection.Transaction == nil {
+				return nil
+			}
+			ch <- connection.Transaction
+			connection.Transaction = nil
+		case *sqlparser.Set:
+			conn := getConn(query.ConnectionID)
+			conn.Autocommit = getAutocommitStatus(stmt, defaultAutocommit)
+		default:
+			if !sqlparser.IsDMLStatement(stmt) {
+				return nil
+			}
+			connection := getConn(query.ConnectionID)
+			if connection.Autocommit {
+				ch <- []sqlparser.Statement{stmt}
+			} else {
+				connection.Transaction = append(connection.Transaction, stmt)
+			}
+		}
+		return nil
+	})
+func exprToString(expr sqlparser.Expr) string {
+	if v, ok := expr.(*sqlparser.Literal); ok {
+		return v.Val
+	}
+	return ""
+func createPredicateInfo(
+	st *semantics.SemTable,
+	expr *sqlparser.ColName,
+	op sqlparser.ComparisonExprOperator,
+	value string,
+	n *normalizer,
+) predicateInfo {
+	tableInfo, err := st.TableInfoForExpr(expr)
+	if err != nil {
+		panic(err)
+	}
+	table := tableInfo.GetVindexTable()
+	if table == nil {
+		panic("table not found")
+	}
+	return predicateInfo{
+		Table: table.Name.String(),
+		Col:   expr.Name.String(),
+		Op:    op,
+		Val:   n.normalize(value),
+	}
+type normalizer struct {
+	m    map[string]int
+	next int
+func (n *normalizer) normalize(s string) int {
+	v, ok := n.m[s]
+	if ok {
+		return v
+	}
+	id := n.next
+	n.m[s] = id
+	n.next++
+	return id
+func getPredicates(e sqlparser.Expr, st *semantics.SemTable, n *normalizer) (predicates []predicateInfo) {
+	// TODO: Implement support for join predicates
+	for _, predicate := range sqlparser.SplitAndExpression(nil, e) {
+		cmp, ok := predicate.(*sqlparser.ComparisonExpr)
+		if !ok {
+			continue
+		}
+		lhs, lhsOK := cmp.Left.(*sqlparser.ColName)
+		rhs, rhsOK := cmp.Right.(*sqlparser.ColName)
+		if rhsStr := exprToString(cmp.Right); lhsOK && rhsStr != "" {
+			predicates = append(predicates, createPredicateInfo(st, lhs, cmp.Operator, rhsStr, n))
+		}
+		if lhsStr := exprToString(cmp.Left); rhsOK && lhsStr != "" {
+			switchedOp, ok := cmp.Operator.SwitchSides()
+			if ok {
+				predicates = append(predicates, createPredicateInfo(st, rhs, switchedOp, lhsStr, n))
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return
+func (s *state) consume(ch <-chan []sqlparser.Statement, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
+	defer wg.Done()
+	for queries := range ch {
+		n := &normalizer{m: make(map[string]int)}
+		tx := &TxSignature{}
+		for _, query := range queries {
+			st, err := semantics.Analyze(query, "ks", s.si)
+			if err != nil {
+				panic(err)
+			}
+			switch query := query.(type) {
+			case *sqlparser.Update:
+				s.consumeUpdate(query, st, n, tx)
+			case *sqlparser.Delete:
+				s.consumeDelete(query, st, n, tx)
+			}
+		}
+		s.addSignature(tx)
+	}
+func (s *state) consumeUpdate(query *sqlparser.Update, st *semantics.SemTable, n *normalizer, tx *TxSignature) {
+	// Find all predicates in the where clause that use a column and a literal
+	var predicates []predicateInfo
+	if query.Where != nil {
+		predicates = getPredicates(query.Where.Expr, st, n)
+	}
+	updatedColumns := make([]string, 0, len(query.Exprs))
+	for _, expr := range query.Exprs {
+		updatedColumns = append(updatedColumns, sqlparser.String(expr.Name.Name))
+	}
+	if len(query.TableExprs) != 1 {
+		// TODO: Implement support for multi-table updates
+		panic("multi-table updates not supported")
+	}
+	tx.Queries = append(tx.Queries, TxQuery{
+		Op:             "update",
+		AffectedTable:  sqlparser.String(query.TableExprs[0]),
+		UpdatedColumns: updatedColumns,
+		Predicates:     predicates,
+	})
+func (s *state) consumeDelete(del *sqlparser.Delete, st *semantics.SemTable, n *normalizer, tx *TxSignature) {
+	var predicates []predicateInfo
+	if del.Where != nil {
+		predicates = getPredicates(del.Where.Expr, st, n)
+	}
+	if len(del.TableExprs) != 1 {
+		// TODO: Implement support for multi-table deletes
+		panic("multi-table updates not supported")
+	}
+	tx.Queries = append(tx.Queries, TxQuery{
+		Op:            "delete",
+		AffectedTable: sqlparser.String(del.TableExprs[0]),
+		Predicates:    predicates,
+	})
+func (s *state) addSignature(tx *TxSignature) {
+	s.mu.Lock()
+	defer s.mu.Unlock()
+	s.txs.Add(tx)
+func (s *state) run(out io.Writer, cfg Config) {
+	defaultAutocommit := s.getAutocommitGuess(cfg)
+	loader := cfg.Loader.Load(cfg.FileName)
+	ch := make(chan []sqlparser.Statement, 1000)
+	noOfConsumers := 1
+	var wg sync.WaitGroup
+	for range noOfConsumers {
+		wg.Add(1)
+		go s.consume(ch, &wg)
+	}
+	go func() {
+		s.startProducing(loader, defaultAutocommit, ch)
+		close(ch)
+	}()
+	wg.Wait()
+	txsJSON, err := json.MarshalIndent(s.txs, "", "  ")
+	if err != nil {
+		panic(err)
+	}
+	_, _ = fmt.Fprintf(out, "%s\n", string(txsJSON))
+func (s *state) getAutocommitGuess(cfg Config) bool {
+	// Figure out if autocommit is enabled
+	// If we see:
+	// 1. BEGIN we can assume autocommit is disabled
+	// 2. COMMIT and no BEGIN we can assume autocommit is enabled
+	// 3. ROLLBACK and no BEGIN we can assume autocommit is enabled
+	// 4. SET autocommit = 1/0
+	count := 1000
+	defaultAutocommit := true
+	loader := cfg.Loader.Load(cfg.FileName)
+	defer func() {
+		err := loader.Close()
+		if err != nil {
+			panic(err.Error())
+		}
+	}()
+	_ = data.ForeachSQLQuery(loader, func(query data.Query) error {
+		count--
+		if count == 0 {
+			// enough already. we'll assume autocommit is enabled because that is the default
+			return io.EOF
+		}
+		stmt := s.parse(query.Query)
+		if stmt == nil {
+			return nil
+		}
+		switch stmt.(type) {
+		case *sqlparser.Begin:
+			// BEGIN seen, so autocommit is disabled
+			return io.EOF
+		case *sqlparser.Commit:
+			defaultAutocommit = false
+			// no BEGIN seen, so autocommit is disabled
+			return io.EOF
+		}
+		return nil
+	})
+	return defaultAutocommit
diff --git a/go/transactions/transactions_test.go b/go/transactions/transactions_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6dfb573
--- /dev/null
+++ b/go/transactions/transactions_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+Copyright 2024 The Vitess Authors.
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+limitations under the License.
+package transactions
+import (
+	"os"
+	"strings"
+	"testing"
+	"github.com/stretchr/testify/assert"
+	"github.com/stretchr/testify/require"
+	"vitess.io/vitess/go/vt/sqlparser"
+	"github.com/vitessio/vt/go/data"
+	"github.com/vitessio/vt/go/keys"
+func TestRun(t *testing.T) {
+	sb := &strings.Builder{}
+	s := &state{
+		parser: sqlparser.NewTestParser(),
+		si:     &keys.SchemaInfo{},
+		txs:    newTxSignatureMap(),
+	}
+	s.run(sb, Config{
+		FileName: "../testdata/small-slow-query-log",
+		Loader:   data.SlowQueryLogLoader{},
+	})
+	out, err := os.ReadFile("../testdata/small-slow-query-transactions.json")
+	require.NoError(t, err)
+	assert.Equal(t, string(out), sb.String())
+	if t.Failed() {
+		_ = os.WriteFile("../testdata/expected/small-slow-query-transactions.json", []byte(sb.String()), 0o644)
+	}
+func TestAutocommitSettings(t *testing.T) {
+	tests := []struct {
+		query  string
+		expect bool
+	}{
+		{
+			query:  "set autocommit=1",
+			expect: true,
+		}, {
+			query:  "set autocommit=0",
+			expect: false,
+		}, {
+			query:  "set autocommit=on",
+			expect: true,
+		}, {
+			query:  "set autocommit=off",
+			expect: false,
+		}, {
+			query:  "set session autocommit=on",
+			expect: true,
+		}, {
+			query:  "set session autocommit=off",
+			expect: false,
+		}, {
+			query:  "set @@session.autocommit=1",
+			expect: true,
+		}, {
+			query:  "set @@session.autocommit=0",
+			expect: false,
+		}, {
+			query:  "set global autocommit = 1",
+			expect: true,
+		}, {
+			query:  "set global autocommit = 0",
+			expect: false,
+		},
+	}
+	parser := sqlparser.NewTestParser()
+	for _, test := range tests {
+		t.Run(test.query, func(t *testing.T) {
+			stmt, err := parser.Parse(test.query)
+			require.NoError(t, err)
+			set, ok := stmt.(*sqlparser.Set)
+			require.True(t, ok)
+			assert.Equal(t, test.expect, getAutocommitStatus(set, false))
+		})
+	}