#1. Selected Data Sources
1.1 Linkages between Empowerment, Gender Equality & Sustainable Human Development 1. What are the root causes of constraints to gender equality in sub-Saharan in Africa? 2. What are some of the sub-regional dimensions of progress or reversals in human development in Africa? 3. What advances in sustainable human development have been achieved by women and men? 4. What are the links between women’s empowerment, gender equality, and sustainable human development in the African context? 5. What is the impact of gender inequality and gender gaps on growth, macro, fiscal, and trade indicators?
I am interested in the root causes of gender inequality in Africa and what can be done in order to enact sustainable change. Are Empowerment, Gender Equality and Sustainable Human Development connected and if so, how can that be used to improve gender inequality? If there is a correlation between Empowerment, Gender Equality and Sustainable Human Development, that could provide answers toward solutions in how to improve the root causes. I would like to explore why gender inequality in Africa exists and what factors have an effect on that inequality, in order to develop solutions.
2.1 Economic Gender Gaps: Mapping Gaps and Country Benchmarking 1. What are the different ways that women and men engage in the economy? 2. What disparities exist in terms of economic opportunities for women and men? 3. How does women’s engagement in unpaid care work impact economic wellbeing at the household, community and national levels?
Gender gaps are often reflected economy. I am fascinated by what economic gender gaps exist and the root causes of those gaps. How is the economy affected by this gap, especially if women are engaging in unpaid care work? Discrepancies in Gross National Income, in terms of gender, could negatively affect countries' economy. I would like to know the severity of these affects and how they can be improved.
3.2 Modeling impacts on socio-economic indicators, food security, and poverty of gender equality and women’s empowerment 1. What is the relationship between gender equality / women’s empowerment and 1) human development indicators, 2) food security, 3) poverty? 2. What are the economic cost of gender gaps and inequality on growth and poverty reduction? 3. What are the economic costs of gender gaps and inequality on socio-economic indicators? 4. What are the costs of disparities in agriculture (e.g. access to land for women and men) in achieving food security and inclusive growth?
I am interested in looking at how Gender Equality and inequality affect the economy, human development, food security, and poverty. How do economic gender inequalities affect other areas of human development? I would like to learn more about the affects of gender inequality.
#2. Selected References
This report looks at Africa’s progress in regards to the Millennium Development Goals(MDG). There has been accelerated progress with the MDGs since 2003. This progress includes a decline in poverty rates. Unemployment and income inequality have improved but not greatly. Hunger and malnutrition remain a difficult challenge. There are still gender inequalities in education. The report also covers the Common African Position on the post-2015 Development Agenda, which hopes to eradicate poverty.
Gender inequalities, economic growth and economic reform: A preliminary longitudinal evaluation
This study examines gender inequality data evaluating its impact on economic growth. The study also had a focus on the impact of economic policy reform. It concluded that the biggest significant relationship with gender inequalities was expenditures in education.
Leveling the Field Improving opportunities for women farmers in Africa World Bank
This report shows the gender gap in Africa in terms of agriculture. It takes a look at Ethiopia, Malawi, Niger, Nigeria, Tanzania, and Uganda and shows the discrepancies in amount of agriculture produced. Women produce and receive unequal inputs agriculturally. This report advises steps for updating policy in order to improve the gender gap and concludes that this will result in a boost in economy.
#3. Supplemental Sources
The Global Gender Gap Report World Economic Forum
Enterprising Women: Expanding Economic Opportunities in Africa By Mary Hallward-Driemeier
#4. Questions *Who is the audience? *How was this data collected? *How often will data be added? *What outside resources are we allowed to utilize? *How were the questions formulated? *Do these specific questions need to be asked or can they be altered? *What is the end goal and purpose of this report? *A lot of the resources focus on the Millennium Development Goals, is this our measure of success and/ or our goal and purpose?