create a website like Thingiverse for Grid Beam furniture (example from 2013 me).
sell Grid Beams by partnering with a local CNC manufacturing company, like
- Grid Beams are a square columns with holes drilled every width of the column, starting at a half width (so you can cut a beam in half and it is still compatible)
- Grid Beams are like Lego for adults, a protocol for re-configurable building parts using standard wood or metal materials
- Grid Beams are re-usable, no destructive screws, only easy bolts that anyone can assemble and disassemble
- Grid Beams allow you to evolve your furniture patterns as you needs change, your furniture is alive not dead
job stories:
- when i want to find furniture patterns,
- i can browse patterns by tags, author, etc
- i can search patterns based on name, description, tags, author, etc
- when i want to design a furniture pattern,
- i can create a new pattern
- i can fork an existing pattern
- when i want to "buy" a pattern,
- i can order the necessary bundles of beams and accessories (attachments, plates)
- i can pay for my order
- i can set my delivery address
- when i want to manufacture Grid Beams,
- i know what standard wood or metal materials are necessary to buy
- i receive standard instructions and CAD files that are appropriate for my CNC machine
the pattern editor is basically a simplified 3d modeling program, that allows you to add, update, or remove beams on a grid.
build a landing page
- create grid beam renderer
- input: beams, bolts, panels
- use jscad-viewer or csg-viewer
- render examples
- basic desk
- corner desk
- shelves
- bed frame
- corner desk with shelves and bed frame
- layout
- hero
- animation of re-configuring grid beam
- values
- adaptable, flexible
- durable, re-usable
- made locally
- fun to use
- explainer
- examples
- call to action
- hero
- threejs
- example voxel painter:
- can we have a mesh for a single "block"
- then link them together for a "beam"
- then have a mesh for a bolt