diff --git a/altair/__init__.py b/altair/__init__.py
index c2d05e464..d75de0105 100644
--- a/altair/__init__.py
+++ b/altair/__init__.py
@@ -603,6 +603,7 @@
+ "datasets",
@@ -651,7 +652,7 @@ def __dir__():
from altair.jupyter import JupyterChart
from altair.expr import expr
from altair.utils import AltairDeprecationWarning, parse_shorthand, Undefined
-from altair import typing, theme
+from altair import datasets, theme, typing
def load_ipython_extension(ipython):
diff --git a/altair/datasets/__init__.py b/altair/datasets/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..efdd85c3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/altair/datasets/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+Load example datasets *remotely* from `vega-datasets`_.
+Provides **70+** datasets, used throughout our `Example Gallery`_.
+You can learn more about each dataset at `datapackage.md`_.
+Load a dataset as a ``DataFrame``/``Table``::
+ from altair.datasets import load
+ load("cars")
+.. note::
+ Requires installation of either `polars`_, `pandas`_, or `pyarrow`_.
+Get the remote address of a dataset and use directly in a :class:`altair.Chart`::
+ import altair as alt
+ from altair.datasets import url
+ source = url("co2-concentration")
+ alt.Chart(source).mark_line(tooltip=True).encode(x="Date:T", y="CO2:Q")
+.. note::
+ Works without any additional dependencies.
+For greater control over the backend library use::
+ from altair.datasets import Loader
+ load = Loader.from_backend("polars")
+ load("penguins")
+ load.url("penguins")
+This method also provides *precise* Tab completions on the returned object::
+ load("cars").
+ # bottom_k
+ # drop
+ # drop_in_place
+ # drop_nans
+ # dtypes
+ # ...
+.. _vega-datasets:
+ https://github.com/vega/vega-datasets
+.. _Example Gallery:
+ https://altair-viz.github.io/gallery/index.html#example-gallery
+.. _datapackage.md:
+ https://github.com/vega/vega-datasets/blob/main/datapackage.md
+.. _polars:
+ https://docs.pola.rs/user-guide/installation/
+.. _pandas:
+ https://pandas.pydata.org/docs/getting_started/install.html
+.. _pyarrow:
+ https://arrow.apache.org/docs/python/install.html
+from __future__ import annotations
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
+from altair.datasets._loader import Loader
+ import sys
+ from typing import Any
+ if sys.version_info >= (3, 11):
+ from typing import LiteralString
+ else:
+ from typing_extensions import LiteralString
+ from altair.datasets._loader import _Load
+ from altair.datasets._typing import Dataset, Extension
+__all__ = ["Loader", "load", "url"]
+load: _Load[Any, Any]
+Get a remote dataset and load as tabular data.
+For full Tab completions, instead use::
+ from altair.datasets import Loader
+ load = Loader.from_backend("polars")
+ cars = load("cars")
+ movies = load("movies")
+Alternatively, specify ``backend`` during a call::
+ from altair.datasets import load
+ cars = load("cars", backend="polars")
+ movies = load("movies", backend="polars")
+def url(
+ name: Dataset | LiteralString,
+ suffix: Extension | None = None,
+ /,
+) -> str:
+ """
+ Return the address of a remote dataset.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ name
+ Name of the dataset/`Path.stem`_.
+ suffix
+ File extension/`Path.suffix`_.
+ .. note::
+ Only needed if ``name`` is available in multiple formats.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ ``str``
+ .. _Path.stem:
+ https://docs.python.org/3/library/pathlib.html#pathlib.PurePath.stem
+ .. _Path.suffix:
+ https://docs.python.org/3/library/pathlib.html#pathlib.PurePath.suffix
+ """
+ from altair.datasets._exceptions import AltairDatasetsError
+ try:
+ from altair.datasets._loader import load
+ url = load.url(name, suffix)
+ except AltairDatasetsError:
+ from altair.datasets._cache import csv_cache
+ url = csv_cache.url(name)
+ return url
+def __getattr__(name):
+ if name == "load":
+ from altair.datasets._loader import load
+ return load
+ else:
+ msg = f"module {__name__!r} has no attribute {name!r}"
+ raise AttributeError(msg)
diff --git a/altair/datasets/_cache.py b/altair/datasets/_cache.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..eb22cc36e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/altair/datasets/_cache.py
@@ -0,0 +1,471 @@
+from __future__ import annotations
+import os
+import sys
+from collections import defaultdict
+from importlib.util import find_spec
+from pathlib import Path
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, ClassVar, TypeVar, cast
+import narwhals.stable.v1 as nw
+from altair.datasets._exceptions import AltairDatasetsError
+if sys.version_info >= (3, 12):
+ from typing import Protocol
+ from typing_extensions import Protocol
+ from collections.abc import (
+ Iterable,
+ Iterator,
+ Mapping,
+ MutableMapping,
+ MutableSequence,
+ Sequence,
+ )
+ from io import IOBase
+ from typing import Any, Final
+ from urllib.request import OpenerDirector
+ from _typeshed import StrPath
+ from narwhals.stable.v1.dtypes import DType
+ from narwhals.stable.v1.typing import IntoExpr
+ from altair.datasets._typing import Dataset, Metadata
+ if sys.version_info >= (3, 12):
+ from typing import Unpack
+ else:
+ from typing_extensions import Unpack
+ if sys.version_info >= (3, 11):
+ from typing import LiteralString
+ else:
+ from typing_extensions import LiteralString
+ if sys.version_info >= (3, 10):
+ from typing import TypeAlias
+ else:
+ from typing_extensions import TypeAlias
+ from altair.datasets._typing import FlFieldStr
+ from altair.vegalite.v5.schema._typing import OneOrSeq
+ _Dataset: TypeAlias = "Dataset | LiteralString"
+ _FlSchema: TypeAlias = Mapping[str, FlFieldStr]
+__all__ = ["CsvCache", "DatasetCache", "SchemaCache", "csv_cache"]
+_KT = TypeVar("_KT")
+_VT = TypeVar("_VT")
+_T = TypeVar("_T")
+_METADATA_DIR: Final[Path] = Path(__file__).parent / "_metadata"
+_DTYPE_TO_FIELD: Mapping[type[DType], FlFieldStr] = {
+ nw.Int64: "integer",
+ nw.Float64: "number",
+ nw.Boolean: "boolean",
+ nw.String: "string",
+ nw.Struct: "object",
+ nw.List: "array",
+ nw.Date: "date",
+ nw.Datetime: "datetime",
+ nw.Duration: "duration",
+ # nw.Time: "time" (Not Implemented, but we don't have any cases using it anyway)
+Similar to `pl.datatypes.convert.dtype_to_ffiname`_.
+But using `narwhals.dtypes`_ to the string repr of ``frictionless`` `Field Types`_.
+.. _pl.datatypes.convert.dtype_to_ffiname:
+ https://github.com/pola-rs/polars/blob/85d078c066860e012f5e7e611558e6382b811b82/py-polars/polars/datatypes/convert.py#L139-L165
+.. _Field Types:
+ https://datapackage.org/standard/table-schema/#field-types
+.. _narwhals.dtypes:
+ https://narwhals-dev.github.io/narwhals/api-reference/dtypes/
+_FIELD_TO_DTYPE: Mapping[FlFieldStr, type[DType]] = {
+ v: k for k, v in _DTYPE_TO_FIELD.items()
+def _iter_metadata(df: nw.DataFrame[Any], /) -> Iterator[Metadata]:
+ """
+ Yield rows from ``df``, where each represents a dataset.
+ See Also
+ --------
+ ``altair.datasets._typing.Metadata``
+ """
+ yield from cast("Iterator[Metadata]", df.iter_rows(named=True))
+class CompressedCache(Protocol[_KT, _VT]):
+ fp: Path
+ _mapping: MutableMapping[_KT, _VT]
+ def read(self) -> Any: ...
+ def __getitem__(self, key: _KT, /) -> _VT: ...
+ def __enter__(self) -> IOBase:
+ import gzip
+ return gzip.open(self.fp, mode="rb").__enter__()
+ def __exit__(self, *args) -> None:
+ return
+ def get(self, key: _KT, default: _T, /) -> _VT | _T:
+ return self.mapping.get(key, default)
+ @property
+ def mapping(self) -> MutableMapping[_KT, _VT]:
+ if not self._mapping:
+ self._mapping.update(self.read())
+ return self._mapping
+class CsvCache(CompressedCache["_Dataset", "Metadata"]):
+ """
+ `csv`_, `gzip`_ -based, lazy metadata lookup.
+ Used as a fallback for 2 scenarios:
+ 1. ``url(...)`` when no optional dependencies are installed.
+ 2. ``(Loader|load)(...)`` when the backend is missing* ``.parquet`` support.
+ Notes
+ -----
+ *All backends *can* support ``.parquet``, but ``pandas`` requires an optional dependency.
+ .. _csv:
+ https://docs.python.org/3/library/csv.html
+ .. _gzip:
+ https://docs.python.org/3/library/gzip.html
+ """
+ fp = _METADATA_DIR / "metadata.csv.gz"
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ *,
+ tp: type[MutableMapping[_Dataset, Metadata]] = dict["_Dataset", "Metadata"],
+ ) -> None:
+ self._mapping: MutableMapping[_Dataset, Metadata] = tp()
+ self._rotated: MutableMapping[str, MutableSequence[Any]] = defaultdict(list)
+ def read(self) -> Any:
+ import csv
+ with self as f:
+ b_lines = f.readlines()
+ reader = csv.reader((bs.decode() for bs in b_lines), dialect=csv.unix_dialect)
+ header = tuple(next(reader))
+ return {row[0]: dict(self._convert_row(header, row)) for row in reader}
+ def _convert_row(
+ self, header: Iterable[str], row: Iterable[str], /
+ ) -> Iterator[tuple[str, Any]]:
+ map_tf = {"true": True, "false": False}
+ for col, value in zip(header, row):
+ if col.startswith(("is_", "has_")):
+ yield col, map_tf[value]
+ elif col == "bytes":
+ yield col, int(value)
+ else:
+ yield col, value
+ @property
+ def rotated(self) -> Mapping[str, Sequence[Any]]:
+ """Columnar view."""
+ if not self._rotated:
+ for record in self.mapping.values():
+ for k, v in record.items():
+ self._rotated[k].append(v)
+ return self._rotated
+ def __getitem__(self, key: _Dataset, /) -> Metadata:
+ if meta := self.get(key, None):
+ return meta
+ msg = f"{key!r} does not refer to a known dataset."
+ raise TypeError(msg)
+ def url(self, name: _Dataset, /) -> str:
+ meta = self[name]
+ if meta["suffix"] == ".parquet" and not find_spec("vegafusion"):
+ raise AltairDatasetsError.from_url(meta)
+ return meta["url"]
+ def __repr__(self) -> str:
+ return f"<{type(self).__name__}: {'COLLECTED' if self._mapping else 'READY'}>"
+class SchemaCache(CompressedCache["_Dataset", "_FlSchema"]):
+ """
+ `json`_, `gzip`_ -based, lazy schema lookup.
+ - Primarily benefits ``pandas``, which needs some help identifying **temporal** columns.
+ - Utilizes `data package`_ schema types.
+ - All methods return falsy containers instead of exceptions
+ .. _json:
+ https://docs.python.org/3/library/json.html
+ .. _gzip:
+ https://docs.python.org/3/library/gzip.html
+ .. _data package:
+ https://github.com/vega/vega-datasets/pull/631
+ """
+ fp = _METADATA_DIR / "schemas.json.gz"
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ *,
+ tp: type[MutableMapping[_Dataset, _FlSchema]] = dict["_Dataset", "_FlSchema"],
+ implementation: nw.Implementation = nw.Implementation.UNKNOWN,
+ ) -> None:
+ self._mapping: MutableMapping[_Dataset, _FlSchema] = tp()
+ self._implementation: nw.Implementation = implementation
+ def read(self) -> Any:
+ import json
+ with self as f:
+ return json.load(f)
+ def __getitem__(self, key: _Dataset, /) -> _FlSchema:
+ return self.get(key, {})
+ def by_dtype(self, name: _Dataset, *dtypes: type[DType]) -> list[str]:
+ """
+ Return column names specfied in ``name``'s schema.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ name
+ Dataset name.
+ *dtypes
+ Optionally, only return columns matching the given data type(s).
+ """
+ if (match := self[name]) and dtypes:
+ include = {_DTYPE_TO_FIELD[tp] for tp in dtypes}
+ return [col for col, tp_str in match.items() if tp_str in include]
+ else:
+ return list(match)
+ def is_active(self) -> bool:
+ return self._implementation in {
+ nw.Implementation.PANDAS,
+ nw.Implementation.PYARROW,
+ nw.Implementation.MODIN,
+ nw.Implementation.PYARROW,
+ }
+ def schema_kwds(self, meta: Metadata, /) -> dict[str, Any]:
+ name: Any = meta["dataset_name"]
+ impl = self._implementation
+ if (impl.is_pandas_like() or impl.is_pyarrow()) and (self[name]):
+ suffix = meta["suffix"]
+ if impl.is_pandas_like():
+ if cols := self.by_dtype(name, nw.Date, nw.Datetime):
+ if suffix == ".json":
+ return {"convert_dates": cols}
+ elif suffix in {".csv", ".tsv"}:
+ return {"parse_dates": cols}
+ else:
+ schema = self.schema_pyarrow(name)
+ if suffix in {".csv", ".tsv"}:
+ from pyarrow.csv import ConvertOptions
+ return {"convert_options": ConvertOptions(column_types=schema)} # pyright: ignore[reportCallIssue]
+ elif suffix == ".parquet":
+ return {"schema": schema}
+ return {}
+ def schema(self, name: _Dataset, /) -> Mapping[str, DType]:
+ return {
+ column: _FIELD_TO_DTYPE[tp_str]() for column, tp_str in self[name].items()
+ }
+ # TODO: Open an issue in ``narwhals`` to try and get a public api for type conversion
+ def schema_pyarrow(self, name: _Dataset, /):
+ schema = self.schema(name)
+ if schema:
+ from narwhals._arrow.utils import narwhals_to_native_dtype
+ from narwhals.utils import Version
+ m = {k: narwhals_to_native_dtype(v, Version.V1) for k, v in schema.items()}
+ else:
+ m = {}
+ return nw.dependencies.get_pyarrow().schema(m)
+class _SupportsScanMetadata(Protocol):
+ _opener: ClassVar[OpenerDirector]
+ def _scan_metadata(
+ self, *predicates: OneOrSeq[IntoExpr], **constraints: Unpack[Metadata]
+ ) -> nw.LazyFrame[Any]: ...
+class DatasetCache:
+ """Opt-out caching of remote dataset requests."""
+ _ENV_VAR: ClassVar[LiteralString] = "ALTAIR_DATASETS_DIR"
+ _XDG_CACHE: ClassVar[Path] = (
+ Path(os.environ.get("XDG_CACHE_HOME", Path.home() / ".cache")) / "altair"
+ ).resolve()
+ def __init__(self, reader: _SupportsScanMetadata, /) -> None:
+ self._rd: _SupportsScanMetadata = reader
+ def clear(self) -> None:
+ """Delete all previously cached datasets."""
+ self._ensure_active()
+ if self.is_empty():
+ return None
+ ser = (
+ self._rd._scan_metadata()
+ .select("sha", "suffix")
+ .unique("sha")
+ .select(nw.concat_str("sha", "suffix").alias("sha_suffix"))
+ .collect()
+ .get_column("sha_suffix")
+ )
+ names = set[str](ser.to_list())
+ for fp in self:
+ if fp.name in names:
+ fp.unlink()
+ def download_all(self) -> None:
+ """
+ Download any missing datasets for latest version.
+ Requires **30-50MB** of disk-space.
+ """
+ stems = tuple(fp.stem for fp in self)
+ predicates = (~(nw.col("sha").is_in(stems)),) if stems else ()
+ frame = (
+ self._rd._scan_metadata(*predicates, is_image=False)
+ .select("sha", "suffix", "url")
+ .unique("sha")
+ .collect()
+ )
+ if frame.is_empty():
+ print("Already downloaded all datasets")
+ return None
+ print(f"Downloading {len(frame)} missing datasets...")
+ for meta in _iter_metadata(frame):
+ self._download_one(meta["url"], self.path_meta(meta))
+ print("Finished downloads")
+ return None
+ def _maybe_download(self, meta: Metadata, /) -> Path:
+ fp = self.path_meta(meta)
+ return (
+ fp
+ if (fp.exists() and fp.stat().st_size)
+ else self._download_one(meta["url"], fp)
+ )
+ def _download_one(self, url: str, fp: Path, /) -> Path:
+ with self._rd._opener.open(url) as f:
+ fp.touch()
+ fp.write_bytes(f.read())
+ return fp
+ @property
+ def path(self) -> Path:
+ """
+ Returns path to datasets cache.
+ Defaults to (`XDG_CACHE_HOME`_)::
+ "$XDG_CACHE_HOME/altair/"
+ But can be configured using the environment variable::
+ You can set this for the current session via::
+ from pathlib import Path
+ from altair.datasets import load
+ load.cache.path = Path.home() / ".altair_cache"
+ load.cache.path.relative_to(Path.home()).as_posix()
+ ".altair_cache"
+ You can *later* disable caching via::
+ load.cache.path = None
+ https://specifications.freedesktop.org/basedir-spec/latest/#variables
+ """
+ self._ensure_active()
+ fp = Path(usr) if (usr := os.environ.get(self._ENV_VAR)) else self._XDG_CACHE
+ fp.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+ return fp
+ @path.setter
+ def path(self, source: StrPath | None, /) -> None:
+ if source is not None:
+ os.environ[self._ENV_VAR] = str(Path(source).resolve())
+ else:
+ os.environ[self._ENV_VAR] = ""
+ def path_meta(self, meta: Metadata, /) -> Path:
+ return self.path / (meta["sha"] + meta["suffix"])
+ def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[Path]:
+ yield from self.path.iterdir()
+ def __repr__(self) -> str:
+ name = type(self).__name__
+ if self.is_not_active():
+ return f"{name}"
+ else:
+ return f"{name}<{self.path.as_posix()!r}>"
+ def is_active(self) -> bool:
+ return not self.is_not_active()
+ def is_not_active(self) -> bool:
+ return os.environ.get(self._ENV_VAR) == ""
+ def is_empty(self) -> bool:
+ """Cache is active, but no files are stored in ``self.path``."""
+ return next(iter(self), None) is None
+ def _ensure_active(self) -> None:
+ if self.is_not_active():
+ msg = (
+ f"Cache is unset.\n"
+ f"To enable dataset caching, set the environment variable:\n"
+ f" {self._ENV_VAR!r}\n\n"
+ f"You can set this for the current session via:\n"
+ f" from pathlib import Path\n"
+ f" from altair.datasets import load\n\n"
+ f" load.cache.path = Path.home() / '.altair_cache'"
+ )
+ raise ValueError(msg)
+csv_cache: CsvCache
+def __getattr__(name):
+ if name == "csv_cache":
+ global csv_cache
+ csv_cache = CsvCache()
+ return csv_cache
+ else:
+ msg = f"module {__name__!r} has no attribute {name!r}"
+ raise AttributeError(msg)
diff --git a/altair/datasets/_constraints.py b/altair/datasets/_constraints.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..395a9d906
--- /dev/null
+++ b/altair/datasets/_constraints.py
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+"""Set-like guards for matching metadata to an implementation."""
+from __future__ import annotations
+from collections.abc import Set
+from itertools import chain
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any
+from narwhals.stable import v1 as nw
+ import sys
+ from collections.abc import Iterable, Iterator
+ from altair.datasets._typing import Metadata
+ if sys.version_info >= (3, 12):
+ from typing import Unpack
+ else:
+ from typing_extensions import Unpack
+ if sys.version_info >= (3, 10):
+ from typing import TypeAlias
+ else:
+ from typing_extensions import TypeAlias
+__all__ = [
+ "Items",
+ "MetaIs",
+ "is_arrow",
+ "is_csv",
+ "is_json",
+ "is_meta",
+ "is_not_tabular",
+ "is_parquet",
+ "is_spatial",
+ "is_tsv",
+Items: TypeAlias = Set[tuple[str, Any]]
+class MetaIs(Set[tuple[str, Any]]):
+ _requires: frozenset[tuple[str, Any]]
+ def __init__(self, kwds: frozenset[tuple[str, Any]], /) -> None:
+ object.__setattr__(self, "_requires", kwds)
+ @classmethod
+ def from_metadata(cls, meta: Metadata, /) -> MetaIs:
+ return cls(frozenset(meta.items()))
+ def to_metadata(self) -> Metadata:
+ def collect(**kwds: Unpack[Metadata]) -> Metadata:
+ return kwds
+ return collect(**dict(self))
+ return dict(self)
+ def to_expr(self) -> nw.Expr:
+ """Convert constraint into a narwhals expression."""
+ if not self:
+ msg = f"Unable to convert an empty set to an expression:\n\n{self!r}"
+ raise TypeError(msg)
+ return nw.all_horizontal(nw.col(name) == val for name, val in self)
+ def isdisjoint(self, other: Iterable[Any]) -> bool:
+ return super().isdisjoint(other)
+ def issubset(self, other: Iterable[Any]) -> bool:
+ return self._requires.issubset(other)
+ def __call__(self, meta: Items, /) -> bool:
+ return self._requires <= meta
+ def __hash__(self) -> int:
+ return hash(self._requires)
+ def __contains__(self, x: object) -> bool:
+ return self._requires.__contains__(x)
+ def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[tuple[str, Any]]:
+ yield from self._requires
+ def __len__(self) -> int:
+ return self._requires.__len__()
+ def __setattr__(self, name: str, value: Any):
+ msg = (
+ f"{type(self).__name__!r} is immutable.\n"
+ f"Could not assign self.{name} = {value}"
+ )
+ raise TypeError(msg)
+ def __repr__(self) -> str:
+ items = dict(self)
+ if not items:
+ contents = ""
+ elif suffix := items.pop("suffix", None):
+ contents = ", ".join(
+ chain([f"'*{suffix}'"], (f"{k}={v!r}" for k, v in items.items()))
+ )
+ else:
+ contents = ", ".join(f"{k}={v!r}" for k, v in items.items())
+ return f"is_meta({contents})"
+def is_meta(**kwds: Unpack[Metadata]) -> MetaIs:
+ return MetaIs.from_metadata(kwds)
+is_csv = is_meta(suffix=".csv")
+is_json = is_meta(suffix=".json")
+is_tsv = is_meta(suffix=".tsv")
+is_arrow = is_meta(suffix=".arrow")
+is_parquet = is_meta(suffix=".parquet")
+is_spatial = is_meta(is_spatial=True)
+is_not_tabular = is_meta(is_tabular=False)
diff --git a/altair/datasets/_exceptions.py b/altair/datasets/_exceptions.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3b377f657
--- /dev/null
+++ b/altair/datasets/_exceptions.py
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+from __future__ import annotations
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
+ from collections.abc import Sequence
+ from altair.datasets._reader import _Backend
+ from altair.datasets._typing import Metadata
+class AltairDatasetsError(Exception):
+ @classmethod
+ def from_url(cls, meta: Metadata, /) -> AltairDatasetsError:
+ if meta["suffix"] == ".parquet":
+ msg = (
+ f"{_failed_url(meta)}"
+ f"{meta['suffix']!r} datasets require `vegafusion`.\n"
+ "See upstream issue for details: https://github.com/vega/vega/issues/3961"
+ )
+ else:
+ msg = (
+ f"{cls.from_url.__qualname__}() called for "
+ f"unimplemented extension: {meta['suffix']}\n\n{meta!r}"
+ )
+ raise NotImplementedError(msg)
+ return cls(msg)
+ @classmethod
+ def from_tabular(cls, meta: Metadata, backend_name: str, /) -> AltairDatasetsError:
+ if meta["is_image"]:
+ reason = "Image data is non-tabular."
+ return cls(f"{_failed_tabular(meta)}{reason}{_suggest_url(meta)}")
+ elif not meta["is_tabular"] or meta["suffix"] in {".arrow", ".parquet"}:
+ if meta["suffix"] in {".arrow", ".parquet"}:
+ install: tuple[str, ...] = "pyarrow", "polars"
+ what = f"{meta['suffix']!r}"
+ else:
+ install = ("polars",)
+ if meta["is_spatial"]:
+ what = "Geospatial data"
+ elif meta["is_json"]:
+ what = "Non-tabular json"
+ else:
+ what = f"{meta['file_name']!r}"
+ reason = _why(what, backend_name)
+ return cls(f"{_failed_tabular(meta)}{reason}{_suggest_url(meta, *install)}")
+ else:
+ return cls(_implementation_not_found(meta))
+ @classmethod
+ def from_priority(cls, priority: Sequence[_Backend], /) -> AltairDatasetsError:
+ msg = f"Found no supported backend, searched:\n{priority!r}"
+ return cls(msg)
+def module_not_found(
+ backend_name: str, reqs: Sequence[str], missing: str
+) -> ModuleNotFoundError:
+ if len(reqs) == 1:
+ depends = f"{reqs[0]!r} package"
+ else:
+ depends = ", ".join(f"{req!r}" for req in reqs) + " packages"
+ msg = (
+ f"Backend {backend_name!r} requires the {depends}, but {missing!r} could not be found.\n"
+ f"This can be installed with pip using:\n"
+ f" pip install {missing}\n"
+ f"Or with conda using:\n"
+ f" conda install -c conda-forge {missing}"
+ )
+ return ModuleNotFoundError(msg, name=missing)
+def _failed_url(meta: Metadata, /) -> str:
+ return f"Unable to load {meta['file_name']!r} via url.\n"
+def _failed_tabular(meta: Metadata, /) -> str:
+ return f"Unable to load {meta['file_name']!r} as tabular data.\n"
+def _why(what: str, backend_name: str, /) -> str:
+ return f"{what} is not supported natively by {backend_name!r}."
+def _suggest_url(meta: Metadata, *install_other: str) -> str:
+ other = ""
+ if install_other:
+ others = " or ".join(f"`{other}`" for other in install_other)
+ other = f" installing {others}, or use"
+ return (
+ f"\n\nInstead, try{other}:\n"
+ " from altair.datasets import url\n"
+ f" url({meta['dataset_name']!r})"
+ )
+def _implementation_not_found(meta: Metadata, /) -> str:
+ """Search finished without finding a *declared* incompatibility."""
+ INDENT = " " * 4
+ record = f",\n{INDENT}".join(
+ f"{k}={v!r}"
+ for k, v in meta.items()
+ if not (k.startswith(("is_", "sha", "bytes", "has_")))
+ or (v is True and k.startswith("is_"))
+ )
+ return f"Found no implementation that supports:\n{INDENT}{record}"
diff --git a/altair/datasets/_loader.py b/altair/datasets/_loader.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cc72fb950
--- /dev/null
+++ b/altair/datasets/_loader.py
@@ -0,0 +1,358 @@
+from __future__ import annotations
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Generic, final, overload
+from narwhals.stable.v1.typing import IntoDataFrameT
+from altair.datasets import _reader
+from altair.datasets._reader import IntoFrameT
+ import sys
+ from typing import Any, Literal
+ import pandas as pd
+ import polars as pl
+ import pyarrow as pa
+ from altair.datasets._cache import DatasetCache
+ from altair.datasets._reader import Reader
+ if sys.version_info >= (3, 11):
+ from typing import LiteralString, Self
+ else:
+ from typing_extensions import LiteralString, Self
+ from altair.datasets._reader import _Backend
+ from altair.datasets._typing import Dataset, Extension
+__all__ = ["Loader", "load"]
+class Loader(Generic[IntoDataFrameT, IntoFrameT]):
+ """
+ Load example datasets *remotely* from `vega-datasets`_, with caching.
+ A new ``Loader`` must be initialized by specifying a backend::
+ from altair.datasets import Loader
+ load = Loader.from_backend("polars")
+ load
+ Loader[polars]
+ .. _vega-datasets:
+ https://github.com/vega/vega-datasets
+ """
+ _reader: Reader[IntoDataFrameT, IntoFrameT]
+ @overload
+ @classmethod
+ def from_backend(
+ cls, backend_name: Literal["polars"] = ..., /
+ ) -> Loader[pl.DataFrame, pl.LazyFrame]: ...
+ @overload
+ @classmethod
+ def from_backend(
+ cls, backend_name: Literal["pandas", "pandas[pyarrow]"], /
+ ) -> Loader[pd.DataFrame, pd.DataFrame]: ...
+ @overload
+ @classmethod
+ def from_backend(
+ cls, backend_name: Literal["pyarrow"], /
+ ) -> Loader[pa.Table, pa.Table]: ...
+ @classmethod
+ def from_backend(
+ cls: type[Loader[Any, Any]], backend_name: _Backend = "polars", /
+ ) -> Loader[Any, Any]:
+ """
+ Initialize a new loader, with the specified backend.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ backend_name
+ DataFrame package/config used to return data.
+ * *polars*: Using `polars defaults`_
+ * *pandas*: Using `pandas defaults`_.
+ * *pandas[pyarrow]*: Using ``dtype_backend="pyarrow"``
+ * *pyarrow*: (*Experimental*)
+ .. warning::
+ Most datasets use a `JSON format not supported`_ by ``pyarrow``
+ Examples
+ --------
+ Using ``polars``::
+ from altair.datasets import Loader
+ load = Loader.from_backend("polars")
+ cars = load("cars")
+ type(cars)
+ polars.dataframe.frame.DataFrame
+ Using ``pandas``::
+ load = Loader.from_backend("pandas")
+ cars = load("cars")
+ type(cars)
+ pandas.core.frame.DataFrame
+ Using ``pandas``, backed by ``pyarrow`` dtypes::
+ load = Loader.from_backend("pandas[pyarrow]")
+ co2 = load("co2")
+ type(co2)
+ pandas.core.frame.DataFrame
+ co2.dtypes
+ Date datetime64[ns]
+ CO2 double[pyarrow]
+ adjusted CO2 double[pyarrow]
+ dtype: object
+ .. _polars defaults:
+ https://docs.pola.rs/api/python/stable/reference/io.html
+ .. _pandas defaults:
+ https://pandas.pydata.org/docs/reference/io.html
+ .. _JSON format not supported:
+ https://arrow.apache.org/docs/python/json.html#reading-json-files
+ """
+ return cls.from_reader(_reader._from_backend(backend_name))
+ @classmethod
+ def from_reader(cls, reader: Reader[IntoDataFrameT, IntoFrameT], /) -> Self:
+ obj = cls.__new__(cls)
+ obj._reader = reader
+ return obj
+ def __call__(
+ self,
+ name: Dataset | LiteralString,
+ suffix: Extension | None = None,
+ /,
+ **kwds: Any,
+ ) -> IntoDataFrameT:
+ """
+ Get a remote dataset and load as tabular data.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ name
+ Name of the dataset/`Path.stem`_.
+ suffix
+ File extension/`Path.suffix`_.
+ .. note::
+ Only needed if ``name`` is available in multiple formats.
+ **kwds
+ Arguments passed to the underlying read function.
+ Examples
+ --------
+ Using ``polars``::
+ from altair.datasets import Loader
+ load = Loader.from_backend("polars")
+ source = load("iowa-electricity")
+ source.columns
+ ['year', 'source', 'net_generation']
+ source.head(5)
+ shape: (5, 3)
+ ┌────────────┬──────────────┬────────────────┐
+ │ year ┆ source ┆ net_generation │
+ │ --- ┆ --- ┆ --- │
+ │ date ┆ str ┆ i64 │
+ ╞════════════╪══════════════╪════════════════╡
+ │ 2001-01-01 ┆ Fossil Fuels ┆ 35361 │
+ │ 2002-01-01 ┆ Fossil Fuels ┆ 35991 │
+ │ 2003-01-01 ┆ Fossil Fuels ┆ 36234 │
+ │ 2004-01-01 ┆ Fossil Fuels ┆ 36205 │
+ │ 2005-01-01 ┆ Fossil Fuels ┆ 36883 │
+ └────────────┴──────────────┴────────────────┘
+ Using ``pandas``::
+ load = Loader.from_backend("pandas")
+ source = load("iowa-electricity")
+ source.columns
+ Index(['year', 'source', 'net_generation'], dtype='object')
+ source.head(5)
+ year source net_generation
+ 0 2001-01-01 Fossil Fuels 35361
+ 1 2002-01-01 Fossil Fuels 35991
+ 2 2003-01-01 Fossil Fuels 36234
+ 3 2004-01-01 Fossil Fuels 36205
+ 4 2005-01-01 Fossil Fuels 36883
+ Using ``pyarrow``::
+ load = Loader.from_backend("pyarrow")
+ source = load("iowa-electricity")
+ source.column_names
+ ['year', 'source', 'net_generation']
+ source.slice(0, 5)
+ pyarrow.Table
+ year: date32[day]
+ source: string
+ net_generation: int64
+ ----
+ year: [[2001-01-01,2002-01-01,2003-01-01,2004-01-01,2005-01-01]]
+ source: [["Fossil Fuels","Fossil Fuels","Fossil Fuels","Fossil Fuels","Fossil Fuels"]]
+ net_generation: [[35361,35991,36234,36205,36883]]
+ .. _Path.stem:
+ https://docs.python.org/3/library/pathlib.html#pathlib.PurePath.stem
+ .. _Path.suffix:
+ https://docs.python.org/3/library/pathlib.html#pathlib.PurePath.suffix
+ """
+ return self._reader.dataset(name, suffix, **kwds)
+ def url(
+ self,
+ name: Dataset | LiteralString,
+ suffix: Extension | None = None,
+ /,
+ ) -> str:
+ """
+ Return the address of a remote dataset.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ name
+ Name of the dataset/`Path.stem`_.
+ suffix
+ File extension/`Path.suffix`_.
+ .. note::
+ Only needed if ``name`` is available in multiple formats.
+ .. _Path.stem:
+ https://docs.python.org/3/library/pathlib.html#pathlib.PurePath.stem
+ .. _Path.suffix:
+ https://docs.python.org/3/library/pathlib.html#pathlib.PurePath.suffix
+ Examples
+ --------
+ The returned url will always point to an accessible dataset::
+ import altair as alt
+ from altair.datasets import Loader
+ load = Loader.from_backend("polars")
+ load.url("cars")
+ "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/vega-datasets@v2.11.0/data/cars.json"
+ We can pass the result directly to a chart::
+ url = load.url("cars")
+ alt.Chart(url).mark_point().encode(x="Horsepower:Q", y="Miles_per_Gallon:Q")
+ """
+ return self._reader.url(name, suffix)
+ @property
+ def cache(self) -> DatasetCache:
+ """
+ Caching of remote dataset requests.
+ Configure cache path::
+ self.cache.path = "..."
+ Download the latest datasets *ahead-of-time*::
+ self.cache.download_all()
+ Remove all downloaded datasets::
+ self.cache.clear()
+ Disable caching::
+ self.cache.path = None
+ """
+ return self._reader.cache
+ def __repr__(self) -> str:
+ return f"{type(self).__name__}[{self._reader._name}]"
+class _Load(Loader[IntoDataFrameT, IntoFrameT]):
+ @overload
+ def __call__( # pyright: ignore[reportOverlappingOverload]
+ self,
+ name: Dataset | LiteralString,
+ suffix: Extension | None = ...,
+ /,
+ backend: None = ...,
+ **kwds: Any,
+ ) -> IntoDataFrameT: ...
+ @overload
+ def __call__(
+ self,
+ name: Dataset | LiteralString,
+ suffix: Extension | None = ...,
+ /,
+ backend: Literal["polars"] = ...,
+ **kwds: Any,
+ ) -> pl.DataFrame: ...
+ @overload
+ def __call__(
+ self,
+ name: Dataset | LiteralString,
+ suffix: Extension | None = ...,
+ /,
+ backend: Literal["pandas", "pandas[pyarrow]"] = ...,
+ **kwds: Any,
+ ) -> pd.DataFrame: ...
+ @overload
+ def __call__(
+ self,
+ name: Dataset | LiteralString,
+ suffix: Extension | None = ...,
+ /,
+ backend: Literal["pyarrow"] = ...,
+ **kwds: Any,
+ ) -> pa.Table: ...
+ def __call__(
+ self,
+ name: Dataset | LiteralString,
+ suffix: Extension | None = None,
+ /,
+ backend: _Backend | None = None,
+ **kwds: Any,
+ ) -> IntoDataFrameT | pl.DataFrame | pd.DataFrame | pa.Table:
+ if backend is None:
+ return super().__call__(name, suffix, **kwds)
+ else:
+ return self.from_backend(backend)(name, suffix, **kwds)
+load: _Load[Any, Any]
+def __getattr__(name):
+ if name == "load":
+ reader = _reader.infer_backend()
+ global load
+ load = _Load.from_reader(reader)
+ return load
+ else:
+ msg = f"module {__name__!r} has no attribute {name!r}"
+ raise AttributeError(msg)
diff --git a/altair/datasets/_metadata/metadata.csv.gz b/altair/datasets/_metadata/metadata.csv.gz
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..50fef1d82
Binary files /dev/null and b/altair/datasets/_metadata/metadata.csv.gz differ
diff --git a/altair/datasets/_metadata/metadata.parquet b/altair/datasets/_metadata/metadata.parquet
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..840a44a53
Binary files /dev/null and b/altair/datasets/_metadata/metadata.parquet differ
diff --git a/altair/datasets/_metadata/schemas.json.gz b/altair/datasets/_metadata/schemas.json.gz
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8a593ec26
Binary files /dev/null and b/altair/datasets/_metadata/schemas.json.gz differ
diff --git a/altair/datasets/_reader.py b/altair/datasets/_reader.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4f974fef0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/altair/datasets/_reader.py
@@ -0,0 +1,548 @@
+Backend for ``alt.datasets.Loader``.
+Extending would be more ergonomic if `read`, `scan`, `_constraints` were available under a single export::
+ from altair.datasets import ext, reader
+ import polars as pl
+ impls = (
+ ext.read(pl.read_parquet, ext.is_parquet),
+ ext.read(pl.read_csv, ext.is_csv),
+ ext.read(pl.read_json, ext.is_json),
+ )
+ user_reader = reader(impls)
+ user_reader.dataset("airports")
+from __future__ import annotations
+from collections import Counter
+from collections.abc import Mapping
+from importlib import import_module
+from importlib.util import find_spec
+from itertools import chain
+from pathlib import Path
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, ClassVar, Generic, Literal, cast, overload
+from urllib.request import build_opener as _build_opener
+from narwhals.stable import v1 as nw
+from narwhals.stable.v1.typing import IntoDataFrameT, IntoExpr
+from packaging.requirements import Requirement
+from altair.datasets import _readimpl
+from altair.datasets._cache import CsvCache, DatasetCache, SchemaCache, _iter_metadata
+from altair.datasets._constraints import is_parquet
+from altair.datasets._exceptions import AltairDatasetsError, module_not_found
+from altair.datasets._readimpl import IntoFrameT, is_available
+ import sys
+ from collections.abc import Callable, Sequence
+ from urllib.request import OpenerDirector
+ import pandas as pd
+ import polars as pl
+ import pyarrow as pa
+ from altair.datasets._readimpl import BaseImpl, R, Read, Scan
+ from altair.datasets._typing import Dataset, Extension, Metadata
+ from altair.vegalite.v5.schema._typing import OneOrSeq
+ if sys.version_info >= (3, 13):
+ from typing import TypeIs, TypeVar
+ else:
+ from typing_extensions import TypeIs, TypeVar
+ if sys.version_info >= (3, 12):
+ from typing import Unpack
+ else:
+ from typing_extensions import Unpack
+ if sys.version_info >= (3, 11):
+ from typing import LiteralString
+ else:
+ from typing_extensions import LiteralString
+ if sys.version_info >= (3, 10):
+ from typing import TypeAlias
+ else:
+ from typing_extensions import TypeAlias
+ _Polars: TypeAlias = Literal["polars"]
+ _Pandas: TypeAlias = Literal["pandas"]
+ _PyArrow: TypeAlias = Literal["pyarrow"]
+ _PandasAny: TypeAlias = Literal[_Pandas, "pandas[pyarrow]"]
+ _Backend: TypeAlias = Literal[_Polars, _PandasAny, _PyArrow]
+ _CuDF: TypeAlias = Literal["cudf"]
+ _Dask: TypeAlias = Literal["dask"]
+ _DuckDB: TypeAlias = Literal["duckdb"]
+ _Ibis: TypeAlias = Literal["ibis"]
+ _PySpark: TypeAlias = Literal["pyspark"]
+ _NwSupport: TypeAlias = Literal[
+ _Polars, _Pandas, _PyArrow, _CuDF, _Dask, _DuckDB, _Ibis, _PySpark
+ ]
+ _NwSupportT = TypeVar(
+ "_NwSupportT",
+ _Polars,
+ _Pandas,
+ _PyArrow,
+ _CuDF,
+ _Dask,
+ _DuckDB,
+ _Ibis,
+ _PySpark,
+ )
+_SupportProfile: TypeAlias = Mapping[
+ Literal["supported", "unsupported"], "Sequence[Dataset]"
+Dataset support varies between backends and available dependencies.
+Any name listed in ``"unsupported"`` will raise an error on::
+ from altair.datasets import load
+ load("7zip")
+Instead, they can be loaded via::
+ import altair as alt
+ from altair.datasets import url
+ alt.Chart(url("7zip"))
+class Reader(Generic[IntoDataFrameT, IntoFrameT]):
+ """
+ Modular file reader, targeting remote & local tabular resources.
+ .. warning::
+ Use ``reader(...)`` instead of instantiating ``Reader`` directly.
+ """
+ _read: Sequence[Read[IntoDataFrameT]]
+ """Eager file read functions."""
+ _scan: Sequence[Scan[IntoFrameT]]
+ """Lazy file read functions."""
+ _name: str
+ """
+ Used in error messages, repr and matching ``@overload``(s).
+ Otherwise, has no concrete meaning.
+ """
+ _implementation: nw.Implementation
+ """
+ Corresponding `narwhals implementation`_.
+ .. _narwhals implementation:
+ https://github.com/narwhals-dev/narwhals/blob/9b6a355530ea46c590d5a6d1d0567be59c0b5742/narwhals/utils.py#L61-L290
+ """
+ _opener: ClassVar[OpenerDirector] = _build_opener()
+ _metadata_path: ClassVar[Path] = (
+ Path(__file__).parent / "_metadata" / "metadata.parquet"
+ )
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ read: Sequence[Read[IntoDataFrameT]],
+ scan: Sequence[Scan[IntoFrameT]],
+ name: str,
+ implementation: nw.Implementation,
+ ) -> None:
+ self._read = read
+ self._scan = scan
+ self._name = name
+ self._implementation = implementation
+ self._schema_cache = SchemaCache(implementation=implementation)
+ def __repr__(self) -> str:
+ from textwrap import indent
+ PREFIX = " " * 4
+ NL = "\n"
+ body = f"read\n{indent(NL.join(str(el) for el in self._read), PREFIX)}"
+ if self._scan:
+ body += f"\nscan\n{indent(NL.join(str(el) for el in self._scan), PREFIX)}"
+ return f"Reader[{self._name}] {self._implementation!r}\n{body}"
+ def read_fn(self, meta: Metadata, /) -> Callable[..., IntoDataFrameT]:
+ return self._solve(meta, self._read)
+ def scan_fn(self, meta: Metadata | Path | str, /) -> Callable[..., IntoFrameT]:
+ meta = meta if isinstance(meta, Mapping) else {"suffix": _into_suffix(meta)}
+ return self._solve(meta, self._scan)
+ @property
+ def cache(self) -> DatasetCache:
+ return DatasetCache(self)
+ def dataset(
+ self,
+ name: Dataset | LiteralString,
+ suffix: Extension | None = None,
+ /,
+ **kwds: Any,
+ ) -> IntoDataFrameT:
+ frame = self._query(name, suffix)
+ meta = next(_iter_metadata(frame))
+ fn = self.read_fn(meta)
+ fn_kwds = self._merge_kwds(meta, kwds)
+ if self.cache.is_active():
+ fp = self.cache._maybe_download(meta)
+ return fn(fp, **fn_kwds)
+ else:
+ with self._opener.open(meta["url"]) as f:
+ return fn(f, **fn_kwds)
+ def url(
+ self, name: Dataset | LiteralString, suffix: Extension | None = None, /
+ ) -> str:
+ frame = self._query(name, suffix)
+ meta = next(_iter_metadata(frame))
+ if is_parquet(meta.items()) and not is_available("vegafusion"):
+ raise AltairDatasetsError.from_url(meta)
+ url = meta["url"]
+ if isinstance(url, str):
+ return url
+ else:
+ msg = f"Expected 'str' but got {type(url).__name__!r}\nfrom {url!r}."
+ raise TypeError(msg)
+ # TODO: (Multiple)
+ # - Settle on a better name
+ # - Add method to `Loader`
+ # - Move docs to `Loader.{new name}`
+ def open_markdown(self, name: Dataset, /) -> None:
+ """
+ Learn more about a dataset, opening `vega-datasets/datapackage.md`_ with the default browser.
+ Additional info *may* include: `description`_, `schema`_, `sources`_, `licenses`_.
+ .. _vega-datasets/datapackage.md:
+ https://github.com/vega/vega-datasets/blob/main/datapackage.md
+ .. _description:
+ https://datapackage.org/standard/data-resource/#description
+ .. _schema:
+ https://datapackage.org/standard/table-schema/#schema
+ .. _sources:
+ https://datapackage.org/standard/data-package/#sources
+ .. _licenses:
+ https://datapackage.org/standard/data-package/#licenses
+ """
+ import webbrowser
+ from altair.utils import VERSIONS
+ ref = self._query(name).get_column("file_name").item(0).replace(".", "")
+ tag = VERSIONS["vega-datasets"]
+ url = f"https://github.com/vega/vega-datasets/blob/{tag}/datapackage.md#{ref}"
+ webbrowser.open(url)
+ @overload
+ def profile(self, *, show: Literal[False] = ...) -> _SupportProfile: ...
+ @overload
+ def profile(self, *, show: Literal[True]) -> None: ...
+ def profile(self, *, show: bool = False) -> _SupportProfile | None:
+ """
+ Describe which datasets can be loaded as tabular data.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ show
+ Print a densely formatted repr *instead of* returning a mapping.
+ """
+ relevant_columns = set(
+ chain.from_iterable(impl._relevant_columns for impl in self._read)
+ )
+ frame = self._scan_metadata().select("dataset_name", *relevant_columns)
+ inc_expr = nw.any_horizontal(impl._include_expr for impl in self._read)
+ result: _SupportProfile = {
+ "unsupported": _dataset_names(frame, ~inc_expr),
+ "supported": _dataset_names(frame, inc_expr),
+ }
+ if show:
+ import pprint
+ pprint.pprint(result, compact=True, sort_dicts=False)
+ return None
+ return result
+ def _query(
+ self, name: Dataset | LiteralString, suffix: Extension | None = None, /
+ ) -> nw.DataFrame[IntoDataFrameT]:
+ """
+ Query a tabular version of `vega-datasets/datapackage.json`_.
+ Applies a filter, erroring out when no results would be returned.
+ .. _vega-datasets/datapackage.json:
+ https://github.com/vega/vega-datasets/blob/main/datapackage.json
+ """
+ constraints = _into_constraints(name, suffix)
+ frame = self._scan_metadata(**constraints).collect()
+ if not frame.is_empty():
+ return frame
+ else:
+ msg = f"Found no results for:\n {constraints!r}"
+ raise ValueError(msg)
+ def _merge_kwds(self, meta: Metadata, kwds: dict[str, Any], /) -> Mapping[str, Any]:
+ """
+ Extend user-provided arguments with dataset & library-specfic defaults.
+ .. important:: User-provided arguments have a higher precedence.
+ """
+ if self._schema_cache.is_active() and (
+ schema := self._schema_cache.schema_kwds(meta)
+ ):
+ kwds = schema | kwds if kwds else schema
+ return kwds
+ @property
+ def _metadata_frame(self) -> nw.LazyFrame[IntoFrameT]:
+ fp = self._metadata_path
+ return nw.from_native(self.scan_fn(fp)(fp)).lazy()
+ def _scan_metadata(
+ self, *predicates: OneOrSeq[IntoExpr], **constraints: Unpack[Metadata]
+ ) -> nw.LazyFrame[IntoFrameT]:
+ if predicates or constraints:
+ return self._metadata_frame.filter(*predicates, **constraints)
+ return self._metadata_frame
+ def _solve(
+ self, meta: Metadata, impls: Sequence[BaseImpl[R]], /
+ ) -> Callable[..., R]:
+ """
+ Return the first function that satisfies dataset constraints.
+ See Also
+ --------
+ ``altair.datasets._readimpl.BaseImpl.unwrap_or_skip``
+ """
+ items = meta.items()
+ it = (some for impl in impls if (some := impl.unwrap_or_skip(items)))
+ if fn_or_err := next(it, None):
+ if _is_err(fn_or_err):
+ raise fn_or_err.from_tabular(meta, self._name)
+ return fn_or_err
+ raise AltairDatasetsError.from_tabular(meta, self._name)
+def _dataset_names(
+ frame: nw.LazyFrame, *predicates: OneOrSeq[IntoExpr]
+) -> Sequence[Dataset]:
+ # NOTE: helper function for `Reader.profile`
+ return (
+ frame.filter(*predicates)
+ .select("dataset_name")
+ .collect()
+ .get_column("dataset_name")
+ .to_list()
+ )
+class _NoParquetReader(Reader[IntoDataFrameT, IntoFrameT]):
+ def __repr__(self) -> str:
+ return f"{super().__repr__()}\ncsv_cache\n {self.csv_cache!r}"
+ @property
+ def csv_cache(self) -> CsvCache:
+ if not hasattr(self, "_csv_cache"):
+ self._csv_cache = CsvCache()
+ return self._csv_cache
+ @property
+ def _metadata_frame(self) -> nw.LazyFrame[IntoFrameT]:
+ data = cast("dict[str, Any]", self.csv_cache.rotated)
+ impl = self._implementation
+ return nw.maybe_convert_dtypes(nw.from_dict(data, backend=impl)).lazy()
+def reader(
+ read_fns: Sequence[Read[IntoDataFrameT]],
+ scan_fns: tuple[()] = ...,
+ *,
+ name: str | None = ...,
+ implementation: nw.Implementation = ...,
+) -> Reader[IntoDataFrameT, nw.LazyFrame[IntoDataFrameT]]: ...
+def reader(
+ read_fns: Sequence[Read[IntoDataFrameT]],
+ scan_fns: Sequence[Scan[IntoFrameT]],
+ *,
+ name: str | None = ...,
+ implementation: nw.Implementation = ...,
+) -> Reader[IntoDataFrameT, IntoFrameT]: ...
+def reader(
+ read_fns: Sequence[Read[IntoDataFrameT]],
+ scan_fns: Sequence[Scan[IntoFrameT]] = (),
+ *,
+ name: str | None = None,
+ implementation: nw.Implementation = nw.Implementation.UNKNOWN,
+) -> (
+ Reader[IntoDataFrameT, IntoFrameT]
+ | Reader[IntoDataFrameT, nw.LazyFrame[IntoDataFrameT]]
+ name = name or Counter(el._inferred_package for el in read_fns).most_common(1)[0][0]
+ if implementation is nw.Implementation.UNKNOWN:
+ implementation = _into_implementation(Requirement(name))
+ if scan_fns:
+ return Reader(read_fns, scan_fns, name, implementation)
+ if stolen := _steal_eager_parquet(read_fns):
+ return Reader(read_fns, stolen, name, implementation)
+ else:
+ return _NoParquetReader[IntoDataFrameT](read_fns, (), name, implementation)
+def infer_backend(
+ *, priority: Sequence[_Backend] = ("polars", "pandas[pyarrow]", "pandas", "pyarrow")
+) -> Reader[Any, Any]:
+ """
+ Return the first available reader in order of `priority`.
+ Notes
+ -----
+ - ``"polars"``: can natively load every dataset (including ``(Geo|Topo)JSON``)
+ - ``"pandas[pyarrow]"``: can load *most* datasets, guarantees ``.parquet`` support
+ - ``"pandas"``: supports ``.parquet``, if `fastparquet`_ is installed
+ - ``"pyarrow"``: least reliable
+ .. _fastparquet:
+ https://github.com/dask/fastparquet
+ """
+ it = (_from_backend(name) for name in priority if is_available(_requirements(name)))
+ if reader := next(it, None):
+ return reader
+ raise AltairDatasetsError.from_priority(priority)
+def _from_backend(name: _Polars, /) -> Reader[pl.DataFrame, pl.LazyFrame]: ...
+def _from_backend(name: _PandasAny, /) -> Reader[pd.DataFrame, pd.DataFrame]: ...
+def _from_backend(name: _PyArrow, /) -> Reader[pa.Table, pa.Table]: ...
+# FIXME: The order this is defined in makes splitting the module complicated
+# - Can't use a classmethod, since some result in a subclass used
+def _from_backend(name: _Backend, /) -> Reader[Any, Any]:
+ """
+ Reader initialization dispatcher.
+ FIXME: Works, but defining these in mixed shape functions seems off.
+ """
+ if not _is_backend(name):
+ msg = f"Unknown backend {name!r}"
+ raise TypeError(msg)
+ implementation = _into_implementation(name)
+ if name == "polars":
+ rd, sc = _readimpl.pl_only()
+ return reader(rd, sc, name=name, implementation=implementation)
+ elif name == "pandas[pyarrow]":
+ return reader(_readimpl.pd_pyarrow(), name=name, implementation=implementation)
+ elif name == "pandas":
+ return reader(_readimpl.pd_only(), name=name, implementation=implementation)
+ elif name == "pyarrow":
+ return reader(_readimpl.pa_any(), name=name, implementation=implementation)
+def _is_backend(obj: Any) -> TypeIs[_Backend]:
+ return obj in {"polars", "pandas", "pandas[pyarrow]", "pyarrow"}
+def _is_err(obj: Any) -> TypeIs[type[AltairDatasetsError]]:
+ return obj is AltairDatasetsError
+def _into_constraints(
+ name: Dataset | LiteralString, suffix: Extension | None, /
+) -> Metadata:
+ """Transform args into a mapping to column names."""
+ m: Metadata = {}
+ if "." in name:
+ m["file_name"] = name
+ elif suffix is None:
+ m["dataset_name"] = name
+ elif suffix.startswith("."):
+ m = {"dataset_name": name, "suffix": suffix}
+ else:
+ from typing import get_args
+ from altair.datasets._typing import Extension
+ msg = (
+ f"Expected 'suffix' to be one of {get_args(Extension)!r},\n"
+ f"but got: {suffix!r}"
+ )
+ raise TypeError(msg)
+ return m
+def _into_implementation(
+ backend: _NwSupport | _PandasAny | Requirement, /
+) -> nw.Implementation:
+ primary = _import_guarded(backend)
+ impl = nw.Implementation.from_backend(primary)
+ if impl is not nw.Implementation.UNKNOWN:
+ return impl
+ msg = f"Package {primary!r} is not supported by `narwhals`."
+ raise ValueError(msg)
+def _into_suffix(obj: Path | str, /) -> Any:
+ if isinstance(obj, Path):
+ return obj.suffix
+ elif isinstance(obj, str):
+ return obj
+ else:
+ msg = f"Unexpected type {type(obj).__name__!r}"
+ raise TypeError(msg)
+def _steal_eager_parquet(
+ read_fns: Sequence[Read[IntoDataFrameT]], /
+) -> Sequence[Scan[nw.LazyFrame[IntoDataFrameT]]] | None:
+ if convertable := next((rd for rd in read_fns if rd.include <= is_parquet), None):
+ return (_readimpl.into_scan(convertable),)
+ return None
+def _import_guarded(req: _PandasAny, /) -> _Pandas: ...
+def _import_guarded(req: _NwSupportT, /) -> _NwSupportT: ...
+def _import_guarded(req: Requirement, /) -> LiteralString: ...
+def _import_guarded(req: Any, /) -> LiteralString:
+ requires = _requirements(req)
+ for name in requires:
+ if spec := find_spec(name):
+ import_module(spec.name)
+ else:
+ raise module_not_found(str(req), requires, missing=name)
+ return requires[0]
+def _requirements(req: Requirement | str, /) -> tuple[Any, ...]:
+ req = Requirement(req) if isinstance(req, str) else req
+ return (req.name, *req.extras)
diff --git a/altair/datasets/_readimpl.py b/altair/datasets/_readimpl.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1a5840167
--- /dev/null
+++ b/altair/datasets/_readimpl.py
@@ -0,0 +1,445 @@
+"""Individual read functions and siuations they support."""
+from __future__ import annotations
+import sys
+from enum import Enum
+from functools import partial, wraps
+from importlib.util import find_spec
+from itertools import chain
+from operator import itemgetter
+from pathlib import Path
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Generic, Literal
+from narwhals.stable import v1 as nw
+from narwhals.stable.v1.dependencies import get_pandas, get_polars
+from narwhals.stable.v1.typing import IntoDataFrameT
+from altair.datasets._constraints import (
+ is_arrow,
+ is_csv,
+ is_json,
+ is_meta,
+ is_not_tabular,
+ is_parquet,
+ is_spatial,
+ is_tsv,
+from altair.datasets._exceptions import AltairDatasetsError
+if sys.version_info >= (3, 13):
+ from typing import TypeVar
+ from typing_extensions import TypeVar
+if sys.version_info >= (3, 12):
+ from typing import TypeAliasType
+ from typing_extensions import TypeAliasType
+ from collections.abc import Callable, Iterable, Iterator, Sequence
+ from io import IOBase
+ from types import ModuleType
+ import pandas as pd
+ import polars as pl
+ import pyarrow as pa
+ from narwhals.stable.v1 import typing as nwt
+ from altair.datasets._constraints import Items, MetaIs
+__all__ = ["is_available", "pa_any", "pd_only", "pd_pyarrow", "pl_only", "read", "scan"]
+R = TypeVar("R", bound="nwt.IntoFrame")
+IntoFrameT = TypeVar(
+ "IntoFrameT",
+ bound="nwt.NativeFrame | nw.DataFrame[Any] | nw.LazyFrame[Any] | nwt.DataFrameLike",
+ default=nw.LazyFrame[Any],
+Read = TypeAliasType("Read", "BaseImpl[IntoDataFrameT]", type_params=(IntoDataFrameT,))
+"""An *eager* file read function."""
+Scan = TypeAliasType("Scan", "BaseImpl[IntoFrameT]", type_params=(IntoFrameT,))
+"""A *lazy* file read function."""
+class Skip(Enum):
+ """Falsy sentinel."""
+ skip = 0
+ def __bool__(self) -> Literal[False]:
+ return False
+ def __repr__(self) -> Literal[""]:
+ return ""
+class BaseImpl(Generic[R]):
+ """
+ A function wrapped with dataset support constraints.
+ The ``include``, ``exclude`` properties form a `NIMPLY gate`_ (`Material nonimplication`_).
+ Examples
+ --------
+ For some dataset ``D``, we can use ``fn`` if::
+ impl: BaseImpl
+ impl.include(D) and not impl.exclude(D)
+ .. _NIMPLY gate:
+ https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/NIMPLY_gate
+ .. _Material nonimplication:
+ https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Material_nonimplication#Truth_table
+ """
+ fn: Callable[..., R]
+ """Wrapped read/scan function."""
+ include: MetaIs
+ """Constraint indicating ``fn`` **supports** reading a dataset."""
+ exclude: MetaIs
+ """Constraint *subsetting* ``include`` to mark **non-support**."""
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ fn: Callable[..., R],
+ include: MetaIs,
+ exclude: MetaIs | None,
+ kwds: dict[str, Any],
+ /,
+ ) -> None:
+ exclude = exclude or self._exclude_none()
+ if not include.isdisjoint(exclude):
+ intersection = ", ".join(f"{k}={v!r}" for k, v in include & exclude)
+ msg = f"Constraints overlap at: `{intersection}`\ninclude={include!r}\nexclude={exclude!r}"
+ raise TypeError(msg)
+ object.__setattr__(self, "fn", partial(fn, **kwds) if kwds else fn)
+ object.__setattr__(self, "include", include)
+ object.__setattr__(self, "exclude", exclude)
+ def unwrap_or_skip(
+ self, meta: Items, /
+ ) -> Callable[..., R] | type[AltairDatasetsError] | Skip:
+ """
+ Indicate an action to take for a dataset.
+ **Supports** dataset, use this function::
+ Callable[..., R]
+ Has explicitly marked as **not supported**::
+ type[AltairDatasetsError]
+ No relevant constraints overlap, safe to check others::
+ Skip
+ """
+ if self.include.issubset(meta):
+ return self.fn if self.exclude.isdisjoint(meta) else AltairDatasetsError
+ return Skip.skip
+ @classmethod
+ def _exclude_none(cls) -> MetaIs:
+ """Represents the empty set."""
+ return is_meta()
+ def __setattr__(self, name: str, value: Any):
+ msg = (
+ f"{type(self).__name__!r} is immutable.\n"
+ f"Could not assign self.{name} = {value}"
+ )
+ raise TypeError(msg)
+ @property
+ def _inferred_package(self) -> str:
+ return _root_package_name(_unwrap_partial(self.fn), "UNKNOWN")
+ def __repr__(self) -> str:
+ tp_name = f"{type(self).__name__}[{self._inferred_package}?]"
+ return f"{tp_name}({self})"
+ def __str__(self) -> str:
+ if isinstance(self.fn, partial):
+ fn = _unwrap_partial(self.fn)
+ kwds = self.fn.keywords.items()
+ fn_repr = f"{fn.__name__}(..., {', '.join(f'{k}={v!r}' for k, v in kwds)})"
+ else:
+ fn_repr = f"{self.fn.__name__}(...)"
+ inc, exc = self.include, self.exclude
+ return f"{fn_repr}, {f'include={inc!r}, exclude={exc!r}' if exc else repr(inc)}"
+ @property
+ def _relevant_columns(self) -> Iterator[str]:
+ name = itemgetter(0)
+ yield from (name(obj) for obj in chain(self.include, self.exclude))
+ @property
+ def _include_expr(self) -> nw.Expr:
+ return (
+ self.include.to_expr() & ~self.exclude.to_expr()
+ if self.exclude
+ else self.include.to_expr()
+ )
+ @property
+ def _exclude_expr(self) -> nw.Expr:
+ if self.exclude:
+ return self.include.to_expr() & self.exclude.to_expr()
+ msg = f"Unable to generate an exclude expression without setting exclude\n\n{self!r}"
+ raise TypeError(msg)
+def read(
+ fn: Callable[..., IntoDataFrameT],
+ /,
+ include: MetaIs,
+ exclude: MetaIs | None = None,
+ **kwds: Any,
+) -> Read[IntoDataFrameT]:
+ return BaseImpl(fn, include, exclude, kwds)
+def scan(
+ fn: Callable[..., IntoFrameT],
+ /,
+ include: MetaIs,
+ exclude: MetaIs | None = None,
+ **kwds: Any,
+) -> Scan[IntoFrameT]:
+ return BaseImpl(fn, include, exclude, kwds)
+def into_scan(impl: Read[IntoDataFrameT], /) -> Scan[nw.LazyFrame[IntoDataFrameT]]:
+ def scan_fn(
+ fn: Callable[..., IntoDataFrameT], /
+ ) -> Callable[..., nw.LazyFrame[IntoDataFrameT]]:
+ @wraps(_unwrap_partial(fn))
+ def wrapper(*args: Any, **kwds: Any) -> nw.LazyFrame[IntoDataFrameT]:
+ return nw.from_native(fn(*args, **kwds)).lazy()
+ return wrapper
+ return scan(scan_fn(impl.fn), impl.include, impl.exclude)
+def is_available(
+ pkg_names: str | Iterable[str], *more_pkg_names: str, require_all: bool = True
+) -> bool:
+ """
+ Check for importable package(s), without raising on failure.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ pkg_names, more_pkg_names
+ One or more packages.
+ require_all
+ * ``True`` every package.
+ * ``False`` at least one package.
+ """
+ if not more_pkg_names and isinstance(pkg_names, str):
+ return find_spec(pkg_names) is not None
+ pkgs_names = pkg_names if not isinstance(pkg_names, str) else (pkg_names,)
+ names = chain(pkgs_names, more_pkg_names)
+ fn = all if require_all else any
+ return fn(find_spec(name) is not None for name in names)
+def _root_package_name(obj: Any, default: str, /) -> str:
+ # NOTE: Defers importing `inspect`, if we can get the module name
+ if hasattr(obj, "__module__"):
+ return obj.__module__.split(".")[0]
+ else:
+ from inspect import getmodule
+ module = getmodule(obj)
+ if module and (pkg := module.__package__):
+ return pkg.split(".")[0]
+ return default
+def _unwrap_partial(fn: Any, /) -> Any:
+ # NOTE: ``functools._unwrap_partial``
+ func = fn
+ while isinstance(func, partial):
+ func = func.func
+ return func
+def pl_only() -> tuple[Sequence[Read[pl.DataFrame]], Sequence[Scan[pl.LazyFrame]]]:
+ import polars as pl
+ read_fns = (
+ read(pl.read_csv, is_csv, try_parse_dates=True),
+ read(_pl_read_json_roundtrip(get_polars()), is_json),
+ read(pl.read_csv, is_tsv, separator="\t", try_parse_dates=True),
+ read(pl.read_ipc, is_arrow),
+ read(pl.read_parquet, is_parquet),
+ )
+ scan_fns = (scan(pl.scan_parquet, is_parquet),)
+ return read_fns, scan_fns
+def pd_only() -> Sequence[Read[pd.DataFrame]]:
+ import pandas as pd
+ opt: Sequence[Read[pd.DataFrame]]
+ if is_available("pyarrow"):
+ opt = read(pd.read_feather, is_arrow), read(pd.read_parquet, is_parquet)
+ elif is_available("fastparquet"):
+ opt = (read(pd.read_parquet, is_parquet),)
+ else:
+ opt = ()
+ return (
+ read(pd.read_csv, is_csv),
+ read(_pd_read_json(get_pandas()), is_json, exclude=is_spatial),
+ read(pd.read_csv, is_tsv, sep="\t"),
+ *opt,
+ )
+def pd_pyarrow() -> Sequence[Read[pd.DataFrame]]:
+ import pandas as pd
+ kwds: dict[str, Any] = {"dtype_backend": "pyarrow"}
+ return (
+ read(pd.read_csv, is_csv, **kwds),
+ read(_pd_read_json(get_pandas()), is_json, exclude=is_spatial, **kwds),
+ read(pd.read_csv, is_tsv, sep="\t", **kwds),
+ read(pd.read_feather, is_arrow, **kwds),
+ read(pd.read_parquet, is_parquet, **kwds),
+ )
+def pa_any() -> Sequence[Read[pa.Table]]:
+ from pyarrow import csv, feather, parquet
+ return (
+ read(csv.read_csv, is_csv),
+ _pa_read_json_impl(),
+ read(csv.read_csv, is_tsv, parse_options=csv.ParseOptions(delimiter="\t")), # pyright: ignore[reportCallIssue]
+ read(feather.read_table, is_arrow),
+ read(parquet.read_table, is_parquet),
+ )
+def _pa_read_json_impl() -> Read[pa.Table]:
+ """
+ Mitigating ``pyarrow``'s `line-delimited`_ JSON requirement.
+ .. _line-delimited:
+ https://arrow.apache.org/docs/python/json.html#reading-json-files
+ """
+ if is_available("polars"):
+ return read(_pl_read_json_roundtrip_to_arrow(get_polars()), is_json)
+ elif is_available("pandas"):
+ return read(_pd_read_json_to_arrow(get_pandas()), is_json, exclude=is_spatial)
+ return read(_stdlib_read_json_to_arrow, is_json, exclude=is_not_tabular)
+def _pd_read_json(ns: ModuleType, /) -> Callable[..., pd.DataFrame]:
+ @wraps(ns.read_json)
+ def fn(source: Path | Any, /, **kwds: Any) -> pd.DataFrame:
+ return _pd_fix_dtypes_nw(ns.read_json(source, **kwds), **kwds).to_native()
+ return fn
+def _pd_fix_dtypes_nw(
+ df: pd.DataFrame, /, *, dtype_backend: Any = None, **kwds: Any
+) -> nw.DataFrame[pd.DataFrame]:
+ kwds = {"dtype_backend": dtype_backend} if dtype_backend else {}
+ return (
+ df.convert_dtypes(**kwds)
+ .pipe(nw.from_native, eager_only=True)
+ .with_columns(nw.selectors.by_dtype(nw.Object).cast(nw.String))
+ )
+def _pd_read_json_to_arrow(ns: ModuleType, /) -> Callable[..., pa.Table]:
+ @wraps(ns.read_json)
+ def fn(source: Path | Any, /, *, schema: Any = None, **kwds: Any) -> pa.Table:
+ """``schema`` is only here to swallow the ``SchemaCache`` if used."""
+ return (
+ ns.read_json(source, **kwds)
+ .pipe(_pd_fix_dtypes_nw, dtype_backend="pyarrow")
+ .to_arrow()
+ )
+ return fn
+def _pl_read_json_roundtrip(ns: ModuleType, /) -> Callable[..., pl.DataFrame]:
+ """
+ Try to utilize better date parsing available in `pl.read_csv`_.
+ `pl.read_json`_ has few options when compared to `pl.read_csv`_.
+ Chaining the two together - *where possible* - is still usually faster than `pandas.read_json`_.
+ .. _pl.read_json:
+ https://docs.pola.rs/api/python/stable/reference/api/polars.read_json.html
+ .. _pl.read_csv:
+ https://docs.pola.rs/api/python/stable/reference/api/polars.read_csv.html
+ .. _pandas.read_json:
+ https://pandas.pydata.org/docs/reference/api/pandas.read_json.html
+ """
+ from io import BytesIO
+ @wraps(ns.read_json)
+ def fn(source: Path | IOBase, /, **kwds: Any) -> pl.DataFrame:
+ df = ns.read_json(source, **kwds)
+ if any(tp.is_nested() for tp in df.schema.dtypes()):
+ return df
+ buf = BytesIO()
+ df.write_csv(buf)
+ if kwds:
+ SHARED_KWDS = {"schema", "schema_overrides", "infer_schema_length"}
+ kwds = {k: v for k, v in kwds.items() if k in SHARED_KWDS}
+ return ns.read_csv(buf, try_parse_dates=True, **kwds)
+ return fn
+def _pl_read_json_roundtrip_to_arrow(ns: ModuleType, /) -> Callable[..., pa.Table]:
+ eager = _pl_read_json_roundtrip(ns)
+ @wraps(ns.read_json)
+ def fn(source: Path | IOBase, /, **kwds: Any) -> pa.Table:
+ return eager(source).to_arrow()
+ return fn
+def _stdlib_read_json(source: Path | Any, /) -> Any:
+ import json
+ if not isinstance(source, Path):
+ return json.load(source)
+ else:
+ with Path(source).open(encoding="utf-8") as f:
+ return json.load(f)
+def _stdlib_read_json_to_arrow(source: Path | Any, /, **kwds: Any) -> pa.Table:
+ import pyarrow as pa
+ rows: list[dict[str, Any]] = _stdlib_read_json(source)
+ try:
+ return pa.Table.from_pylist(rows, **kwds)
+ except TypeError:
+ import csv
+ import io
+ from pyarrow import csv as pa_csv
+ with io.StringIO() as f:
+ writer = csv.DictWriter(f, rows[0].keys(), dialect=csv.unix_dialect)
+ writer.writeheader()
+ writer.writerows(rows)
+ with io.BytesIO(f.getvalue().encode()) as f2:
+ return pa_csv.read_csv(f2)
diff --git a/altair/datasets/_typing.py b/altair/datasets/_typing.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3357ddf3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/altair/datasets/_typing.py
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+# The contents of this file are automatically written by
+# tools/datasets.__init__.py. Do not modify directly.
+from __future__ import annotations
+import sys
+from typing import Literal
+if sys.version_info >= (3, 14):
+ from typing import TypedDict
+ from typing_extensions import TypedDict
+if sys.version_info >= (3, 10):
+ from typing import TypeAlias
+ from typing_extensions import TypeAlias
+__all__ = ["Dataset", "Extension", "Metadata"]
+Dataset: TypeAlias = Literal[
+ "7zip",
+ "airports",
+ "annual-precip",
+ "anscombe",
+ "barley",
+ "birdstrikes",
+ "budget",
+ "budgets",
+ "burtin",
+ "cars",
+ "co2-concentration",
+ "countries",
+ "crimea",
+ "disasters",
+ "driving",
+ "earthquakes",
+ "ffox",
+ "flare",
+ "flare-dependencies",
+ "flights-10k",
+ "flights-200k",
+ "flights-20k",
+ "flights-2k",
+ "flights-3m",
+ "flights-5k",
+ "flights-airport",
+ "football",
+ "gapminder",
+ "gapminder-health-income",
+ "gimp",
+ "github",
+ "global-temp",
+ "income",
+ "iowa-electricity",
+ "jobs",
+ "la-riots",
+ "londonBoroughs",
+ "londonCentroids",
+ "londonTubeLines",
+ "lookup_groups",
+ "lookup_people",
+ "miserables",
+ "monarchs",
+ "movies",
+ "normal-2d",
+ "obesity",
+ "ohlc",
+ "penguins",
+ "platformer-terrain",
+ "political-contributions",
+ "population",
+ "population_engineers_hurricanes",
+ "seattle-weather",
+ "seattle-weather-hourly-normals",
+ "sp500",
+ "sp500-2000",
+ "stocks",
+ "udistrict",
+ "unemployment",
+ "unemployment-across-industries",
+ "uniform-2d",
+ "us-10m",
+ "us-employment",
+ "us-state-capitals",
+ "volcano",
+ "weather",
+ "weekly-weather",
+ "wheat",
+ "windvectors",
+ "world-110m",
+ "zipcodes",
+Extension: TypeAlias = Literal[".arrow", ".csv", ".json", ".parquet", ".png", ".tsv"]
+class Metadata(TypedDict, total=False):
+ """
+ Full schema for ``metadata.parquet``.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ dataset_name
+ Name of the dataset/`Path.stem`_.
+ suffix
+ File extension/`Path.suffix`_.
+ file_name
+ Equivalent to `Path.name`_.
+ bytes
+ File size in *bytes*.
+ is_image
+ Only accessible via url.
+ is_tabular
+ Can be read as tabular data.
+ is_geo
+ `GeoJSON`_ format.
+ is_topo
+ `TopoJSON`_ format.
+ is_spatial
+ Any geospatial format. Only natively supported by ``polars``.
+ is_json
+ Not supported natively by ``pyarrow``.
+ has_schema
+ Data types available for improved ``pandas`` parsing.
+ sha
+ Unique hash for the dataset.
+ .. note::
+ E.g. if the dataset did *not* change between ``v1.0.0``-``v2.0.0``;
+ then this value would remain stable.
+ url
+ Remote url used to access dataset.
+ .. _Path.stem:
+ https://docs.python.org/3/library/pathlib.html#pathlib.PurePath.stem
+ .. _Path.name:
+ https://docs.python.org/3/library/pathlib.html#pathlib.PurePath.name
+ .. _Path.suffix:
+ https://docs.python.org/3/library/pathlib.html#pathlib.PurePath.suffix
+ .. _GeoJSON:
+ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GeoJSON
+ .. _TopoJSON:
+ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GeoJSON#TopoJSON
+ Examples
+ --------
+ ``Metadata`` keywords form constraints to filter a table like the below sample:
+ ```
+ shape: (72, 13)
+ ┌────────────────┬────────┬────────────────┬───┬───────────────┬───────────────┐
+ │ dataset_name ┆ suffix ┆ file_name ┆ … ┆ sha ┆ url │
+ │ --- ┆ --- ┆ --- ┆ ┆ --- ┆ --- │
+ │ str ┆ str ┆ str ┆ ┆ str ┆ str │
+ ╞════════════════╪════════╪════════════════╪═══╪═══════════════╪═══════════════╡
+ │ 7zip ┆ .png ┆ 7zip.png ┆ … ┆ 6586d6c00887c ┆ https://cdn.j │
+ │ ┆ ┆ ┆ ┆ d48850099c17… ┆ sdelivr.net/… │
+ │ airports ┆ .csv ┆ airports.csv ┆ … ┆ 608ba6d51fa70 ┆ https://cdn.j │
+ │ ┆ ┆ ┆ ┆ 584c3fa1d31e… ┆ sdelivr.net/… │
+ │ annual-precip ┆ .json ┆ annual-precip. ┆ … ┆ 719e73406cfc0 ┆ https://cdn.j │
+ │ ┆ ┆ json ┆ ┆ 8f16dda65151… ┆ sdelivr.net/… │
+ │ anscombe ┆ .json ┆ anscombe.json ┆ … ┆ 11ae97090b626 ┆ https://cdn.j │
+ │ ┆ ┆ ┆ ┆ 3bdf0c866115… ┆ sdelivr.net/… │
+ │ barley ┆ .json ┆ barley.json ┆ … ┆ 8dc50de2509b6 ┆ https://cdn.j │
+ │ ┆ ┆ ┆ ┆ e197ce95c24c… ┆ sdelivr.net/… │
+ │ … ┆ … ┆ … ┆ … ┆ … ┆ … │
+ │ weekly-weather ┆ .json ┆ weekly-weather ┆ … ┆ bd42a3e2403e7 ┆ https://cdn.j │
+ │ ┆ ┆ .json ┆ ┆ ccd6baaa89f9… ┆ sdelivr.net/… │
+ │ wheat ┆ .json ┆ wheat.json ┆ … ┆ cde46b43fc82f ┆ https://cdn.j │
+ │ ┆ ┆ ┆ ┆ 4c3c2a37ddcf… ┆ sdelivr.net/… │
+ │ windvectors ┆ .csv ┆ windvectors.cs ┆ … ┆ ed686b0ba613a ┆ https://cdn.j │
+ │ ┆ ┆ v ┆ ┆ bd59d09fcd94… ┆ sdelivr.net/… │
+ │ world-110m ┆ .json ┆ world-110m.jso ┆ … ┆ a1ce852de6f27 ┆ https://cdn.j │
+ │ ┆ ┆ n ┆ ┆ 13c94c0c2840… ┆ sdelivr.net/… │
+ │ zipcodes ┆ .csv ┆ zipcodes.csv ┆ … ┆ d3df33e12be0d ┆ https://cdn.j │
+ │ ┆ ┆ ┆ ┆ 0544c95f1bd4… ┆ sdelivr.net/… │
+ └────────────────┴────────┴────────────────┴───┴───────────────┴───────────────┘
+ ```
+ """
+ dataset_name: str
+ suffix: str
+ file_name: str
+ bytes: int
+ is_image: bool
+ is_tabular: bool
+ is_geo: bool
+ is_topo: bool
+ is_spatial: bool
+ is_json: bool
+ has_schema: bool
+ sha: str
+ url: str
+FlFieldStr: TypeAlias = Literal[
+ "integer",
+ "number",
+ "boolean",
+ "string",
+ "object",
+ "array",
+ "date",
+ "datetime",
+ "time",
+ "duration",
+String representation of `frictionless`_ `Field Types`_.
+.. _frictionless:
+ https://github.com/frictionlessdata/frictionless-py
+.. _Field Types:
+ https://datapackage.org/standard/table-schema/#field-types
diff --git a/altair/utils/schemapi.py b/altair/utils/schemapi.py
index e7708f0d7..d75cdb593 100644
--- a/altair/utils/schemapi.py
+++ b/altair/utils/schemapi.py
@@ -1684,7 +1684,7 @@ def with_property_setters(cls: type[TSchemaBase]) -> type[TSchemaBase]:
] = {
- "vega-datasets": "v2.11.0",
+ "vega-datasets": "3.0.0-alpha.1",
"vega-embed": "6",
"vega-lite": "v5.21.0",
"vegafusion": "1.6.6",
diff --git a/doc/user_guide/api.rst b/doc/user_guide/api.rst
index 5793f0ae8..336c29d54 100644
--- a/doc/user_guide/api.rst
+++ b/doc/user_guide/api.rst
@@ -791,5 +791,21 @@ Typing
+.. _api-datasets:
+.. currentmodule:: altair.datasets
+.. autosummary::
+ :toctree: generated/datasets/
+ :nosignatures:
+ Loader
+ load
+ url
.. _Generic:
+.. _vega-datasets:
+ https://github.com/vega/vega-datasets
diff --git a/pyproject.toml b/pyproject.toml
index 7fadb3049..b9edc7ea2 100644
--- a/pyproject.toml
+++ b/pyproject.toml
@@ -104,9 +104,9 @@ doc = [
# Minimum/exact versions, for projects under the `vega` organization
-vega-datasets = "v2.11.0" # https://github.com/vega/vega-datasets
-vega-embed = "6" # https://github.com/vega/vega-embed
-vega-lite = "v5.21.0" # https://github.com/vega/vega-lite
+vega-datasets = "3.0.0-alpha.1" # https://github.com/vega/vega-datasets
+vega-embed = "6" # https://github.com/vega/vega-embed
+vega-lite = "v5.21.0" # https://github.com/vega/vega-lite
build = { include = ["/altair"], artifacts = ["altair/jupyter/js/index.js"] }
@@ -137,7 +137,8 @@ target-version = "py39"
extend-safe-fixes = [ # https://docs.astral.sh/ruff/settings/#lint_extend-safe-fixes
- "ANN204", # missing-return-type-special-method
+ "ANN204", # missing-return-type-special-method
+ "C405", # unnecessary-literal-set
"C419", # unnecessary-comprehension-in-call
"C420", # unnecessary-dict-comprehension-for-iterable
"D200", # fits-on-one-line
@@ -261,15 +262,19 @@ cwd = "."
lint = "ruff check"
format = "ruff format --diff --check"
+ruff-check = "task lint && task format"
ruff-fix = "task lint && ruff format"
type-check = "mypy altair tests"
-pytest = "pytest"
-test = "task lint && task format && task type-check && task pytest"
-test-fast = "task ruff-fix && pytest -m \"not slow\""
-test-slow = "task ruff-fix && pytest -m \"slow\""
-test-min = "task lint && task format && task type-check && hatch test --python 3.9"
-test-all = "task lint && task format && task type-check && hatch test --all"
+pytest-serial = "pytest -m \"no_xdist\" --numprocesses=1"
+pytest = "pytest && task pytest-serial"
+test = "task ruff-check && task type-check && task pytest"
+test-fast = "task ruff-fix && pytest -m \"not slow and not datasets_debug and not no_xdist\""
+test-slow = "task ruff-fix && pytest -m \"slow and not datasets_debug and not no_xdist\""
+test-datasets = "task ruff-fix && pytest tests -k test_datasets -m \"not no_xdist\" && task pytest-serial"
+test-min = "task ruff-check && task type-check && hatch test --python 3.9"
+test-all = "task ruff-check && task type-check && hatch test --all"
generate-schema-wrapper = "mypy tools && python tools/generate_schema_wrapper.py && task test"
update-init-file = "python tools/update_init_file.py && task ruff-fix"
@@ -294,10 +299,19 @@ publish = "task build && uv publish"
# They contain examples which are being executed by the
# test_examples tests.
norecursedirs = ["tests/examples_arguments_syntax", "tests/examples_methods_syntax"]
-addopts = ["--numprocesses=logical", "--doctest-modules", "tests", "altair", "tools"]
+addopts = [
+ "--numprocesses=logical",
+ "--doctest-modules",
+ "tests",
+ "altair",
+ "tools",
+ "-m not datasets_debug and not no_xdist",
# https://docs.pytest.org/en/stable/how-to/mark.html#registering-marks
markers = [
- "slow: Label tests as slow (deselect with '-m \"not slow\"')"
+ "slow: Label tests as slow (deselect with '-m \"not slow\"')",
+ "datasets_debug: Disabled by default due to high number of requests",
+ "no_xdist: Unsafe to run in parallel"
diff --git a/tests/__init__.py b/tests/__init__.py
index 5d78dce0d..80c27fc2c 100644
--- a/tests/__init__.py
+++ b/tests/__init__.py
@@ -60,6 +60,16 @@ def windows_has_tzdata() -> bool:
>>> hatch run test-slow --durations=25 # doctest: +SKIP
+no_xdist: pytest.MarkDecorator = pytest.mark.no_xdist()
+Custom ``pytest.mark`` decorator.
+Each marked test will run **serially**, after all other selected tests.
+.. tip::
+ Use as a last resort when a test depends on manipulating global state.
skip_requires_ipython: pytest.MarkDecorator = pytest.mark.skipif(
find_spec("IPython") is None, reason="`IPython` not installed."
diff --git a/tests/test_datasets.py b/tests/test_datasets.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f112cacb8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test_datasets.py
@@ -0,0 +1,680 @@
+from __future__ import annotations
+import datetime as dt
+import re
+import sys
+from functools import partial
+from importlib import import_module
+from importlib.util import find_spec
+from pathlib import Path
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, cast, get_args
+from urllib.error import URLError
+import pytest
+from narwhals.stable import v1 as nw
+from narwhals.stable.v1 import dependencies as nw_dep
+from altair.datasets import Loader
+from altair.datasets._exceptions import AltairDatasetsError
+from altair.datasets._typing import Dataset, Metadata
+from tests import no_xdist, skip_requires_pyarrow
+from tools import fs
+ from collections.abc import Callable, Mapping
+ from pathlib import Path
+ from typing import Literal
+ import pandas as pd
+ import polars as pl
+ from _pytest.mark.structures import ParameterSet
+ from altair.datasets._reader import _Backend, _PandasAny, _Polars, _PyArrow
+ from altair.vegalite.v5.schema._typing import OneOrSeq
+ if sys.version_info >= (3, 10):
+ from typing import TypeAlias
+ else:
+ from typing_extensions import TypeAlias
+ PolarsLoader: TypeAlias = Loader[pl.DataFrame, pl.LazyFrame]
+datasets_debug: pytest.MarkDecorator = pytest.mark.datasets_debug()
+Custom ``pytest.mark`` decorator.
+Use for more exhaustive tests that require many requests.
+**Disabled** by default in ``pyproject.toml``:
+ [tool.pytest.ini_options]
+ addopts = ...
+_backend_params: Mapping[_Backend, ParameterSet] = {
+ "polars": pytest.param("polars"),
+ "pandas": pytest.param("pandas"),
+ "pandas[pyarrow]": pytest.param("pandas[pyarrow]", marks=skip_requires_pyarrow()),
+ "pyarrow": pytest.param("pyarrow", marks=skip_requires_pyarrow()),
+backends: pytest.MarkDecorator = pytest.mark.parametrize(
+ "backend", _backend_params.values()
+backends_no_polars: pytest.MarkDecorator = pytest.mark.parametrize(
+ "backend", [v for k, v in _backend_params.items() if k != "polars"]
+backends_pandas_any: pytest.MarkDecorator = pytest.mark.parametrize(
+ "backend", [v for k, v in _backend_params.items() if "pandas" in k]
+backends_pyarrow: pytest.MarkDecorator = pytest.mark.parametrize(
+ "backend", [v for k, v in _backend_params.items() if k == "pyarrow"]
+datasets_all: pytest.MarkDecorator = pytest.mark.parametrize("name", get_args(Dataset))
+datasets_spatial: pytest.MarkDecorator = pytest.mark.parametrize(
+ "name", ["earthquakes", "londonBoroughs", "londonTubeLines", "us-10m", "world-110m"]
+def polars_loader() -> PolarsLoader:
+ """Fastest and **most reliable** backend."""
+ load = Loader.from_backend("polars")
+ if load.cache.is_not_active():
+ load.cache.path = load.cache._XDG_CACHE
+ return load
+def metadata_columns() -> frozenset[str]:
+ return Metadata.__required_keys__.union(Metadata.__optional_keys__)
+def is_frame_backend(frame: Any, backend: _Backend, /) -> bool:
+ pandas_any: set[_PandasAny] = {"pandas", "pandas[pyarrow]"}
+ if backend in pandas_any:
+ return nw_dep.is_pandas_dataframe(frame)
+ elif backend == "pyarrow":
+ return nw_dep.is_pyarrow_table(frame)
+ elif backend == "polars":
+ return nw_dep.is_polars_dataframe(frame)
+ else:
+ raise TypeError(backend)
+def is_loader_backend(loader: Loader[Any, Any], backend: _Backend, /) -> bool:
+ return repr(loader) == f"{type(loader).__name__}[{backend}]"
+def is_url(name: Dataset, fn_url: Callable[..., str], /) -> bool:
+ pattern = rf".+/vega-datasets@.+/data/{name}\..+"
+ url = fn_url(name)
+ return re.match(pattern, url) is not None
+def is_polars_backed_pyarrow(loader: Loader[Any, Any], /) -> bool:
+ """
+ User requested ``pyarrow``, but also has ``polars`` installed.
+ Both support nested datatypes, which are required for spatial json.
+ """
+ return (
+ is_loader_backend(loader, "pyarrow")
+ and "earthquakes" in loader._reader.profile()["supported"]
+ )
+def test_metadata_columns(backend: _Backend, metadata_columns: frozenset[str]) -> None:
+ """Ensure all backends will query the same column names."""
+ load = Loader.from_backend(backend)
+ schema_columns = load._reader._scan_metadata().collect().columns
+ assert set(schema_columns) == metadata_columns
+def test_loader_from_backend(backend: _Backend) -> None:
+ load = Loader.from_backend(backend)
+ assert is_loader_backend(load, backend)
+def test_loader_url(backend: _Backend) -> None:
+ load = Loader.from_backend(backend)
+ assert is_url("volcano", load.url)
+def test_load_infer_priority(monkeypatch: pytest.MonkeyPatch) -> None:
+ """
+ Ensure the **most reliable**, available backend is selected.
+ See Also
+ --------
+ ``altair.datasets._reader.infer_backend``
+ """
+ import altair.datasets._loader
+ from altair.datasets import load
+ assert is_loader_backend(load, "polars")
+ monkeypatch.delattr(altair.datasets._loader, "load", raising=False)
+ monkeypatch.setitem(sys.modules, "polars", None)
+ from altair.datasets import load
+ if find_spec("pyarrow") is None:
+ # NOTE: We can end the test early for the CI job that removes `pyarrow`
+ assert is_loader_backend(load, "pandas")
+ monkeypatch.delattr(altair.datasets._loader, "load")
+ monkeypatch.setitem(sys.modules, "pandas", None)
+ with pytest.raises(AltairDatasetsError, match=r"no.+backend"):
+ from altair.datasets import load
+ else:
+ assert is_loader_backend(load, "pandas[pyarrow]")
+ monkeypatch.delattr(altair.datasets._loader, "load")
+ monkeypatch.setitem(sys.modules, "pyarrow", None)
+ from altair.datasets import load
+ assert is_loader_backend(load, "pandas")
+ monkeypatch.delattr(altair.datasets._loader, "load")
+ monkeypatch.setitem(sys.modules, "pandas", None)
+ monkeypatch.delitem(sys.modules, "pyarrow")
+ monkeypatch.setitem(sys.modules, "pyarrow", import_module("pyarrow"))
+ from altair.datasets import load
+ assert is_loader_backend(load, "pyarrow")
+ monkeypatch.delattr(altair.datasets._loader, "load")
+ monkeypatch.setitem(sys.modules, "pyarrow", None)
+ with pytest.raises(AltairDatasetsError, match=r"no.+backend"):
+ from altair.datasets import load
+def test_load_call(backend: _Backend, monkeypatch: pytest.MonkeyPatch) -> None:
+ import altair.datasets._loader
+ monkeypatch.delattr(altair.datasets._loader, "load", raising=False)
+ from altair.datasets import load
+ assert is_loader_backend(load, "polars")
+ default = load("cars")
+ df = load("cars", backend=backend)
+ default_2 = load("cars")
+ assert nw_dep.is_polars_dataframe(default)
+ assert is_frame_backend(df, backend)
+ assert nw_dep.is_polars_dataframe(default_2)
+ "name",
+ [
+ "jobs",
+ "la-riots",
+ "londonBoroughs",
+ "londonCentroids",
+ "londonTubeLines",
+ "lookup_groups",
+ "lookup_people",
+ "miserables",
+ "monarchs",
+ "movies",
+ "normal-2d",
+ "obesity",
+ "ohlc",
+ "penguins",
+ "platformer-terrain",
+ "political-contributions",
+ "population",
+ "population_engineers_hurricanes",
+ "unemployment",
+ "seattle-weather",
+ "seattle-weather-hourly-normals",
+ "gapminder-health-income",
+ "sp500",
+ "sp500-2000",
+ "stocks",
+ "udistrict",
+ ],
+def test_url(name: Dataset) -> None:
+ from altair.datasets import url
+ assert is_url(name, url)
+def test_url_no_backend(monkeypatch: pytest.MonkeyPatch) -> None:
+ from altair.datasets._cache import csv_cache
+ from altair.datasets._reader import infer_backend
+ priority: Any = ("fake_mod_1", "fake_mod_2", "fake_mod_3", "fake_mod_4")
+ assert csv_cache._mapping == {}
+ with pytest.raises(AltairDatasetsError):
+ infer_backend(priority=priority)
+ url = csv_cache.url
+ assert is_url("jobs", url)
+ assert csv_cache._mapping != {}
+ assert is_url("cars", url)
+ assert is_url("stocks", url)
+ assert is_url("countries", url)
+ assert is_url("crimea", url)
+ assert is_url("disasters", url)
+ assert is_url("driving", url)
+ assert is_url("earthquakes", url)
+ assert is_url("flare", url)
+ assert is_url("flights-10k", url)
+ assert is_url("flights-200k", url)
+ if find_spec("vegafusion"):
+ assert is_url("flights-3m", url)
+ with monkeypatch.context() as mp:
+ mp.setitem(sys.modules, "vegafusion", None)
+ with pytest.raises(AltairDatasetsError, match=r".parquet.+require.+vegafusion"):
+ url("flights-3m")
+ with pytest.raises(
+ TypeError, match="'fake data' does not refer to a known dataset"
+ ):
+ url("fake data")
+def test_loader_call(backend: _Backend) -> None:
+ load = Loader.from_backend(backend)
+ frame = load("stocks", ".csv")
+ assert nw_dep.is_into_dataframe(frame)
+ nw_frame = nw.from_native(frame)
+ assert set(nw_frame.columns) == {"symbol", "date", "price"}
+def test_dataset_not_found(backend: _Backend) -> None:
+ """Various queries that should **always raise** due to non-existent dataset."""
+ load = Loader.from_backend(backend)
+ real_name: Literal["disasters"] = "disasters"
+ invalid_name: Literal["fake name"] = "fake name"
+ invalid_suffix: Literal["fake suffix"] = "fake suffix"
+ incorrect_suffix: Literal[".json"] = ".json"
+ ERR_NO_RESULT = ValueError
+ MSG_NO_RESULT = "Found no results for"
+ NAME = "dataset_name"
+ SUFFIX = "suffix"
+ with pytest.raises(
+ match=re.compile(rf"{MSG_NO_RESULT}.+{NAME}.+{invalid_name}", re.DOTALL),
+ ):
+ load.url(invalid_name)
+ with pytest.raises(
+ TypeError,
+ match=re.compile(
+ rf"Expected '{SUFFIX}' to be one of.+\(.+\).+but got.+{invalid_suffix}",
+ re.DOTALL,
+ ),
+ ):
+ load.url(real_name, invalid_suffix) # type: ignore[arg-type]
+ with pytest.raises(
+ match=re.compile(
+ rf"{MSG_NO_RESULT}.+{NAME}.+{real_name}.+{SUFFIX}.+{incorrect_suffix}",
+ re.DOTALL,
+ ),
+ ):
+ load.url(real_name, incorrect_suffix)
+def test_reader_missing_dependencies() -> None:
+ from altair.datasets._reader import _import_guarded
+ fake_name = "not_a_real_package"
+ real_name = "altair"
+ fake_extra = "AnotherFakePackage"
+ backend = f"{real_name}[{fake_extra}]"
+ with pytest.raises(
+ ModuleNotFoundError,
+ match=re.compile(
+ rf"{fake_name}.+requires.+{fake_name}.+but.+{fake_name}.+not.+found.+pip install {fake_name}",
+ flags=re.DOTALL,
+ ),
+ ):
+ _import_guarded(fake_name) # type: ignore
+ with pytest.raises(
+ ModuleNotFoundError,
+ match=re.compile(
+ rf"{re.escape(backend)}.+requires.+'{real_name}', '{fake_extra}'.+but.+{fake_extra}.+not.+found.+pip install {fake_extra}",
+ flags=re.DOTALL,
+ ),
+ ):
+ _import_guarded(backend) # type: ignore
+def test_reader_missing_implementation() -> None:
+ from altair.datasets._constraints import is_csv
+ from altair.datasets._reader import reader
+ from altair.datasets._readimpl import read
+ def func(*args, **kwds) -> pd.DataFrame:
+ return pd.DataFrame()
+ name = "pandas"
+ rd = reader((read(func, is_csv),), name=name)
+ with pytest.raises(
+ AltairDatasetsError,
+ match=re.compile(rf"Unable.+parquet.+native.+{name}", flags=re.DOTALL),
+ ):
+ rd.dataset("flights-3m")
+ with pytest.raises(
+ AltairDatasetsError,
+ match=re.compile(r"Found no.+support.+flights.+json", flags=re.DOTALL),
+ ):
+ rd.dataset("flights-2k")
+ with pytest.raises(
+ AltairDatasetsError, match=re.compile(r"Image data is non-tabular")
+ ):
+ rd.dataset("7zip")
+def test_reader_cache(
+ backend: _Backend, monkeypatch: pytest.MonkeyPatch, tmp_path: Path
+) -> None:
+ """Ensure cache hits avoid network activity."""
+ import polars as pl
+ from polars.testing import assert_frame_equal
+ monkeypatch.setenv(CACHE_ENV_VAR, str(tmp_path))
+ load = Loader.from_backend(backend)
+ assert load.cache.is_active()
+ cache_dir = load.cache.path
+ assert cache_dir == tmp_path
+ assert tuple(load.cache) == ()
+ # smallest csvs
+ lookup_groups = load("lookup_groups")
+ load("lookup_people")
+ load("iowa-electricity")
+ load("global-temp")
+ cached_paths = tuple(load.cache)
+ assert len(cached_paths) == 4
+ if nw_dep.is_polars_dataframe(lookup_groups):
+ left, right = (
+ lookup_groups,
+ cast("pl.DataFrame", load("lookup_groups", ".csv")),
+ )
+ else:
+ left, right = (
+ pl.DataFrame(lookup_groups),
+ pl.DataFrame(load("lookup_groups", ".csv")),
+ )
+ assert_frame_equal(left, right)
+ assert len(tuple(load.cache)) == 4
+ assert cached_paths == tuple(load.cache)
+ load("iowa-electricity", ".csv")
+ load("global-temp", ".csv")
+ load("global-temp.csv")
+ assert len(tuple(load.cache)) == 4
+ assert cached_paths == tuple(load.cache)
+ load("lookup_people")
+ load("lookup_people.csv")
+ load("lookup_people", ".csv")
+ load("lookup_people")
+ assert len(tuple(load.cache)) == 4
+ assert cached_paths == tuple(load.cache)
+def test_reader_cache_exhaustive(
+ backend: _Backend,
+ monkeypatch: pytest.MonkeyPatch,
+ tmp_path: Path,
+ polars_loader: PolarsLoader,
+) -> None:
+ """
+ Fully populate and then purge the cache for all backends.
+ Notes
+ -----
+ - Does not attempt to read the files
+ - Checking we can support pre-downloading and safely deleting
+ - Requests work the same for all backends
+ - The logic for detecting the cache contents uses ``narhwals``
+ - Here, we're testing that these ``narwhals`` ops are consistent
+ - `DatasetCache.download_all` is expensive for CI, so aiming for it to run **at most once**
+ - 34-45s per call (4x backends)
+ """
+ polars_loader.cache.download_all()
+ CLONED: Path = tmp_path / "clone"
+ fs.mkdir(CLONED)
+ fs.copytree(polars_loader.cache.path, CLONED)
+ monkeypatch.setenv(CACHE_ENV_VAR, str(tmp_path))
+ load = Loader.from_backend(backend)
+ assert load.cache.is_active()
+ cache_dir = load.cache.path
+ assert cache_dir == tmp_path
+ assert tuple(load.cache) == (CLONED,)
+ load.cache.path = CLONED
+ cached_paths = tuple(load.cache)
+ assert cached_paths != ()
+ # NOTE: Approximating all datasets downloaded
+ assert len(cached_paths) >= 70
+ assert all(bool(fp.exists() and fp.stat().st_size) for fp in load.cache)
+ # NOTE: Confirm this is a no-op
+ load.cache.download_all()
+ assert len(cached_paths) == len(tuple(load.cache))
+ # NOTE: Ensure unrelated files in the directory are not removed
+ dummy: Path = tmp_path / "dummy.json"
+ dummy.touch(exist_ok=False)
+ load.cache.clear()
+ remaining = tuple(tmp_path.iterdir())
+ assert set(remaining) == {dummy, CLONED}
+ fs.rm(dummy, CLONED)
+def test_reader_cache_disable(monkeypatch: pytest.MonkeyPatch, tmp_path: Path) -> None:
+ from altair.datasets import load
+ monkeypatch.setenv(CACHE_ENV_VAR, str(tmp_path))
+ assert load.cache.is_active()
+ assert load.cache.path == tmp_path
+ assert load.cache.is_empty()
+ load("cars")
+ assert not load.cache.is_empty()
+ # ISSUE: https://github.com/python/mypy/issues/3004
+ load.cache.path = None # type: ignore[assignment]
+ assert load.cache.is_not_active()
+ with pytest.raises(
+ ValueError,
+ match=re.compile(
+ rf"Cache.+unset.+{CACHE_ENV_VAR}.+\.cache\.path =", flags=re.DOTALL
+ ),
+ ):
+ tuple(load.cache)
+ load.cache.path = tmp_path
+ assert load.cache.is_active()
+ assert load.cache.path == tmp_path
+ assert not load.cache.is_empty()
+ "name", ["cars", "movies", "wheat", "barley", "gapminder", "income", "burtin"]
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("fallback", ["polars", None])
+def test_pyarrow_read_json(
+ backend: _PyArrow,
+ fallback: _Polars | None,
+ name: Dataset,
+ monkeypatch: pytest.MonkeyPatch,
+) -> None:
+ if fallback is None:
+ monkeypatch.setitem(sys.modules, "polars", None)
+ load = Loader.from_backend(backend)
+ assert load(name, ".json")
+def test_spatial(backend: _Backend, name: Dataset) -> None:
+ load = Loader.from_backend(backend)
+ if is_polars_backed_pyarrow(load):
+ assert nw_dep.is_pyarrow_table(load(name))
+ else:
+ pattern = re.compile(
+ rf"{name}.+geospatial.+native.+{re.escape(backend)}.+try.+polars.+url",
+ flags=re.DOTALL | re.IGNORECASE,
+ )
+ with pytest.raises(AltairDatasetsError, match=pattern):
+ load(name)
+def test_tsv(backend: _Backend) -> None:
+ load = Loader.from_backend(backend)
+ is_frame_backend(load("unemployment", ".tsv"), backend)
+def test_all_datasets(polars_loader: PolarsLoader, name: Dataset) -> None:
+ if name in {"7zip", "ffox", "gimp"}:
+ pattern = re.compile(
+ rf"Unable to load.+{name}.png.+as tabular data",
+ flags=re.DOTALL | re.IGNORECASE,
+ )
+ with pytest.raises(AltairDatasetsError, match=pattern):
+ polars_loader(name)
+ else:
+ frame = polars_loader(name)
+ assert nw_dep.is_polars_dataframe(frame)
+def _raise_exception(e: type[Exception], *args: Any, **kwds: Any):
+ raise e(*args, **kwds)
+def test_no_remote_connection(monkeypatch: pytest.MonkeyPatch, tmp_path: Path) -> None:
+ from polars.testing import assert_frame_equal
+ load = Loader.from_backend("polars")
+ load.cache.path = tmp_path
+ load("londonCentroids")
+ load("stocks")
+ load("driving")
+ cached_paths = tuple(tmp_path.iterdir())
+ assert len(cached_paths) == 3
+ raiser = partial(_raise_exception, URLError)
+ with monkeypatch.context() as mp:
+ mp.setattr(load._reader._opener, "open", raiser)
+ # Existing cache entries don't trigger an error
+ load("londonCentroids")
+ load("stocks")
+ load("driving")
+ # Mocking cache-miss without remote conn
+ with pytest.raises(URLError):
+ load("birdstrikes")
+ assert len(tuple(tmp_path.iterdir())) == 3
+ # Now we can get a cache-hit
+ frame = load("birdstrikes")
+ assert nw_dep.is_polars_dataframe(frame)
+ assert len(tuple(tmp_path.iterdir())) == 4
+ with monkeypatch.context() as mp:
+ mp.setattr(load._reader._opener, "open", raiser)
+ # Here, the remote conn isn't considered - we already have the file
+ frame_from_cache = load("birdstrikes")
+ assert len(tuple(tmp_path.iterdir())) == 4
+ assert_frame_equal(frame, frame_from_cache)
+ ("name", "column"),
+ [
+ ("cars", "Year"),
+ ("unemployment-across-industries", "date"),
+ ("flights-10k", "date"),
+ ("football", "date"),
+ ("crimea", "date"),
+ ("ohlc", "date"),
+ ],
+def test_polars_date_read_json_roundtrip(
+ polars_loader: PolarsLoader, name: Dataset, column: str
+) -> None:
+ """Ensure ``date`` columns are inferred using the roundtrip json -> csv method."""
+ frame = polars_loader(name, ".json")
+ tp = frame.schema.to_python()[column]
+ assert tp is dt.date or issubclass(tp, dt.date)
+ ("name", "columns"),
+ [
+ ("birdstrikes", "Flight Date"),
+ ("cars", "Year"),
+ ("co2-concentration", "Date"),
+ ("crimea", "date"),
+ ("football", "date"),
+ ("iowa-electricity", "year"),
+ ("la-riots", "death_date"),
+ ("ohlc", "date"),
+ ("seattle-weather-hourly-normals", "date"),
+ ("seattle-weather", "date"),
+ ("sp500-2000", "date"),
+ ("unemployment-across-industries", "date"),
+ ("us-employment", "month"),
+ ],
+def test_pandas_date_parse(
+ backend: _PandasAny,
+ name: Dataset,
+ columns: OneOrSeq[str],
+ polars_loader: PolarsLoader,
+) -> None:
+ """
+ Ensure schema defaults are correctly parsed.
+ Notes
+ -----
+ - Depends on ``frictionless`` being able to detect the date/datetime columns.
+ - Not all format strings work
+ """
+ date_columns: list[str] = [columns] if isinstance(columns, str) else list(columns)
+ load = Loader.from_backend(backend)
+ url = load.url(name)
+ kwds: dict[str, Any] = (
+ {"convert_dates": date_columns}
+ if url.endswith(".json")
+ else {"parse_dates": date_columns}
+ )
+ kwds_empty: dict[str, Any] = {k: [] for k in kwds}
+ df_schema_derived: pd.DataFrame = load(name)
+ nw_schema = nw.from_native(df_schema_derived).schema
+ df_manually_specified: pd.DataFrame = load(name, **kwds)
+ df_dates_empty: pd.DataFrame = load(name, **kwds_empty)
+ assert set(date_columns).issubset(nw_schema)
+ for column in date_columns:
+ assert nw_schema[column] in {nw.Date, nw.Datetime}
+ assert nw_schema == nw.from_native(df_manually_specified).schema
+ assert nw_schema != nw.from_native(df_dates_empty).schema
+ # NOTE: Checking `polars` infers the same[1] as what `pandas` needs a hint for
+ # [1] Doesn't need to be exact, just recognise as *some kind* of date/datetime
+ pl_schema: pl.Schema = polars_loader(name).schema
+ for column in date_columns:
+ assert pl_schema[column].is_temporal()
diff --git a/tools/datasets/__init__.py b/tools/datasets/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a7c1d06c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/datasets/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+Metadata generation from `vega/vega-datasets`_.
+Inspired by `altair-viz/vega_datasets`_.
+The core interface of this package is provided by::
+ tools.datasets.app
+.. _vega/vega-datasets:
+ https://github.com/vega/vega-datasets
+.. _altair-viz/vega_datasets:
+ https://github.com/altair-viz/vega_datasets
+from __future__ import annotations
+import gzip
+import json
+import types
+from io import BytesIO
+from pathlib import Path
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, ClassVar, Literal
+from tools import fs
+from tools.codemod import ruff
+from tools.datasets.npm import Npm
+from tools.schemapi import utils
+ import sys
+ from collections.abc import Mapping
+ import polars as pl
+ from tools.datasets import datapackage
+ if sys.version_info >= (3, 10):
+ from typing import TypeAlias
+ else:
+ from typing_extensions import TypeAlias
+ _PathAlias: TypeAlias = Literal["typing", "metadata-csv", "metadata", "schemas"]
+ PathMap: TypeAlias = Mapping[_PathAlias, Path]
+__all__ = ["app"]
+# The contents of this file are automatically written by
+# tools/datasets.__init__.py. Do not modify directly.
+class Application:
+ """Top-level context."""
+ OUT_DIR: ClassVar[Path] = fs.REPO_ROOT / "altair" / "datasets"
+ def __init__(self) -> None:
+ METADATA = "metadata"
+ out_meta = self.OUT_DIR / "_metadata"
+ self.paths = types.MappingProxyType["_PathAlias", Path](
+ {
+ "typing": self.OUT_DIR / "_typing.py",
+ "metadata-csv": out_meta / f"{METADATA}.csv.gz",
+ "metadata": out_meta / f"{METADATA}.parquet",
+ "schemas": out_meta / "schemas.json.gz",
+ }
+ )
+ self._npm: Npm = Npm(self.paths)
+ @property
+ def npm(self) -> Npm:
+ return self._npm
+ def refresh(self, tag: Any, /, *, include_typing: bool = False) -> pl.DataFrame:
+ """
+ Update and sync all dataset metadata files.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ tag
+ Branch or release version to build against.
+ include_typing
+ Regenerate ``altair.datasets._typing``.
+ """
+ print("Syncing datasets ...")
+ dpkg = self.npm.datapackage(tag=tag)
+ self.write_parquet(dpkg.core, self.paths["metadata"])
+ self.write_json_gzip(dpkg.schemas(), self.paths["schemas"])
+ self.write_csv_gzip(dpkg.metadata_csv(), self.paths["metadata-csv"])
+ print("Finished updating datasets.")
+ if include_typing:
+ self.generate_typing(dpkg)
+ return dpkg.core.collect()
+ def reset(self) -> None:
+ """Remove all metadata files."""
+ fs.rm(*self.paths.values())
+ def read(self, name: _PathAlias, /) -> pl.DataFrame:
+ """Read existing metadata from file."""
+ return self.scan(name).collect()
+ def scan(self, name: _PathAlias, /) -> pl.LazyFrame:
+ """Scan existing metadata from file."""
+ import polars as pl
+ fp = self.paths[name]
+ if fp.suffix == ".parquet":
+ return pl.scan_parquet(fp)
+ elif ".csv" in fp.suffixes:
+ return pl.scan_csv(fp)
+ elif ".json" in fp.suffixes:
+ return pl.read_json(fp).lazy()
+ else:
+ msg = (
+ f"Unable to read {fp.name!r} as tabular data.\nSuffixes: {fp.suffixes}"
+ )
+ raise NotImplementedError(msg)
+ def write_csv_gzip(self, frame: pl.DataFrame | pl.LazyFrame, fp: Path, /) -> None:
+ """
+ Write ``frame`` as a `gzip`_ compressed `csv`_ file.
+ - *Much smaller* than a regular ``.csv``.
+ - Still readable using ``stdlib`` modules.
+ .. _gzip:
+ https://docs.python.org/3/library/gzip.html
+ .. _csv:
+ https://docs.python.org/3/library/csv.html
+ """
+ if fp.suffix != ".gz":
+ fp = fp.with_suffix(".csv.gz")
+ fp.touch()
+ df = frame.lazy().collect()
+ buf = BytesIO()
+ with gzip.GzipFile(fp, mode="wb", mtime=0) as f:
+ df.write_csv(buf)
+ f.write(buf.getbuffer())
+ def write_json_gzip(self, obj: Any, fp: Path, /) -> None:
+ """
+ Write ``obj`` as a `gzip`_ compressed ``json`` file.
+ .. _gzip:
+ https://docs.python.org/3/library/gzip.html
+ """
+ if fp.suffix != ".gz":
+ fp = fp.with_suffix(".json.gz")
+ fp.touch()
+ with gzip.GzipFile(fp, mode="wb", mtime=0) as f:
+ f.write(json.dumps(obj).encode())
+ def write_parquet(self, frame: pl.DataFrame | pl.LazyFrame, fp: Path, /) -> None:
+ """Write ``frame`` to ``fp``, with some extra safety."""
+ fp.touch()
+ df = frame.lazy().collect()
+ df.write_parquet(fp, compression="zstd", compression_level=17)
+ def generate_typing(self, dpkg: datapackage.DataPackage) -> None:
+ indent = " " * 4
+ NAME = "Dataset"
+ EXT = "Extension"
+ FIELD = "FlFieldStr"
+ "integer",
+ "number",
+ "boolean",
+ "string",
+ "object",
+ "array",
+ "date",
+ "datetime",
+ "time",
+ "duration",
+ )
+ contents = (
+ "from __future__ import annotations\n",
+ "import sys",
+ "from typing import Literal, TYPE_CHECKING",
+ utils.import_typing_extensions((3, 14), "TypedDict"),
+ utils.import_typing_extensions((3, 10), "TypeAlias"),
+ "\n",
+ f"__all__ = {[NAME, EXT, dpkg._NAME_TYPED_DICT]}\n",
+ utils.spell_literal_alias(NAME, dpkg.dataset_names()),
+ utils.spell_literal_alias(EXT, dpkg.extensions()),
+ dpkg.typed_dict(),
+ utils.spell_literal_alias(FIELD, FIELD_TYPES),
+ '"""\n'
+ "String representation of `frictionless`_ `Field Types`_.\n\n"
+ f".. _frictionless:\n{indent}https://github.com/frictionlessdata/frictionless-py\n"
+ f".. _Field Types:\n{indent}https://datapackage.org/standard/table-schema/#field-types\n"
+ '"""\n',
+ )
+ ruff.write_lint_format(self.paths["typing"], contents)
+app = Application()
diff --git a/tools/datasets/datapackage.py b/tools/datasets/datapackage.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ec707c0da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/datasets/datapackage.py
@@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
+``frictionless`` `datapackage`_ parsing.
+.. _datapackage:
+ https://datapackage.org/
+from __future__ import annotations
+import textwrap
+from collections import deque
+from functools import cached_property
+from pathlib import Path
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, ClassVar, Literal
+import polars as pl
+from polars import col
+from tools.schemapi import utils
+ from collections.abc import Iterable, Iterator, Mapping, Sequence
+ from altair.datasets._typing import Dataset, FlFieldStr
+ from tools.datasets.models import Package, Resource
+__all__ = ["DataPackage"]
+INDENT = " " * 4
+class Column:
+ def __init__(self, name: str, expr: pl.Expr, /, doc: str = "_description_") -> None:
+ self._name: str = name
+ self._expr: pl.Expr = expr
+ self._doc: str = doc
+ @property
+ def expr(self) -> pl.Expr:
+ return self._expr.alias(self._name)
+ @property
+ def doc(self) -> str:
+ return f"{self._name}\n{INDENT * 2}{self._doc}"
+ def is_feature(self) -> bool:
+ return self._name.startswith("is_")
+class DataPackage:
+ NAME: ClassVar[Literal["dataset_name"]] = "dataset_name"
+ """
+ Main user-facing column name.
+ - Does not include file extension
+ - Preserves case of original file name
+ """
+ sort_by: str | Sequence[str] = "dataset_name", "bytes"
+ """Key(s) used to ensure output is deterministic."""
+ _NAME_TYPED_DICT: ClassVar[Literal["Metadata"]] = "Metadata"
+ _columns: ClassVar[Sequence[Column]]
+ _links: ClassVar[Sequence[str]]
+ def __init__(self, pkg: Package, base_url: str, path: Path, /) -> None:
+ self._pkg: Package = pkg
+ self._base_url: str = base_url
+ self._path: Path = path
+ @classmethod
+ def with_columns(cls, *columns: Column) -> type[DataPackage]:
+ cls._columns = columns
+ return cls
+ @classmethod
+ def with_links(cls, *links: str) -> type[DataPackage]:
+ cls._links = links
+ return cls
+ @property
+ def columns(self) -> Iterator[Column]:
+ yield from self._columns
+ yield self._url
+ @cached_property
+ def core(self) -> pl.LazyFrame:
+ """A minimal, tabular view of ``datapackage.json``."""
+ return pl.LazyFrame(self._resources).select(self._exprs).sort(self.sort_by)
+ def schemas(self) -> Mapping[Dataset, Mapping[str, FlFieldStr]]:
+ """Reduce all datasets with schemas to a minimal mapping."""
+ m: Any = {
+ Path(rsrc["path"]).stem: {f["name"]: f["type"] for f in s["fields"]}
+ for rsrc in self._resources
+ if (s := rsrc.get("schema"))
+ }
+ return m
+ def dataset_names(self) -> Iterable[str]:
+ return self.core.select(col(self.NAME).unique().sort()).collect().to_series()
+ def extensions(self) -> tuple[str, ...]:
+ return tuple(
+ self.core.select(col("suffix").unique().sort())
+ .collect()
+ .to_series()
+ .to_list()
+ )
+ # TODO: Collect, then raise if cannot guarantee uniqueness
+ def metadata_csv(self) -> pl.LazyFrame:
+ """Variant with duplicate dataset names removed."""
+ return self.core.filter(col("suffix") != ".arrow").sort(self.NAME)
+ def typed_dict(self) -> str:
+ from tools.generate_schema_wrapper import UNIVERSAL_TYPED_DICT
+ return UNIVERSAL_TYPED_DICT.format(
+ name=self._NAME_TYPED_DICT,
+ metaclass_kwds=", total=False",
+ td_args=self._metadata_td_args,
+ summary=f"Full schema for ``{self._path.name}``.",
+ doc=self._metadata_doc,
+ comment="",
+ )
+ @property
+ def _exprs(self) -> Iterator[pl.Expr]:
+ return (column.expr for column in self.columns)
+ @property
+ def _docs(self) -> Iterator[str]:
+ return (column.doc for column in self.columns)
+ @property
+ def _resources(self) -> Sequence[Resource]:
+ return self._pkg["resources"]
+ @property
+ def _metadata_doc(self) -> str:
+ return (
+ f"{NLINDENT.join(self._docs)}\n\n{''.join(self._links)}\n"
+ f"{textwrap.indent(self._metadata_examples, INDENT)}"
+ f"{INDENT}"
+ )
+ @property
+ def _metadata_examples(self) -> str:
+ with pl.Config(fmt_str_lengths=25, tbl_cols=5, tbl_width_chars=80):
+ table = repr(self.core.collect())
+ return (
+ f"\nExamples"
+ f"\n--------\n"
+ f"``{self._NAME_TYPED_DICT}`` keywords form constraints to filter a table like the below sample:\n\n"
+ f"```\n{table}\n```\n"
+ )
+ @property
+ def _metadata_td_args(self) -> str:
+ schema = self.core.collect_schema().to_python()
+ return f"\n{INDENT}".join(f"{p}: {tp.__name__}" for p, tp in schema.items())
+ @property
+ def _url(self) -> Column:
+ expr = pl.concat_str(pl.lit(self._base_url), "path")
+ return Column("url", expr, "Remote url used to access dataset.")
+ def features_typing(self, frame: pl.LazyFrame | pl.DataFrame, /) -> Iterator[str]:
+ """
+ Current plan is to use type aliases in overloads.
+ - ``Tabular`` can be treated interchangeably
+ - ``Image`` can only work with ``url``
+ - ``(Spatial|Geo|Topo)`` can be read with ``polars``
+ - A future version may implement dedicated support https://github.com/vega/altair/pull/3631#discussion_r1845931955
+ - ``Json`` should warn when using the ``pyarrow`` backend
+ """
+ guards = deque[str]()
+ ldf = frame.lazy()
+ for column in self.columns:
+ if not column.is_feature():
+ continue
+ guard_name = column._name
+ alias_name = guard_name.removeprefix("is_").capitalize()
+ members = ldf.filter(guard_name).select(self.NAME).collect().to_series()
+ guards.append(guard_literal(alias_name, guard_name, members))
+ yield utils.spell_literal_alias(alias_name, members)
+ yield from guards
+def path_stem(column: str | pl.Expr, /) -> pl.Expr:
+ """
+ The final path component, minus its last suffix.
+ Needed since `Resource.name`_ must be lowercase.
+ .. _Resource.name:
+ https://specs.frictionlessdata.io/data-resource/#name
+ """
+ path = col(column) if isinstance(column, str) else column
+ rfind = (path.str.len_bytes() - 1) - path.str.reverse().str.find(r"\.")
+ return path.str.head(rfind)
+def path_suffix(column: str | pl.Expr, /) -> pl.Expr:
+ """
+ The final component's last suffix.
+ This includes the leading period. For example: '.txt'.
+ """
+ path = col(column) if isinstance(column, str) else column
+ return path.str.tail(path.str.reverse().str.find(r"\.") + 1)
+def guard_literal(alias_name: str, guard_name: str, members: Iterable[str], /) -> str:
+ """Type narrowing function, all members must be literal strings."""
+ return (
+ f"def {guard_name}(obj: Any) -> TypeIs[{alias_name}]:\n"
+ f" return obj in set({sorted(set(members))!r})\n"
+ )
+PATHLIB = "https://docs.python.org/3/library/pathlib.html"
+GEOJSON = "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GeoJSON"
+def link(name: str, url: str, /) -> str:
+ return f"{INDENT}.. _{name}:\n{INDENT * 2}{url}\n"
+def note(s: str, /) -> str:
+ return f"\n\n{INDENT * 2}.. note::\n{INDENT * 3}{s}"
+fmt = col("format")
+ Column("dataset_name", path_stem("path"), "Name of the dataset/`Path.stem`_."),
+ Column("suffix", path_suffix("path"), "File extension/`Path.suffix`_."),
+ Column("file_name", col("path"), "Equivalent to `Path.name`_."),
+ Column("bytes", col("bytes"), "File size in *bytes*."),
+ Column("is_image", fmt == "png", "Only accessible via url."),
+ Column("is_tabular", col("type") == "table", "Can be read as tabular data."),
+ Column("is_geo", fmt == "geojson", "`GeoJSON`_ format."),
+ Column("is_topo", fmt == "topojson", "`TopoJSON`_ format."),
+ Column(
+ "is_spatial",
+ fmt.is_in(("geojson", "topojson")),
+ "Any geospatial format. Only natively supported by ``polars``.",
+ ),
+ Column(
+ "is_json", fmt.str.contains("json"), "Not supported natively by ``pyarrow``."
+ ),
+ Column(
+ "has_schema",
+ col("schema").is_not_null(),
+ "Data types available for improved ``pandas`` parsing.",
+ ),
+ Column(
+ "sha",
+ col("hash").str.split(":").list.last(),
+ doc=(
+ "Unique hash for the dataset."
+ + note(
+ f"E.g. if the dataset did *not* change between ``v1.0.0``-``v2.0.0``;\n\n{INDENT * 3}"
+ f"then this value would remain stable."
+ )
+ ),
+ ),
+ link("Path.stem", f"{PATHLIB}#pathlib.PurePath.stem"),
+ link("Path.name", f"{PATHLIB}#pathlib.PurePath.name"),
+ link("Path.suffix", f"{PATHLIB}#pathlib.PurePath.suffix"),
+ link("GeoJSON", GEOJSON),
+ link("TopoJSON", f"{GEOJSON}#TopoJSON"),
diff --git a/tools/datasets/models.py b/tools/datasets/models.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ee1af8953
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/datasets/models.py
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+"""API-related data structures."""
+from __future__ import annotations
+import sys
+from collections.abc import Mapping, Sequence
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Literal
+if sys.version_info >= (3, 14):
+ from typing import TypedDict
+ from typing_extensions import TypedDict
+ if sys.version_info >= (3, 11):
+ from typing import NotRequired, Required
+ else:
+ from typing_extensions import NotRequired, Required
+ if sys.version_info >= (3, 10):
+ from typing import TypeAlias
+ else:
+ from typing_extensions import TypeAlias
+ from altair.datasets._typing import Dataset, FlFieldStr
+CsvDialect: TypeAlias = Mapping[
+ Literal["csv"], Mapping[Literal["delimiter"], Literal["\t"]]
+JsonDialect: TypeAlias = Mapping[
+ Literal[r"json"], Mapping[Literal["keyed"], Literal[True]]
+class Field(TypedDict):
+ """https://datapackage.org/standard/table-schema/#field."""
+ name: str
+ type: FlFieldStr
+ description: NotRequired[str]
+class Schema(TypedDict):
+ """https://datapackage.org/standard/table-schema/#properties."""
+ fields: Sequence[Field]
+class Source(TypedDict, total=False):
+ title: str
+ path: Required[str]
+ email: str
+ version: str
+class License(TypedDict):
+ name: str
+ path: str
+ title: NotRequired[str]
+class Resource(TypedDict):
+ """https://datapackage.org/standard/data-resource/#properties."""
+ name: Dataset
+ type: Literal["table", "file", r"json"]
+ description: NotRequired[str]
+ licenses: NotRequired[Sequence[License]]
+ sources: NotRequired[Sequence[Source]]
+ path: str
+ scheme: Literal["file"]
+ format: Literal[
+ "arrow", "csv", "geojson", r"json", "parquet", "png", "topojson", "tsv"
+ ]
+ mediatype: Literal[
+ "application/parquet",
+ "application/vnd.apache.arrow.file",
+ "image/png",
+ "text/csv",
+ "text/tsv",
+ r"text/json",
+ "text/geojson",
+ "text/topojson",
+ ]
+ encoding: NotRequired[Literal["utf-8"]]
+ hash: str
+ bytes: int
+ dialect: NotRequired[CsvDialect | JsonDialect]
+ schema: NotRequired[Schema]
+class Contributor(TypedDict, total=False):
+ title: str
+ givenName: str
+ familyName: str
+ path: str
+ email: str
+ roles: Sequence[str]
+ organization: str
+class Package(TypedDict):
+ """
+ A subset of the `Data Package`_ standard.
+ .. _Data Package:
+ https://datapackage.org/standard/data-package/#properties
+ """
+ name: Literal["vega-datasets"]
+ version: str
+ homepage: str
+ description: str
+ licenses: Sequence[License]
+ contributors: Sequence[Contributor]
+ sources: Sequence[Source]
+ created: str
+ resources: Sequence[Resource]
diff --git a/tools/datasets/npm.py b/tools/datasets/npm.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a10e13a64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/datasets/npm.py
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+from __future__ import annotations
+import json
+import string
+import urllib.request
+from pathlib import Path
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, ClassVar, Literal, NamedTuple
+from urllib.request import Request
+from tools.datasets import datapackage
+ import sys
+ from urllib.request import OpenerDirector
+ if sys.version_info >= (3, 11):
+ from typing import LiteralString
+ else:
+ from typing_extensions import LiteralString
+ if sys.version_info >= (3, 10):
+ from typing import TypeAlias
+ else:
+ from typing_extensions import TypeAlias
+ from tools.datasets import PathMap
+ from tools.datasets.datapackage import DataPackage
+ BranchOrTag: TypeAlias = 'Literal["main"] | LiteralString'
+__all__ = ["Npm"]
+class NpmUrl(NamedTuple):
+ CDN: LiteralString
+ GH: LiteralString
+class Npm:
+ """https://www.jsdelivr.com/docs/data.jsdelivr.com#overview."""
+ _opener: ClassVar[OpenerDirector] = urllib.request.build_opener()
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ paths: PathMap,
+ *,
+ jsdelivr: Literal["jsdelivr"] = "jsdelivr",
+ npm: Literal["npm"] = "npm",
+ package: LiteralString = "vega-datasets",
+ ) -> None:
+ self.paths: PathMap = paths
+ self._url: NpmUrl = NpmUrl(
+ CDN=f"https://cdn.{jsdelivr}.net/{npm}/{package}@",
+ GH=f"https://cdn.{jsdelivr}.net/gh/vega/{package}@",
+ )
+ def _prefix(self, version: BranchOrTag, /) -> LiteralString:
+ return f"{self.url.GH if is_branch(version) else self.url.CDN}{version}/"
+ def dataset_base_url(self, version: BranchOrTag, /) -> LiteralString:
+ """Common url prefix for all datasets derived from ``version``."""
+ return f"{self._prefix(version)}data/"
+ @property
+ def url(self) -> NpmUrl:
+ return self._url
+ def file(
+ self,
+ branch_or_tag: BranchOrTag,
+ path: str,
+ /,
+ ) -> Any:
+ """
+ Request a file from `jsdelivr` `npm`_ or `GitHub`_ endpoints.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ branch_or_tag
+ Version of the file, see `branches`_ and `tags`_.
+ path
+ Relative filepath from the root of the repo.
+ .. _npm:
+ https://www.jsdelivr.com/documentation#id-npm
+ .. _GitHub:
+ https://www.jsdelivr.com/documentation#id-github
+ .. _branches:
+ https://github.com/vega/vega-datasets/branches
+ .. _tags:
+ https://github.com/vega/vega-datasets/tags
+ """
+ path = path.lstrip("./")
+ suffix = Path(path).suffix
+ if suffix == ".json":
+ headers = {"Accept": "application/json"}
+ read_fn = json.load
+ else:
+ raise NotImplementedError(path, suffix)
+ req = Request(f"{self._prefix(branch_or_tag)}{path}", headers=headers)
+ with self._opener.open(req) as response:
+ return read_fn(response)
+ def datapackage(self, *, tag: LiteralString) -> DataPackage:
+ return datapackage.DataPackage(
+ self.file(tag, "datapackage.json"),
+ self.dataset_base_url(tag),
+ self.paths["metadata"],
+ )
+def is_branch(s: BranchOrTag, /) -> bool:
+ return s == "main" or not (s.startswith(tuple("v" + string.digits)))
diff --git a/tools/generate_api_docs.py b/tools/generate_api_docs.py
index 55c68729e..babd3d3eb 100644
--- a/tools/generate_api_docs.py
+++ b/tools/generate_api_docs.py
@@ -110,8 +110,22 @@
+.. _api-datasets:
+.. currentmodule:: altair.datasets
+.. autosummary::
+ :toctree: generated/datasets/
+ :nosignatures:
+ {datasets_objects}
.. _Generic:
+.. _vega-datasets:
+ https://github.com/vega/vega-datasets
@@ -171,6 +185,10 @@ def theme() -> list[str]:
return sort_3
+def datasets() -> list[str]:
+ return alt.datasets.__all__
def lowlevel_wrappers() -> list[str]:
objects = sorted(iter_objects(alt.schema.core, restrict_to_subclass=alt.SchemaBase))
# The names of these two classes are also used for classes in alt.channels. Due to
@@ -194,6 +212,7 @@ def write_api_file() -> None:
+ datasets_objects=sep.join(datasets()),
diff --git a/tools/generate_schema_wrapper.py b/tools/generate_schema_wrapper.py
index 0bb36d628..92c6f101d 100644
--- a/tools/generate_schema_wrapper.py
+++ b/tools/generate_schema_wrapper.py
@@ -1392,6 +1392,8 @@ def generate_encoding_artifacts(
def main() -> None:
+ from tools import datasets
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
prog="generate_schema_wrapper.py", description="Generate the Altair package."
@@ -1403,6 +1405,7 @@ def main() -> None:
write_expr_module(VERSIONS.vlc_vega, output=EXPR_FILE, header=HEADER_COMMENT)
+ datasets.app.refresh(VERSIONS["vega-datasets"], include_typing=True)
# The modules below are imported after the generation of the new schema files
# as these modules import Altair. This allows them to use the new changes
diff --git a/tools/schemapi/utils.py b/tools/schemapi/utils.py
index eb44f9c01..ecb58ee5c 100644
--- a/tools/schemapi/utils.py
+++ b/tools/schemapi/utils.py
@@ -1227,6 +1227,26 @@ def spell_literal(it: Iterable[str], /, *, quote: bool = True) -> str:
return f"Literal[{', '.join(it_el)}]"
+def spell_literal_alias(
+ alias_name: str, members: Iterable[str], /, *, quote: bool = True
+) -> str:
+ """
+ Wraps ``utils.spell_literal`` as a ``TypeAlias``.
+ Examples
+ --------
+ >>> spell_literal_alias("Animals", ("Dog", "Cat", "Fish"))
+ "Animals: TypeAlias = Literal['Dog', 'Cat', 'Fish']"
+ >>> spell_literal_alias("Digits", "0123456789")
+ "Digits: TypeAlias = Literal['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9']"
+ >>> spell_literal_alias("LessThanFive", (repr(i) for i in range(5)))
+ "LessThanFive: TypeAlias = Literal['0', '1', '2', '3', '4']"
+ """
+ return f"{alias_name}: TypeAlias = {spell_literal(members, quote=quote)}"
def maybe_rewrap_literal(it: Iterable[str], /) -> Iterator[str]:
Where `it` may contain one or more `"enum"`, `"const"`, flatten to a single `Literal[...]`.