The AEA gym skill demonstrates how a custom Reinforcement Learning agent, that uses OpenAI's gym library, may be embedded into an AEA skill and connection.
The gym skills demonstrate how to wrap a Reinforcement Learning agent in a skill.
The example decouples the RL agent from the gym.Env
allowing them to run in separate execution environments, potentially owned by different entities.
Follow the Preliminaries and Installation sections from the AEA quick start.
First, fetch the gym AEA:
aea fetch open_aea/gym_aea:0.1.0:bafybeifuecshz62hjludvf3d3xgsk3x73dy5p5esptqjifz7na472ajhoe --remote
cd gym_aea
aea install
Alternatively, create from scratch.
In the root directory, create the gym AEA and enter the project.
aea create my_gym_aea
cd my_gym_aea
aea add skill fetchai/gym:0.20.0:bafybeidx5jg5353gqk544h4u4vivos5upwc5sfy4xjmvf6ppzinzbmpfxe --remote
aea config set agent.default_connection fetchai/gym:0.19.0
### Install the skill dependencies
To install the gym
package, a dependency of the gym skill, from PyPI run
aea install
mkdir gyms
cp -a ../examples/gym_ex/gyms/. gyms/
aea config set vendor.fetchai.connections.gym.config.env 'gyms.env.BanditNArmedRandom'
aea generate-key ethereum
aea add-key ethereum
aea run
You will see the gym training logs.
When you're done, you can go up a level and delete the AEA.
cd ..
aea delete my_gym_aea
This diagram shows the communication between the AEA and the gym environment
activate AEA
activate Environment
AEA->>Environment: reset
loop learn
AEA->>Environment: act
Environment->>AEA: percept
AEA->>Environment: close
deactivate AEA
deactivate Environment
The skill consists of two core components: GymHandler
and GymTask
In the setup
method of the GymHandler
the GymTask
is initialized, as well as its setup
and execute
methods called. The handler, which is registered against the GymMessage.protocol_id
then filters for messages of that protocol with the performative GymMessage.Performative.PERCEPT
. These messages are passed to the proxy_env_queue
of the task.
The GymTask
is responsible for training the RL agent. In particular, MyRLAgent
is initialized and trained against ProxyEnv
. The ProxyEnv
instantiates a gym.Env
class and therefore implements its API. This means the proxy environment is compatible with any gym
compatible RL agent. However, unlike other environments it only acts as a proxy and does not implement an environment of its own. It allows for the decoupling of the process environment of the gym.env
from the process environment of the RL agent. The actual gym.env
against which the agent is trained is wrapped by the gym
connection. The proxy environment and gym connection communicate via a protocol, the gym
protocol. Note, it would trivially be possible to implement the gym
environment in another AEA; this way one AEA could provide gym
environments as a service. Naturally, the overhead created by the introduction of the extra layers causes a higher latency when training the RL agent.
In this particular skill, which chiefly serves for demonstration purposes, we implement a very basic RL agent. The agent trains a model of price of n
goods: it aims to discover the most likely price of each good. To this end, the agent randomly selects one of the n
goods on each training step and then chooses as an action
the price which it deems is most likely accepted. Each good is represented by an id and the possible price range [1,100]
divided into 100 integer bins. For each price bin, a PriceBandit
is created which models the likelihood of this price. In particular, a price bandit maintains a beta distribution. The beta distribution is initialized to the uniform distribution. Each time the price associated with a given PriceBandit
is accepted or rejected the distribution maintained by the PriceBandit
is updated. For each good, the agent can therefore over time learn which price is most likely.
The illustration shows how the RL agent only interacts with the proxy environment by sending it action (A)
and receiving observation (O)
, reward (R)
, done (D)
and info (I)