⚠️ Warning
All commands are assumed to be run from root!
Clone this repo:
git clone --recurse-submodules [email protected]:valory-xyz/agents-fun-eliza.git
Alternatively, if you have already cloned, ensure submodules are initialized:
git submodule update --init --recursive
Install dependencies:
cd agents-fun-eliza pnpm install
Define your character description in agents-fun/characters/eliza.character.json and update the system, bio and lore section as per your liking.
Build and push the agent to your docker hub :
pnpm build:agent
- Edit the character file in agents-fun/characters/eliza.character.json and update the system, bio and lore section as per your liking.
- Follow the steps mentioned in Olas-sdk-docs, to build a olas agent using Olas SDK Starter and the docker image of the agent.
For the Eliza Memeooorr agent we support agentic runs using olas-sdk. Which provides a set of tools to build and run agents, with a automatic safe account creation and management.
⚠️ Warning Agent won't perform token interaction behaviour unless you deploy your own safe on base network with the required contracts.
- Edit the character file in agents-fun/characters/eliza.character.json and update the system, bio and lore section as per your liking.
- Prepare the env
cp .env.example .env
- Run the docker file built previously, with the env file:
docker run -it --rm --env-file .env <IMAGE_NAME>