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This repository contains the backend for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society of Canada (LLSC) application. Below is a guide to help you set up the environment, install dependencies using PDM, and run the backend using Docker.


Ensure you have the following installed on your machine:

  • Python 3.12+
  • PDM (Python Dependency Manager)
    • Install PDM using:
      pip install pdm
      Alternatively, if you're using Homebrew:
      brew install pdm
  • Docker


Once PDM is installed, install the project dependencies by running:

pdm install

to install all the project dependancies listed in the pyproject.toml file.

Running the Backend Locally

To start the backend locally, use the following command:

pdm run dev

Note: If you wish to run the backend outside of Docker (e.g., for local development), you'll need to set up a PostgreSQL database. Ensure your database configuration is set properly in the environment variables before running the project. For the time being, the recommended approach for local development using the database is to use the docker compose Postgres instance with your local dev backend.

To check if the database has been started up, type the following:

 docker ps | grep llsc_db

This checks the list of docker containers and searchs for the container name llsc_db

Run Project

Take advantage of the docker compose file in the LLSC root directory to run the backend alongside the frontend by simply running

docker-compose up --build

The backend runs at http://localhost:8080 and the frontend runs at http://localhost:3000.

Formatting and Linting (mirrors formatting in base README)

Pre-commit Hook

We have added the pre-commit hook package and defined the config file in backend/.pre-commit-config.yaml. This should automatically get installed when you run pdm install and should work whenever you run any git commit or git push commands in the repo.

You can also manually run the pre-commit hooks prior to pushing/commiting code by running the following:

pdm run precommit

If the above command doesn't work please run pdm run precommit-install prior to running above.

Note after the pre-commit hooks run you may need to stage the changed files again. Please look over the changes before you push the code again.


We use Ruff for code linting and formatting in the backend. To check for and automatically fix linting issues:

cd backend
pdm run ruff check --fix .

To format the code:

cd backend
pdm run ruff format .

Environment Variables

Environment variables are currently stored in an .env file within the base repository (not the backend folder). You will need to copy the local environment variables stored in the following notion page to get the database working.

Adding a new model

When adding a new model, make sure to add it to app/models/ so that the migration script can pick it up when autogenerating the new migration.

In app/models/, add the new model like so:

from .Base import Base
from .<new_model_name> import <new_model_name>

__all__ = ["Base", ... , "<new_model_name>"]

Then run the steps found in the Migrations section to create a new migration.


We use Alembic for database schema migrations. We mainly use migration scripts to keep track of the incremental and in theory revertible changes that have occurred on the database. To create a new migration, run the following command after adding or editing models in backend/app/

cd backend
pdm run alembic revision --autogenerate -m "<migration message>"

To apply the migration, run the following command:

pdm run alembic upgrade head


To add a logger to a new service or file, use the LOGGER_NAME function in app/utilities/

from app.utilities.constants import LOGGER_NAME

log = logging.getLogger(LOGGER_NAME("my_service"))

If you'd like to create a new logger name in the hierarchy, you'll need to add it to alembic.ini under the logger section. Following the pre-existing examples for logger_uvicorn for example.