📖 US Forms System Documentation ➡️ Building a Form
Use this example form.js
file to build a basic form. For more information about form.js
, see "Creating a form config file."
const formConfig = {
// Prefix string to add to the path for each page.
urlPrefix: '',
// The introduction page component. To exclude an introduction page, remove
// this component.
introduction: IntroductionComponent,
// The confirmation page component that will render after the user
// successfully submits the form.
confirmation: ConfirmationComponent,
// The prefix for Google Analytics events that are sent for different form
// actions.
trackingPrefix: '',
// The title of the form, rendered on all pages.
title: '',
// The subtitle of the form, usually the form number. The subtitle is rendered
// on all pages when there's also a title.
subTitle: '',
// Schema definitions that can be referenced on any page. These are added to
// each page's schema in the reducer code, so that you don't have to put all
// of the common fields in the definitions property in each page schema. For
// more information on definitions, see schema.definitions below.
defaultDefinitions: {},
// When a user begins completing a pre-filled form, this function is called
// after data migrations are run for pre-filled data in order to make
// necessary updates to the data or form schema ahead of time.
prefillTransformer: (pages, formData, metadata ) => { pages, formData, metadata },
// The object that contains the configuration for each chapter.
chapters: {
// Each property is the key for a chapter.
chapterOne: {
// The title of the chapter.
title: '',
// The object that contains the pages in each chapter.
pages: {
// Each property is the key for a page, and should be unique across
// chapters.
pageOne: {
// The URL for the page.
path: 'some-path',
// The title of the page that renders on the review page.
title: '',
// `title` can also be a function that receives the current data as a
// parameter:
title: formData => `A title for ${formData.thing}`,
// Any initial data that should be set for the form.
initialData: {
field1: 'Default string'
// Specifies that a page will turn its schema into a page for each
// item in an array, such as an array of children with a page for each
// child. The schema/uiSchema for this type of page should be built as
// usual for an array field.
showPagePerItem: true,
// The path to the array.
arrayPath: 'children',
// Items in the array that should not have a page.
itemFilter: () => true,
// You must specify a path with an :index parameter.
path: 'some-path/:index',
// The JSON schema object for the page, following the JSON Schema
// format.
schema: {
type: 'object',
// A schema's properties refer to definitions. For example:
// "homePhone": { "$ref": "#/definitions/phone" } In the
// configuration file, the definition for `phone` must be added into
// definitions in order to be parsed correctly and added to
// `homePhone`.
definitions: {},
properties: {
field1: {
type: 'string'
// Fields of type `string`, `boolean`, `number`, and `array` that
// begin with `view:` are excluded from data that's sent to the
// server. Instead, their children are merged into the parent
// object and sent to the server. Use these to exclude fields from
// being sent to the server, such as a question that's only used
// to reveal other questions, or to group related questions
// together to be conditionally revealed that aren't in an object
// in the schema.
'view:field2': {
type: 'string'
'view:artificialGroup': {
type: 'object',
properties: {
// `view:artificialGroup` is flattened. `subField1` and
// `subField2` are siblings of `field1` when sent to the API.
subField1: {
type: 'string'
subField2: {
type: 'boolean'
// See "About the `schema` and `uiSchema` objects" below.
uiSchema: {
'ui:title': 'My form',
field1: {
'ui:title': 'My field'
export default formConfig