- Add unexpectedHttp.js to .prettierignore (Andreas Lind)
- eslint --fix . (Andreas Lind)
- Unsupport node.js 12 (Andreas Lind)
- Fiddle with the rollup setup (Andreas Lind)
- Add unexpectedHttp.js to .eslintignore (Andreas Lind)
- +5 more
- #116 Upgrade puppeteer to version 13.0.0 (depfu[bot])
- #115 Upgrade eslint-plugin-mocha to version 10.0.1 (depfu[bot])
- #112 Upgrade puppeteer to version 12.0.0 (depfu[bot])
- #111 Upgrade prettier to version 2.5.0 (depfu[bot])
- #108 Upgrade puppeteer to version 11.0.0 (depfu[bot])
- #103 Upgrade prettier to version 2.4.1 (depfu[bot])
- #105 Upgrade eslint-plugin-promise to version 5.1.1 (depfu[bot])
- #96 Upgrade puppeteer to version 10.0.0 (depfu[bot])
- #95 Upgrade eslint-plugin-mocha to version 9.0.0 (depfu[bot])
- #91 Upgrade puppeteer to version 9.0.0 (depfu[bot])
- #87 Upgrade puppeteer to version 8.0.0 (depfu[bot])
- #84 Upgrade magicpen-prism to version 5.0.0 (depfu[bot])
- #83 Upgrade puppeteer to version 7.0.1 (depfu[bot])
- #82 Upgrade puppeteer to version 6.0.0 (depfu[bot])
- #81 Upgrade karma to version 6.0.0 (depfu[bot])
- #80 Upgrade eslint-config-prettier to version 7.0.0 (depfu[bot])
- #78 Upgrade eslint-plugin-standard to version 5.0.0 (depfu[bot])
- Update unexpected the dev dep to ^13.0.0, allow 13 for the peer dep (Andreas Lind)
- Whoops, make eslint-plugin-n a dev dep (Andreas Lind)
- npm i eslint-plugin-n eslint-config-standard@latest && npm uninstall eslint-plugin-node eslint-plugin-standard (Andreas Lind)
- Update eslint-plugin-promise to version 6.0.0 (depfu[bot])
- Unsupport node.js 10 (Andreas Lind)
- +8 more
- #73 Upgrade eslint-config-standard to version 16.0.1 (depfu[bot])
- #71 Upgrade eslint-config-standard to version 15.0.0 (depfu[bot])
- #69 Upgrade browserify to version 17.0.0 (depfu[bot])
- #66 Upgrade prettier to version 2.1.0 (depfu[bot])
- #64 Upgrade eslint-plugin-mocha to version 8.0.0 (depfu[bot])
- #59 Upgrade puppeteer to version 5.0.0 (depfu[bot])
- #55 Upgrade eslint-plugin-mocha to version 7.0.0 (depfu[bot])
- #54 Upgrade eslint to version 7.0.0 (depfu[bot])
- #53 Upgrade puppeteer to version 3.0.0 (depfu[bot])
- #52 Upgrade karma-mocha to version 2.0.0 (depfu[bot])
- #51 Upgrade karma to version 5.0.1 (depfu[bot])
- #48 Upgrade mocha to version 7.0.0 (depfu[bot])
- #47 Upgrade unexpected-markdown to version 5.0.0 (depfu[bot])
- #46 Upgrade magicpen-prism to version 4.0.0 (depfu[bot])
- #45 Upgrade eslint-plugin-node to version 11.0.0 (depfu[bot])
- #44 Upgrade nyc to version 15.0.0 (depfu[bot])
- #43 Upgrade semver to version 7.0.0 (depfu[bot])
- #42 Upgrade prettier to version 1.19.1 (depfu[bot])
- #41 Upgrade puppeteer to version 2.0.0 (depfu[bot])
- #40 Upgrade eslint-plugin-node to version 10.0.0 (depfu[bot])
- #39 Upgrade eslint-config-standard to version 14.0.0 (depfu[bot])
- #37 Upgrade karma-chrome-launcher to version 3.0.0 (depfu[bot])
- #35 Upgrade unexpected-markdown to version 4.0.0 (depfu[bot])
- #36 Upgrade unexpected-messy to version 9.0.0 (depfu[bot])
- Add CHANGELOG.md + offline-github-changelog integration (Andreas Lind)
- Update mocha to ^8.2.1, switch to .mocharc.json (Andreas Lind)
- Drop node.js 8 support, add 14, lint with 14 (semver-major) (Andreas Lind)
- Accept unexpected ^12.0.0 as a peer dep (Andreas Lind)
- Update unexpected to ^12.0.0 (Andreas Lind)
- +17 more
- #33 Upgrade nyc to version 14.0.0 (depfu[bot])
- #31 Upgrade semver to version 6.0.0 (depfu[bot])
- #30 Upgrade magicpen-prism to version 3.0.1 (depfu[bot])
- #28 Upgrade mocha to version 6.0.0 (depfu[bot])
- #25 Upgrade unexpected-markdown to version 3.0.0 (depfu[bot])
- Drop node.js 6 support so we can use the new karma (semver-major) (Andreas Lind)
- Update unexpected-documentation-site-generator to version 6.0.0 (depfu[bot])
- Whoops, it's "node", not "latest" (Andreas Lind)
- #19 Upgrade browserify to version 16.2.3 (depfu[bot])
- #20 Upgrade stream-http to version 3.0.0 (depfu[bot])
- {this => expect}.errorMode (this.errorMode no longer supported in Unexpected 11) (Andreas Lind)
- Travis: Submit to coveralls in after_success (Andreas Lind)
- Travis: Run in the latest node, drop 9 (Andreas Lind)
- npm run {travis => ci} (Andreas Lind)
- Don't run lint as part of test (Andreas Lind)
- +3 more
- #24 Swap the phantomjs setup out with karma on headless Chrome. (Alex J Burke)
- #23 Upgrade unexpected-markdown to version 2.0.0 (depfu[bot])
- #22 Upgrade unexpected-documentation-site-generator to version 5.0.0 (depfu[bot])
- #21 Replace istanbul with nyc for coverage. (Alex J Burke)
- #17 Upgrade eslint to version 5.0.1 (depfu[bot])
- #16 Upgrade unexpected-messy to version 8.0.0 (depfu[bot])
- #15 Upgrade eslint-config-onelint to version 4.0.0 (depfu[bot])
- #9 Upgrade mocha to version 5.1.0 (depfu[bot])
- #8 Upgrade istanbul to version 0.4.5 (depfu[bot])
- #7 Upgrade coveralls to version 3.0.0 (depfu[bot])
- #10 Upgrade mocha-phantomjs-core to version 2.1.2 (depfu[bot])
- Declare Unexpected 11 compatibility. (Alex J Burke)
- Issue a clone() in the browser test page. (Alex J Burke)
- Check all errors with expect.it(). (Alex J Burke)
- Remove a case of nesting error output in an object "diff" property. (Alex J Burke)
- Issue a clone() in the unexpected-markdown bootstrap script. (Alex J Burke)
- +12 more
- Documentation: Fix typos (Andreas Lind)
- Documentation: Fix quoting of tag soup-like syntax (Andreas Lind)
- Tests: Adjust timeouts to avoid bogus CI failures. (Andreas Lind)
- Travis: Test with node.js 7 (Andreas Lind)
- Avoid passing the 'timeout' parameter to messy now that 6.16.0 prohibits unsupported properties (Andreas Lind)
- Update messy to ^6.16.0 (Andreas Lind)
- Promisify properly. (Andreas Lind)
- Test that the context is provided as the fulfillment value. (Andreas Lind)
- Test: Remove bogus 'next' parameters. (Andreas Lind)
- +12 more
- Alias the main assertion as 'to yield HTTP response satisfying' so it's a bit less generic. (Andreas Lind)
- eslint: force es5 parser mode (Gustav Nikolaj Olsen)
- add editorconfig (Gustav Nikolaj Olsen)
- replace jshint with eslint (Gustav Nikolaj Olsen)
- #4 Request body stream (Alex J Burke)
- to yield response: Alias as 'to yield response satisfying'. (Andreas Lind)
- installPlugin => use (Andreas Lind)
- installPlugin => use (Andreas Lind)
- to yield response: Support specifying an expected error as { error: <errorInstance> } as well as <errorInstance>. (Andreas Lind)
- Update unexpected to 10 and unexpected-messy to 5. (Andreas Lind)
- Use unexpected v10's addAssertion syntax. (Andreas Lind)
- Update unexpected to 9.16.0. (Andreas Lind)
- Test that the Authorization header behaves correctly (fixed in messy 6.6.2). (Andreas Lind)
- Fix tests on 0.10 again. (Andreas Lind)
- +3 more
- Update unexpected-messy to 4.8.0. (Andreas Lind)
- package.json: Use a valid SPDX license identifier. (Andreas Lind)
- Update unexpected to 9.5.0. (Andreas Lind)
- Revert "Turns out that didn't work with npm 2 :(" (Andreas Lind)
- Update unexpected-messy to 4.3.0. (Andreas Lind)
- test/index.html showcase: Added image example. (Andreas Lind)
- Use the port from location.href in the browser when not explicitly given. (Andreas Lind)
- Update messy to 6.4.0. (Andreas Lind)
- Removed outdated comment. (Andreas Lind)
- +2 more
- #2 add timeout option in request part of "to yield response" (Gustav Nikolaj Olsen)
- Update magicpen-prism to 2.1.2. (Andreas Lind)
- Fixed the browserify setup. (Andreas Lind)
- Update magicpen to 4.8.0 and magicpen-prism to 2.1.1. (Andreas Lind)
- Update messy to 6.3.1. (Andreas Lind)
- Update unexpected to 8.5.0. (Andreas Lind)
- +1 more
- Wrap socket/DNS errors into an UnexpectedError so they don't escape expect.promise.settle etc. (Andreas Lind)
- Update unexpected to 8.0.0 and unexpected-promise to 1.2.0. (Andreas Lind)
- Update unexpected to 8.0.0 and unexpected-messy to 4.0.0. (Andreas Lind)
- Update unexpected-promise to 1.1.2. (Andreas Lind)
- Don't fail the Travis build if the submission to coveralls fails. (Andreas Lind)
- Gah, set Content-Length in the messy.HttpRequest instance BEFORE picking out the headers to send from it. (Andreas Lind)
- Fixed another test. (Andreas Lind)
- Fixed test. (Andreas Lind)
- Avoid using Transfer-Encoding: chunked for the request body. (Andreas Lind)
- Update unexpected to 7.5.0. (Andreas Lind)
- Error out correctly when the expected error doesn't equal the actual error. (Andreas Lind)
- README: Use SVG badges. (Andreas Lind)
- README, build status badge: Only monitor the status of the master branch. (Andreas Lind)
- Update unexpected-messy and unexpected-promise. (Andreas Lind)
- Update messy and unexpected-messy. (Andreas Lind)
- Make unexpected-messy a peer dependency instead of a dependency, but still require/installPlugin it. (Andreas Lind)
- Update unexpected-messy to 2.13.0. (Andreas Lind)
- Removed references to old project location (Sune Simonsen)
- Update unexpected-messy to 2.10.0. (Andreas Lind)
- Fixed jshint error. (Andreas Lind)
- Set errorMode to 'nested' while checking for the presence of the 'done' callback. (Andreas Lind)
- Test a bit more. (Andreas Lind)
- Use body: {...} as a shorthand for a JSON request body. (Andreas Lind)
- +2 more
- Added support for ca, cert, and key options (relevant for https). (Andreas Lind)
- Fix magicpen and magicpen-prism versions. (Andreas Lind)
- Only define 'to yield response' for strings and objects. (Andreas Lind)
- Update messy to 4.0.1 and unexpected-messy to 2.7.0. (Andreas Lind)
- Update unexpected to 5.4.2. (Andreas Lind)
- Update all dependencies and adapt to the new Unexpected/Magicpen plugin interface. (Andreas Lind)
- Update unexpected to 5.0.0-beta27. (Andreas Lind)
- package.json: Include a 'files' property and list the browserified bundle. D'oh. (Andreas Lind)
- Update README.md (Andreas Lind)
- jshint (Andreas Lind)
- Basic browser support via browserify. (Andreas Lind)
- Always pass the context object to the callback, even when an error happens. (Andreas Lind)
- Don't attempt to set httpRequest.url if the parsed url has a path of null. (Andreas Lind)