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File metadata and controls

584 lines (451 loc) · 25.1 KB
feature start-date author
package management
Joe Neeman

Package management

People want to reuse code, but Nickel doesn't currently have a good way to do it. We should have a way to fetch packages and make them easily available to Nickel code. The mechanism needs to be predictable (it should fetch the code that the user expects to fetch) and reliable (if it works on my machine it should work on your machine).

Explicit non-goals are:

  • Management of system (or other non-Nickel) dependencies. You can use Nix for that.
  • Any sort of processing or compilation. Nickel is an interpreted language, so package management is only in charge of distributing unmodified source files.
  • Integration with other language ecosystems; this is only for Nickel code. Anyone integrating Nickel with other languages should use a polyglot build system like Bazel. (However, providing integration points for other tools is in scope. More detail on that below.)

The manifest file

We will require a manifest file in order to import packages. Manifest files must be named electroplate.ncl, and they are found by searching up from the file being evaluated. That is, when the user invokes nickel export path/to/ foo.ncl, we look for a manifest at path/to/electroplate.ncl and then at path/electroplate.ncl, and so on.

The manifest file format is defined by the contract std.package.Manifest, which is defined as

  name | String,
  version | Semver,
    | Semver,
    | doc "The minimum version of nickel supported by this package",

    | { _:
        'Path String,
        'Git { url | String, branch | optional | String, rev | optional | String },
        'Index { name | String, version | SemverConstraint },
    | default
    = {},

So an example manifest might look like

  name = "demo",
  version = "0.1.0",
  nickel-version = "1.0",
  dependencies = {
    foo = 'Index { package = "github/tweag/foo", version = "1.2.0" },
    bar = 'Path "../my-bar",
} | std.package.Manifest

Alternative: inline dependencies

Nix and Dhall allow for importing dependencies dynamically, using things like fetchGit. There was some discussion here on the advantages and disadvantages of inline imports.

Alternative: toml manifest

Maybe the manifest should be in some plain-data format like toml. This would be easier to modify programmatically, and it would prevent people from putting lots of complicated code in their manifest files. The disadvantage of a plain-data format is that you don't get a nice contract for it and you can't use ADTs for the dependencies.

We discussed this point in office hours, and the general sentiment was that it's ok to allow the manifest to be interpreted. If someone wants to use that power to create a ridiculously complicated manifest, that's their problem.

Alternative: shorthand for registry imports

Cargo allows a shorthand like

    "github/tweag/foo" = "1.2.0"

instead of

    foo = 'Index { package = "github/tweag/foo", version = "1.2.0" }

Since we expect registry imports to be the common case, maybe it's worth having a shorthand?

Alternative: manifest file name

Bikeshed the name "electroplate.ncl".

Import statements

The manifest file assigns a name to each dependency; to import the dependency named foo you simply write import foo. That is, an import statement either takes a string in quotes -- in which case it imports a path -- or an identifier without quote -- in which case it imports a package.

The import foo expression evaluates to the contents of main.ncl in foo's root directory.

Alternative: specify the entrypoint in the manifest

Since the package manifest is a nickel file, it could contain an arbitrary nickel expression as its entrypoint. That is, the import foo expression could evaluate to (import "<path-to-foo>/electroplate.ncl").entrypoint, and we could provide a default entrypoint | default = import "main.ncl" manifest entry. It might require some care to avoid looking for the "main.ncl" file if it doesn't exist.

Alternative: other entry points

We've hardcoded main.ncl as the entry point of every package, but what if they want to expose multiple entry points? For example, node allows a package's manifest to specify the entry point(s). This is probably not very important to support, as you can just put

  other = import "./other.ncl",
  blah = import "./blah.ncl",

in your package's main.ncl, to provide "other" and "blah" as other entry points.

Alternative: entry points are top-level files

Instead of hardcoding main.ncl, we could say that every file in the package's top-level directory is publicly accessible. Package authors could keep implementation details private by putting code in subdirectories. The import syntax would need to change somehow to specify the entry point.

Alternative: namespace the import tool

Our initial intention for packaging was to allow for the usage of multiple different package management tools. This RFC only proposes one such tool, but maybe the import syntax could be designed with other tools in mind. For example, it could be import foo from electroplate with the idea that future nickel versions might add, say, import foo from nix-flake.

One problem with this approach is that even if you switch package managers, you still want to import the same packages. So probably it doesn't make sense to include the name of the package manager in the nickel source.

CLI interface

We will build package management straight into the nickel CLI. There will be a nickel package subcommand. This command will start by searching for an electroplate.ncl file. If one is found, we will evaluate it. We will then search for a lock-file. If one is found, it will be used to guide dependency resolution; if not, we will do dependency resolution from scratch and write out the generated lock-file.

Once dependencies are resolved, they will be downloaded if necessary (git dependencies will need to be downloaded during resolution), and then cached.

Other nickel commands like nickel eval and nickel export will read the lockfile before the actual evaluation.

Alternative: do the package management updates automatically

We could do the main package management steps automatically when running commands like nickel eval and nickel export. This would ensure that the lock-file is never stale: if you update the manifest and then run nickel eval, it will take manifest changes into account. This automatic package management step is similar to how cargo works, whereas poetry and npm require an explicit package-management command.

There will be command line flags to fine-tune this behavior. For example, there could be a --locked flag that triggers a failure if the lock-file is not present and up-to-date, or an --offline flag that triggers a failure if the dependencies aren't already available. There could also be a flag (--no-electroplate?) to disable package-management altogether.

The main concern with this approach is performance: we need to check on each invocation whether the manifest is up-to-date. After initial implementation, we can measure the performance and decide whether we want to do things automatically.

Alternative: a separate CLI tool

We could add a new CLI tool (called plate) that wraps the nickel CLI and adds package management. It would offer a superset of the nickel CLI's commands and arguments. For example, plate eval foo.ncl is the same as nickel eval foo.ncl, except that it reads the manifest file, prepares the dependencies, and makes them available to the nickel interpreter before evaluating. This would allow package-management to be opt-in.

Alternative: two-stage interface

Rather than wrapping the original nickel CLI, the plate command could prepare the packages for nickel, which would be in charge of loading them. The workflow would then be plate install followed by nickel eval foo.ncl. This would be more like how npm or poetry work (whereas the wrapping interface is more similar to cargo).

Kinds of dependencies

Where can dependencies come from? Dhall allows imports from arbitrary urls. Nix supports fetching from a variety of VCSs, paths, and archive formats.

We'll support dependencies from

  • a central registry, that can identify packages by name and version number. This should be the most common method of importing packages, like in rust.
  • git repositories (either from HEAD, or from branches, tags, and revisions specified by hashes). This allows for easy use of unpublished packages, including in-development versions.
  • paths (relative or absolute). This allows for easy use of different packages within the same repository, or for temporary patching of published packages.

We require packages to have their own manifest file (at the package root), even if they don't import dependencies.

Lock files

In order to ensure reproducibility across time and across machines, we build a lock-file (if there isn't yet one) when running nickel eval or nickel export. The lock-file specifies the exact versions of all (transitive) dependencies, allowing those identical versions to be used every time.

  • For a git dependency, the manifest might not specify the exact revision (it might specify a branch or tag, or just default to HEAD). The lock-file will record the exact revision.
  • For a repository dependency, the version specifier might allow for a range of versions. The lock-file will record the exact version used.
  • For a path dependency, the lock-file will record that there was a path dependency, but it won't record anything about it and it will ignore recursive dependencies. This is because path dependencies can change at any time, so they can't be meaningfully locked.

Restrictions on path dependencies

Path dependencies can be problematic for reproducibility, because they require something to be present at a given path. In order to mitigate this:

  • Packages imported from the index are not allowed to have path dependencies.
  • Packages imported from git can have path dependencies, but only if they point within the same git repo. The lock-file treats these path dependencies as though they were git dependencies.

Therefore your dependency tree can have a few path-dependency subtrees, but only at the root.

Stale lock files

What happens if there's a lock-file, but someone modifies the manifest? The lock-file might need to be regenerated: certainly it might need some new entries, but also there might be new version conflicts that require a different resolution. In this case, we treat the lock-file as a suggestion instead of a hard constraint: during resolving, when choosing the next package version to try, we try to pick the locked version first. But if we run into a resolution conflict, we allow a different version to be chosen (and notify the user that a package was changed).

This behavior is similar to what cargo does. It has the advantage that if the new manifest is compatible with the old lock-file, nothing will be changed.

Alternative: interactive prompt

Instead of merely notifying the user that the lock-file changed, we could require them to approve the changes.

Alternative: explicit regeneration

Instead of automatically updating the lock-file when the manifest changes, we could update it only on explicit commands: plate eval would use an old lock-file if it exists, while plate lock would read the manifest and update the lock-file. This alternative is potentially more efficient (as plate eval wouldn't need to re-read the manifest, and the manifests of path-dependencies, on every invocation), but makes it easy to accidentally use out-of-date packages.

Version compatibility and resolution

How do we handle a package that gets imported multiple times in the dependency tree?

For path and git dependencies, there isn't much choice. Dependencies from the registry are the most interesting. Some languages (e.g. python) insist that each package resolves to a single version across the whole dependency tree. Other languages allow multiple versions, keeping track of which package in the dependency tree needs to import which version of a package.

I think we want to allow multiple versions of a package; the alternative can be fragile and annoying. But then we need to figure out how many different versions to allow. There's a trade-off: if we allow pulling in a different version every time a package gets imported, solving the dependency graph is easy. But it increases the chance of getting incompatibilities at runtime: we might accidentally get a value from [email protected] and try to pass it to an incompatible function defined in [email protected]. Pulling in too many different versions also increases the total number of packages in the dependency graph.

The current prototype uses a strategy similar to cargo: it divides package versions into semver-delimited "bins" and allows resolution to choose at most one version from each bin. That is, we can have a [email protected] and a [email protected] in the same dependency tree, but not a [email protected] and a [email protected].

Alternative: global snapshots à la Stackage

Maybe we can just avoid version resolution altogether? For example, Stackage provides an ecosystem-wide snapshot of packages that are mutually compatible. Then users just depend on a single version of Stackage, and all other versions are determined from there (with some escape hatches if they need a specific version of a specific package). nixpkgs works similarly; a single revision of nixpkgs fixes the versions of all the packages in nixpkgs.

We might have some trouble automatically coming up with mutually compatible snapshots, though. Haskell gets to use compile-time checks to test compatibility, and nixpkgs just does a lot of building and testing to check whether everything works. Nickel being dynamic and lazy might make this hard.

It seems like global snapshots are something that can be added after the fact (like stackage did), so we can revisit this later.

Alternative: minimal version selection

Go uses a system called "minimal version selection" in which all version updates are required to be backwards-compatible: if you want to break some API, you have to add the new API at a different path and retain the old API. Then version resolution is trivial: just take the oldest version that is compatible with all the requirements. Advantages:

  • version resolution is trivial
  • version specification is trivial (there are no version ranges, just lower bounds)
  • version resolution is stable over time, even without a lock file; resolving to the oldest compatible version means that we don't change resolution just because a new version became available

I don't have much experience using this method, but it seems like one disadvantage is that it puts an extra burden on package maintainers to keep backwards compatibility even across "major" version bumps.

bzlmod also uses some version of minimal version selection, but they do apparently allow for backwards-compatibility breakage. They have an extra piece of metadata called "compatibility level" (not encoded in the version number). They don't allow a dependency graph to contain different compatibility levels of the same module.

Some interpolation between MVS and semver

There are some middle grounds between "minimal version selection" and cargo-style resolution. We could follow semver and allow multiple incompatible versions of packages, while also doing one or both of the following

  • preferring to resolve minimal versions instead of maximal versions. This promotes stability in version resolution, at the cost of requiring intervention to bring in bugfixes in dependencies.
  • only allowing ^ version specifications (along with = overrides at the top level). This amounts to being opinionated that "the ecosystem is using semver, and your version requirements should comply with semver." It's basically a semver analogue of go's policy of only allowing lower bounds (plus pinning at the top level).

Question: how to handle pre-1.0 minor versions?

Officially, semver says that pre-1.0 versions are mutually incompatible. If we follow this, pre-1.0 versions would never get binned together. cargo modifies the semver rules, allowing 0.x.y versions to be binned together if they share the same x. Should we do the same?

Yanking packages

What if someone messes up and publishes a package that's incompatible with an earlier version? In this case, we allow packages in the registry to be "yanked," meaning that they are left there but marked as broken. The resolver will ignore yanked packages unless they are already in the lock-file. This means that if you're happily using a package version that got yanked (maybe you're not using the broken part of the package) then you won't get broken by the yank.

Package yanking will be done with the same process as package publishing (i.e., probably PRs to the index). See the next section.

Alternative: allow yanked packages if resolution would otherwise fail

A slightly more permissive alternative would be to ignore yanked packages that aren't in the lock-file, but if resolution fails then go back and try allowing them. This would allow resolution to succeed, for example, if your manifest asks for the latest version of a package and that package was yanked and you don't have a lock-file. But this seems like maybe adding too many corner-cases.

The registry

How should we manage the global registry? There's a potential for incurring substantial maintenance costs here, so we should be careful.

We will provide a git repo, hard-coded to live at, to serve as the registry. This repo will contain the "index", but not the actual package contents. It will contain one file per package, each of which contains a line per version. Each entry specifies the location of the package (currently required to be on github) and its git tree hash. This ensures that packages are immutable, but it doesn't stop them from disappearing: we don't keep a copy of the actual package contents.

The registry index will also contain package metadata: the dependencies (so that we can resolve recursive dependencies without fetching the packages), and whatever metadata we want to be searchable.

The registry entries are named like "github/<org>/<package>" (where in the future we might support places other than github). This allows us to skip registration and authentication: if someone has the github permissions to create jneem/foo on github, they also have permissions to create and update the github/jneem/foo nickel package.

Packages will be updated by pull requests to the index. There can be some tooling in the nickel CLI to automate the creation of these pull requests. If the volume of updates becomes high enough, we can automate the merging.

Question: should we store a content hash too?

We're storing a git tree hash in the index, but if we ever want to store package contents in the future, maybe we should also store a hash of the git tree contents? This would allow verification of package tarballs, without needing the whole git repo.

Alternate registries

It's very convenient to have a default global registry, but you might also want to get the benefits of a registry without making your code public. Therefore we should support alternatives to the global registry. There are at least two distinct use-cases:

  1. providing an additional registry with private code, to be used alongside the global registry
  2. replacing some registry with an alternative, for example in order to host or cache it locally

The difference between these two settings is that the private code registries are configured per-package: when you import the myorg/foo package you should know that it's coming from the registry hosted by myorg and not from the global registry. (It's important not to transparently overlay private registries on global registries, because this can lead to dependency confusion attacks).

On the other hand, the registry replacements are configured globally, possibly on a system-wide level. The main use is to set up, say, an organization-wide mirror of the registry so as not to depend on external infrastructure. For this global setting, we add a source-replacement field to some system-wide or project-local nickel configuration file. It takes the form

  source-replacement | {
    registry | { _ : String },
    git | { _ : String },

The idea is that you say

  = "/path/to/a/local/git/repo"


  = "https://my-site/nickel-mine"

You can also replace git repository locations, because why not.

For per-package alternate registries (use-case 1 above), we just add a registry field to the package spec: the contract on dependencies becomes

{ _:
    'Path String,
    'Git { url | String, branch | optional | String, rev | optional | String }
    'Index { name | String, version | SemverConstraint, registry | optional | String },
    #                                                  NEW! ^^^

This is a bit different from what cargo does (it associates registry names to registry urls in global config, then you use only the name in the per-package part). But since our manifest format is nickel, you can just do that anyway:

let my-repo = "" in
  dependencies = { bar = 'Index { name = "github/foo/bar", version = "0.1.0", registry = my-repo } }

Integration point: package maps

Other tools (like build systems) may need to (1) consume the dependency resolution that we produce, or (2) plug in their own dependencies to the nickel interpreter. For (1), they can consume our lock-file, which will be in JSON. This means its format needs to be stable.

For (2), we divide the package management implementation into two parts: the nickel_lang_package crate has all the logic for consuming the manifest, fetching packages, and so on. The other part is to teach the nickel interpreter about "package maps," which is just a map associating a filesystem path to each pair (package filesystem path, package-local name). When the nickel interpreter is running a file that came from the package at path /home/jneem/foo, and that file contains import bar, the nickel interpreter looks up (/home/jneem/foo, bar) in the package map to figure out where to import from.

When running nickel eval or nickel export, by default the nickel CLI will first use the nickel_lang_package crate to resolve and fetch dependencies. Then it provides the interpreter with the correct package map to find them. Other CLI commands can split up these steps (e.g., only resolving and printing dependencies; or invoking the interpreter with a custom package map that uses, say, vendored dependencies).

CLI support

We'll need some CLI commands for handling common package-management tasks. The current prototype has

  • a plate package generate-lockfile command that updates the lock-file
  • a plate package debug-resolution command that prints the full recursive dependency tree

We probably also want

  • a command for adding a new dependency to the manifest (checking if it exists, and picking the most recent version)
  • a command for listing (in machine-readable format) the dependency tree and all its relevant metadata (for use in build systems that expect different "fetch" and "build" phases)
  • a command that checks for new dependency versions and updates the manifest
  • a command for automating the pull request necessary for updating your package

Anything else?

Where do the packages live?

Index and git dependencies need to be downloaded before they are used. We will use a single global cache directory for all dependencies. It will use the directories crate to deduce a platform-appropriate location (~/.cache/nickel-lang/ on linux, unless $XDG_CACHE_HOME is set). Within this directory, git checkouts will be stored in directories whose name includes the commit hash. So for example, the foo package could be stored in the abcdef9876543210-foo directory. If the same checkout of foo is used multiple times in different nickel projects, those projects will use the same checkout.

The git checkouts will be created atomically (by first creating them under a temporary name and then renaming them) and marked read-only, so that multiple nickel processes can add cached packages without getting in one another's way.

Alternative: per-project cache

We could use a per-project cache instead of a system-wide cache. This would have better isolation (e.g. if someone messes with the cache, it doesn't cause problems for all your nickel projects), but it also uses more bandwidth and disk space.