The Trilinos Project and related packages maintain a number of email lists that developers can subscribe to. We recommend that developers subscribe to the following mailing lists as appropriate.
Trilinos-Announce Mailing List - Low-volume, primarily for Trilinos release announcements. (Highly Recommended)
Trilinos-Developers Mailing List - Discussion forum for Trilinos developers. (Highly Recommended)
Trilinos-Users Mailing List - Discussion forum for users of Trilinos. (Recommended)
Trilinos-Regression Mailing List - Automatic summary output generated by the nightly test harness.
Trilinos-Help Mailing List - Address to which user help requests are sent.
Trilinos-Checkin-Tests Mailing List - Logs of local tests and pushes performed with the script.
Trilinos-Checkins Mailing List - Trilinos-specific Git commit log messages.
Trilinos-Leaders Mailing List - Discussion list for Trilinos Package Leaders. (Package Leaders only)
In addition to the Trilinos versions of these lists, each package typically has its own lists with the same suffixes. Check out the complete list of mailman lists or visit the package homepages at the packages page.