1999-mcconaghy who is responsible for automatically engineered designs.html
2012-05-10 McConaghy BrainTalks.pdf
2013-10-21 AI and Moores Law Meetup.pdf
2014-02-27 Black Swans.pdf
2014-05-14 ML meetup - Bayesian Global Optimization Active Predictive Analytics.pdf
2014-07-25 PyData Berlin.pdf
2014-10-28 mcconaghy - blockchain big data.pdf
2014-11-27 ADC gp and sr.pdf
2015-06-24 ascribe whitepaper.pdf
2015-10-08 cto meetup - The Futurist CTO Moores Law and Cognitive Enhancement as Career Planning Rails.pdf
2015-11-12 zeppelin U.pdf
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2016-03-09 blockchain berlin -BigchainDB.pdf
20160404 coala nyc ascribe - provenance.pdf
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20160406 BtcWed McConaghy BigchainDB.pdf
20160413 blockchain tech lab london - ascribe.pdf
20160413 blockchain tech lab london -bigchaindb.pdf
20160520 pydata mcconaghy.pdf
20160601 IPDB Decentralized and Encrypted Berlin.pdf
20160620 dutch blockchain conf.pdf
20160622 DACS-upgrade-internet-for-creators.pdf
20160624 mcconaghy big data beers.pdf
20160707 bip001 odessa BigchainDB.pdf
20160711 McConaghy - AI DAOs - Algorithms Meetup.pdf
20160713 TOA BigchainDB 2.pdf
20160714 Fintech Storm BigchainDB.pdf
20160723 open edu - mcconaghy.pdf
20160728 strange group.pdf
20161005 emerce-eday-exec internet - bigchaindb use-cases.pdf
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20161107 AI blockchain.pdf
20161126 public-database-for-planet.pdf
20161129 example-based intro to AI and two AI futures.pdf
20161202 ESMT dec-stack AI-intro AI-blockchain AI DAOs.pdf
20161208 bigchaindb-ipdb meetup.pdf
20161215 Data Natives Berlin meetup - AI blockchain.pdf
20170112 Berlin Real Estate Blockchain.pdf
20170201 e-res country as a service - bdb ipdb meetup.pdf
20170401 convoco mcconaghy.pdf
20170405 Berlin BDB meetup - AI DAOs.pdf
20170405 Berlin BDB meetup - Intro to AI.pdf
20170511 riseofai mcconaghy.pdf
20170516 infoshare - shared DB for the planet.pdf
20170522 blockchains for ai - consensus 2017.pdf
20170601 DisruptPopulism.pdf
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20180226 hierarchy - ML group berlin.pdf
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20180328 Ocean Protocol Technical Whitepaper.pdf
20180328 curation markets walk through.pdf
20180416 SET Festival - Nature 2.0.pdf
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20180504 Stanford - complex systems.pdf
20180520 GPTP - 3 opportunities for gp researchers.pdf
20180606 token engineering madrid.pdf
20180825 Dezentral - Nature 2.0 - McConaghy.pdf
20180913 intro to ai with apps in real estate - proptech.pdf
20181004 WorldSummitAI -- Ocean Protocol new superpowers for data scientists.pptx
20181022.2 Web3 Summit - McConaghy.pdf
20181023 intro to AI and AI DAOs - Nature 2.0 edition.pdf
20181116 Revision Summit - McConaghy.pdf
20181202 AI for Good in Action - NeurIPS.pdf
20181206 UN - McConaghy.pdf
20190204 towards an ai commons.pdf
20190214 mobi - decentralizing ai data and services.pdf
20190220 scaling up ai for good.pdf
20190305 Ocean Protocol Technical Whitepaper.pdf
20190305 op product release - at op meetup.pdf
20190312 ml hk - mcconaghy.pdf
20190313 Token2049 - Opportunities in the Web3 Data Economy.pdf
20190315 hello tomorrow - spread the benefits of ai and data.pdf
20190429 scaling ai for good - track intro.pdf
20190516 towards an ai commons - rise of ai berlin.pdf
20190531 ai for good summit - workshop for ai commons afternoon 25 min - geneva.pptx
20190711 Ocean Protocol and E-Government.pdf
20190925 boma nature 2.pdf
20191205 smart cities - ocean meetup.pdf
20200204 Odyssey Connect.pdf
20201029 Ocean Protocol Technical Whitepaper.pdf
20210521 Ocean Market Balancer Simulations For TE Academy.pdf
McConaghy - AI SG - Ocean and Health.pdf
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