For training new networks FROM SCRATCH on custom data:
- Please refer to the original DANNCE instructions for camera calibration in the multi-view camera setup
- Use Label3D for annotating both COM and animal poses.
- Refer to
on organizing data and associated annotation files. - The size of the final training set, i.e., the number of complete 3D pose annotations, should ideally be about 250-400 (or more).
- Avoid annotating temporally contiguous frames to promote diversity in the training samples.
- This number is respect to individual poses/animals - not necessary to label all animals present in each frame.
- If use a different landmark/keypoint configuration, add corresponding skeleton file in
and keep consistent with the existing ones. Specifically, such a MATLAB file should contain at leastjoint_names
: names of N body landmarks.joints_idx
: [M, 2] indices indicating M connected landmark pairs (e.g. ElbowL - HandL). 1-indexed.
To maximize utilization of the manual annotations, we recommend the following steps:
- Warm up by training the DANNCE encoder-decoder first. Refer to
for details.- Initialize with RAT7M pretrained weights (
) for better and faster convergence. - We recommend using
COM_augmentation: {}
which augments training samples by perturbating COM positions in 3D. The default setting would increase the number of training samples by 3x. - number of epochs: < 100 or until performance plateau.
- estimated time: < 8 hours.
- Initialize with RAT7M pretrained weights (
- Start SDANNCE training by finetuning from networks trained in Step 1. Refer to
for details.- In addition to the supervised L1 loss comparing GT and predicted 3D landmark coordinates, the default training setting applies the bone scale loss (BSL) and the batch consistency loss (BCL), which are both unsupervised.
- To apply the bone length loss, compute the mean and standard deviation of body parts, as specified
above, into a [M, 2] numpy array and save as.npy
- To apply the bone length loss, compute the mean and standard deviation of body parts, as specified
- We recommend turn on
unlabeled_sampling: equal
for training with the aforementioned unsupervised losses. This option samples equal amount of unlabeled samples from the recordings and adds them to the training set. You may also specifyunlabeled_sampling: n
, where n is an integer indicating the exact number of unlabeled frames sampled from each experiment. - COM augmentation is still highly recommended for achieving the best performance.
- number of epochs: < 50
- estimated time: ~ 1 day.
- In addition to the supervised L1 loss comparing GT and predicted 3D landmark coordinates, the default training setting applies the bone scale loss (BSL) and the batch consistency loss (BCL), which are both unsupervised.
- Turn on
use_npy: True
for training if memory is limited and/or the size of training set is large - this option saves training volumes to disk as.npy
instead of maintaining them in the memory.