Follow this Box link and download the demo data (~5 GB) to the directory
. -
In the command line, change the current directory to
bycd demo
and run the scriptsh prepare_demo.sh
to unzip and prepare the demo data. The final directory should appear as:demo /2021_07_05_M4_M7 /2021_07_06_M3_M6 /2021_07_07_M5_M1 /SCN2A_WK1_2022_09_16_M1 /SCN2A_SOC1_2022_09_23_M1_M6 /visualization /weights predict_com.sh predict_sdannce.sh prepare_demo.sh train_com.sh train_dannce.sh train_sdannce.sh vis_sdannce.sh
Please refer to notebooks/*
or check out the following scripts under demo/*.sh
Here, using a pretrained s-DANNCE model (demo/weights/SDANNCE_gcn_bsl_FM_ep100.pth
), we predict social animal 3D poses for the first 500 frames of an experiment 2021_07_05_M4_M7
by running the script
sh predict_sdannce.sh
The prediction results should be saved into demo/2021_07_05_M4_M7/SDANNCE/predict02
We then visualize the predictions just obtained from last step, from running
sh vis_sdannce.sh
You should find the resulted 10-second video overlay with keypoint projections in demo/2021_07_05_M4_M7/SDANNCE/predict02/vis/*.mp4
In case that you encountered a MovieWriter stderr during visualization
- Error: "MovieWriter stderr: [libopenh264 @ 0x55b92cb33580] Incorrect library version loaded Error initializing output stream 0:0 -- Error while opening encoder for output stream #0:0 - maybe incorrect parameters such as bit_rate, rate, width or height ..."Try update the ffmpeg version by conda update ffmpeg
DANNCE/s-DANNCE performs 3D pose estimation in a top-down manner, i.e.
- first localizes the animal's approximate position in space
- creates a 3D cube enclosing the animal and resolves the associated 3D posture within.
For the first step, we start by training a center-of-mass (COM) prediction network that simultaneously detects both animal. In the provided videos, the paired animals were painted respectively with blue and red colors to avoid ID switches.
To train such a model, one can modify and run
sh train_com.sh
For labeling COMs on your custom data, please refer to Label3D.
We can predict COMs using a trained COM model, by running demo/predict_com.sh
. In the previous demo, we directly used a set of presaved COM predictions (demo/2021_07_05_M4_M7/COM/predict01/com3d.mat
With the 3D COMs predicted from the last step, we can start training a DANNCE/s-DANNCE model for extracting animal 3D poses.
As a quick demonstration, we can directly run demo/train_sdannce.sh
to start training a s-DANNCE pose estimation model in demo/2021_07_06_M3_M6/SDANNCE/train02
To avoid confusion, the ground truth labels used for training are stored in *Label3D*.mat
files under each directory, e.g., demo/2021_07_06_M3_M6/ANNOT_Label3D_B_dannce.mat
, obtained from Label3D. The set of experiments used for training is specified like in demo/2021_07_06_M3_M6/io.yaml
, as
- label3d_file: '../2021_07_06_M3_M6/ANNOT_Label3D_B_dannce.mat'
com_file: '../2021_07_06_M3_M6/COM/predict01/instance0com3d.mat'
- label3d_file: '../2021_07_06_M3_M6/ANNOT_Label3D_R_dannce.mat'
com_file: '../2021_07_06_M3_M6/COM/predict01/instance1com3d.mat'
which are then retrieved along with the video frames and combined for training.