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Django Survey Demo App

Django survey demo app based on the official tutorial. In addition to the basic tutorial, this demo app

  • Replaces the default sqlite database a MySQL database (using mysqlclient)
  • Displays random question to a user until all questions are answered.
  • Lazily creates a user using django-lazysignup.
  • Provides a report of survey results in the admin page.
  • Uses django-bootstrap3 and bootstrap-admin for some style.


Install MySQL

Download MySQL and follow installation instructions. You may also need to add the following to your bash profile:

export PATH="/usr/local/mysql/bin:$PATH"

Initialize Database and User

Start a MySQL interactive session and create the database and user needed for this project:

$ mysql -u root -p
mysql> CREATE USER djangouser@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'replace-this-password';
mysql> CREATE DATABASE test_djangosurvey CHARACTER SET UTF8;
mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON djangosurvey.* TO djangouser@localhost;
mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON test_djangosurvey.* TO djangouser@localhost;
mysql> exit

You'll also want to run export your password so that the Django app can access the database:

export DJANGOUSER_MYSQL_PASSWORD=replace-this-password

In the code-blocks above, you should replace replace-this-password with an actual password.

Finally, you'll need to follow the database-update instructions below to initialize the database schema.

Install Python and dependencies

This tutorial was created using Python 3.6. If you don't have a working Python install (or this project isn't working on your normal install), you can install Anaconda and run

$ conda create -n djangosurvey-env python=3.6
$ source activate djangosurvey-env

To install dependencies, run:

$ pip install -r requrements.txt

Database updates

When updating models for this app, make sure to run the following to update the schema:

$ python makemigrations polls
$ python migrate

The first command creates the migrations for changes to The second applies those migrations.

Testing and conventions

Testing and linting are implemented using pytest and flake8. Since this is not needed for the actual app, you'll have to run the following to install dev requirements:

$ pip install -r dev-requrements.txt

Any committed code should pass all tests, which are run with

$ pytest

Also, all committed code should pass basic PEP8 and linting requirements, which is verified using:

$ flake8