- Pre-Lab preparation
- Part 1: VHDL code for seven-segment display decoder
- Part 2: Structural modeling, instantiation
- Part 3: Top level VHDL code
- Challenges
- References
- Use 7-segment display
- Use VHDL processes
- Understand the structural modeling and instantiation in VHDL
The Nexys A7 board provides two four-digit common anode seven-segment LED displays (configured to behave like a single eight-digit display).
See schematic or reference manual of the Nexys A7 board and find out the connection of 7-segment displays and push-buttons. What is the difference between NPN and PNP type of BJT (Bipolar Junction Transistor).
Complete the decoder truth table for common anode (active low) 7-segment display.
Symbol Inputs a b c d e f g 0 0000 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0001 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0111 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 8 1000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 A b C d E 1110 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 F 1111 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 Note that, there are other types of segment displays, such as 14- or 16-segment.
The Binary to 7-Segment Decoder converts 4-bit binary data to 7-bit control signals which can be displayed on 7-segment display. A display consists of 7 LED segments to display the decimal digits 0
to 9
and letters A
to F
Run Vivado and create a new project:
Project name:
Project location: your working folder, such as
Project type: RTL Project (Note, the Register-Transfer Level refers to a level of abstraction used to describe how the data is transferred and processed inside hardware.)
Create a new VHDL source file:
Do not add any constraints now
Choose a default board:
Nexys A7-50T
Click Finish to create the project
Define I/O ports of new module:
, Bus:check
, MSB:3
, LSB:0
, Bus:check
, MSB:6
, LSB:0
Port name Direction Type Description clear
input std_logic
Clear the display bin
input std_logic_vector(3 downto 0)
Binary representation of one hexadecimal symbol seg
output std_logic_vector(6 downto 0)
Seven active-low segments from A to G
Use combinational process and complete an architecture of the decoder.
The process statement is very similar to the classical programming language. The code inside the process statement is executed sequentially. The process statement is declared in the concurrent section of the architecture, so two different processes are executed concurrently.
process_label : process (sensitivity_list) is -- Declarative part (can be empty) begin -- Sequential statements end process process_label;
In the process sensitivity list are declared all the signal which the process is sensitive to. In the following example, the process is evaluated any time a transaction is scheduled on the signal
. Inside a process,case
assignments can be used.-- This combinational process decodes binary input (`bin`) into 7-segment display output -- (`seg`) for a Common Anode configuration. When either `bin` or `clear` changes, the -- process is triggered. Each bit in `seg` represents a segment from A to G. The display -- is cleared if input `clear` is set to 1. p_7seg_decoder : process (bin, clear) is begin if (clear = '1') then seg <= "1111111"; -- Clear the display else case bin is when x"0" => -- x"0" means "0000" in hexadecimal seg <= "0000001"; when x"1" => seg <= "1001111"; -- WRITE YOUR CODE HERE -- 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 when x"7" => seg <= "0001111"; when x"8" => seg <= "0000000"; -- WRITE YOUR CODE HERE -- 9, A, b, C, d when x"E" => seg <= "0110000"; when others => seg <= "0111000"; end case; end if; end process p_7seg_decoder;
Create a VHDL simulation source
, copy/paste the testbench template or generate it, complete all test cases, and verify the functionality of your decoder.-- Disable clear clear <= '0'; -- Test case 1: Input binary value 0000 bin <= x"0"; wait for 50 ns; assert seg = "0000001" report "0 does not map to 0000001" severity error; -- WRITE YOUR CODE HERE
Note: Test cases can be also generated by a loop. IMPORTANT: In the following example you have to also include
package for data types conversion.library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.numeric_std.all; -- Definition of "to_unsigned" ... -- Loop for all hex values for i in 0 to 15 loop -- Convert decimal value `i` to 4-bit wide binary bin <= std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(i, 4)); wait for 50 ns; end loop;
Use Flow > Open Elaborated design and see the schematic after RTL analysis. Note that RTL (Register Transfer Level) represents digital circuit at the abstract level.
VHDL provides a mechanism how to build a larger structural systems from simpler or predesigned components. It is called an instantiation. Each instantiation statement creates an instance (copy) of a design entity.
VHDL-93 and later offers two methods of instantiation: direct instantiation and component instantiation. In direct instantiation, the entity itself is directly instantiated within the architecture of the parent entity. In component instantiation, the component needs to be defined within the parental architecture first. In both, the ports are connected using the port map.
Example shows the component instantiation statement defining a simple netlist. Here, the two instances (copies) U1 and U2 are instantiations of the 2-input XOR gate component:
architecture behavioral of top_level is
-- Component declaration
component xor2 is
port (
in1 : in std_logic;
in2 : in std_logic;
value : out std_logic
end component;
-- Local signal
signal sig_tmp : std_logic;
-- Component instantiations
U1 : xor2
port map (
in1 => ctrl,
in2 => a,
value => sig_tmp
U2 : xor2
port map (
in1 => sig_tmp,
in2 => b,
value => y
end architecture;
Utilize the top-level design top_level.vhd
to instantiate a bin2seg
component and implement the seven-segment display decoder on the Nexys A7 board. Input for the decoder is obtained from four slide switches, and the output is directed to a single 7-segment display. LEDs display the input combinations, and a push-button serves as the reset signal.
Create a new VHDL design source
in your project. -
Define I/O ports as follows.
Port name Direction Type Description SW
in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0)
Binary value for display LED
out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0)
Show binary value CA
out std_logic
Cathode of segment A CB
out std_logic
Cathode of segment B CC
out std_logic
Cathode of segment C CD
out std_logic
Cathode of segment D CE
out std_logic
Cathode of segment E CF
out std_logic
Cathode of segment F CG
out std_logic
Cathode of segment G DP
out std_logic
Decimal point AN
out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0)
Common anodes of all on-board displays BTNC
in std_logic
Clear the display -
Use component instantiation of
and define the top-level architecture.Note: Individual templates can be found in Flow Navigator or in the menu Tools > Language Templates. Search for
component declaration
andcomponent instantiation
.architecture behavioral of top_level is -- Declare component `bin2seg` component bin2seg is port ( clear : in std_logic; bin : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); seg : out std_logic_vector(6 downto 0) ); end component; begin -- Instantiate (make a copy of) `bin2seg` component to decode -- binary input into seven-segment display signals. display : bin2seg port map ( clear => BTNC, bin => SW, seg(6) => CA, seg(5) => CB, seg(4) => CC, seg(3) => CD, seg(2) => CE, seg(1) => CF, seg(0) => CG ); -- Turn off decimal point -- Display input value(s) on LEDs -- Set display position end architecture behavioral;
Create a new constraints XDC file
and uncomment used pins according to thetop_level
entity. -
Compile the project and download the generated bitstream
into the FPGA chip. -
Test the functionality of the seven-segment display decoder by toggling the switches and observing the display and LEDs.
Use IMPLEMENTATION > Open Implemented Design > Schematic to see the generated structure.
Extend the functionality of one-digit 7-segment decoder to drive a two-digit display. Upon pressing a button, the display will switch between the two digits.
architecture behavioral of top_level is ... -- Local signal for 7-segment decoder signal sig_tmp : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); begin -- Switch between inputs sig_tmp <= SW_L when ... else SW_R; ... -- Set display positions AN(7 downto 2) <= b"11_1111"; ... end architecture behavioral;
Digilent Reference. Nexys A7 Reference Manual
LastMinuteEngineers. How Seven Segment Display Works & Interface it with Arduino
Tomas Fryza. Template for 7-segment display decoder
Digilent. General .xdc file for the Nexys A7-50T