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Lab 2: Combinational logic circuits

Learning objectives

  • Use truth table, K-map, SoP/PoS forms of logic functions
  • Minimize logic functions
  • Understand signal assignments in VHDL
  • Use VHDL assertion statements for testing

Pre-Lab preparation

Digital or Binary comparator compares the digital signals A, B presented at input terminal and produce outputs depending upon the condition of those inputs.

Binary comparator

  1. Complete the truth table for 2-bit Identity comparator (B equals A), and two Magnitude comparators (B is greater than A, A is greater than B). Note that, such a digital device has four inputs and three outputs/functions.

    Dec. equivalent B[1:0] A[1:0] B is greater than A B equals A A is greater than B
    0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
    1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1
    2 0 0 1 0 0 0 1
    3 0 0 1 1 0 0 1
    4 0 1 0 0 0
    5 0 1 0 1 1
    6 0 1 1 0 0
    7 0 1 1 1 0
    8 1 0 0 0 0
    9 1 0 0 1 0
    10 1 0 1 0 1
    11 1 0 1 1 0
    12 1 1 0 0 0
    13 1 1 0 1 0
    14 1 1 1 0 0
    15 1 1 1 1 1

Part 1: Logic function minimization

Karnaugh Maps (or K-maps) offer a graphical method of reducing a digital circuit to its minimum number of gates. The map is a simple table containing 1s and 0s that can express a truth table or complex Boolean expression describing the operation of a digital circuit.

The K-map for the "equals" function is as follows:

Karnaugh map for "equals" function

  1. Create K-maps for other two functions.

    Empty Karnaugh map 4x4         Empty Karnaugh map 4x4

  2. Use K-maps to create simplified SoP and PoS forms of both "greater than" functions.

Part 2: Binary comparator in VHDL language

  1. Run Vivado and create a new project:

    1. Project name: comparator

    2. Project location: your working folder, such as Documents

    3. Project type: RTL Project (Note, the Register-Transfer Level refers to a level of abstraction used to describe how the data is transferred and processed inside hardware.)

    4. Create a new VHDL source file: compare_2bit

    5. Do not add any constraints now

    6. Choose a default board: Nexys A7-50T

    7. Click Finish to create the project

    8. Define I/O ports of new module:

      • Port name: a, Direction: in, Bus: check, MSB: 1, LSB: 0
      • b, in, Bus: check, MSB: 1, LSB: 0
      • b_greater, out
      • b_a_equal, out
      • a_greater, out

      Note: The entity for a 2-bit binary comparator in compare_2bit.vhd therefore corresponds to the following table.

      Port name Direction Type Description
      b input std_logic_vector(1 downto 0) Input bus b[1:0]
      a input std_logic_vector(1 downto 0) Input bus a[1:0]
      b_greater output std_logic Output is 1 if b > a
      b_a_equal output std_logic Output is 1 if b = a
      a_greater output std_logic Output is 1 if b < a
  2. In VHDL, define an architecture for a 2-bit binary comparator. The combination logic can be written using low-level operators (and, or, etc.) as assignment statements using SoP or PoS logic. However, it is more efficient to use a higher notation with conditional signal assignments.

    -- Architecture definition, Implementation design
    architecture behavioral of compare_2bit is
      b_greater <= b(1) and a(1);
      b_a_equal <= '1' when (b = a) else
      a_greater <= b(0) or a(0);
    end architecture behavioral;

    One function is provided, but you must complete the other two: write one as a VHDL assignment statement using SoP or PoS logic, and the second as a conditional signal assignment.

  3. Use File > Add Sources... Alt+A > Add or create simulation sources and create a new VHDL file compare_2bit_tb (same filename as tested entity with sufix or prefix _tb). Generate the testbench file by online generator or copy/paste it from the EDA Playground template. Complete the stimuli process by several test cases.

    stimuli : process
      -- EDIT Adapt initialization as needed
      b <= "00";
      a <= "00";
      wait for 100 ns;
      -- EDIT Add stimuli here
    end process;

Part 3: Assertion statements in VHDL testbench

You can write any information to the console using the report statement. The basic syntax in VHDL is:

report <message_string> [severity <severity_level>];

where possible values for severity_level are: note, warning, error, failure. If the severity level is omitted, then the default value is note. The following two statements are therefore equivalent:

report "Stimulus process started" severity note;
report "Stimulus process started";

An assertion statement checks that a specified condition is true and reports an error if it is not. It can be combined with a report statement as follows:

assert <condition>
  report <message_string> [severity <severity_level>];

The message is displayed to the console when the condition is NOT met, therefore the message should be an opposite to the condition.

p_stimulus : process is

  -- Report a note at the beginning of stimulus process
  report "Stimulus process started";

  -- Test case is followed by the expected output value(s). If assert condition is false, then
  -- an error is reported to the console.
  b <= "00";
  a <= "00";
  wait for 100 ns;
  assert (b_greater = '0') and
         (b_a_equal = '1') and
         (a_greater = '0')
    report "Input combination b=0, a=0 FAILED"
    severity error;


  report "Stimulus process finished";

  -- Data generation process is suspended forever

end process p_stimulus;
  1. In VHDL, write a testbench and verify the correct functionality of the comparator for all/selected input combinations.

Part 4: Implementing to FPGA

A constraint is a rule that dictates a placement or timing restriction for the implementation. Constraints are not VHDL, and the syntax of constraints files differ between FPGA vendors.

Physical constraints limit the placement of a signal or instance within the FPGA. The most common physical constraints are pin assignments. They tell the P&R (Place & Route) tool to which physical FPGA pins the top-level entity signals shall be mapped.

Timing constraints set boundaries for the propagation time from one logic element to another. The most common timing constraint is the clock constraint. We need to specify the clock frequency so that the P&R tool knows how much time it has to work with between clock edges.

The Nexys A7 board provides sixteen switches and LEDs. The switches can be used to provide inputs, and the LEDs can be used as output devices.

  1. See schematic or reference manual of the Nexys A7 board and find out the connection of slide switches, LEDs, and RGB LEDs.

    nexys A7 switches and leds

  2. The Nexys A7 board have hardwired connections between FPGA chip and the switches and LEDs. To use these devices, it is necessary to include in your project the correct pin assignments:

    1. Create a new constraints source nexys-a7-50t (XDC file).

    2. Copy/paste default constraints from Nexys-A7-50T-Master.xdc to nexys-a7-50t.xdc file.

    3. The pin assignments in the file are useful only if the pin names that appear in this file are the same as the port names used in your VHDL entity. Uncomment any 2 switches for inputs a[0], a[1], other 2 switches for b[0], b[1], and 3 LEDs for logic functions b_greater, b_a_equal, and a_greater. Part of XDC file can be as follows:

      ## Switches
      set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN J15   IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { a[0] }];  # Sch=sw[0]
      set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN L16   IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { a[1] }];  # Sch=sw[1]
      ## LEDs
      set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN H17   IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { a_greater }];  # Sch=led[0]
  3. Implement your design to Nexys A7 board:

    1. Use Flow > Generate Bitstream (the process is time consuming and can take tens of seconds).

    2. Select Open Hardware Manager.

    3. Click on Open Target > Auto Connect (make sure Nexys A7 board is connected and switched on).

    4. Click on Program device and select generated bitstream YOUR-PROJECT-FOLDER/comparator.runs/impl_1/comparator.bit.

    5. Test the functionality by toggling the switches and observing LEDs.

      design flow


  1. Extend your design to 4-bit comparator. (Hint: Use conditional signal assignments when/else.)

  2. Design a Prime number detector that takes in values from 0 to 15.

    prime detector

  3. Use onboard RGB LED and eight switches. Turn the green LED on only when exactly two of the first four switches are set to 1 and turn the red LED on when exactly three of the next four switches are set to 0.


  1. Eric Coates. Karnaugh Maps

  2. Tomas Fryza. Example of 2-bit binary comparator using the when/else assignments

  3. Digilent Reference. Nexys A7 Reference Manual

  4. Brock J. LaMeres. The Modern Digital Design Flow

  5. DesignSpark. Implement a simple digital circuit through FPGA trainer board and in Xilinx Vivado IDE (VHDL)