All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
2.1.0 (2021-07-05)
- added css to hide menus in the popup (3e86764)
- added tests (88e5f76)
- added trello support (8e0f503)
- better selection of projects/activity (dbe4820)
- fixed race condition is setting URL (c96e44d)
- crx download (914c3e2)
- fixed project/activity set (d7368b2)
- inline the date/duration fields (4e9da75)
- namespace for controller (e0104a0)
- null index error if no issue (f23d90e)
- added built crx (ac26ec5)
- added commit lint (7abc1c4)
- added commitlint config (bfdc159)
- added download page to symf (1eb6a8f)
- added husky config (395b32e)
- added keep file in docker-vols (ebb6da2)
- added license and readme (3fc5d5a)
- added options page (28c5087)
- added options redirect (272c5fb)
- dded husky and commitlint (283b0f2)
- fixed and hard coded neon kimai (9073bcc)
- made app server stand alone (16f890a)
- plug at RC1 (e2b7a70)