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tobspr edited this page Aug 12, 2015 · 13 revisions

My textures look grayish, like they would have a limited color space. What could cause this?

Answer: Be sure to create your textures in the sRGB color space. Otherwise they will be displayed not correctly. Also, don't forget to call tex.setFormat(Texture.FSrgb) or tex.setFormat(Texture.FSrgbAlpha) after loading the textures.

** Bumpmapping does not seem to work **

Most of the time I disable bumpmapping while I test models, and it might be I accidentally committed that, so check that its not disabled here.

** My normals / lighting seems to be wrong **

If your object has a bumpfactor of greater than zero but no bumpmap applied, the normals might be off and thus look strange, also affecting the lighting. Ensure the bumpmap factor is either 0 or you have a proper bumpmap applied!