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Contributing to the Terraform MAAS Provider

Thank you for your interest in contributing to the Terraform MAAS Provider! We appreciate your help in making this project better. This document provides information on how to set up your development environment and best practices for contributing to the project. For information on what this provider is and does, see docs/


  • Terraform >= 1.4.x
  • Go >= 1.22
  • A MAAS installation running. See the maas-dev-setup repository for more information on a development setup.
  • CLA signed with the email used with git and GitHub.

Branching strategy

This project follows a fork-based development model with a single long-running master branch. All contributions should be made via pull requests (PRs) from forked repositories.

  1. Fork the Repository:
    1. Go to the repository on GitHub and click "Fork" in the top-right corner.
    2. Clone your fork locally:
      git clone <https-or-ssh-url-to-your-fork>
      cd terraform-provider-maas
    3. Add the upstream repository (the original repo) as a second remote:
      git remote add upstream <https-or-ssh-url-to-original>
  2. Create a Feature Branch:
    git checkout -b feat/feature-name
  3. Keep Your Branch Up to Date:
    1. Before working, sync your branch with the latest changes from master:
      git fetch upstream
      git checkout master
      git merge upstream/master
    2. Then, rebase or merge your feature branch if necessary:
      git checkout feat/feature-name
      git rebase master
  4. Commit and Push Changes:
    1. Follow commit message guidelines (e.g., fix: correct typo in readme).
    2. Push your branch to your forked repository:
      git push origin feat/feature-name
  5. Submit a Pull Request:
    1. Go to the your forked repository on GitHub.
    2. Click "New Pull Request". Select your feature branch to merge from your forked repo, into the master branch of the original repo.
    3. Ensure your PR includes:
      • A clear description of changes.
      • Links to relevant issues (e.g., Fixes #113).
      • Passing tests, if applicable.
  6. Address Review Feedback. Once approved, a maintainer will merge your PR. 🎉

Commit messages

We follow the Conventional Commits specification. Conventional Commits defines the following structure for the Git commit message:

<type>[scope][!]: <description>




  • type is the kind of the change (e.g. feature, bug fix, documentation change, refactor).
  • scope may be used to provide additional contextual information (e.g. which system component is affected). If scope is provided, it’s enclosed in parentheses.
  • ! MUST be added if commit introduces a breaking change.
  • description is a brief summary of a change (try to keep it short, so overall title no more than 72 characters).
  • footer is detailed information about the change (e.g. breaking change, related bugs, etc.).

Running the local provider

  1. Build a local version of the provider. At the root of the repository run:
    1. Run make build to build the provider.
    2. Run make install to install the provider locally. This installs the provider binary in the ~/.terraform.d/plugins directory.
  2. Create a terraform configuration:
    1. Create a new directory with a file:
      mkdir -p ./terraform-provider-maas-dev
      cd ./terraform-provider-maas-dev
    2. Add the Terraform configuration below to For more information, see docs/
      terraform {
          required_providers {
              maas = {
                  source  = ""
                  version = "=1.0.1"
      provider "maas" {
          api_version = "2.0"
      resource "maas_space" "tf_space" {
          name = "tf-space"
      resource "maas_fabric" "tf_fabric" {
          name = "tf-fabric"
      resource "maas_vlan" "tf_vlan" {
          fabric =
          vid    = 14
          name   = "tf-vlan14"
          space  =
      resource "maas_subnet" "tf_subnet" {
          cidr       = ""
          fabric     =
          vlan       = maas_vlan.tf_vlan.vid
          name       = "tf_subnet"
          gateway_ip = ""
          dns_servers = [
          ip_ranges {
              type     = "reserved"
              start_ip = ""
              end_ip   = ""
          ip_ranges {
              type     = "dynamic"
              start_ip = ""
              end_ip   = ""
  3. Create and source your environment variables:
    1. In your environment running MAAS, obtain the MAAS API key:
      sudo maas apikey --username=maas
    2. Create an file and put in it the following variables:
      export MAAS_API_KEY=<api-key>
      export MAAS_API_URL=<maas-api-url> # e.g.
    3. Run source to load the environment variables.
  4. Use this configuration to start terraforming:
    1. Run terraform fmt to format the file.
    2. Run terraform init to initialize the provider.
    3. Run terraform plan to see the changes that will be applied.
    4. Run terraform apply to apply the changes. These should be reflected in the MAAS environment.
    5. Run terraform destroy to destroy the resources.


Tests are written as advised in the Terraform docs. They are split into unit tests and acceptance tests, with the latter creating real resources in the MAAS environment. Therefore, you will need to ensure MAAS is running locally for these tests to pass.

To run the tests:

  1. Ensure MAAS_API_KEY and MAAS_API_URL environment variables are set (see Running the local provider).
  2. Run the unit tests with:
    make test
  3. Run both the unit tests and terraform acceptance tests with:
    make testacc
    Note that you may need to specify a specific environment variables for some tests to pass, for example machine ids. Add these to your file before sourcing it again, if required:
    export TF_ACC=1
    export TF_ACC_NETWORK_INTERFACE_MACHINE=<machine_id> # e.g. b68rn4
    export TF_ACC_TAG_MACHINES=<machine_id> # e.g. b68rn4

Getting Help

Check for existing issues here, or open a new one for bugs and feature requests.

Release Process

Releases are handled by the maintainers, see

Additional Resources