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Consider using scyjava? #2
nope! I would love to learn more about this. let me look into your pyimagej distribution setup a bit and I'll ping you if I have questions. Sorry for my general lack of java world awareness! 😅 |
Here's some quick working code implementing your import jpype
import scyjava
FormatTools = scyjava.jimport('loci.formats.FormatTools')
print(f'Bio-Formats version = {FormatTools.VERSION}')
def get_loci():
loci = jpype.JPackage("loci")
loci.__version__ = loci.formats.FormatTools.VERSION
return loci
loci = get_loci()
print(loci.__version__) It doesn't cover all the bells and whistles you added with the environment variables, but I'm confident we can work those in to meet requirements. The key thing here is that the above does not need any local JAR files to be there, but rather uses jgo to download them on demand from the remote Maven repository. And if other projects want to append their own endpoints (i.e. JARs) as well, they can go ahead and do that, and it is likely to work in the single JVM that JPype starts. The JVM is also started on demand. Of course there are still edge cases, but it's a way to make classpath harmony more feasible. |
Very cool. I really appreciate your input here. One thing I'd love to keep is the type stubs (and happy to figure out how to add to scyjava). Something to chat |
I'm not sure how you would add stubgenj to scyjava in an extensible way. Possible, probably, but unfortunate that stubgenj can't dynamically generate these, rather than writing python source code? Or can it? Type hinting feels like something that JPype should "just do", rather than going through this rigamarole. I say naively without looking at it for more than a minute. 😉 |
Maybe this is somehow interesting? And from the JPype user guide:
What are your use cases for having these stubs? What benefit do they provide over what you get from Jedi and JPype out of the box? I am completely clueless and ignorant of Python 3 typing / hinting / etc., so I appreciate any education you can offer here! |
before answering, I'll just say that I see type information as very desirable, but its absence is not a dealbreaker. if the "right" way to do this is to just use scyjava, and if that comes with the sacrifice of type hints... I'm still very open to it.
stubgenj generates the
The primary use case is for me is 1) tab autocompletion (and typo prevention) in the IDE, and type-aware linting with tools like mypy or other static type checkers. These things just accelerate development so much that I've come to feel lost without them. for instance, with the stubs provided in bioformats_jar: without them... one has to continually refer back to online documentation:
I'm really not an expert here, so can only share my experience: I've never been able to figure out what the Jedi support means for Jpype. While I can get their example here to "work" in the sense that Also, at the very least, this requires one change the language server settings in vscode away from the default pylance over to jedi or something. Stub files on the other hand are the de-facto way to declare namespaces and type hints in python, particularly for things that are hidden behind a C (or, in this case, Java) extension. They will work in any environment, jedi or not. Yes it's a shame that those stubs need to be actually generated and put into source somewhere, but it only takes 10 seconds or so with stubgenj, and the benefit is big.
Ultimately, you could do this in a progressive way... adding stubs for certain packages that somebody "cared enough" to add. Or, people could create their own stub-only-packages to extend typing for scyjava. I notice that scyjava import jpype
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, overload, Literal
import _stubs
def jpackage(package_name: Literal['loci']) -> '_stubs.loci': ...
def jpackage(package_name: Literal['ome']) -> '_stubs.ome': ...
def jpackage(package_name: str) -> jpype.JPackage:
... and only those packages that have stubs would have In any case, I'll still look into deprecating this package and using scyjava. but that would be my "dream" solution ultimately for using the scyjava ecosytem while developing in python |
@Thrameos Do you have any thoughts and/or insight here on what a good path forward would be for us to achieve good autocompletion in IDEs for Python-wrapped Java classes? Is this something we "should" already be getting with JPype out of the box but are just doing wrong? Or is this an area of potential improvement for JPype? Is it something we could help to advance somehow, and if so, how? |
As far as I know JPype works with autocomplete (using jedi) but it is limited to the first level. Chaining of returns The issue is covariant returns, Java method may return different types based on the incoming arguments. Each dispatch holds all the methods for the different overloads. There are methods in JPype which allow you to get all the return types (used for documentation generation). We are properly filling in the |
thanks for your input @Thrameos!
I believe that's stubgenj correct? (it's used here in this package, which precipitated this conversation). @ctrueden, you can read more about the motivation for stubgenj in jpype-project/jpype#714
when you say "the issue is"... do you mean the issue with jpype and jedi? or the issue with types stubs? this is handled with type stubs using |
By issue I mean the general difficulty with making Java return specification in Python. Python does not support overloading. Thus you can have only one specification for each method. As Java may have a different return type for each different input arguments, you end up with either very generic or specifications that are overly specific. |
apologies if I'm still missing your point, but while it's true that python doesn't have true static overloading, python typing lets you express this nicely with the |
I looked at the The method descripted in the PEP is for source reader type overloading. Those are for Jedi or other completion engines to read the source code in Python and then produced the type hints it needs. Unfortunately the Java dispatches don't have Python source code sitting behind them. You could create a stub file which would produce the desired output like stubgen. I am not sure there is anything more behind the mechanisms than that, but I may be mistaken. The solution that JPype is using is to provide methods in the form of I am guessing that the only way to get full stubs automatically would be to fool the type system by filling out the Thus my original statement "Python does not support overloading". It does allow a file to be annotated with overloaded signature so that a code completion code can get that info, but there is no mechanism behind it that one can simply replicate to provide the same functionality. Does that make sense? |
thanks again for taking the time @Thrameos! very helpful. I believe it's solidifying my understanding that It kinda sounds like this all comes down to runtime annotations (via reflection and populating
the way that stubgenj goes about it (and the way I'm doing it here) is to decorate the @typing.overload
def JPackage(__package_name: typing.Literal['loci']) -> loci.__module_protocol__: ...
def JPackage(__package_name) -> types.ModuleType: ... That works just fine for my use case, and provides all the stubs as shown above in #2 (comment) when I use
I agree, dynamically generating these files on request would be prohibitively slow. and since JPype can't possible store pre-generated stubs for all of it's dependents, it makes sense for those libraries that really want them to generate them. do you agree we're all hovering around the same understanding? |
Yes I believe you are correct in your understanding. I want to elaborate on the dynamic method a bit more. The speed issue is that we don't want to generate the stubs just because a Jar is loaded which would add a huge overhead. Instead the ideal goal would be to produce the stub when requested, which is just a matter of calling the Java reflection on each method in each dispatch. The downside here being you can't just do one dispatch, but you must do every dispatch that is available in the class and every class in the hierarchy that is above that. As for dynamically generating stubs this is mostly a technical issue that I don't know when to generate the file nor how to make the file appear or preferably a virtual file to appear. The inspect module is used to get the file to be associated with a function or class. But some like jedi go out of their way not to call any code in the library that is targeted. That indirect methods makes it very challenging to catch the attempt to access the contents and redirect it to the stub generator. In other words the system is built to prevent execution of code such as we would need to dynamically create a stub. This also means that the stubs must be a physical file on disk and not some structure in memory (at least as far as I can tell). We have worked around that on Hope this helps if you are interested in trying that approach. |
thanks again. and, while you're here, thanks for JPype! |
The main difference (which can be seen both as an advantage or as a drawback, depending on the situation) is that type stubs are fully static and pre-generated, they allow type checking without actually executing any code or doing any runtime introspection at use time (stubgenj uses introspection and Java Reflection to generate the stubs, but that's a different story). Static pre-generated stubs allow auto-completion in IDEs which are based on static analysis rather than introspection (e.g. PyCharm) as well as the use of static type checkers (e.g. mypy). Chaining of method calls is not an issue as all information on arguments and return types is available statically, without actually running the calls. Also, the generated type stubs allow full usage of the python typing system (e.g. the mentioned However, the limit is obviously that the stubs need to be pre-generated. Downloading arbitrary JARs at runtime is not really compatible with pre-generating type stubs, and certain type of JPype customizers which rewrite python-java calls at run time will hardly ever be supported (the default ones are, as they expose some information on what they are doing). This however does not mean that you need to ship the JARs along with your code to be able to use stubgenj - e.g. at CERN we don't, instead we have a dependency management system (cmmnbuild_dep_manager) that downloads the required JARs on first execution. |
thank you for also weighing in @michi42! (and thank you for stubgenj!)
yeah, I realized this.. though ultimately went with a slightly different strategy than the For instance, if I run stubgenj for the jar I'm using, I get: # jpype-stubs/__init__.py
import types
import typing
import loci
def JPackage(__package_name: typing.Literal['loci']) -> loci.__module_protocol__: ...
def JPackage(__package_name) -> types.ModuleType: ... it seems that anyone else wanting to provide stubs for a jpype jar would need to "collaborate" on this one file, is that correct? That's why I ultimately moved the stubs into my own package, and provided my own
yeah, this is exactly where this conversation started. @ctrueden has a much better approach than what I did here, with If you have a moment, could you just comment on that question above about multiple stubgen users contributing stub-only packages clobbering the other |
For my own personal code I have never been a big fan of using the lookup by name facilities ( |
Hi @tlambert03! 👋
I was wondering if you have considered using the scyjava project to resolve Java dependencies, rather than shipping them in a hardcoded way like this project does?
For PyImageJ, we use scyjava (backed by jpype and jgo) and it lets you customize your classpath from remote Maven artifacts in an extensible way. Without something like this, you'll always run into problems with multiple different needed JARs on the Java classpath across multiple Python-wrappings-of-Java-libraries. Whereas if you use scyjava, we can mix and match things like AICSImageIO[bioformats] with PyImageJ and potentially other Java-backed Python components.
Do you see any reason this wouldn't be a better approach? Happy to discuss further if you have questions or comments about it!
CC @hinerm @elevans
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