A collection of examples for controlling DMX-512 devices, in a variety of programming environments.
Included in this repository are:
- A Brief Introduction to DMX and sACN
- Intro to QLC+
- Intro to TouchDesigner for DMX/sACN
- Inventory of equipment used
- Node.js examples with node-dmx
- Arduino examples using ArduinoDMX library
- TouchDesigner DMX and sACN settings
- WebSerial-based DMX in p5.js
- Addressable LED control through sACN with LeDMX Pro4. Includes TouchDesigner and QLC+ configurations
- sACN control of Stage Lighting Through an DMXKing eDMX1 Pro. Includes TouchDesigner and QLC+ configuration.
- sACN control of Stage Lighting Using node.js and a browser-based interface
- sACN control of Stage Lighting Through an Arduino
The Arduino circuits described in this repository use on these breadboard layouts for reference, and these microcontroller pin arrangments.