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Integer shard index

Here is a table definition as bellow. The service writes data monotonically on the field id2, so the index hotIndex becomes a hot index which hinders the scalability of a TiDB cluster. The service executes point SELECT and point UPDATE by the hotIndex.

CREATE TABLE test(id1 INT PRIMARY, id2 INT, id3 INT, UNIQUE KEY hotIndex(id2));

INSERT INTO test values(val1,val2,val3);
UPDATE test SET id3 = val3 WHERE id2 = val2;
SELECT * FROM test WHERE id2 = val2;

The Integer shard index realized by this design doc can scatter hotIndex and ensure the service sqls still use the unique key hotIndex. Here is the new table definition including shard index as bellow.

CREATE TABLE test(id1 INT PRIMARY, id2 INT, id3 INT, UNIQUE KEY hotIndex((tidb_shard(id2)),id2));

Do we need to modify service sqls above? No, we don't. Optimizer can recognize the shard index and add tidb_shard(id2) = shardVal to the WHERE clause automatically. Here is the final form of service sqls processed by optimizer as bellow. So, we don't need to modify service sqls and theses sqls can still use the unique index hotIndex

UPDATE test SET id3 = val3 WHERE tidb_shard(id2) = 8 AND id2 = 100;
SELECT * FROM test WHERE tidb_shard(id2) = 8 AND id2 = 100;


Hot index reduces the write scalability of the TiDB cluster when the written data is monotonically increasing. We find out a proposal to solve the problem that is using an expression index to scatter the hot index, the new expression index is called a shard index.

The followers is the scalability of hot index and shard index.

threads tidb tikv tidb CPU tikv CPU duration(95) QPS(K) scalability remark
800 3 3 4700 3350 insert: 60.5 update:110 49.8
800 3 3 4400 3000 insert: 61 update:111 49
800 3 4 5000 3500 insert: 57 update:103 53 19.30% round1
800 3 4 5100 3600 insert: 56 update:100 54 30.60% round2

​ hot index scalability

threads tidb tikv tidb CPU tikv CPU duration QPS scalability remark
800 3 3 5200 3100 insert: 60 update:110 47.5
800 3 3 5200 3000 insert: 60 update:110 47.2
800 3 4 6200 3800 insert: 56.5 update:88 57.5 63.20% round1
800 3 4 6250 3800 insert: 56.5 update:88 58.5 71.40% round2

​ shard index scalability

Computing formula of scalability is as bellow: qps1 is the qps before expansion, tikv1 is the tikv node count before expansion; qps2 is the qps after expansion, tikv2 is the tikv node count afterexpansion.

CNF 200

Detailed design

We made a new built-in function "tidb_shard()" as the expression prefix of shard index. There is only one integer parameter for tidb_shard function. What index is a shard index? It must meet the follower rules.

  • It is an unique index
  • The first field of index is tidb_shard(a) , the column a is integer type and is the second field of the index.

When querying based on the original index field, the TiDB optimizer should automatically recognize the shard index and add the expression field tidb_shard(a) = val to the query condition.

How to solve the hot index problem by shard index? For example, the definition of a table is test(id int primary key clustered, a int, b int, unique key idx_a(a)) . The index idx_a is a hot index because of monotonically increasing data. We modify the definition of the index idx_a as follows unique key idx_a((tidb_shard(a)),a). The written data of index idx_a is not monotonically increasing now. But here is a question, how the optimizer of TiDB chooses the index for original queries that are designed for idx_a(a)? e.g. SELECT * FROM test WHERE a = 100, it can't use the unique index 'idx_a((tidb_shard(a)),a' any more. We add a new rule for TiDB optimizer, if the access condition of a query contains all the fields of shard index except the first tidb_shard(a) expression, The optimizer adds the expressiontidb_shard(a) = xxx to the access condition and the new query statement is like SELECT * FROM test WHERE tidb_shard(a) = 8 AND a = 100, so that the query can use the shard index.

tidb_shard function


Only support an integer parameter. It transforms an integer number to a value in the range [0, 255]. e.g. tidb_shard(100) is the value 8 .


It calculate the hash value of the input parameter, and get the mod value by 256.

func (b *builtinTidbShardSig) evalInt(row chunk.Row) (int64, bool, error) {
	shardKeyInt, isNull, err := b.args[0].EvalInt(b.ctx, row)
	if isNull || err != nil {
		return 0, true, err
	var hashed uint64
	if hashed, err = vitess.HashUint64(uint64(shardKeyInt)); err != nil {
		return 0, true, err
	hashed = hashed % tidbShardBucketCount
	return int64(hashed), false, nil

Add expression to access condition by optimizer

The optimizer should add the expresion tidb_shard(xxx) = yyy to the access condition, so that a the query can use shard index.

The follower are the functions used to add the expresion tidb_shard(xxx) = yyy to the access condition. They are Introduced in order of function call.

(ds *DataSource) PredicatePushDown

The entry point to add the tidb_shard expression is the function as bellow. We must add it before access condition was pushed down. Maybe this work should be done after sql parse, we do it here just for simplify the work.

func (ds *DataSource) PredicatePushDown(predicates []expression.Expression, opt *logicalOptimizeOp) ([]expression.Expression, LogicalPlan) {
	predicates = expression.PropagateConstant(ds.ctx, predicates)
	predicates = constraint.DeleteTrueExprs(ds, predicates)
	// Add tidb_shard() prefix to the condtion for shard index in some scenarios
	// TODO: remove it to the place building logical plan
	predicates = ds.AddPrefix4ShardIndexes(ds.ctx, predicates)
	ds.allConds = predicates
	ds.pushedDownConds, predicates = expression.PushDownExprs(ds.ctx.GetSessionVars().StmtCtx, predicates, ds.ctx.GetClient(), kv.UnSpecified)
	appendDataSourcePredicatePushDownTraceStep(ds, opt)
	return predicates, ds

(ds *DataSource) AddPrefix4ShardIndexes

AddPrefix4ShardIndexes is the interface to add expression prefix for shard index. Pay attention, just for shard index!

// AddPrefix4ShardIndexes Add expression prefix for shard index. e.g. an index is, a).
// It transforms the sql "SELECT * FROM test WHERE a = 10" to
// "SELECT * FROM test WHERE tidb_shard(a) = val AND a = 10", val is the value of tidb_shard(10).
// It also transforms the sql "SELECT * FROM test WHERE a IN (10, 20, 30)" to
// "SELECT * FROM test WHERE tidb_shard(a) = val1 AND a = 10 OR tidb_shard(a) = val2 AND a = 20"
// @param[in] conds            the original condtion of this datasource
// @retval - the new condition after adding expression prefix
func (ds *DataSource) AddPrefix4ShardIndexes(sc sessionctx.Context, conds []expression.Expression) []expression.Expression {
	if !ds.containExprPrefixUk {
		return conds

	var err error
	newConds := make([]expression.Expression, 0, len(conds))
	newConds = append(newConds, conds...)

	for _, path := range ds.possibleAccessPaths {
		if path.IsTablePath() || !path.IsUkShardIndex() {
		newConds, err = ds.addExprPrefixCond(sc, path, newConds)
		if err != nil {
			logutil.BgLogger().Error("Add tidb_shard expression failed", zap.Error(err))
			return conds

	return newConds

(ds *DataSource) addExprPrefixCond

addExprPrefixCond is the wrapper for addExprPrefix4ShardIndex

func (ds *DataSource) addExprPrefixCond(sc sessionctx.Context, path *util.AccessPath,
	conds []expression.Expression) ([]expression.Expression, error) {
	IdxCols, IdxColLens :=
		expression.IndexInfo2PrefixCols(ds.Columns, ds.schema.Columns, path.Index)
	if len(IdxCols) == 0 {
		return conds, nil

	adder := &exprPrefixAdder{
		sctx:      sc,
		OrigConds: conds,
		cols:      IdxCols,
		lengths:   IdxColLens,

	return adder.addExprPrefix4ShardIndex()

(adder *exprPrefixAdder) addExprPrefix4ShardIndex

addExprPrefix4ShardIndex is the wrapper for addExprPrefix4DNFCond and addExprPrefix4CNFCond. addExprPrefix4DNFCond is used to process OR expression, addExprPrefix4CNFCond is used to process AND expression.

// if original condition is a LogicOr expression, such as `WHERE a = 1 OR a = 10`,
// call the function AddExprPrefix4DNFCond to add prefix expression tidb_shard(a) = xxx for shard index.
// Otherwise, if the condition is  `WHERE a = 1`, `WHERE a = 1 AND b = 10`, `WHERE a IN (1, 2, 3)`......,
// call the function AddExprPrefix4CNFCond to add prefix expression for shard index.
func (adder *exprPrefixAdder) addExprPrefix4ShardIndex() ([]expression.Expression, error) {
	if len(adder.OrigConds) == 1 {
		if sf, ok := adder.OrigConds[0].(*expression.ScalarFunction); ok && sf.FuncName.L == ast.LogicOr {
			return adder.addExprPrefix4DNFCond(sf)
	return adder.addExprPrefix4CNFCond(adder.OrigConds)

(adder *exprPrefixAdder) addExprPrefix4DNFCond

  • function declaration
// add the prefix expression for DNF condition, e.g. `WHERE a = 1 OR a = 10`, ......
// The condition returned is `WHERE (tidb_shard(a) = 214 AND a = 1) OR (tidb_shard(a) = 142 AND a = 10)`
// @param[in] condition    the original condtion of the datasoure. e.g. `WHERE a = 1 OR a = 10`.
//                          condtion is `a = 1 OR a = 10`
// @return 	 -          the new condition after adding expression prefix. It's still a LogicOr expression.
func (adder *exprPrefixAdder) addExprPrefix4DNFCond(condition *expression.ScalarFunction) ([]expression.Expression, error) 
  • Function Process
    • Extract evrey binary expression from condition to a expression.Expression slice dnfItems.
    • Make a new expression.Expression slice newAccessItems to store new conditions after processing tidb_shard prefix.
    • Traverse every item in slice dnfItems, if it's a LogicAnd expression, extracts every binary expression from it to a slice cnfItems and calls function addExprPrefix4CNFCond(cnfItems) to add tidb_shard prefix if need; if it's a ast.EQ or a ast.In expression, calls function addExprPrefix4CNFCond([]Expression{item}) to add tidb_shard prefix if need.
    • Make a new LogicOR condition by newAccessItems, return it.

(adder *exprPrefixAdder) addExprPrefix4CNFCond

Call the function ranger.AddExpr4EqAndInCondition to process AND expression.

// add the prefix expression for CNF condition, e.g. `WHERE a = 1`, `WHERE a = 1 AND b = 10`, ......
// @param[in] conds        the original condtion of the datasoure. e.g. `WHERE t1.a = 1 AND t1.b = 10 AND t2.a = 20`.
//                         if current datasource is `t1`, conds is {t1.a = 1, t1.b = 10}. if current datasource is
//                         `t2`, conds is {t2.a = 20}
// @return  -     the new condition after adding expression prefix
func (adder *exprPrefixAdder) addExprPrefix4CNFCond(conds []expression.Expression) ([]expression.Expression, error) {

	newCondtionds, err := ranger.AddExpr4EqAndInCondition(adder.sctx,
		conds, adder.cols)

	return newCondtionds, err

The core function that adds tidb_shard(x) = xxx to the accessCond.

  • function declaration
// AddExpr4EqAndInCondition add the `tidb_shard(x) = xxx` prefix
// Add tidb_shard() for EQ and IN function. e.g. input condition is `WHERE a = 1`,
// output condition is `WHERE tidb_shard(a) = 214 AND a = 1`. e.g. input condition
// is `WHERE a IN (1, ,2 ,3)`, output condition is `WHERE (tidb_shard(a) = 214 AND a = 1)
// OR (tidb_shard(a) = 143 AND a = 2) OR (tidb_shard(a) = 156 AND a = 3)`
// @param[in] conditions  the original condition to be processed
// @param[in] cols        the columns of shard index, such as [tidb_shard(a), a, ...]
// @param[in] lengths     the length for every column of shard index
// @retval - the new condition after adding tidb_shard() prefix
func AddExpr4EqAndInCondition(sctx sessionctx.Context, conditions []expression.Expression,
	cols []*expression.Column) ([]expression.Expression, error) 
  • Function Process
    • Traverse every cond in slice conditions, place the cond to a new slice accesses according to the index definition field order.
    • Traverse every cond in slice accesses, if the cond is not a ast.EQ or ast.In expression, do nothing and return, otherwise extract the column value from cond and store it to slice columnValues.
    • Call the function NeedAddGcColumn4ShardIndex to judge if necessary to add tidb_shard prefix for conditions, if not, do nothing and return; otherwise call function AddGcColumnCond to add tidb_shard prefix for conditions.

Check whether to add tidb_shard(x) = xxx to the access condition.

  • function declaration
// NeedAddGcColumn4ShardIndex check whether to add `tidb_shard(x) = xxx`
// @param[in] cols          the columns of shard index, such as [tidb_shard(a), a, ...]
// @param[in] accessCond    the conditions relative to the index and arranged by the index column order.
//                          e.g. the index is uk(tidb_shard(a), a, b) and the where clause is
//                          `WHERE b = 1 AND a = 2 AND c = 3`, the param accessCond is {a = 2, b = 1} that is
//                          only relative to uk's columns.
// @param[in] columnValues  the values of index columns in param accessCond. if accessCond is {a = 2, b = 1},
//                          columnValues is {2, 1}. if accessCond the "IN" function like `a IN (1, 2)`, columnValues
//                          is empty.
// @retval -  return true if it needs to addr tidb_shard() prefix, ohterwise return false
func NeedAddGcColumn4ShardIndex(
	cols []*expression.Column,
	accessCond []expression.Expression,
	columnValues []*valueInfo) bool 
  • Function Process
    • The columns of shard index shoude be more than 2, like (tidb_shard(a),a,...).
    • The first column of index must be a generated column and the expression must be tidb_shard built-in function.
    • The argument of tidb_shard must be a column other than expression or else, and it must be the second column of the index.

AddGcColumnCond is the wrapper function for AddGcColumn4EqCond and AddGcColumn4InCond.

// AddGcColumnCond add the `tidb_shard(x) = xxx` to the condition
// @param[in] cols          the columns of shard index, such as [tidb_shard(a), a, ...]
// @param[in] accessCond    the conditions relative to the index and arranged by the index column order.
//                          e.g. the index is uk(tidb_shard(a), a, b) and the where clause is
//                          `WHERE b = 1 AND a = 2 AND c = 3`, the param accessCond is {a = 2, b = 1} that is
//                          only relative to uk's columns.
// @param[in] columnValues  the values of index columns in param accessCond. if accessCond is {a = 2, b = 1},
//                          columnValues is {2, 1}. if accessCond the "IN" function like `a IN (1, 2)`, columnValues
//                          is empty.
// @retval -  []expression.Expression   the new conditions after adding `tidb_shard() = xxx` prefix
//            error                     if error gernerated, return error
func AddGcColumnCond(sctx sessionctx.Context,
	cols []*expression.Column,
	accessesCond []expression.Expression,
	columnValues []*valueInfo) ([]expression.Expression, error) {

	if cond := accessesCond[1]; cond != nil {
		if f, ok := cond.(*expression.ScalarFunction); ok {
			switch f.FuncName.L {
			case ast.EQ:
				return AddGcColumn4EqCond(sctx, cols, accessesCond, columnValues)
			case ast.In:
				return AddGcColumn4InCond(sctx, cols, accessesCond)

	return accessesCond, nil

Add the tidb_shard(x) = xxx prefix for equal access condition.

  • function declaration
// AddGcColumn4EqCond add the `tidb_shard(x) = xxx` prefix for equal condition
// For param explanation, please refer to the function `AddGcColumnCond`.
// @retval -  []expression.Expression   the new conditions after adding `tidb_shard() = xxx` prefix
//            []*valueInfo              the values of every columns in the returned new conditions
//            error                     if error gernerated, return error
func AddGcColumn4EqCond(sctx sessionctx.Context,
	cols []*expression.Column,
	accessesCond []expression.Expression,
	columnValues []*valueInfo) ([]expression.Expression, error) 
  • Function Process
    • Traverse every ColumnValue in slice columnValues, calculate the value of tidb_shard by ColumnValue and store it to the variableevaluated.
    • Make a new expression tidb_shard(columnName) = evaluated and store it to accessesCond[0]

Add the tidb_shard(x) = xxx for IN condition.

  • function declaration
// AddGcColumn4InCond add the `tidb_shard(x) = xxx` for `IN` condition
// For param explanation, please refer to the function `AddGcColumnCond`.
// @retval -  []expression.Expression   the new conditions after adding `tidb_shard() = xxx` prefix
//            error                     if error gernerated, return error
func AddGcColumn4InCond(sctx sessionctx.Context,
	cols []*expression.Column,
	accessesCond []expression.Expression) ([]expression.Expression, error)
  • Function Process

Traverse every argument from In expression, calculate the value of tidb_shard with argument and make a new expression tidb_shard(columnName) = value, then make a LogicAnd like tidb_shard(a) = 8 AND a = 100. When process the second or above argument , add the LogicAnd to the LogicOR expression, like tidb_shard(a) = 8 AND a = 100 OR tidb_shard(a) = 8 AND a = 100.


Using the shard index to replace the hot index my decrease a little of the performance when the TiDB cluster is small and the pressure of workload is not high, But it can increase the scalability obviously.


We can use expression index directly other than as the prefix of a index. e.g. replace index idx(a) to indx idx(expr(a)) , it seems more simpler. But expr(a) and (a) don't correspond one to one, the PointGet plan becomes IndexRangeScan and the selection operation WEHRE a = xxx must be executed in the tidb-server or tikv. So the performance may be dropped a lot.

Unresolved questions

Shard Index Only Support Unique Secondary Index

The shard index is only valid for unique secondary index, not for primary key or non-unique secondary index, and it must meet the follower rules.

  • It is an unique index
  • The first field of index is tidb_shard(a) , the column a is integer type and is the second field of the index.

Non-equivalent Condition Can't Use Index

The proposal only adds expression tidb_shard(?) = ? for equivalent condition in WHERE clause. e.g. If there is a unique index uk(a) on table A , optimizer chooses index scan by uk(a) for query SELECT * FROM A WHERE a > 100.The index definition is changed to uk(tidb_shard(a), a) by this proposal, optimizer doesn't choose index for the query above any more.

AND Expression Mixing With OR Expression Can't Use Index

The proposal only adds expression tidb_shard(?) = ? for all "AND" expression or all "OR" expression or none of them in WHERE clause. If "and" expression mixing with "or" expression in WHERE clause, it can't use index. e.g. If there is a unique index uk(a) on table A , optimizer chooses index scan by uk(a) for query SELECT * FROM A WHERE ((a=100 and b = 100) or a = 200) and b = 300. The index definition is changed to uk(tidb_shard(a), a) by this proposal, optimizer doesn't choose index for the query above any more.

Group By Can't Use Index

The proposal only adds expression tidb_shard(?) = ? for equivalent condition in WHERE clause. It does nothings for GROUP BY clause. e.g. If there is a unique index uk(a) on table A , optimizer chooses index scan by uk(a) for query SELECT SUM(a) FROM A GROUP BY a. The index definition is changed to uk(tidb_shard(a), a) by this proposal, optimizer doesn't choose index for the query above any more and it needs to be grouped in tidb-server.

Order By Can't Use Index

The proposal only adds expression tidb_shard(?) = ? for equivalent condition in WHERE clause. It does nothing for ORDER BY clause. e.g. If there is a unique index uk(a) on table A , optimizer chooses index scan by uk(a) for query SELECT a FROM A ORDER BY a. The index definition is changed to uk(tidb_shard(a), a) by this proposal, optimizer doesn't choose index for the query above any more and it needs to be orderedin tidb-server.

Join Condition Can't Use Index

The proposal only adds expression tidb_shard(?) = ? for equivalent condition in WHERE clause. It does nothing for the ON clause. e.g. If there is a unique index uk(a) on table A , optimizer chooses index scan by uk(a) for query SELECT * FROM B JOIN A ON B.a = A.a. The index definition is changed to uk(tidb_shard(a), a) by this proposal, optimizer doesn't choose index for the query above any more.

Where Subquery Can't Use Index

The proposal only adds expression tidb_shard(?) = ? for equivalent condition in WHERE clause. It does nothing for the sub-query clause. e.g. If there is a unique index uk(a) on table A , optimizer chooses index scan by uk(a) for query SELECT * FROM A WHERE A.a IN (SELECT B.a FROM B WHERE B.a > 100) . The index definition is changed to uk(tidb_shard(a), a) by this proposal, optimizer doesn't choose index for the query above any more.

Joint Index May Be Invalid

The proposal only adds expression tidb_shard(?) = ? for equivalent condition in WHERE clause. If the access condition in WHERE clause only use part of a joint index, this proposal may leads to index useless. e.g. If there is a unique index uk(a) on table A , optimizer chooses index scan by uk(a, b) for query SELECT * FROM A WHERE A.a = 10. The index definition is changed to uk(tidb_shard(a), a, b) by this proposal, optimizer doesn't choose index for the query above any more.

FastPlan May Be Invalid

It can't adds expression tidb_shard(?) = ? to access condition in the FastPlan process. So, the FastPlan process is invalid for shard index. e.g. If there is a unique index uk(a) on table A , optimizer makes a PointGet plan by FastPlan process for query SELECT * FROM A WHERE A.a = 100. The index definition is changed to uk(tidb_shard(a), a) by this proposal, FastPlan can't recognize it is a shard index field in WHERE clause.

Shard Index Can't Use Prepare Plan Cache

If there is a generated column on a table, the queries about this table can't use prepare plan cache. Shard index uses the expression tidb_shard(a) as the first field, and it makes a generated column. So the table with shard index can't use prepare plan cache.