Cloud Application Platform for Web and Mobile Apps
- Complete the Quickstart Guide
- Watch the Intro to Heroku Screencast
- Read Professional Heroku Programming
- Read The Heroku Hacker's Guide
- Write a Procfile.
- Store secrets and environmental variables in config vars.
- Deploy a basic app to Heroku.
- Provision an add-on.
- Add a dyno to an app.
- Read The 12-Factor App
- Browse Heroku's guides on Vimeo
- Explore Heroku's developer blog
- Understand the worker pattern.
- Achieve dev-prod parity by using foreman locally.
- Leverage Heroku logs as a source of visibility into app performance.
- Build an app with a concurrent web server.
- Understand request queuing.
- Use a tool like New Relic to gain visibility into response time variability.