Issues are tracked at Doliforge
You need to create an account before being able to use the "Bugs & Tasks" feature.
- Use the search engine to check if nobody's already reported your problem.
- Choose the right section. (Bugs or Task and Feature Request).
- Report with as much detail as possible (Use screenshots or even screencasts whenever possible).
- Fork the GitHub repository.
- Clone your fork.
- Choose a branch(See the Branches section below).
- Commit and push your changes.
- Make a pull request.
Unless you're fixing a bug, all pull request should be made against the develop branch.
If you're fixing a bug, it is preferred that you cook your fix and pull request it against the oldest version affected that's still supported.
We officially support versions N, N − 1 and N − 2 for N the latest version available.
Choose your base branch accordingly.
Please don't edit the ChangeLog file. A project manager will update it from your commit messages.
Use clear commit messages with the following structure:
KEYWORD Short description Long description (Can span accross multiple lines).
Where KEYWORD is one of:
- "FIXED:" for bug fixes. In upper case to appear into ChangeLog. (May be followed by the bug number i.e: #456)
- "NEW:" for new features. In upper case to appear into ChangeLog. (May be followed by the task number i.e: #123)
- void, don't put a keyword if the commit is not introducing feature or closing a bug.
en_US and delta languages (i.e: fr_XX) are maintained in the repository. See Code section above.
All other translations are managed online at Transifex.
Join an existing translation team or create your own and translate into the interface.
Your translations will be available in the next major release.
The project's documentation is maintained on the Wiki.
You need to create an account before being able to edit.