jQuery MultiSelect provide an elegant way to handle multiple options on an input.
To see examples go to jQuery MultiSelect page
The fork (released as 0.1.8-tf) of initial “jQuery MultiSelect” plugin add a small set of extra features, including:
- added “readonly” option to be able to disable selection modification at startup
- added “on_search” callback option to get completion items dynamically through a function call
- added “min_query_length” option to start completion only after a given number of characters
- added “input_references” option to define input references ; this is used when you use value/caption items in completions.
Value can be a static array (made of “{ value: caption }” pairs) or a function - added “max_selection_length” option to limit selection to a given number of items
Last 0.1.10-tf release added an extra “on_search_timeout” option (default to 300ms) to add an extra
timeout during keyboard input while using “on_search” callback to avoid browser freeze while typing.
Just copy Javascripts, CSS and Image files in containing folders, see examples.
- jQuery 1.4+
- IE6+
- Firefox
- Safari
- Chrome
- Ajax support