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TFRT Op-by-op Execution Design


The new TensorFlow runtime (codename: TFRT) project aims at delivering significant improvements in accelerator support, performance, production deployment, convergence between mobile and data center stacks, as well as architecture modularity for improved eng velocity. See TFRT Host Runtime Design for more context.

This document focuses on the Core Runtime, the eager interface of the new TensorFlow runtime. Here is the overall TFRT architecture, and how the Core Runtime fits in:

TFRT Architecture

The Core Runtime mainly contains two parts: an Op notion which is equivalent to the current TensorFlow op and an interface layer that higher level runtime (e.g. TF Python Runtime, Jax, Swift for TensorFlow) can call into. It can execute both native ops and composite ops on the local host, accelerator devices or remotely.

Goal: This document only covers the Core Runtime for local op-by-op execution.

Non-goals: Other important topics such as lowering TF graphs, Device Runtimes, Host Runtime, Python Runtime, Remote Execution and Composite Op Execution are out of scope for this document.

Background: Host Runtime, graph lowering

This subsection provides some conceptual background for readers to review the Core Runtime design.

We refer to the end user facing computation as an Op. An op can take multiple tensors as inputs and produce multiple tensors as output. It is a high level representation that typically captures more of the programmers’ intent than lower level representation. The programmer can decide how they are going to execute the ops: they can either execute one at a time (op-by-op execution) or execute multiple ops as an op graph. We have many representations of op graphs, including GraphDef, HLO and MLIR TF Dialect. An op graph is usually, but not always, portable (aka device neutral). Tensors are immutable values in op computations.

Kernel is a lower level concept designed for efficient execution. A kernel can be an arbitrary C++ function that takes arbitrary types of inputs and produces arbitrary types of outputs. Normally we compose multiple kernels as a kernel graph and execute the graph as a whole. A kernel graph can be represented in a low level dialect of MLIR, BEF or other forms. Kernel graphs are platform specific, and typically encode the specific accelerators that will run the computation. Kernels can do tensor computation as well. In a kernel, a tensor can either be an immutable value or a mutable buffer.

Core Runtime provides the notion of op and a C++ API for the programmers to execute the ops. This op execution API is equivalent to the TFE_Execute API in the current TF eager runtime.

Host Runtime provides the notion of kernel and mechanisms for executing kernel graphs. Host Runtime also provides a few basic building blocks like Threading Model and Memory Allocation.


  • Efficient op-by-op execution

    • Current TensorFlow stack is optimized for graph execution, and incurs non-trivial overhead when dispatching a single op. A high performance low level runtime is a key toward high end-to-end eager performance.
    • Minimize heap allocation in critical code path. Op should reuse the input buffer if no other op needs to use it.
  • Asynchronous execution

    • We can return from runtime ASAP and allow clients to schedule subsequent op execution, thus maximizing the concurrency across the client.
    • It opens up opportunities for future optimization (e.g. aggregate multiple pending ops and execute them as a graph).
  • Good error reporting

    • Accurate error location tracking: Error should report with accurate location information (e.g. Python stack trace).
    • Synchronously report metadata (shape) errors: allows for immediate error reports for a large class of errors to the user.
  • Modular and “pluggable” support for new accelerator devices

    • Supporting new accelerator hardware should not involve hacking the entire system.
  • Unified execution path with Host Runtime

    • We should use the same set of building blocks for op-by-op execution, graph lowering and graph execution.

Op Execution API

Core Runtime provides follow API for op-by-op execution:

void Execute(string_view op_name,
             OpHandler* op_handler,
             Location loc,
             MutableArrayRef<TensorHandle> arguments,
             const OpAttrsRef& attrs,
             MutableArrayRef<TensorHandle> results,
             AsyncValueRef<Chain>* chain);

After calling this API, Core Runtime will execute the op by the given op_name on the specified op_handler. This API is thread-safe.

This section discusses the abstractions used in this API.


TensorHandle is a future semantic data abstraction used in Core Runtime. It is a type erased type which can represent tensors that live in any op_handler (e.g. locally or remotely; on GPU or CPU), has different dtype, layout (dense format or sparse format) and shape. It contains two parts:

  • A Tensor AsyncValue, which holds the underlying data.
  • A most-of-the time synchronous TensorMetadata which includes the shape and dtype of this tensor. Sometimes it can be AsyncValue as well because some ops cannot propagage metadata synchronously. TensorMetadata must be ready if Tensor is ready.

Type erasing in this API is important for dynamic dispatch: Basically we can use the same Execute() API to execute any arbitrary op. And it slightly improves usability, since then one op can handle different types of input tensor. However, the downside is extra dynamic dispatch overhead (some extra switch statements).

Unlike current TensorFlow which has a single Tensor type, TFRT uses different Tensor types to represent tensors on different devices or in different layouts.

Execute() is an asynchronous execution API. It can return the result TensorHandles before actually running the computation. In this case, the client will receive unavailable TensorHandles. The client can use these not-ready TensorHandle as inputs to schedule more ops. Once the computation is finished, the result TensorHandles will be set to ready state and the downstream ops will be executed as well.

TensorHandle is a value semantic type: its underlying data is usually immutable after it is set to ready since it can be consumed by multiple downstream ops at the same time. However, if the op knows that it has the last reference to the input TensorHandle and no other ops are going to use this TensorHandle anymore, then it is fine for the op to “steal” the buffer from the input TensorHandle and reuse it in output TensorHandle.

Error TensorHandle

Core runtime supports fine-grained error propagation: when an op encounters an error, only the affected downstream ops are skipped (a callback registered by the client will be notified as well). Core runtime also supports cancellation. Both error propagation and cancellation are supported by Error TensorHandle.

An Error TensorHandle is basically a TensorHandle whose tensor is an ErrorAsyncValue. When the core runtime encounters an Error in any op's argument, including the Chain argument, the core runtime skips execution of the op and propagates the error as the op's output.

Since all ops are executed asynchronously, there could be multiple pending ops enqueued at any moment. TFRT provides a cancellation API HostContext::CancelExecution() to cancel pending ops and upcoming ops. After calling cancellation API, the output TensorHandles of all pending ops will be set to Error TensorHandle with cancellation error and Execute() API will return immediately with Error TensorHandle. The user can exit cancellation state by calling HostContext::Restart().


OpHandler is a flexible abstraction which determines how core runtime handles the op. After calling Execute() API in core runtime, it will basically invoke OpHandler::Execute() for the given op_handler:

// It is to pack the args of the CoreRuntime::Execute(). This is preferred
// over having a flattened list because we can write cleaner code if we want
// to delegate execution from one op_handler to another op_handler.
struct OpInvocation {
  // This is the name of the op to invoke, e.g. "tf.Add".
  string_view op_name;

  // Source location of the op invocation.
  Location loc;

  // This is the input arguments to an op invocation.
  MutableArrayRef<TensorHandle> arguments;

  // The attributes for the op invocation.
  const OpAttrsRef& attrs;

  // Result TensorHandles to be provided by the op invocation.
  MutableArrayRef<TensorHandle> results;

  AsyncValueRef<Chain>* chain;

class OpHandler {
  // Execute the op specified by op invocation on this op_handler.
  virtual bool Execute(const OpInvocation &invocation) = 0;

So based on different op_handlers the client provides, core runtime will have different behavior.

This doc only focuses on Device OpHandler which allows us to execute an op eagerly on a specific CPU/accelerator device. For example, CpuOpHandler

There are also many other pseudo op_handlers for different purposes:

  • Sync Logging OpHandler: This op_handler can print the inputs and outputs of every ops. We used it for debugging.

These pseudo op_handlers are out of scope for this document.


The client can send attributes to an op via OpAttrs. An OpAttrs maps from the name of an attribute to its value. It supports multiple data types including trivial types like int32, array types of any trivial types, string and so on.

Attributes need to live on the heap when ops are executed asynchronously. On one hand, we want to minimize heap allocations since it is expensive, but on the other hand, we also want to be flexible enough to support an arbitrary number of attributes. As such, we introduce following three types:

  • OpAttrs, a stack allocated data structure which has two inline buffers: one to store up to 6 OpAttrsRawEntry and the other is a buffer with the size of 128 bytes for both attribute keys and values. Users use this type to construct the attributes map.
    • If the buffers still have space, adding a new small attribute does not cause any heap allocation.
    • If either of these buffers is full, we will move the attributes to a StringMap allocated on the heap. In this case, adding a new attribute causes at most two heap allocations: the first one is to allocate an entry for StringMap, the second one is to allocate a buffer for attribute value.
  • ImmutableOpAttrs, a heap allocated and ref counted copy of OpAttrs.
  • OpAttrsRef is an either reference to OpAttrs or ImmutableOpAttrs. Core Runtime, including op implementations, uses this type to get attributes. It has a method called freeze() which can extend the attributes' lifetime. freeze() has two different behavior:
    • If it is a reference to OpAttrs, freeze() will heap allocate an ImmutableOpAttrs, copy all attributes to it and return a OpAttrsRef of the ImmutableOpAttrs.
    • If it is a reference to ImmutableOpAttrs, freeze() will return a newly constructed OpAttrsRef which holds a reference to underlying ImmutableOpAttrs.

To execute an op with attributes:

// No heap allocation in building the OpAttrs.
OpAttrs attrs;
attrs.Set("f32_attr", 2.0);
attrs.SetArray("array_attr", {2, 3, 4});
attrs.SetString("str_attr", "str");

// Construct an OpAttrsRef referencing to OpAttrs. Does not cause heap
// allocation.
core_runtime->Execute(..., OpAttrsRef(attrs), ...);

An op implementation can use the Get() methods in OpAttrsRef to retrieve the attributes. Example usage:

// Enqueue an asynchronous task. If calling freeze() when the underlying class
// is OpAttrs, a ImmutableOpAttrs will be allocated on the heap.
host_context->Enqueue([attrs_ref = attrs_ref.freeze()] {
  float f32_attr = attrs_ref.GetAsserting<float>("f32_attr");
  ArrayRef<int32_t> array_attr = attrs_ref.GetArrayAsserting<int32_t>(
  string str_attr = attrs_ref.GetStringAsserting("str_attr");

With this design, asynchronous execution typically requires one heap allocation for attributes. Also, this design is also flexible enough to handle ops that contain many attributes.


A Location is an opaque token representing location information, e.g. python source code file name and line number, provided by the client. The client needs to provide a diagnostic handler to construct core runtime.

// TODO: Link to a more general error handling doc.
CoreRuntime(std::function<void(const DecodedDiagnostic&)> handler, ...);

When encountering an error in op execution, core runtime will call the error handler with the encoded Location. The error handler can decide what to do with the error. A typical implementation is to decode the Location and log an error to end-users.

Right now we don’t yet have an end-to-end implementation on TFRT based error reporting yet. This is highly dependent on the client integration (e.g. TensorFlow Python Runtime integration) which is out of scope for this document.


The Chain argument is optional for non-side-effecting op but required for side-effecting op (See Non-side-effecting v.s. Side-effecting op). When it is present, TFRT will only execute the op when the Chain and all its arguments are ready.

Other synchronization mechanisms (e.g. mutex) are allowed in TFRT op implementation in addition to Chains.

Ownership of arguments

After calling Execute(), the ownership of arguments will transfer to core runtime. That is why it takes MutableArrayRef<TensorHandle> arguments, all the values in the array will be set to null when Execute() returns.

This design allows an op to track the reference to the buffer in an input TensorHandle and it can reuse the buffer if the op holds the last reference to the buffer.

The client needs to make a copy of TensorHandle to keep it alive. We manage the size of TensorHandle carefully to ensure copying a TensorHandle is cheap. As of 04/13/2020, a TensorHandle is 28 bytes in size including a pointer to Tensor and an inline metadata.

Native Op and Device OpHandler

To calculate metadata and tensor in TensorHandle respectively, a TFRT native op is implemented by two C++ functions:

  • An optional metadata function, which aspires to propagate metadata synchronously. It can report metadata errors synchronously.
  • A dispatch function, which dispatches the real tensor computation asynchronously.

Ops are registered on a Device OpHandler. We have different device op_handlers for different physical devices: CPU (CpuOpHandler.)

Using CpuOpHandler as example, the registration API it provide is like:

class CpuOpRegistry {
  // Set a metadata function for the specified op_name.
  void AddMetadataFn(string_view op_name, OpMetadataFn metadata_fn);

  // Add an op with the specified dispatch function.
  void AddOp(string_view op_name, CpuDispatchFn dispatch_fn);

When executing an op with device op_handler, it will look up the metadata function and dispatch function for the given op_name and run them on the device respectively.

Metadata Function

Metadata function computes the metadata of the result values of an op, and emit any errors about invalid shapes, dtype or attribute.

Here is the signature implemented by all metadata functions:

using OpMetadataFn = RCReference<AsyncValue> (*)(
    ArrayRef<TensorMetadata> inputs, const OpAttrsRef& attrs,
    MutableArrayRef<TensorMetadata> results, Location loc);

As the signature shows, a metadata function is basically a synchronous C++ function which takes multiple metadata and attributes as input and produces multiple metadata. Core runtime provides TFRT_METADATA macro to make defining metadata functions more straightforward. An example implementation of metadata function:

// Elementwise add operation.
// result = test.add(lhs, rhs)

// Metadata function
static Expected<TensorMetadata> TestAddMD(const TensorMetadata& lhs,
                                          const TensorMetadata& rhs) {
  // Error out if metadata mismatch
  if (lhs.dtype != rhs.dtype)
    return MakeStringError("incompatible dtypes for test.add");
  if (lhs.shape != rhs.shape)
    return MakeStringError("arguments of test.add must have same shape");
  return lhs;

// TFRT_METADATA macro converts TestAddMD into OpMetadataFn.
op_registry.AddMetadataFn("test.add", TFRT_METADATA(TestAddMD));

A metadata function can also use attributes set by the client:

// Metadata function for CreateDenseHostTensor
static Expected<TensorMetadata> CreateDHTMd(const OpAttrsRef& op_attrs) {
  ArrayRef<tfrt::Index> shape;
  if (!attrs.GetArray("shape", &shape))
    return MakeStringError("missing 'shape' attribute");
  return TensorMetadata(..., shape);

Metadata functions are device independent. So both CPU, GPU or other accelerator devices can share the same metadata function. No matter which device op_handler is involved, core runtime will run the metadata function synchronously on CPU.

Dispatch Function

Dispatch function takes tensors as inputs, allocates and computes tensors for its results.

Here is the signature implemented by all CPU dispatch functions:

using CpuDispatchFn = void (*)(ArrayRef<HostTensor*> inputs,
                               const OpAttrsRef& attrs,
                               ArrayRef<TensorMetadata> result_mds,
                               MutableArrayRef<RCReference<AsyncValue>> results,
                               AsyncValueRef<Chain>* chain, Location loc);

CPU Dispatch functions are strict C++ functions which can only take HostTensor as inputs and produce asynchronous tensor results. If the op has a metadata function, the result_mds arguments will contain the metadata of the results. Otherwise it will be empty.

Similar to metadata functions, core runtime also provides macro TFRT_CPU_OPto make defining CPU dispatch function more straightforward. An example implementation of CPU dispatch function:

// Dispatch function
static Expected<DenseHostTensor> CpuAddOp(const DenseHostTensor& lhs,
                                          const DenseHostTensor& rhs,
                                          const TensorMetadata& result_md,
                                          HostContext* host) {
  // Allocate buffer for result
  auto dht = DenseHostTensor::CreateUninitialized(result_md.shape, host);
  if (!dht.has_value())
    return MakeStringError("cannot allocate result tensor");

  DHTArrayView lhs_view(&lhs);
  DHTArrayView rhs_view(&rhs);
  MutableDHTArrayView dest_view(dht.getPointer());

  for (size_t i = 0; i != lhs.NumElements(); ++i)
    dest_view[i] = lhs_view[i] + rhs_view[i];

  return std::move(*dht);

// TFRT_CPU_OP macro converts CpuAddOp into CpuDispatchFn.
cpu_op_registry.AddOp("test.add", TFRT_CPU_OP(CpuAddOp));

A dispatch function can perform asynchronous computation as well by using asynchronous computation library like Eigen or use thread pool from TFRT Host runtime.

static AsyncValueRef<DenseHostTensor> AsyncAddOp(
    const DenseHostTensor& lhs, const DenseHostTensor& rhs,
    const TensorMetadata& result_md, HostContext* host) {
  // Allocate buffer for result, but the buffer has been marked as ready yet.
  auto dht =
      DenseHostTensor::MakeConstructedAsyncValueRef(result_md, host);

  // Perform `add` asynchronously.
  host->EnqueueWork([lhs = lhs.CopyRef(), rhs = rhs.CopyRef(),
                     dht = dht.CopyRef()] {
    DHTArrayView lhs_view(&lhs);
    DHTArrayView rhs_view(&rhs);
    MutableDHTArrayView dest_view(&dht);

    for (size_t i = 0; i != lhs.NumElements(); ++i)
      dest_view[i] = lhs_view[i] + rhs_view[i];

    // IMPORTANT: Only mark the buffer as ready after completing the
    // computation. Otherwise a downstream op may read the buffer before it is
    // set.
  return dht;

Dispatch functions can use attributes set by the client similar to metadata functions.

Data-dependent result metadata

For ops like Reshape and Unique, their result metadata is data dependent. So they don’t have metadata function and their dispatch function is slightly different with normal ops:

// Dispatch function of reshape op
static Expected<DenseHostTensor> ReshapeOp(
    const DenseHostTensor& tensor,
    const DenseHostTensor& shape,
    // Reshape op does not have metadata function that produces result_md.
    // const TensorMetadata& result_md,
    HostContext* host) {

The only difference here is that the dispatch function of ReshapeOp doesn’t take result metadata as one of its input arguments.

When executing this op, the result metadata will not be propagated synchronously. Instead, it will be set asynchronously when the dispatch function is finished. In addition, all the downstream ops cannot run their metadata synchronously as well. As a result, after executing an op without metadata function, core runtime loses the ability to report metadata error synchronously for all downstream ops. To recover from that, users can wait until the metadata is ready (Using HostContext::Await()) before calling the next op.

Dispatch function on GpuOpHandler

GPU Dispatch functions have slightly different signature because it has some unique hardware features:

using GpuDispatchFn = void (*)(GpuDispatchContext* dctx,  // <-- Extra argument
                               ArrayRef<Tensor*> inputs,
                               const OpAttrsRef& attrs,
                               ArrayRef<TensorMetadata> result_mds,
                               MutableArrayRef<RCReference<AsyncValue>> results,
                               AsyncValueRef<Chain>* chain, Location loc);

The GpuDispatchContext contains GPU unique properties, e.g. GPU stream, GPU allocator, etc. Core runtime also provides macro TFRT_GPU_OPto make defining GPU dispatch function more straightforward.

Details of GPU support is out of scope for this doc. See this separate doc for more details.

Type Conversion in dispatch function

Dispatch functions for different ops support different types of tensors. A dispatch function can even support multiple types of tensors. For example, the dispatch function of CPU Add op can support all following combinations: DenseHostTensor + DenseHostTensor, DenseHostTensor + ScalarHostTensor, ScalarHostTensor + DenseHostTensor, ScalarHostTensor + ScalarHostTensor.

There are multiple ops to allow users to convert tensor from one type to another explicitly.

Beforing calling an op, the input tensors must be explicitly converted to the type that is supported by the op.

Non-side-effecting v.s. Side-effecting op

Since TensorHandle is a value semantic type, most of the ops are non-side-effecting ops, which means that its dispatch function should never mutate the inputs’ buffers.

Non-side-effecting op does not need to handle Chain. Compared to side-effecting op, it is more friendly to the end users and easier for compilers to analyze.

On the other hand, we still need to support a very limited number of side-effecting ops. This is a concrete example:

// Print op does not produce TensorHandle as output. So we need a chain to
// indicate it has finished.
static AsyncValueRef<Chain> PrintOp(const DenseHostTenosr& dht,
                                    const Chain& chain);

For side-effecting ops, we preserve the execution order of these ops by providing them an in_chain, and these ops can produce an out_chain to indicate its operation has finished.

corert Kernels

In TFRT Host Runtime, we introduced BEFExecutor which is capable of executing a kernel graph. In order to allow BEFExecutor to execute an “op” graph, we introduce following kernel:

corert.executeop(<op_handler>) "op_name"(<tensorhandle inputs>) {attributes...}
      -> <list of tensorhandle results>

It is basically a wrapper kernel which can call into Core Runtime Execute() API. There are also a few other kernels:

  • corert.get_op_handler, … : get the corresponding op_handler in core runtime
  • corert.print_tensorhandle: prints the shape and values of a TensorHandle.

This is an example op graph using corert kernels:

func @example() -> !tfrt.chain {
  %cpu = corert.get_op_handler("cpu")

  // Create TensorHandles
  %lhs = corert.executeop(%cpu)
    "test.create_dense_tensor"() { shape = [1, 1], values = [-1.0 : f32] }
  %rhs = corert.executeop(%cpu)
    "test.create_dense_tensor"() { shape = [1, 1], values = [-2.0 : f32] }

  %result = corert.executeop(%cpu) "test.add" (%lhs, %rhs)
  %ch0 =
  %ch1 = corert.print_tensorhandle(%result, %ch0)
  tfrt.return %ch1 : !tfrt.chain