All navigation links, including home icon, can be found in navbar or on small to medium screens in the burger drop-down menu.
Feature | Action | Expected Result |
"Home" Link | click "Home". | User is redirected back to homepage. |
Logo | click on logo image. | User is redirected back to homepage. |
"Courses" Link | click "Courses". | User is redirected back to course list page. |
"Search" Link | Type for example "python" and press search button. | User is redirected to search results page and show the relevant search for "python". |
"Login" Link | While not authenticated, click "Login". | User is directed to Login form. |
"Registration" Link | While not authenticated, click "Sign Up". | User is directed to Sign Up form. |
"Booking" Link | While authenticated, click "Booking". | Renders list of courses with option to book three courses. |
"Profile" Link | While authenticated, click "Profile". | User is directed to profile page to see the booked courses and total price. |
"Logout" Link | While authenticated, click "Logout". | User is directed to page with Sign Out button. |
The full CRUD functionality is only available to authenticated users.
Book courses and leaving comments (authenticated users only).
Feature | Action | Expected Result |
"Learn more & Booking" button | While on Courses page, click "Learn more & Booking". | User is redirected to course description page. |
"Course Description" page | While authenticated, click "Book this Course". | User is redirected to booking page. |
"Course Description" page | While authenticated, leaving comment. | The comment will show on the page. |
"Booking" page | While authenticated, select courses and enter first and last name, then press "Submit Booking". | The booking successfully message shows and the courses are booked. |
Select more than three courses | While authenticated, on booking page, try to select 4 or more courses. | Getting an error message: "You can select up to 3 courses." |
Try to book a course which already fully booked | While authenticated, on booking page, try to book a course which is fully booked. | Getting an error message: "The name of the fully booked courses + already fully booked". |
Read course information, number of bookings for each course, available for booking, and comments (available to all users).
Feature | Action | Expected Result |
Course List | On courses page, click on learn more & booking button. | The title, description, and price of the course show to user. |
Hover on Images | Hover on each Images on courses page. | Display a text that shows the course is available for booking or fully booked. |
Comments | Go to course description for each courses. | Display the comments of other users with CRUD functionality for authenticated users. |
Option to edit existing booked courses and posted comments (authenticated users only).
Feature | Action | Expected Result |
Edit Bookings | On profile page, click on edit button. | Users redirect to Edit Booking page. |
Save Changes-Btn | Edit the booked courses and press save changes button | Redirect to profile page with getting a message that courses updated and see the update list of the courses. |
Try to book a course which is already booked by the user | While authenticated, on Edit booking page, try to book a course which is booked by the user. | Getting an error message: "You have already booked one or more of the selected courses". |
Try to book 4 or more courses | While authenticated, on Edit booking page, try to book a course/courses while the user booked 3 courses. | Getting an error message: "You are trying to book more than 3 courses!". |
Edit comments | On course description page, click on edit button for own comments. | User is redirected to Edit Comment page. |
Save Changes-Btn on Edit Comment page | Update the text and press save changes button. | Redirect to course description page with updated comment. |
Option to delete existing booked courses and posted comments (authenticated users only).
Feature | Action | Expected Result |
Edit Bookings | On profile page, click on delete button. | Users redirect to Delete Booking page. |
Delete-Btn | Confirm the deletion of the courses | Redirect to profile page with getting a message that courses deleted and see no booked courses. |
Delete comments | On course description page, click on delete button for own comments. | Confirm deleting of the comment. |
OK-Btn | Press OK to confirm deleting. | Redirect to course description page with no comment. |
Account creation for unauthenticated users.
Feature | Action | Expected Result |
Sign Up form | Go to Registration page via nav link | Renders form input fields Username, Email, Password, Password (confirm). |
Sign UP | Fill in form fields accordingly. Click "Sign Up". | Self-closing message informs user of successfull account creation, including username. User is re-directed to homepage and navigation shows links for authenticated users. |
Incomplete form | Failing to fill out all form fields, click "Sign Up". | User remains on Sign Up form view and is prompted to complete missing fields. |
Signing into existing account (authenticated users only).
Feature | Action | Expected Result |
Login form | Go to Login page via nav link | Renders form input fields Username, Password, Remember me (checkbox). |
Sign In | Fill in form fields accordingly. Click "Sign In". | Self-closing message informs user of successfull login, including username. User is re-directed to homepage and navigation shows links for authenticated users. |
Incomplete form | Failing to fill out all form fields, click "Sign In". | User remains on Sign Up form view and is prompted to complete missing fields. |
Remember me | When signing in, tick "Remember me". Logout and sign in again. | Login form is pre-populated with username and hidden password. |
Allows user to sign out of existing account (authenticated users only).
Feature | Action | Expected Result |
Logout form | When authenticated, go to Logout page via nav link | User is directed to Logout page, asking user to confirm action. |
Sign Out | On Logout page, click "Sign Out". | User is re-directed to homepage and navigation shows links for unauthenticated users. |
Links to social media sites located in footer (available to all users).
Feature | Action | Expected Result |
Link Icons in Footer | Click on any of the social media icons | New tab opens with respective social media site |