diff --git a/demo.md b/demo.md index 02a59c3b..dd6582a1 100644 --- a/demo.md +++ b/demo.md @@ -1,7 +1,23 @@ # Demo -This page shows demo videos of systems built on Corvis and XIVO. +alt="eccv18" width="640" height="480" border="0" /> + +Fei *et al.* Visual-Inertial Object Detection and Mapping. ECCV 18. + + + + +Dong *et al.*. Visual-Inertial-Semantic Scene Representation for 3D Object Detection. CVPR 17. + + + + +Tsotsos *et al.* Robust Inference for Visual-Inertial Sensor Fusion. ICRA 15. +