diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 413d823f..23822dd6 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ XIVO runs at 140FPS on stored data (here from a RealSense D435i sensor) or on li XIVO is an open-source repository for visual-inertial odometry/mapping. It is a simplified version of Corvis \[[Jones *et al.*][jones_ijrr11],[Tsotsos *et al.*][tsotsos_icra15]\], designed for pedagogical purposes, and incorporates odometry (relative motion of the sensor platform), local mapping (pose relative to a reference frame of the oldest visible features), and global mapping (pose relative to a global frame, including loop-closure and global re-localization — this feature, present in Corvis, is not yet incorporated in XIVO). -Corvis is optimized for speed, running at 200FPS on a commodity laptop computer, whereas XIVO propritizes readability and runs at 140FPS. XIVO incorporates most of the core features of Corvis, including 3D structure in the state, serving as short-term memory; it performs auto-calibration (pose of the camera relative to the IMU, and time-stamp shift). It requires the camera to have calibrated intrinsics, which can be obtained using any open-source package such as [OpenCV][opencv] prior to using Corvis or XIVO. Corvis and XIVO require time-stamps, which can be done through the ROS drivers. Please refer to the ROS message interfaces ([imu][imu_msg],[image][image_msg]) for details on how to format the data for real-time use. +Corvis is optimized for speed, running at 200FPS on a commodity laptop computer, whereas XIVO prioritizes readability and runs at 140FPS. XIVO incorporates most of the core features of Corvis, including 3D structure in the state, serving as short-term memory; it performs auto-calibration (pose of the camera relative to the IMU, and time-stamp shift). It requires the camera to have calibrated intrinsics, which can be obtained using any open-source package such as [OpenCV][opencv] prior to using Corvis or XIVO. Corvis and XIVO require time-stamps, which can be done through the ROS drivers. Please refer to the ROS message interfaces ([imu][imu_msg],[image][image_msg]) for details on how to format the data for real-time use. [imu_msg]: https://docs.ros.org/api/sensor_msgs/html/msg/Imu.html [image_msg]: https://docs.ros.org/api/sensor_msgs/html/msg/Image.html