Command Reference > entity
Command | Description |
pv entity create | Create or update an entity in Atlas. |
pv entity createBulk | Create or update entities in Atlas in bulk. |
pv entity delete | Delete an entity identified by its GUID. |
pv entity deleteBulk | Delete a list of entities in bulk identified by their GUIDs or unique attributes. |
pv entity deleteUniqueAttribute | Delete an entity identified by its type and unique attributes. |
pv entity put | Update entity partially - create or update entity attribute identified by its GUID. |
pv entity putUniqueAttribute | Update entity partially. |
pv entity read | Get complete definition of an entity given its GUID. |
pv entity readBulk | List entities in bulk identified by its GUIDs. |
pv entity readBulkUniqueAttribute | Bulk API to retrieve list of entities identified by its unique attributes. |
pv entity readHeader | Get entity header given its GUID. |
pv entity readUniqueAttribute | Get complete definition of an entity given its type and unique attribute. |
pv entity createOrUpdateCollection | Creates or updates an entity to a collection. |
pv entity createOrUpdateCollectionBulk | Creates or updates entities in bulk to a collection. |
pv entity changeCollection | Move existing entities to the target collection. |
Command | Description |
pv entity createBulkClassification | Associate a classification to multiple entities in bulk. |
pv entity createBulkSetClassifications | Set classifications on entities in bulk. |
pv entity createClassifications | Add classifications to an existing entity represented by a GUID. |
pv entity createUniqueAttributeClassifications | Add classification to the entity identified by its type and unique attributes. |
pv entity deleteClassification | Delete a given classification from an existing entity represented by a GUID. |
pv entity deleteUniqueAttributeClassification | Delete a given classification from an entity identified by its type and unique attributes. |
pv entity putClassifications | Update classifications to an existing entity represented by a guid. |
pv entity putUniqueAttributeClassifications | Update classification on an entity identified by its type and unique attributes. |
pv entity readClassification | List classifications for a given entity represented by a GUID. |
pv entity readClassifications | List classifications for a given entity represented by a GUID. |
Command | Description |
pv entity addLabels | Append labels to an entity. |
pv entity deleteLabels | Delete label(s) from an entity. |
pv entity setLabels | Overwrite labels for an entity. |
pv entity addLabelsByUniqueAttribute | Append labels to an entity identified by its type and unique attributes. |
pv entity deleteLabelsByUniqueAttribute | Delete label(s) from an entity identified by its type and unique attributes. |
pv entity setLabelsByUniqueAttribute | Overwrite labels for an entity identified by its type and unique attributes. |
Command | Description |
pv entity addOrUpdateBusinessMetadata | Add or update business metadata to an entity. |
pv entity deleteBusinessMetadata | Delete business metadata from an entity. |
pv entity getBusinessMetadataTemplate | Get a sample template for uploading/creating business metadata in bulk. |
pv entity importBusinessMetadata | Import business metadata in bulk. |
Command | Description |
pv entity addOrUpdateBusinessAttribute | Add or update business attributes to an entity. |
pv entity deleteBusinessAttribute | Delete business attributes from an entity. |